  Fri Feb 9 16:27:51 2018 -0800
Cleaning up some old ugliness about the size parameter to isAllDna and isAllNt.
hgc's printSnpAlignment code that parsed snpNNN.fa was using lineSize as length
but lineSize is length+1.  Then isAllDna was written with "i<size-1" as the
loop test instead of "i < size".  I didn't fix that properly when I separated
out isAllNt from isAllDna.
Later, I (re?)discovered that isAllNt needed length+1 as its size and just
added some FIXME comments.  Thanks Brian R for prodding me to actually fix it.
refs #20895

diff --git src/lib/dnautil.c src/lib/dnautil.c
index 6d81ba5..9ee6d78 100644
--- src/lib/dnautil.c
+++ src/lib/dnautil.c
@@ -1,1256 +1,1248 @@
 /* Some stuff that you'll likely need in any program that works with
  * DNA.  Includes stuff for amino acids as well. 
  * Assumes that DNA is stored as a character.
  * The DNA it generates will include the bases 
  * as lowercase tcag.  It will generally accept
  * uppercase as well, and also 'n' or 'N' or '-'
  * for unknown bases. 
  * Amino acids are stored as single character upper case. 
  * This file is copyright 2002 Jim Kent, but license is hereby
  * granted for all use - public, private or commercial. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "dnautil.h"
 struct codonTable
 /* The dread codon table. */
     DNA *codon;		/* Lower case. */
     AA protCode;	/* Upper case. The "Standard" code */
     AA mitoCode;	/* Upper case. Vertebrate Mitochondrial translations */
     AA uniqCode;	/* unique code for each codon */
 struct codonTable codonTable[] = 
 /* The master codon/protein table. */
     {"ttt", 'F', 'F', 'a'},
     {"ttc", 'F', 'F', 'b'},
     {"tta", 'L', 'L', 'c'},
     {"ttg", 'L', 'L', 'd'},
     {"tct", 'S', 'S', 'e'},
     {"tcc", 'S', 'S', 'f'},
     {"tca", 'S', 'S', 'g'},
     {"tcg", 'S', 'S', 'h'},
     {"tat", 'Y', 'Y', 'i'},
     {"tac", 'Y', 'Y', 'j'},
     {"taa", 0, 0, 'k'},
     {"tag", 0, 0, 'l'},
     {"tgt", 'C', 'C', 'm'},
     {"tgc", 'C', 'C', 'n'},
     {"tga", 0, 'W', 'o'},
     {"tgg", 'W', 'W', 'p'},
     {"ctt", 'L', 'L', 'q'},
     {"ctc", 'L', 'L', 'r'},
     {"cta", 'L', 'L', 's'},
     {"ctg", 'L', 'L', 't'},
     {"cct", 'P', 'P', 'u'},
     {"ccc", 'P', 'P', 'v'},
     {"cca", 'P', 'P', 'w'},
     {"ccg", 'P', 'P', 'x'},
     {"cat", 'H', 'H', 'y'},
     {"cac", 'H', 'H', 'z'},
     {"caa", 'Q', 'Q', 'A'},
     {"cag", 'Q', 'Q', 'B'},
     {"cgt", 'R', 'R', 'C'},
     {"cgc", 'R', 'R', 'D'},
     {"cga", 'R', 'R', 'E'},
     {"cgg", 'R', 'R', 'F'},
     {"att", 'I', 'I', 'G'},
     {"atc", 'I', 'I', 'H'},
     {"ata", 'I', 'M', 'I'},
     {"atg", 'M', 'M', 'J'},
     {"act", 'T', 'T', 'K'},
     {"acc", 'T', 'T', 'L'},
     {"aca", 'T', 'T', 'M'},
     {"acg", 'T', 'T', 'N'},
     {"aat", 'N', 'N', 'O'},
     {"aac", 'N', 'N', 'P'},
     {"aaa", 'K', 'K', 'Q'},
     {"aag", 'K', 'K', 'R'},
     {"agt", 'S', 'S', 'S'},
     {"agc", 'S', 'S', 'T'},
     {"aga", 'R', 0, 'U'},
     {"agg", 'R', 0, 'V'},
     {"gtt", 'V', 'V', 'W'},
     {"gtc", 'V', 'V', 'X'},
     {"gta", 'V', 'V', 'Y'},
     {"gtg", 'V', 'V', 'Z'},
     {"gct", 'A', 'A', '1'},
     {"gcc", 'A', 'A', '2'},
     {"gca", 'A', 'A', '3'},
     {"gcg", 'A', 'A', '4'},
     {"gat", 'D', 'D', '5'},
     {"gac", 'D', 'D', '6'},
     {"gaa", 'E', 'E', '7'},
     {"gag", 'E', 'E', '8'},
     {"ggt", 'G', 'G', '9'},
     {"ggc", 'G', 'G', '0'},
     {"gga", 'G', 'G', '@'},
     {"ggg", 'G', 'G', '$'},
 /* A table that gives values 0 for t
 			     1 for c
 			     2 for a
 			     3 for g
  * (which is order aa's are in biochemistry codon tables)
  * and gives -1 for all others. */
 int ntVal[256];
 int ntValLower[256];	/* NT values only for lower case. */
 int ntValUpper[256];	/* NT values only for upper case. */
 int ntVal5[256];
 int ntValNoN[256]; /* Like ntVal, but with T_BASE_VAL in place of -1 for nonexistent ones. */
 /* convert tables for bit-4 indicating masked */
 int ntValMasked[256];
 DNA valToNtMasked[256];
 static boolean inittedNtVal = FALSE;
 static void initNtVal()
 if (!inittedNtVal)
     int i;
     for (i=0; i<ArraySize(ntVal); i++)
 	ntValUpper[i] = ntValLower[i] = ntVal[i] = -1;
         ntValNoN[i] = T_BASE_VAL;
 	if (isspace(i) || isdigit(i))
 	    ntVal5[i] = ntValMasked[i] = -1;
 	    ntVal5[i] = N_BASE_VAL;
 	    ntValMasked[i] = (islower(i) ? (N_BASE_VAL|MASKED_BASE_BIT) : N_BASE_VAL);
     ntVal5['t'] = ntVal5['T'] = ntValNoN['t'] = ntValNoN['T'] = ntVal['t'] = ntVal['T'] = 
     	ntValLower['t'] = ntValUpper['T'] = T_BASE_VAL;
     ntVal5['u'] = ntVal5['U'] = ntValNoN['u'] = ntValNoN['U'] = ntVal['u'] = ntVal['U'] = 
     	ntValLower['u'] = ntValUpper['U'] = U_BASE_VAL;
     ntVal5['c'] = ntVal5['C'] = ntValNoN['c'] = ntValNoN['C'] = ntVal['c'] = ntVal['C'] = 
     	ntValLower['c'] = ntValUpper['C'] = C_BASE_VAL;
     ntVal5['a'] = ntVal5['A'] = ntValNoN['a'] = ntValNoN['A'] = ntVal['a'] = ntVal['A'] = 
     	ntValLower['a'] = ntValUpper['A'] = A_BASE_VAL;
     ntVal5['g'] = ntVal5['G'] = ntValNoN['g'] = ntValNoN['G'] = ntVal['g'] = ntVal['G'] = 
     	ntValLower['g'] = ntValUpper['G'] = G_BASE_VAL;
     valToNt[T_BASE_VAL] = valToNt[T_BASE_VAL|MASKED_BASE_BIT] = 't';
     valToNt[C_BASE_VAL] = valToNt[C_BASE_VAL|MASKED_BASE_BIT] = 'c';
     valToNt[A_BASE_VAL] = valToNt[A_BASE_VAL|MASKED_BASE_BIT] = 'a';
     valToNt[G_BASE_VAL] = valToNt[G_BASE_VAL|MASKED_BASE_BIT] = 'g';
     valToNt[N_BASE_VAL] = valToNt[N_BASE_VAL|MASKED_BASE_BIT] = 'n';
     /* masked values */
     ntValMasked['T'] = T_BASE_VAL;
     ntValMasked['U'] = U_BASE_VAL;
     ntValMasked['C'] = C_BASE_VAL;
     ntValMasked['A'] = A_BASE_VAL;
     ntValMasked['G'] = G_BASE_VAL;
     ntValMasked['t'] = T_BASE_VAL|MASKED_BASE_BIT;
     ntValMasked['u'] = U_BASE_VAL|MASKED_BASE_BIT;
     ntValMasked['c'] = C_BASE_VAL|MASKED_BASE_BIT;
     ntValMasked['a'] = A_BASE_VAL|MASKED_BASE_BIT;
     ntValMasked['g'] = G_BASE_VAL|MASKED_BASE_BIT;
     valToNtMasked[T_BASE_VAL] = 'T';
     valToNtMasked[C_BASE_VAL] = 'C';
     valToNtMasked[A_BASE_VAL] = 'A';
     valToNtMasked[G_BASE_VAL] = 'G';
     valToNtMasked[N_BASE_VAL] = 'N';
     valToNtMasked[T_BASE_VAL|MASKED_BASE_BIT] = 't';
     valToNtMasked[C_BASE_VAL|MASKED_BASE_BIT] = 'c';
     valToNtMasked[A_BASE_VAL|MASKED_BASE_BIT] = 'a';
     valToNtMasked[G_BASE_VAL|MASKED_BASE_BIT] = 'g';
     valToNtMasked[N_BASE_VAL|MASKED_BASE_BIT] = 'n';
     inittedNtVal = TRUE;
 /* Returns one letter code for protein, 
  * 0 for stop codon or X for bad input,
  * The "Standard" Code */
 AA lookupCodon(DNA *dna)
 int ix;
 int i;
 char c;
 if (!inittedNtVal)
 ix = 0;
 for (i=0; i<3; ++i)
     int bv = ntVal[(int)dna[i]];
     if (bv<0)
 	return 'X';
     ix = (ix<<2) + bv;
 c = codonTable[ix].protCode;
 return c;
 boolean isStopCodon(DNA *dna)
 /* Return TRUE if it's a stop codon. */
 return lookupCodon(dna) == 0;
 boolean isKozak(char *dna, int dnaSize, int pos)
 /* Return TRUE if it's a Kozak compatible start. */
 if (lookupCodon(dna+pos) != 'M')
    return FALSE;
 if (pos + 3 < dnaSize)
     if (ntVal[(int)dna[pos+3]] == G_BASE_VAL)
         return TRUE;
 if (pos >= 3)
     int c = ntVal[(int)dna[pos-3]];
     if (c == A_BASE_VAL || c == G_BASE_VAL)
         return TRUE;
 return FALSE;
 boolean isReallyStopCodon(char *dna, boolean selenocysteine)
 /* Return TRUE if it's really a stop codon, even considering
  * possibilility of selenocysteine. */
 if (selenocysteine)
     /* Luckily the mitochondria *also* replaces TGA with 
      * something else, even though it isn't selenocysteine */
     return lookupMitoCodon(dna) == 0;
     return lookupCodon(dna) == 0;
 /* Returns one letter code for protein, 
  * 0 for stop codon or X for bad input,
  * Vertebrate Mitochondrial Code */
 AA lookupMitoCodon(DNA *dna)
 int ix;
 int i;
 char c;
 if (!inittedNtVal)
 ix = 0;
 for (i=0; i<3; ++i)
     int bv = ntVal[(int)dna[i]];
     if (bv<0)
 	return 'X';
     ix = (ix<<2) + bv;
 c = codonTable[ix].mitoCode;
 c = toupper(c);
 return c;
 AA lookupUniqCodon(DNA *dna)
 int ix;
 int i;
 char c;
 if (!inittedNtVal)
 ix = 0;
 for (i=0; i<3; ++i)
     int bv = ntVal[(int)dna[i]];
     if (bv<0)
 	return 'X';
     ix = (ix<<2) + bv;
 c = codonTable[ix].uniqCode;
 c = toupper(c);
 return c;
 Codon codonVal(DNA *start)
 /* Return value from 0-63 of codon starting at start. 
  * Returns -1 if not a codon. */
 int v1,v2,v3;
 if ((v1 = ntVal[(int)start[0]]) < 0)
     return -1;
 if ((v2 = ntVal[(int)start[1]]) < 0)
     return -1;
 if ((v3 = ntVal[(int)start[2]]) < 0)
     return -1;
 return ((v1<<4) + (v2<<2) + v3);
 DNA *valToCodon(int val)
 /* Return  codon corresponding to val (0-63) */
 assert(val >= 0 && val < 64);
 return codonTable[val].codon;
 void dnaTranslateSome(DNA *dna, char *out, int outSize)
 /* Translate DNA upto a stop codon or until outSize-1 amino acids, 
  * whichever comes first. Output will be zero terminated. */
 int i;
 int dnaSize;
 int protSize = 0;
 outSize -= 1;  /* Room for terminal zero */
 dnaSize = strlen(dna);
 for (i=0; i<dnaSize-2; i+=3)
     if (protSize >= outSize)
     if ((out[protSize++] = lookupCodon(dna+i)) == 0)
 out[protSize] = 0;
 /* A little array to help us decide if a character is a 
  * nucleotide, and if so convert it to lower case. */
 char ntChars[256];
 static void initNtChars()
 static boolean initted = FALSE;
 if (!initted)
     zeroBytes(ntChars, sizeof(ntChars));
     ntChars['a'] = ntChars['A'] = 'a';
     ntChars['c'] = ntChars['C'] = 'c';
     ntChars['g'] = ntChars['G'] = 'g';
     ntChars['t'] = ntChars['T'] = 't';
     ntChars['n'] = ntChars['N'] = 'n';
     ntChars['u'] = ntChars['U'] = 'u';
     ntChars['-'] = 'n';
     initted = TRUE;
 char ntMixedCaseChars[256];
 static void initNtMixedCaseChars()
 static boolean initted = FALSE;
 if (!initted)
     zeroBytes(ntMixedCaseChars, sizeof(ntMixedCaseChars));
     ntMixedCaseChars['a'] = 'a';
     ntMixedCaseChars['A'] = 'A';
     ntMixedCaseChars['c'] = 'c';
     ntMixedCaseChars['C'] = 'C';
     ntMixedCaseChars['g'] = 'g';
     ntMixedCaseChars['G'] = 'G';
     ntMixedCaseChars['t'] = 't';
     ntMixedCaseChars['T'] = 'T';
     ntMixedCaseChars['n'] = 'n';
     ntMixedCaseChars['N'] = 'N';
     ntMixedCaseChars['u'] = 'u';
     ntMixedCaseChars['U'] = 'U';
     ntMixedCaseChars['-'] = 'n';
     initted = TRUE;
 /* Another array to help us do complement of DNA */
 DNA ntCompTable[256];
 static boolean inittedCompTable = FALSE;
 static void initNtCompTable()
 zeroBytes(ntCompTable, sizeof(ntCompTable));
 ntCompTable[' '] = ' ';
 ntCompTable['-'] = '-';
 ntCompTable['='] = '=';
 ntCompTable['a'] = 't';
 ntCompTable['c'] = 'g';
 ntCompTable['g'] = 'c';
 ntCompTable['t'] = 'a';
 ntCompTable['u'] = 'a';
 ntCompTable['n'] = 'n';
 ntCompTable['-'] = '-';
 ntCompTable['.'] = '.';
 ntCompTable['A'] = 'T';
 ntCompTable['C'] = 'G';
 ntCompTable['G'] = 'C';
 ntCompTable['T'] = 'A';
 ntCompTable['U'] = 'A';
 ntCompTable['N'] = 'N';
 ntCompTable['R'] = 'Y';
 ntCompTable['Y'] = 'R';
 ntCompTable['M'] = 'K';
 ntCompTable['K'] = 'M';
 ntCompTable['S'] = 'S';
 ntCompTable['W'] = 'W';
 ntCompTable['V'] = 'B';
 ntCompTable['H'] = 'D';
 ntCompTable['D'] = 'H';
 ntCompTable['B'] = 'V';
 ntCompTable['X'] = 'N';
 ntCompTable['r'] = 'y';
 ntCompTable['y'] = 'r';
 ntCompTable['s'] = 's';
 ntCompTable['w'] = 'w';
 ntCompTable['m'] = 'k';
 ntCompTable['k'] = 'm';
 ntCompTable['v'] = 'b';
 ntCompTable['h'] = 'd';
 ntCompTable['d'] = 'h';
 ntCompTable['b'] = 'v';
 ntCompTable['x'] = 'n';
 ntCompTable['('] = ')';
 ntCompTable[')'] = '(';
 inittedCompTable = TRUE;
 /* Complement DNA (not reverse). */
 void complement(DNA *dna, long length)
 int i;
 if (!inittedCompTable) initNtCompTable();
 for (i=0; i<length; ++i)
     *dna = ntCompTable[(int)*dna];
 /* Reverse complement DNA. */
 void reverseComplement(DNA *dna, long length)
 reverseBytes(dna, length);
 complement(dna, length);
 /* Reverse offset - return what will be offset (0 based) to
  * same member of array after array is reversed. */
 long reverseOffset(long offset, long arraySize)
 return arraySize-1 - offset;
 /* Switch start/end (zero based half open) coordinates
  * to opposite strand. */
 void reverseIntRange(int *pStart, int *pEnd, int size)
 int temp;
 temp = *pStart;
 *pStart = size - *pEnd;
 *pEnd = size - temp;
 /* Switch start/end (zero based half open) coordinates
  * to opposite strand. */
 void reverseUnsignedRange(unsigned *pStart, unsigned *pEnd, int size)
 unsigned temp;
 temp = *pStart;
 *pStart = size - *pEnd;
 *pEnd = size - temp;
 char *reverseComplementSlashSeparated(char *alleleStr)
 /* Given a slash-separated series of sequences (a common representation of variant alleles),
  * returns a slash-sep series with the reverse complement of each sequence (if it is a
  * nucleotide sequence).
  * Special behavior to support dbSNP's variant allele conventions:
  * 1. Reverse the order of sequences (to maintain alphabetical ordering).
  * 2. If alleleStr begins with "-/", then after reversing, move "-/" back to the beginning. */
 int len = strlen(alleleStr);
 char choppyCopy[len+1];
 safecpy(choppyCopy, sizeof(choppyCopy), alleleStr);
 char *alleles[len];
 int alCount = chopByChar(choppyCopy, '/', alleles, ArraySize(alleles));
 char *outStr = needMem(len+1);
 int i;
 for (i = alCount-1;  i >= 0;  i--)
     char *allele = alleles[i];
     int alLen = strlen(allele);
     if (isAllNt(allele, alLen))
         reverseComplement(allele, alLen);
     if (i != alCount-1)
         safecat(outStr, len+1, "/");
     safecat(outStr, len+1, allele);
 if (startsWith("-/", alleleStr))
     // Keep "-/" at the beginning:
     memmove(outStr+2, outStr, len-2);
     outStr[0] = '-';
     outStr[1] = '/';
 return outStr;
 int cmpDnaStrings(DNA *a, DNA *b)
 /* Compare using screwy non-alphabetical DNA order TCGA */
 for (;;)
     DNA aa = *a++;
     DNA bb = *b++;
     if (aa != bb)
         return ntVal[(int)aa] - ntVal[(int)bb];
     if (aa == 0)
 return 0;
 /* Convert T's to U's */
 void toRna(DNA *dna)
 DNA c;
 for (;;)
     c = *dna;
     if (c == 't')
 	*dna = 'u';
     else if (c == 'T')
 	*dna = 'U';
     else if (c == 0)
 char *skipIgnoringDash(char *a, int size, bool skipTrailingDash)
 /* Count size number of characters, and any 
  * dash characters. */
 while (size > 0)
     if (*a++ != '-')
 if (skipTrailingDash)
     while (*a == '-')
 return a;
 int countNonDash(char *a, int size)
 /* Count number of non-dash characters. */
 int count = 0;
 int i;
 for (i=0; i<size; ++i)
     if (a[i] != '-') 
 return count;
 int nextPowerOfFour(long x)
 /* Return next power of four that would be greater or equal to x.
  * For instance if x < 4, return 1, if x < 16 return 2.... 
  * (From biological point of view how many bases are needed to
  * code this number.) */
 int count = 1;
 while (x > 4)
     count += 1;
     x >>= 2;
 return count;
 long dnaOrAaFilteredSize(char *raw, char filter[256])
 /* Return how long DNA will be after non-DNA is filtered out. */
 char c;
 long count = 0;
 while ((c = *raw++) != 0)
     if (filter[(int)c]) ++count;
 return count;
 void dnaOrAaFilter(char *in, char *out, char filter[256])
 /* Run chars through filter. */
 char c;
 while ((c = *in++) != 0)
     if ((c = filter[(int)c]) != 0) *out++ = c;
 *out++ = 0;
 long dnaFilteredSize(char *rawDna)
 /* Return how long DNA will be after non-DNA is filtered out. */
 return dnaOrAaFilteredSize(rawDna, ntChars);
 void dnaFilter(char *in, DNA *out)
 /* Filter out non-DNA characters and change to lower case. */
 dnaOrAaFilter(in, out, ntChars);
 void dnaFilterToN(char *in, DNA *out)
 /* Change all non-DNA characters to N. */
 DNA c;
 while ((c = *in++) != 0)
     if ((c = ntChars[(int)c]) != 0) *out++ = c;
     else *out++ = 'n';
 *out++ = 0;
 void dnaMixedCaseFilter(char *in, DNA *out)
 /* Filter out non-DNA characters but leave case intact. */
 dnaOrAaFilter(in, out, ntMixedCaseChars);
 long aaFilteredSize(char *raw)
 /* Return how long aa will be after non-aa chars is filtered out. */
 return dnaOrAaFilteredSize(raw, aaChars);
 void aaFilter(char *in, DNA *out)
 /* Filter out non-aa characters and change to upper case. */
 dnaOrAaFilter(in, out, aaChars);
 void upperToN(char *s, int size)
 /* Turn upper case letters to N's. */
 char c;
 int i;
 for (i=0; i<size; ++i)
     c = s[i];
     if (isupper(c))
         s[i] = 'n';
 void lowerToN(char *s, int size)
 /* Turn lower case letters to N's. */
 char c;
 int i;
 for (i=0; i<size; ++i)
     c = s[i];
     if (islower(c))
         s[i] = 'N';
 void dnaBaseHistogram(DNA *dna, int dnaSize, int histogram[4])
 /* Count up frequency of occurance of each base and store 
  * results in histogram. */
 int val;
 zeroBytes(histogram, 4*sizeof(int));
 while (--dnaSize >= 0)
     if ((val = ntVal[(int)*dna++]) >= 0)
 bits64 basesToBits64(char *dna, int size)
 /* Convert dna of given size (up to 32) to binary representation */
 if (size > 32)
     errAbort("basesToBits64 called on %d bases, can only go up to 32", size);
 bits64 result = 0;
 int i;
 for (i=0; i<size; ++i)
     result <<= 2;
     result += ntValNoN[(int)dna[i]];
 return result;
 bits32 packDna16(DNA *in)
 /* pack 16 bases into a word */
 bits32 out = 0;
 int count = 16;
 int bVal;
 while (--count >= 0)
     bVal = ntValNoN[(int)*in++];
     out <<= 2;
     out += bVal;
 return out;
 bits16 packDna8(DNA *in)
 /* Pack 8 bases into a short word */
 bits16 out = 0;
 int count = 8;
 int bVal;
 while (--count >= 0)
     bVal = ntValNoN[(int)*in++];
     out <<= 2;
     out += bVal;
 return out;
 UBYTE packDna4(DNA *in)
 /* Pack 4 bases into a UBYTE */
 UBYTE out = 0;
 int count = 4;
 int bVal;
 while (--count >= 0)
     bVal = ntValNoN[(int)*in++];
     out <<= 2;
     out += bVal;
 return out;
 void unpackDna(bits32 *tiles, int tileCount, DNA *out)
 /* Unpack DNA. Expands to 16x tileCount in output. */
 int i, j;
 bits32 tile;
 for (i=0; i<tileCount; ++i)
     tile = tiles[i];
     for (j=15; j>=0; --j)
         out[j] = valToNt[tile & 0x3];
         tile >>= 2;
     out += 16;
 void unpackDna4(UBYTE *tiles, int byteCount, DNA *out)
 /* Unpack DNA. Expands to 4x byteCount in output. */
 int i, j;
 UBYTE tile;
 for (i=0; i<byteCount; ++i)
     tile = tiles[i];
     for (j=3; j>=0; --j)
         out[j] = valToNt[tile & 0x3];
         tile >>= 2;
     out += 4;
 static void checkSizeTypes()
 /* Make sure that some of our predefined types are the right size. */
 assert(sizeof(UBYTE) == 1);
 assert(sizeof(WORD) == 2);
 assert(sizeof(bits32) == 4);
 assert(sizeof(bits16) == 2);
 int intronOrientationMinSize(DNA *iStart, DNA *iEnd, int minIntronSize)
 /* Given a gap in genome from iStart to iEnd, return 
  * Return 1 for GT/AG intron between left and right, -1 for CT/AC, 0 for no
  * intron.  Assumes DNA is lower cased. */
 if (iEnd - iStart < minIntronSize)
     return 0;
 if (iStart[0] == 'g' && iStart[1] == 't' && iEnd[-2] == 'a' && iEnd[-1] == 'g')
     return 1;
 else if (iStart[0] == 'c' && iStart[1] == 't' && iEnd[-2] == 'a' && iEnd[-1] == 'c')
     return -1;
     return 0;
 int intronOrientation(DNA *iStart, DNA *iEnd)
 /* Given a gap in genome from iStart to iEnd, return 
  * Return 1 for GT/AG intron between left and right, -1 for CT/AC, 0 for no
  * intron.  Assumes DNA is lower cased. */
 return intronOrientationMinSize(iStart, iEnd, 32);
 int dnaScore2(DNA a, DNA b)
 /* Score match between two bases (relatively crudely). */
 if (a == 'n' || b == 'n') return 0;
 if (a == b) return 1;
 else return -1;
 int  dnaOrAaScoreMatch(char *a, char *b, int size, int matchScore, int mismatchScore, 
 	char ignore)
 /* Compare two sequences (without inserts or deletions) and score. */
 int i;
 int score = 0;
 for (i=0; i<size; ++i)
     char aa = a[i];
     char bb = b[i];
     if (aa == ignore || bb == ignore)
     if (aa == bb)
         score += matchScore;
         score += mismatchScore;
 return score;
 int dnaScoreMatch(DNA *a, DNA *b, int size)
 /* Compare two pieces of DNA base by base. Total mismatches are
  * subtracted from total matches and returned as score. 'N's 
  * neither hurt nor help score. */
 return dnaOrAaScoreMatch(a, b, size, 1, -1, 'n');
 int aaScore2(AA a, AA b)
 /* Score match between two amino acids (relatively crudely). */
 if (a == 'X' || b == 'X') return 0;
 if (a == b) return 2;
 else return -1;
 int aaScoreMatch(AA *a, AA *b, int size)
 /* Compare two peptides aa by aa. */
 return dnaOrAaScoreMatch(a, b, size, 2, -1, 'X');
 void writeSeqWithBreaks(FILE *f, char *letters, int letterCount, int maxPerLine)
 /* Write out letters with newlines every maxLine. */
 int lettersLeft = letterCount;
 int lineSize;
 while (lettersLeft > 0)
     lineSize = lettersLeft;
     if (lineSize > maxPerLine)
         lineSize = maxPerLine;
     mustWrite(f, letters, lineSize);
     fputc('\n', f);
     letters += lineSize;
     lettersLeft -= lineSize;
 static int findTailPolyAMaybeMask(DNA *dna, int size, boolean doMask,
 				  boolean loose)
 /* Identify PolyA at end; mask to 'n' if specified.  This allows a few 
  * non-A's as noise to be trimmed too.  Returns number of bases trimmed.  
  * Leaves first two bases of PolyA in case there's a taa stop codon. */
 int i;
 int score = 10;
 int bestScore = 10;
 int bestPos = -1;
 int trimSize = 0;
 for (i=size-1; i>=0; --i)
     DNA b = dna[i];
     if (b == 'n' || b == 'N')
     if (score > 20) score = 20;
     if (b == 'a' || b == 'A')
         score += 1;
 	if (score >= bestScore)
 	    bestScore = score;
 	    bestPos = i;
 	else if (loose && score >= (bestScore - 8))
 	    /* If loose, keep extending even if score isn't back up to best. */
 	    bestPos = i;
         score -= 10;
     if (score < 0)
 if (bestPos >= 0)
     trimSize = size - bestPos - 2;	// Leave two for aa in taa stop codon
     if (trimSize > 0)
 	if (doMask)
 	    for (i=size - trimSize; i<size; ++i)
 		dna[i] = 'n';
         trimSize = 0;
 return trimSize;
 int tailPolyASizeLoose(DNA *dna, int size)
 /* Return size of PolyA at end (if present).  This allows a few non-A's as 
  * noise to be trimmed too, but skips first two aa for taa stop codon.  
  * It is less conservative in extending the polyA region than maskTailPolyA. */
 return findTailPolyAMaybeMask(dna, size, FALSE, TRUE);
 int maskTailPolyA(DNA *dna, int size)
 /* Convert PolyA at end to n.  This allows a few non-A's as noise to be 
  * trimmed too.  Returns number of bases trimmed.  Leaves very last a. */
 return findTailPolyAMaybeMask(dna, size, TRUE, FALSE);
 static int findHeadPolyTMaybeMask(DNA *dna, int size, boolean doMask,
 				  boolean loose)
 /* Return size of PolyT at start (if present); mask to 'n' if specified.  
  * This allows a few non-T's as noise to be trimmed too, but skips last
  * two tt for revcomp'd taa stop codon. */
 int i;
 int score = 10;
 int bestScore = 10;
 int bestPos = -1;
 int trimSize = 0;
 for (i=0; i<size; ++i)
     DNA b = dna[i];
     if (b == 'n' || b == 'N')
     if (score > 20) score = 20;
     if (b == 't' || b == 'T')
         score += 1;
 	if (score >= bestScore)
 	    bestScore = score;
 	    bestPos = i;
 	else if (loose && score >= (bestScore - 8))
 	    /* If loose, keep extending even if score isn't back up to best. */
 	    bestPos = i;
         score -= 10;
     if (score < 0)
 if (bestPos >= 0)
     trimSize = bestPos+1 - 2;	// Leave two for aa in taa stop codon
     if (trimSize > 0)
 	if (doMask)
 	    memset(dna, 'n', trimSize);
         trimSize = 0;
 return trimSize;
 int headPolyTSizeLoose(DNA *dna, int size)
 /* Return size of PolyT at start (if present).  This allows a few non-T's as 
  * noise to be trimmed too, but skips last two tt for revcomp'd taa stop 
  * codon.  
  * It is less conservative in extending the polyA region than maskHeadPolyT. */
 return findHeadPolyTMaybeMask(dna, size, FALSE, TRUE);
 int maskHeadPolyT(DNA *dna, int size)
 /* Convert PolyT at start.  This allows a few non-T's as noise to be 
  * trimmed too.  Returns number of bases trimmed.  */
 return findHeadPolyTMaybeMask(dna, size, TRUE, FALSE);
 boolean isDna(char *poly, int size)
 /* Return TRUE if letters in poly are at least 90% ACGTNU- */
 int i;
 int dnaCount = 0;
 for (i=0; i<size; ++i)
     if (ntChars[(int)poly[i]])
 	dnaCount += 1;
 return (dnaCount >= round(0.9 * size));
 boolean isAllNt(char *seq, int size)
 /* Return TRUE if all letters in seq are ACGTNU-. */
 int i;
-for (i=0; i<size-1; ++i)
+for (i = 0;  i < size;  ++i)
     if (ntChars[(int)seq[i]] == 0)
 	return FALSE;
 return TRUE;
-boolean isAllDna(char *poly, int size)
-/* Return TRUE if size is great than 1 and letters in poly are 100% ACGTNU- */
-if (size <= 1)
-    return FALSE;
-return isAllNt(poly, size);
 /* Tables to convert from 0-20 to ascii single letter representation
  * of proteins. */
 int aaVal[256];
 AA valToAa[21];
 AA aaChars[256];	/* 0 except for value aa characters.  Converts to upper case rest. */
 struct aminoAcidTable
 /* A little info about each amino acid. */
     int ix;
     char letter;
     char abbreviation[3];
     char *name;
 struct aminoAcidTable aminoAcidTable[] = 
     {0, 'A', "ala", "alanine"},
     {1, 'C', "cys", "cysteine"},
     {2, 'D', "asp",  "aspartic acid"},
     {3, 'E', "glu",  "glutamic acid"},
     {4, 'F', "phe",  "phenylalanine"},
     {5, 'G', "gly",  "glycine"},
     {6, 'H', "his",  "histidine"},
     {7, 'I', "ile",  "isoleucine"},
     {8, 'K', "lys",  "lysine"},
     {9, 'L', "leu",  "leucine"},
     {10, 'M',  "met", "methionine"},
     {11, 'N',  "asn", "asparagine"},
     {12, 'P',  "pro", "proline"},
     {13, 'Q',  "gln", "glutamine"},
     {14, 'R',  "arg", "arginine"},
     {15, 'S',  "ser", "serine"},
     {16, 'T',  "thr", "threonine"},
     {17, 'V',  "val", "valine"},
     {18, 'W',  "trp", "tryptophan"},
     {19, 'Y',  "tyr", "tyrosine"},
     {20, 'X',  "ter", "termination"},
 char *aaAbbr(int i)
 /* return pointer to AA abbrevation */
 char aaLetter(int i)
 /* return AA letter */
 static void initAaVal()
 /* Initialize aaVal and valToAa tables. */
 int i;
 char c, lowc;
 for (i=0; i<ArraySize(aaVal); ++i)
     aaVal[i] = -1;
 for (i=0; i<ArraySize(aminoAcidTable); ++i)
     c = aminoAcidTable[i].letter;
     lowc = tolower(c);
     aaVal[(int)c] = aaVal[(int)lowc] = i;
     aaChars[(int)c] = aaChars[(int)lowc] = c;
     valToAa[i] = c;
 aaChars['x'] = aaChars['X'] = 'X';
 void dnaUtilOpen()
 /* Initialize stuff herein. */
 static boolean opened = FALSE;
 if (!opened)
     opened = TRUE;
 char aaAbbrToLetter(char *abbr)
 /* Convert an AA abbreviation such as "Ala", "Asp" etc., to its single letter code
  * such as "A", "D" etc.  Return the null char '\0' if abbr is not found. */
 // Lowercase for comparison.
 char abbrLC[4];
 safencpy(abbrLC, sizeof(abbrLC), abbr, 3);
 toLowerN(abbrLC, 3);
 int ix;
 for (ix = 0;  ix < ArraySize(aminoAcidTable);  ix++)
     if (sameStringN(abbrLC, aminoAcidTable[ix].abbreviation, 3))
         return aminoAcidTable[ix].letter;
 return '\0';
 void aaToAbbr(char aa, char *abbrBuf, size_t abbrBufSize)
 /* Convert an AA single letter such as "A", "D" etc. to its abbreviation such as "Ala", "Asp" etc.
  * abbrBufSize must be at least 4.  If aa is not found, "?%c?",aa is written into abbrBuf. */
 // Uppercase for comparison.
 char aaUC = toupper(aa);
 int ix;
 for (ix = 0;  ix < ArraySize(aminoAcidTable);  ix++)
     if (aaUC == aminoAcidTable[ix].letter)
         // safencpy(...3) is required here because aminoAcidTable.abbreviation is char[3] not [4]
         safencpy(abbrBuf, abbrBufSize, aminoAcidTable[ix].abbreviation, 3);
         abbrBuf[0] = toupper(abbrBuf[0]);
 safef(abbrBuf, abbrBufSize, "?%c?", aa);
 void trimRefAlt(char *ref, char *alt, uint *pStart, uint *pEnd, int *pRefLen, int *pAltLen)
 /* If ref and alt have identical bases at beginning and/or end, trim those & update all params. */
 int trimStart = 0;
 while (ref[trimStart] != '\0' && alt[trimStart] != '\0' && ref[trimStart] == alt[trimStart])
 int refLen = strlen(ref);
 int altLen = strlen(alt);
 int iR = refLen - 1, iA = altLen - 1, trimEnd = 0;
 while (iR >= trimStart && iA >= trimStart && ref[iR] == alt[iA])
 if (trimEnd)
     *pEnd -= trimEnd;
     refLen -= trimEnd;
     altLen -= trimEnd;
     ref[refLen] = '\0';
     alt[altLen] = '\0';
 if (trimStart)
     *pStart += trimStart;
     refLen -= trimStart;
     altLen -= trimStart;
     memmove(ref, ref+trimStart, refLen+1);
     memmove(alt, alt+trimStart, altLen+1);
 *pRefLen = refLen;
 *pAltLen = altLen;