  Tue Mar 13 14:17:15 2018 -0700
Adding twoBitSeqWindow{New,Free} for seqWindow on 2bit files.

diff --git src/hg/inc/seqWindow.h src/hg/inc/seqWindow.h
index 427f828..5e13662 100644
--- src/hg/inc/seqWindow.h
+++ src/hg/inc/seqWindow.h
@@ -1,53 +1,61 @@
 /* seqWindow -- generic interface & implementations for fetching subranges of a sequence */
 /* Copyright (C) 2017 The Regents of the University of California
  * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
 #ifndef SEQWINDOW_H
 #define SEQWINDOW_H
 struct seqWindow
 /* A portion (possibly all) of a sequence, with a means to fetch some other portion of sequence. */
     char *seqName;         // Name of the sequence on which the current window is open.
     uint start;            // Start within seqName of current window.
     uint end;              // End within seqName of current window.
     char *seq;             // Uppercase IUPAC sequence of current window.
     void (*fetch)(struct seqWindow *self, char *seqName, uint start, uint end);
     /* Generic method to set the window to a new range and get a new chunk of uppercase sequence.
      * The sequence in seqWindow after fetching may be a larger range than what was requested,
      * so caller must not assume that the resulting start and end are same as requested.
      * If end is too large then it will be truncated to sequence size.
      * errAbort if unable to get sequence. */
     // Implementations hide state/details after this point.
 INLINE void seqWindowCopy(struct seqWindow *self, uint start, uint len, char *buf, size_t bufSize)
 /* Copy len bases of sequence into buf, starting at seqName coord start; errAbort if out of range.
  * Zero-terminate buf and errAbort if bufSize < len+1. */
 uint end = start + len;
 if (start >= self->start && end <= self->end)
     safencpy(buf, bufSize, self->seq + start - self->start, len);
     errAbort("seqWindowCopy: %s [%u,%u) is out of bounds [%u,%u)",
              self->seqName, start, end, self->start, self->end);
 struct seqWindow *chromSeqWindowNew(char *db, char *chrom, uint start, uint end);
 /* Return a new seqWindow that can fetch uppercase sequence from the chrom sequences in db.
  * If chrom is non-NULL and end > start then load sequence from that range; if chrom is non-NULL
  * and start == end == 0 then fetch entire chrom. */
 void chromSeqWindowFree(struct seqWindow **pSw);
 /* Free a seqWindow that was created by chromSeqWindowNew. */
 struct seqWindow *memSeqWindowNew(char *acc, char *seq);
 /* Return a new seqWindow copying this sequence already in memory. */
 void memSeqWindowFree(struct seqWindow **pSw);
 /* Free a seqWindow that was created by memSeqWindowNew. */
+struct seqWindow *twoBitSeqWindowNew(char *twoBitFileName, char *chrom, uint start, uint end);
+/* Return a new seqWindow that can fetch uppercase sequence from twoBitFileName.
+ * If chrom is non-NULL and end > start then load sequence from that range; if chrom is non-NULL
+ * and start == end == 0 then fetch entire chrom. */
+void twoBitSeqWindowFree(struct seqWindow **pSw);
+/* Free a seqWindow that was created by twoBitSeqWindowNew. */
 #endif /* SEQWINDOW2_H */