  Wed Mar 21 09:22:21 2018 -0700
New util pslMismatchGapToBed searches for sequence mismatches and indels between reference genome and transcripts.
Five output BED+ files are created, with corresponding hg/lib/txAli*.as autoSql files for generating bigBed.
This could be used to create 'Anomalies' subtracks for the NCBI RefSeq track.  refs #21079

diff --git src/hg/inc/hgHgvs.h src/hg/inc/hgHgvs.h
index 070e0ae..2314781 100644
--- src/hg/inc/hgHgvs.h
+++ src/hg/inc/hgHgvs.h
@@ -240,30 +240,33 @@
         "Description=\"Asserted reference sequence in HGVS term does not match actual " \
         "reference sequence\">\n" \
         "##FILTER=<ID=HgvsRefGenomicMismatch," \
         "Description=\"HGVS reference sequence does not match genomic sequence; " \
         "HGVS reference sequence is included in ALT\">\n" \
         "##INFO=<ID=DupToIns,Number=0,Type=Flag," \
         "Description=\"HGVS dup (duplication) was converted to insertion\">\n" \
         "##INFO=<ID=BasesShifted,Number=1,Type=Integer," \
         "Description=\"Position of HGVS variant was shifted this number of bases to the left\">\n"
 struct vcfRow *hgvsToVcfRow(char *db, char *term, boolean doLeftShift, struct dyString *dyError);
 /* Convert HGVS to a row of VCF suitable for sorting & printing.  If unable, return NULL and
  * put the reason in dyError.  Protein terms are ambiguous at the nucleotide level so they are
  * not supported at this point. */
+uint hgvsTxToCds(uint txOffset, struct genbankCds *cds, boolean isStart, char pPrefix[2]);
+/* Return the cds-relative HGVS coord and prefix corresponding to 0-based txOffset & cds. */
 char *hgvsGFromVariant(struct seqWindow *gSeqWin, struct bed3 *variantBed, char *alt, char *acc,
                        boolean breakDelIns);
 /* Return an HGVS g. string representing the genomic variant at the position of variantBed with
  * reference allele from gSeqWin and alternate allele alt.  If acc is non-NULL it is used
  * instead of variantBed->chrom.
  * If breakDelIns, then show deleted bases (eg show 'delAGinsTT' instead of 'delinsTT'). */
 char *hgvsNFromVpTx(struct vpTx *vpTx, struct seqWindow *gSeqWin, struct psl *txAli,
                     struct dnaSeq *txSeq, boolean breakDelIns);
 /* Return an HGVS n. (noncoding transcript) term for a variant projected onto a transcript.
  * gSeqWin must already have at least the correct seqName if not the surrounding sequence.
  * If breakDelIns, then show deleted bases (eg show 'delAGinsTT' instead of 'delinsTT'). */
 char *hgvsCFromVpTx(struct vpTx *vpTx, struct seqWindow *gSeqWin, struct psl *txAli,
                     struct genbankCds *cds,  struct dnaSeq *txSeq, boolean breakDelIns);