  Thu Sep 28 10:02:48 2017 -0700
Added option to structure joinerPair routeList as a tree using joinerPairListToTree() and new child pointer, so that if one pair's b is the same table as another pair's a, the second pair becomes the child of the first pair.  This enables us to generate more efficient SQL joins.

diff --git src/hg/lib/joiner.c src/hg/lib/joiner.c
index 3231c55..d3dae0c 100644
--- src/hg/lib/joiner.c
+++ src/hg/lib/joiner.c
@@ -1054,64 +1054,81 @@
 void joinerDtfFreeList(struct joinerDtf **pList)
 /* Free up memory associated with list of joinerDtfs. */
 struct joinerDtf *el, *next;
 for (el = *pList; el != NULL; el = next)
     next = el->next;
 *pList = NULL;
+/* Forward declaration for mutual recursion: */
+void joinerPairFreeList(struct joinerPair **pList);
+/* Free up memory associated with list of joinerPairs. */
 void joinerPairFree(struct joinerPair **pJp)
 /* Free up memory associated with joiner pair. */
 struct joinerPair *jp = *pJp;
 if (jp != NULL)
+    if (jp->child != NULL)
+        joinerPairFreeList(&jp->child);
 void joinerPairFreeList(struct joinerPair **pList)
 /* Free up memory associated with list of joinerPairs. */
 struct joinerPair *el, *next;
 for (el = *pList; el != NULL; el = next)
     next = el->next;
 *pList = NULL;
-void joinerPairDump(struct joinerPair *jpList, FILE *out)
+static void rJoinerPairDump(struct joinerPair *jpList, FILE *out, int level)
 /* Write out joiner pair list to file mostly for debugging. */
 struct joinerPair *jp;
 for (jp = jpList; jp != NULL; jp = jp->next)
+    {
+    fprintf(out, "%*s", level*2, "");
     fprintf(out, "%s.%s.%s (via %s) %s.%s.%s\n",
     	jp->a->database, jp->a->table, jp->a->field,
     	jp->b->database, jp->b->table, jp->b->field);
+    if (jp->child != NULL)
+        rJoinerPairDump(jp->child, out, level+1);
+    }
+void joinerPairDump(struct joinerPair *jpList, FILE *out)
+/* Write out joiner pair list to file mostly for debugging. */
+rJoinerPairDump(jpList, out, 0);
 static struct joinerField *joinerSetIncludesTable(struct joinerSet *js, 
 	char *database, char *table)
 /* If joiner set includes database and table, return the associated field. */
 struct joinerField *jf;
 for (jf = js->fieldList; jf != NULL; jf = jf->next)
     if (sameString(table, jf->table) && slNameInList(jf->dbList, database))
         return jf;
 return NULL;
@@ -1443,30 +1460,70 @@
 if (first->next == NULL)
     return NULL;
 for (dtf = first->next; dtf != NULL; dtf = dtf->next)
     if (!inRoute(fullRoute, dtf) && !joinerDtfSameTable(first, dtf))
 	pairRoute = joinerFindRoute(joiner, first, dtf);
 	fullRoute = slCat(fullRoute, pairRoute);
 return fullRoute;
+static boolean joinerDtfSameDt(struct joinerDtf *a, struct joinerDtf *b)
+/* Return true if a and b have same database and table (ignore field). */
+return (a == b ||
+        (a && b && sameString(a->database, b->database) && sameString(a->table, b->table)));
+void joinerPairListToTree(struct joinerPair *routeList)
+/* Convert a linear routeList (only next used, not child) to a tree structure in which
+ * pairs like {X,Y} and {Y,Z} (first b == second a) are connected using child instead of next. */
+if (routeList == NULL)
+    return;
+struct hash *bHash = hashNew(0);
+struct joinerPair *pair;
+for (pair = routeList;  pair != NULL;  pair = pair->next)
+    {
+    if (pair->child)
+        errAbort("joinerPairListToTree: found non-NULL child.  Call this only on linear list.");
+    char bdt[4096];
+    safef(bdt, sizeof(bdt), "%s.%s", pair->b->database, pair->b->table);
+    hashAdd(bHash, bdt, pair);
+    }
+for (pair = routeList;  pair != NULL;  )
+    {
+    struct joinerPair *nextPair = pair->next;
+    if (nextPair && !joinerDtfSameDt(pair->a, nextPair->a))
+        {
+        char nextAdt[4096];
+        safef(nextAdt, sizeof(nextAdt), "%s.%s", nextPair->a->database, nextPair->a->table);
+        struct joinerPair *parent = hashMustFindVal(bHash, nextAdt);
+        pair->next = nextPair->next;
+        slAddTail(&parent->child, nextPair);
+        }
+    else
+        pair = pair->next;
+    }
 char *joinerFieldChopKey(struct joinerField *jf, char *key)
 /* If jf includes chopBefore and/or chopAfter, apply those to key and return a starting
  * offset in key, which may be modified. */
 struct slName *n;
 for (n = jf->chopBefore; n != NULL; n = n->next)
     if (startsWith(n->name, key))
         key += strlen(n->name);
 for (n = jf->chopAfter; n!=NULL; n = n->next)