  Wed Mar 21 15:21:30 2018 -0700
Fixing an odd corner case in bedToBigBed: multiple insertions at the end of a sequence.
Tangentially refs #21079

diff --git src/utils/bedToBigBed/bedToBigBed.c src/utils/bedToBigBed/bedToBigBed.c
index 12e4bcd..c4ec288 100644
--- src/utils/bedToBigBed/bedToBigBed.c
+++ src/utils/bedToBigBed/bedToBigBed.c
@@ -402,31 +402,31 @@
 	    totalSum->minVal = totalSum->maxVal = val;
 	    totalSum->sumData = val*size;
 	    totalSum->sumSquares = val*val*size;
 	    firstTime = FALSE;
 	    totalSum->validCount += size;
 	    if (val < totalSum->minVal) totalSum->minVal = val;
 	    if (val > totalSum->maxVal) totalSum->maxVal = val;
 	    totalSum->sumData += val*size;
 	    totalSum->sumSquares += val*val*size;
 	/* If start past existing block then output it. */
-	if (sum != NULL && sum->end <= start)
+	if (sum != NULL && sum->end <= start && sum->end < usage->size)
 	    bbiOutputOneSummaryFurtherReduce(sum, &twiceReducedList, doubleReductionSize, 
 		&boundsPt, boundsEnd, lm, stream);
 	    sum = NULL;
 	/* If don't have a summary we're working on now, make one. */
 	if (sum == NULL)
 	    oneSummary.chromId = usage->id;
 	    oneSummary.start = start;
 	    oneSummary.end = start + initialReduction;
 	    if (oneSummary.end > usage->size) oneSummary.end = usage->size;
 	    oneSummary.minVal = oneSummary.maxVal = val;
 	    oneSummary.sumData = oneSummary.sumSquares = 0.0;
 	    oneSummary.validCount = 0;