  Fri Mar 16 14:41:14 2018 -0700
Moved jsonStringEscape inside jsonWriteString because it's silly to have to remember to call it first every time.
tagStorm programs were doing their own limited escaping (double-quotes only); now they get the same escaping as everywhere else.
refs MLQ #21113

diff --git src/inc/jsonWrite.h src/inc/jsonWrite.h
index 0683923..5b92990 100644
--- src/inc/jsonWrite.h
+++ src/inc/jsonWrite.h
@@ -33,31 +33,32 @@
 struct jsonWrite *jsonWriteNew();
 /* Return new empty jsonWrite struct. */
 void jsonWriteFree(struct jsonWrite **pJw);
 /* Free up a jsonWrite object. */
 void jsonWriteTag(struct jsonWrite *jw, char *var);
 /* Print out preceding comma if necessary, and if var is non-NULL, quoted tag followed by colon. */
 void jsonWriteEndLine(struct jsonWrite *jw);
 /* Write comma if in middle, and then newline regardless. */
 void jsonWriteString(struct jsonWrite *jw, char *var, char *string);
-/* Print out "var": "val".  If var is NULL, print val only.  If string is NULL, "var": null . */
+/* Print out "var": "val" -- or rather, jsonStringEscape(val).
+ * If var is NULL, print val only.  If string is NULL, "var": null . */
 void jsonWriteDateFromUnix(struct jsonWrite *jw, char *var, long long unixTimeVal);
 /* Add "var": YYYY-MM-DDT-HH:MM:SSZ given a Unix time stamp. Var may be NULL. */
 void jsonWriteNumber(struct jsonWrite *jw, char *var, long long val);
 /* print out "var": val as number. Var may be NULL. */
 void jsonWriteDouble(struct jsonWrite *jw, char *var, double val);
 /* print out "var": val as number. Var may be NULL. */
 void jsonWriteLink(struct jsonWrite *jw, char *var, char *objRoot, char *name);
 /* Print out the jsony type link to another object.  objRoot will start and end with a '/'
  * and may have additional slashes in this usage. Var may be NULL. */
 void jsonWriteLinkNum(struct jsonWrite *jw, char *var, char *objRoot, long long id);