  Thu Feb 1 14:25:25 2018 -0800
add support for math on bedGraph (including custom tracks)

diff --git src/hg/lib/mathWig.c src/hg/lib/mathWig.c
index 23f0473..3d1ab26 100644
--- src/hg/lib/mathWig.c
+++ src/hg/lib/mathWig.c
@@ -75,51 +75,82 @@
             x2 = width ;
         if (x1 < width)
             for (; x1 < x2; ++x1)
                 if ((x1 >= 0))
                     array[x1] = BIN_TO_VALUE(datum,wi->lowerLimit,wi->dataRange);
+void getBedGraphData(char *db, char *table, char *chrom, unsigned winStart, unsigned winEnd, double *array)
+/* Query a bedGraph table and fill in the values in the array. */
+struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(db);
+int rowOffset;
+struct sqlResult *sr;
+char **row;
+unsigned width = winEnd - winStart;
+sr = hRangeQuery(conn, table, chrom, winStart, winEnd,
+        NULL, &rowOffset);
+while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
+    {
+    unsigned chromStart = sqlUnsigned(row[rowOffset + 1]);
+    unsigned chromEnd  = sqlUnsigned(row[rowOffset + 2]);
+    unsigned start = max(0, chromStart - winStart);
+    unsigned end = min(width, chromEnd - winStart);
+    int ii;
+    for (ii = start; ii < end; ii++)
+        array[ii] = sqlFloat(row[rowOffset + 3]);
+    }
 void getWigData(char *db, char *table, char *chrom, unsigned winStart, unsigned winEnd, double *array)
-/* Query the database to find the regions in the WIB file we need to read to get data for a specified range. */
+/* Query the database to find the regions in the WIB file we need to read to get data for a specified range. Only use the smallest of spans. */
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(db);
 int rowOffset;
 struct sqlResult *sr;
 char **row;
-struct wiggle wiggle;
-int span = 0;
+struct wiggle *wiggleList = NULL, *wiggle;
+int minSpan = 1000000000;
 sr = hRangeQuery(conn, table, chrom, winStart, winEnd,
         NULL, &rowOffset);
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
-    wiggleStaticLoad(row + rowOffset, &wiggle);
-    getWigDataFromFile(&wiggle, array, winStart, winEnd);
-    if (span == 0)
-        span = wiggle.span;
-    else
-        if (span != wiggle.span)
-            errAbort("multiple spans in wiggle table");
+    wiggle = wiggleLoad(row + rowOffset);
+    slAddHead(&wiggleList, wiggle);
+    if (wiggle->span < minSpan)
+        minSpan = wiggle->span;
+    }
+struct wiggle *nextWiggle;
+for(wiggle = wiggleList; wiggle; wiggle = nextWiggle)
+    {
+    nextWiggle = wiggle->next;
+    if (wiggle->span == minSpan)
+        getWigDataFromFile(wiggle, array, winStart, winEnd);
+    freez(&wiggle);
 void getBigWigData(char *file, char *chrom, unsigned winStart, unsigned winEnd, double *array)
 /* Query a bigBed file to find the wiggle values we need for a specified range. */
 struct lm *lm = lmInit(0);
 struct bbiFile *bwf = bigWigFileOpen(file);
 struct bbiInterval *iv, *ivList = bigWigIntervalQuery(bwf, chrom, winStart, winEnd, lm);
 unsigned width = winEnd - winStart;
 for (iv = ivList; iv != NULL; iv = iv->next)
     unsigned start = max(0, iv->start - winStart);
     unsigned end = min(width, iv->end - winStart);
@@ -149,32 +180,48 @@
     double *dataLoad = operand;
     if (firstTime)
         dataLoad = accumulator;
     if (pushOpcode(&opcodeStack, words[jj]))
     if (missingIsZero)
         for(ii=0; ii < width; ii++)
             dataLoad[ii] = 0;
         for(ii=0; ii < width; ii++)
             dataLoad[ii] = NAN;
-    if (startsWith("$", words[jj]))  // ignore native tracks for the moment
-        getWigData(db, &words[jj][1], chrom, winStart, winEnd, dataLoad);
+    boolean isWiggle = FALSE;
+    boolean isBedGraph = FALSE;
+    if (startsWith("$", words[jj]))  
+        isWiggle = TRUE;
+    else if (startsWith("^", words[jj]))  
+        isBedGraph = TRUE;
+    if (isBedGraph || isWiggle)
+        {
+        char *useDb = &words[jj][1];
+        char *dot = strchr( &words[jj][1], '.');
+        *dot = 0;
+        char *useTable = dot + 1;
+        if (isWiggle)
+            getWigData(useDb, useTable, chrom, winStart, winEnd, dataLoad);
+        else
+            getBedGraphData(useDb, useTable, chrom, winStart, winEnd, dataLoad);
+        }
         getBigWigData(words[jj], chrom, winStart, winEnd, dataLoad);
     if (firstTime)
         firstTime = FALSE;
     char opcode;
     if (opcodeStack.depth == 0)
         opcode = lastOpcode;
         if (opcode == 0)
             opcode = '+';