1b4e4c4e1ae303ef3ed233746fd153a30c9f896a jcasper Sun Jan 28 01:11:34 2018 -0800 Installing updated hg.conf files from UCSC servers diff --git confs/hgwdev.hg.conf confs/hgwdev.hg.conf index 3715bff..caee0a6 100644 --- confs/hgwdev.hg.conf +++ confs/hgwdev.hg.conf @@ -30,30 +30,33 @@ # surveyLabel=Take ENCODE Survey # survey=http://www.surveymonkey.com//s/XJF93F5 # surveyLabel=Apply for free workshop # survey=http://genome-test.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/image.html # surveyLabel=<BR>Trouble viewing the browser? Reload this web page. # 2012-03-16: # survey=https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/ucsc2012 # surveyLabel=Survey. Help us improve the Browser. # survey=https://www.bit.ly/ucscTraining # surveyLabel=More on-site workshops available! # survey=/index.html#newGateway # surveyLabel=New User Interface Coming May 10, 2016! #survey=https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/QYVSXKW #surveyLabel=Take our feedback survey! #surveyLabelImage=../images/surveyButton.jpg +survey=http://bit.ly/ucscTraining +surveyLabel= Request onsite workshops + # if your MySQL system is configured for a different socket connection, # use the following variables to override the MySQL defaults: # db.socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock # db.port=3306 # *!# NOTE: the port override will only work when host is *not* localhost # when localhost is used, MySQL may connect via shared memory # connections and not via TCP/IP socket ports # if you want a different default species selection on the Gateway # page, change this default Human to one of the genomes from the # defaultDb table in hgcentral: # hgsql -e "select genome from defaultDb;" hgcentral # If you need a different version of that specific genome, change # the defaultDb table entry, for example, a different mouse genome