  Mon Dec 11 17:24:43 2017 -0800
Score is property of interaction, not endpoint. Responds to Hiram code review.

diff --git src/hg/hgc/hgc.c src/hg/hgc/hgc.c
index 165fe18..087cdc0 100644
--- src/hg/hgc/hgc.c
+++ src/hg/hgc/hgc.c
@@ -4038,31 +4038,31 @@
     if (longRange->id == itemNum)
         ourLongRange = longRange;
     doubleArray[ii] = longRange->score;
 if (ourLongRange == NULL)
     errAbort("cannot find long range item with id %d\n", itemNum);
 printf("Item you clicked on:<BR>\n");
 printf("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<B>ID:</B> %u<BR>\n", ourLongRange->id);
 if (!ourLongRange->hasColor)
     // if there's color, then there's no score in this format
-    printf("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<B>Score:</B> %g<BR>\n", ourLongRange->score);
+    printf("<B>Score:</B> %g<BR>\n", ourLongRange->score);
 unsigned padding =  (ourLongRange->e - ourLongRange->s) / 10;
 int s = ourLongRange->s - padding; 
 int e = ourLongRange->e + padding; 
 if (s < 0 ) 
     s = 0;
 int chromSize = hChromSize(database, seqName);
 if (e > chromSize)
     e = chromSize;
 char sStartPosBuf[1024], sEndPosBuf[1024];
 char eStartPosBuf[1024], eEndPosBuf[1024];
 // FIXME:  longRange should store region starts, not centers
 sprintLongWithCommas(sStartPosBuf, ourLongRange->s - ourLongRange->sw/2 + 1);
 sprintLongWithCommas(sEndPosBuf, ourLongRange->s + ourLongRange->sw/2 + 1);