  Mon Mar 12 15:46:09 2018 -0700
Adding obscure util pslFixCdsJoinGap, to correct the output of genePredToFakePsl for transcripts with +1 ribosomal frameshift.
genePred exons skip over a base to maintain frame; genePredToFakePsl sees a 1-base gap on target, 0-base gap on query.
However, the query base is skipped as described in Genbank CDS strings such as "join(168..260,262..741)".
Use CDS strings to recognize these cases, and if the PSL has a 1-sided gap on target at the exact position of the skipped
base then make the gap 2-sided to avoid making the alignment off-by-1 after that point and becoming a swamp of mismatches.
The ideal solution would be to remove the gap and properly interpret join CDS in the rest of our software, but this will at
least prevent totally incorrect genePred-derived PSL for transcripts with +1 ribosomal frameshift for now.
refs #21048

diff --git src/hg/lib/genePred.c src/hg/lib/genePred.c
index c66f33b..07ecbef 100644
--- src/hg/lib/genePred.c
+++ src/hg/lib/genePred.c
@@ -1,2486 +1,2485 @@
 /* genePred.c was originally generated by the autoSql program, which also 
  * generated genePred.h and genePred.sql.  This module links the database and the RAM 
  * representation of objects. */
 /* Copyright (C) 2014 The Regents of the University of California 
  * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "gff.h"
 #include "jksql.h"
 #include "psl.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "genePred.h"
 #include "genbank.h"
 #include "rangeTree.h"
 #include "hdb.h"
 #include "chromInfo.h"
 /* SQL to create a genePred table */
 static char *createSql = 
 "   %-s"                                 /* bin column goes here */
 "   name varchar(255) not null,"	/* mrna accession of gene */
 "   chrom varchar(255) not null,"	/* Chromosome name */
 "   strand char(1) not null,"		/* + or - for strand */
 "   txStart int unsigned not null,"	/* Transcription start position */
 "   txEnd int unsigned not null,"	/* Transcription end position */
 "   cdsStart int unsigned not null,"	/* Coding region start */
 "   cdsEnd int unsigned not null,"	/* Coding region end */
 "   exonCount int unsigned not null,"	/* Number of exons */
 "   exonStarts longblob not null,"	/* Exon start positions */
 "   exonEnds longblob not null,"	/* Exon end positions */
 "   INDEX(name)";
 static char *binFieldSql = 
 "    bin smallint unsigned not null,"
 "    INDEX(chrom,bin),";
 static char *noBinIndexSql = 
 "   INDEX(chrom,txStart),";
 static char *scoreFieldSql = 
 "   ,score int";
 static char *name2FieldSql = 
 "  ,name2 varchar(255) not null,"    /* Secondary name. (e.g. name of gene) or NULL if not available */
 "   INDEX(name2)";
 static char *cdsStatFieldSql = 
 "  ,cdsStartStat enum('none', 'unk', 'incmpl', 'cmpl') not null,"    /* Status of cdsStart annotation */
 "   cdsEndStat enum('none', 'unk', 'incmpl', 'cmpl') not null";     /* Status of cdsEnd annotation */
 static char *exonFramesFieldSql = 
 "   ,exonFrames longblob not null";    /* List of frame for each exon, or -1 if no frame or not known. NULL if not available. */
 struct genePred *genePredLoad(char **row)
 /* Load a genePred from row fetched with select * from genePred
  * from database.  Dispose of this with genePredFree(). 
  * NOTE: cannabalizes the row argument */
 struct genePred *ret;
 int sizeOne;
 ret->exonCount = sqlUnsigned(row[7]);
 ret->name = cloneString(row[0]);
 ret->chrom = cloneString(row[1]);
 strcpy(ret->strand, row[2]);
 ret->txStart = sqlUnsigned(row[3]);
 ret->txEnd = sqlUnsigned(row[4]);
 ret->cdsStart = sqlUnsigned(row[5]);
 ret->cdsEnd = sqlUnsigned(row[6]);
 sqlUnsignedDynamicArray(row[8], &ret->exonStarts, &sizeOne);
 if (sizeOne != ret->exonCount)
     errAbort("genePred: %s number of exonStarts (%d) != number of exons (%d)",
              ret->name, sizeOne, ret->exonCount);
 sqlUnsignedDynamicArray(row[9], &ret->exonEnds, &sizeOne);
 if (sizeOne != ret->exonCount)
     errAbort("genePred: %s number of exonEnds (%d) != number of exons (%d)",
              ret->name, sizeOne, ret->exonCount);
 return ret;
 struct genePred *genePredLoadAll(char *fileName) 
 /* Load all genePred from a whitespace-separated file.
  * Dispose of this with genePredFreeList(). */
 struct genePred *list = NULL, *el;
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
 char *row[10];
 while (lineFileRow(lf, row))
     el = genePredLoad(row);
     slAddHead(&list, el);
 return list;
 struct genePred *genePredLoadAllByChar(char *fileName, char chopper) 
 /* Load all genePred from a chopper separated file.
  * Dispose of this with genePredFreeList(). */
 struct genePred *list = NULL, *el;
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
 char *row[10];
 while (lineFileNextCharRow(lf, chopper, row, ArraySize(row)))
     el = genePredLoad(row);
     slAddHead(&list, el);
 return list;
 struct genePred *genePredCommaIn(char **pS, struct genePred *ret)
 /* Create a genePred out of a comma separated string. 
  * This will fill in ret if non-null, otherwise will
  * return a new genePred */
 char *s = *pS;
 int i;
 if (ret == NULL)
 ret->name = sqlStringComma(&s);
 ret->chrom = sqlStringComma(&s);
 sqlFixedStringComma(&s, ret->strand, sizeof(ret->strand));
 ret->txStart = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
 ret->txEnd = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
 ret->cdsStart = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
 ret->cdsEnd = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
 ret->exonCount = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
 s = sqlEatChar(s, '{');
 AllocArray(ret->exonStarts, ret->exonCount);
 for (i=0; i<ret->exonCount; ++i)
     ret->exonStarts[i] = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
 s = sqlEatChar(s, '}');
 s = sqlEatChar(s, ',');
 s = sqlEatChar(s, '{');
 AllocArray(ret->exonEnds, ret->exonCount);
 for (i=0; i<ret->exonCount; ++i)
     ret->exonEnds[i] = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
 s = sqlEatChar(s, '}');
 s = sqlEatChar(s, ',');
 *pS = s;
 return ret;
 void genePredFree(struct genePred **pEl)
 /* Free a single dynamically allocated genePred such as created
  * with genePredLoad(). */
 struct genePred *el;
 if ((el = *pEl) == NULL) return;
 void genePredFreeList(struct genePred **pList)
 /* Free a list of dynamically allocated genePred's */
 struct genePred *el, *next;
 for (el = *pList; el != NULL; el = next)
     next = el->next;
 *pList = NULL;
 void genePredOutput(struct genePred *el, FILE *f, char sep, char lastSep) 
 /* Print out genePred.  Separate fields with sep. Follow last field with lastSep. */
 int i;
 if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f);
 fprintf(f, "%s", el->name);
 if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f);
 if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f);
 fprintf(f, "%s", el->chrom);
 if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f);
 if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f);
 fprintf(f, "%s", el->strand);
 if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f);
 fprintf(f, "%u", el->txStart);
 fprintf(f, "%u", el->txEnd);
 fprintf(f, "%u", el->cdsStart);
 fprintf(f, "%u", el->cdsEnd);
 fprintf(f, "%u", el->exonCount);
 if (sep == ',') fputc('{',f);
 for (i=0; i<el->exonCount; ++i)
     fprintf(f, "%u", el->exonStarts[i]);
     fputc(',', f);
 if (sep == ',') fputc('}',f);
 if (sep == ',') fputc('{',f);
 for (i=0; i<el->exonCount; ++i)
     fprintf(f, "%u", el->exonEnds[i]);
     fputc(',', f);
 if (sep == ',') fputc('}',f);
 /* optional fields, >= test is used so unspecified coumns can be filled in */
 if (el->optFields >= genePredScoreFld)
     fprintf(f, "%d", el->score);
 if (el->optFields >= genePredName2Fld)
     if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f);
     fprintf(f, "%s", ((el->name2 != NULL) ? el->name2 : ""));
     if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f);
 if (el->optFields >= genePredCdsStatFld)
     if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f);
     fprintf(f, "%s", genePredCdsStatStr(el->cdsStartStat));
     if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f);
     if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f);
     fprintf(f, "%s", genePredCdsStatStr(el->cdsEndStat));
     if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f);
 if (el->optFields >= genePredExonFramesFld)
     if (sep == ',') fputc('{',f);
     for (i=0; i<el->exonCount; ++i)
         fprintf(f, "%d", el->exonFrames[i]);
         fputc(',', f);
     if (sep == ',') fputc('}',f);
 /* ---------  Start of hand generated code. ---------------------------- */
 char *genePredCdsStatStr(enum cdsStatus stat)
 /* get string value of a cdsStatus */
 switch (stat) {
 case cdsNone:
     return "none";
 case cdsUnknown:
     return "unk";
 case cdsIncomplete:
     return "incmpl";
 case cdsComplete:
     return "cmpl";
     errAbort("invalid cdsStatus enum value: %d", stat);
     return NULL;  /* make compiler happy */
 enum cdsStatus parseCdsStat(char *statStr)
 /* parse a cdsStatus string */
 if ((statStr == NULL) || sameString(statStr, "none"))
     return cdsNone;
 if (sameString(statStr, "unk"))
     return cdsUnknown;
 if (sameString(statStr, "incmpl"))
     return cdsIncomplete;
 if (sameString(statStr, "cmpl"))
     return cdsComplete;
 errAbort("invalid genePred cdsStatus: \"%s\"", statStr);
 return cdsNone;  /* make compiler happy */
 struct genePred *genePredKnownLoad(char **row, int numCols)
 /* Load a genePred in knownGene format from row. */
 struct genePred *ret;
 int sizeOne;
 ret->exonCount = sqlUnsigned(row[7]);
 ret->name = cloneString(row[0]);
 ret->chrom = cloneString(row[1]);
 strcpy(ret->strand, row[2]);
 ret->txStart = sqlUnsigned(row[3]);
 ret->txEnd = sqlUnsigned(row[4]);
 ret->cdsStart = sqlUnsigned(row[5]);
 ret->cdsEnd = sqlUnsigned(row[6]);
 sqlUnsignedDynamicArray(row[8], &ret->exonStarts, &sizeOne);
 if (sizeOne != ret->exonCount)
     errAbort("genePred: %s number of exonStarts (%d) != number of exons (%d)",
              ret->name, sizeOne, ret->exonCount);
 sqlUnsignedDynamicArray(row[9], &ret->exonEnds, &sizeOne);
 if (sizeOne != ret->exonCount)
     errAbort("genePred: %s number of exonEnds (%d) != number of exons (%d)",
              ret->name, sizeOne, ret->exonCount);
 ret->name2 = cloneString(row[11]);
 return ret;
 struct genePred *genePredExtLoad(char **row, int numCols)
 /* Load a genePred with from a row, with optional fields.  The row must
  * contain columns in the order in the struct, and they must be present up to
  * the last specfied optional field.  Missing intermediate fields must have
  * zero or empty columns, they may not be omitted.  Fields at the end can be
  * omitted. Dispose of this with genePredFree(). */
 struct genePred *ret;
 int sizeOne, iCol;
 ret->exonCount = sqlUnsigned(row[7]);
 ret->name = cloneString(row[0]);
 ret->chrom = cloneString(row[1]);
 strcpy(ret->strand, row[2]);
 ret->txStart = sqlUnsigned(row[3]);
 ret->txEnd = sqlUnsigned(row[4]);
 ret->cdsStart = sqlUnsigned(row[5]);
 ret->cdsEnd = sqlUnsigned(row[6]);
 sqlUnsignedDynamicArray(row[8], &ret->exonStarts, &sizeOne);
 if (sizeOne != ret->exonCount)
     errAbort("genePred: %s number of exonStarts (%d) != number of exons (%d)",
              ret->name, sizeOne, ret->exonCount);
 sqlUnsignedDynamicArray(row[9], &ret->exonEnds, &sizeOne);
 if (sizeOne != ret->exonCount)
     errAbort("genePred: %s number of exonEnds (%d) != number of exons (%d)",
              ret->name, sizeOne, ret->exonCount);
 if (iCol < numCols)
     ret->score = sqlSigned(row[iCol++]);
     ret->optFields |= genePredScoreFld;
 if (iCol < numCols)
     ret->name2 = cloneString(row[iCol++]);
     ret->optFields |= genePredName2Fld;
 if (iCol < numCols)
     if (isEmpty(row[iCol])) // if the cdsStartStat field is empty
 	return ret;         // ignore the rest of the fields
     ret->cdsStartStat = parseCdsStat(row[iCol++]);
     ret->optFields |= genePredCdsStatFld;
 if (iCol < numCols)
     ret->cdsEndStat = parseCdsStat(row[iCol++]);
     ret->optFields |= genePredCdsStatFld;
 if (iCol < numCols)
     sqlSignedDynamicArray(row[iCol++], &ret->exonFrames, &sizeOne);
     if (sizeOne != ret->exonCount)
         errAbort("genePred: %s number of exonFrames (%d) != number of exons (%d)",
                  ret->name, sizeOne, ret->exonCount);
     ret->optFields |= genePredExonFramesFld;
 return ret;
 struct genePred *genePredKnownLoadAll(char *fileName)
 /* Load all genePreds with from tab-separated file in knownGene format */
 struct genePred *list = NULL, *el;
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
 int numCols;
 while ((numCols = lineFileChopNextTab(lf, row, ArraySize(row))) > 0)
     lineFileExpectAtLeast(lf, GENEPRED_NUM_COLS, numCols);
     el = genePredKnownLoad(row, numCols);
     slAddHead(&list, el);
 return list;
 struct genePred *genePredExtLoadAll(char *fileName)
 /* Load all genePreds with from tab-separated file, possibly with optional
  * fields. Dispose of this with genePredFreeList(). */
 struct genePred *list = NULL, *el;
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
 int numCols;
 while ((numCols = lineFileChopNextTab(lf, row, ArraySize(row))) > 0)
     lineFileExpectAtLeast(lf, GENEPRED_NUM_COLS, numCols);
     el = genePredExtLoad(row, numCols);
     slAddHead(&list, el);
 return list;
 int genePredCmp(const void *va, const void *vb)
 /* Compare to sort based on chromosome, txStart. */
 const struct genePred *a = *((struct genePred **)va);
 const struct genePred *b = *((struct genePred **)vb);
 int dif = strcmp(a->chrom, b->chrom);
 if (dif == 0)
     dif = a->txStart - b->txStart;
 return dif;
 int genePredNameCmp(const void *va, const void *vb)
 /* Compare to sort based on name, then chromosome, txStart. */
 const struct genePred *a = *((struct genePred **)va);
 const struct genePred *b = *((struct genePred **)vb);
 int dif = strcmp(a->name, b->name);
 if (dif == 0)
     dif = strcmp(a->chrom, b->chrom);
 if (dif == 0)
     dif = a->txStart - b->txStart;
 return dif;
 static boolean haveStartStopCodons(struct gffFile *gff)
 /* For GFFs, determine if any of the annotations use start_codon or                                                                                                                 
  * stop_codon */
 struct gffFeature *feature;
 for(feature = gff->featureList; feature != NULL; feature = feature->next)
     if(sameWord(feature->name, "start_codon") ||
        sameWord(feature->name, "start_codon"))
         return TRUE;
 return FALSE;
 static boolean isExon(char *feat, boolean isGtf, char *exonSelectWord)
 /* determine if a feature is an exon; different criteria for GFF ane GTF */
 if (isGtf)
     /* must check for stop_codon here, because GTF put it outside of the
      * CDS */
     return (sameWord(feat, "CDS") || sameWord(feat, "stop_codon")
             || sameWord(feat, "start_codon") || sameWord(feat, "exon")
             || sameWord(feat, "utr") || sameWord(feat, "5utr")
             || sameWord(feat, "3utr"));
     return ((exonSelectWord == NULL) || sameWord(feat, exonSelectWord));
 static boolean isStartStopCodon(char *feat)
 /* determine if a feature is GTF style start/stop codon */
 return sameWord(feat, "stop_codon") || sameWord(feat, "start_codon");
 static boolean isCds(char *feat)
 /* determine if a feature is CDS */
 return sameWord(feat, "CDS") || isStartStopCodon(feat);
 static void chkGroupLine(struct gffGroup *group, struct gffLine *gl, struct genePred *gp)
 /* check that a gffLine is consistent with the genePred being built.  this
  * helps detect some problems that lead to corrupt genePreds */
 if (!(sameString(gl->seq, gp->chrom) && (gl->strand == gp->strand[0])))
     fprintf(stderr, "invalid gffGroup detected on line: ");
     gffTabOut(gl, stderr);
     errAbort("GFF/GTF group %s on %s%c, this line is on %s%c, all group members must be on same seq and strand",
              group->name, gp->chrom, gp->strand[0],
                      gl->seq, gl->strand);
 static int phaseToFrame(char phase)
 /* convert GTF/GFF phase to frame */
 switch (phase)
     case '0':
         return 0;
     case '1':
         return 2;
     case '2':
         return 1;
 return -1;
 static char frameToPhase(int frame)
 /* convert GTF/GFF frame to phase */
 switch (frame)
     case 0:
         return '0';
     case 1:
         return '2';
     case 2:
         return '1';
 return -1;
 static int incrFrame(int frame, int amt)
 /* increment frame, no-op if frame is -1 */
 if (frame < 0)
     return frame;
 else if (amt >= 0)
     return (frame+amt) % 3;
     int amt3 = (-amt) % 3;
     return (frame - (amt - amt3)) % 3;
 static int findPosExon(struct genePred *gp, int pos)
 /* find exon containing the specified position */
 int i;
 for (i = 0; i < gp->exonCount; i++)
     if ((gp->exonStarts[i] <= pos) && (pos < gp->exonEnds[i]))
         return i;
 errAbort("bug: position %d not found in exon of %s genePred", pos, gp->name);
 return 0;
 static int findLastFramedExon(struct genePred *gp)
 /* locate the last exon with frame */
 int iStart = (gp->strand[0] == '+') ? 0 : gp->exonCount-1;
 int iStop = (gp->strand[0] == '+') ? gp->exonCount : -1;
 int dir =  (gp->strand[0] == '+') ? +1 : -1;
 int iPrevExon = -1, iExon;
 // find beginning of frames
 for (iExon = iStart; (iExon != iStop) && (gp->exonFrames[iExon] == -1); iExon += dir)
 // find last with frame
 for (; (iExon != iStop) && (gp->exonFrames[iExon] != -1); iExon += dir)
     iPrevExon = iExon;
 if (iPrevExon < 0)
     errAbort("bug: findLastFramedExon should have found an exon with frame");
 return iPrevExon;
 static void extendFramePos(struct genePred *gp)
 /* extend frame missing from last exon(s) for positive strand genes, normally
  * caused by GTF stop_codon */
 int iExon = findLastFramedExon(gp);
 int frame = incrFrame(gp->exonFrames[iExon], (gp->exonEnds[iExon]-gp->exonStarts[iExon]));
 for (iExon++; (iExon < gp->exonCount) && (gp->exonStarts[iExon] < gp->cdsEnd); iExon++)
     if (!((gp->exonFrames[iExon] < 0) || (gp->exonFrames[iExon] == frame)))
         errAbort("conflicting frame for %s exon index %d, was %d, trying to assign %d", gp->name, iExon, gp->exonFrames[iExon], frame);
     gp->exonFrames[iExon] = frame;
     frame = incrFrame(gp->exonFrames[iExon], (gp->exonEnds[iExon]-gp->exonStarts[iExon]));
 static void extendFrameNeg(struct genePred *gp)
 /* extend frame missing from last exon(s) for negative strand genes, normally
  * caused by GTF stop_codon */
 int iExon = findLastFramedExon(gp);
 int frame = incrFrame(gp->exonFrames[iExon], (gp->exonEnds[iExon]-gp->exonStarts[iExon]));
 for (iExon--; (iExon >= 0) && (gp->exonEnds[iExon] > gp->cdsStart); iExon--)
     if (!((gp->exonFrames[iExon] < 0) || (gp->exonFrames[iExon] == frame)))
         errAbort("conflicting frame for %s exon index %d, was %d, trying to assign %d", gp->name, iExon, gp->exonFrames[iExon], frame);
     gp->exonFrames[iExon] = frame;
     frame = incrFrame(gp->exonFrames[iExon], (gp->exonEnds[iExon]-gp->exonStarts[iExon]));
 static void fixStopFrame(struct genePred *gp)
 /* Handle nasty corner case: GTF with the all or part of the stop codon as the
  * only codon in an exon, we must set the frame on these exons.  Some ENSEMBL
  * GTFs have single base `exons' with just a base of the stop codon, so must
  * check every base.  While less than ideal, we just extend the frame past the
  * last exon with frame, so a conflicting frame on the stop codon will be
  * missed.  Just switching to GFF3 fixes this mess. */
 if (gp->strand[0] == '+')
 static boolean adjImpliedStopPos(struct genePred *gp)
 /* implied stop codon adjustment for positive strand gene */
 int iExon = findPosExon(gp, gp->cdsEnd-1);
 unsigned space = (gp->exonEnds[iExon]-gp->cdsEnd);
 if (space >= 3)
     // room in current exon
     gp->cdsEnd += 3;
     return TRUE;
 else if ((iExon < gp->exonCount)
          && ((gp->exonEnds[iExon+1]-gp->exonStarts[iExon+1])+space) >= 3)
     // room including next exon
     gp->cdsEnd = gp->exonStarts[iExon+1] + (3-space);
     return TRUE;
 return FALSE;
 static boolean adjImpliedStopNeg(struct genePred *gp)
 /* implied stop codon adjustment for negative strand gene */
 int iExon = findPosExon(gp, gp->cdsStart);
 unsigned space = (gp->cdsStart-gp->exonStarts[iExon]);
 if (space >= 3)
     // room in current exon
     gp->cdsStart -= 3;
     return TRUE;
 else if ((iExon > 0)
          && ((gp->exonEnds[iExon-1]-gp->exonStarts[iExon-1])+space) >= 3)
     // room including previous exon
     gp->cdsStart = gp->exonEnds[iExon-1] - (3-space);
     return TRUE;
 return FALSE;
 static void adjImpliedStopAfterCds(struct genePred *gp)
 /* adjust CDS bounds to include implied stop codon outside of CDS. */
 if (gp->strand[0] == '+')
     if (adjImpliedStopPos(gp))
         if (gp->optFields & genePredCdsStatFld)
             gp->cdsEndStat = cdsComplete;
     if (adjImpliedStopNeg(gp))
         if (gp->optFields & genePredCdsStatFld)
             gp->cdsStartStat = cdsComplete;
 static void checkForNoFrames(struct genePred *gp)
 /* check for requesting frame from a file without frames. */
 int i;
 /* Complain if we have a CDS but exonFrames are all -1: */
 if (gp->cdsStart < gp->cdsEnd)
     boolean foundReal = FALSE;
     for (i = 0;  i < gp->exonCount;  i++)
         if (gp->exonFrames[i] >= 0 && gp->exonFrames[i] <= 2)
             foundReal = TRUE;
     if (! foundReal)
         errAbort("Error: exonFrames field is being added, but I found a "
                  "gene (%s) with CDS but no valid frames.  "
                  "This can happen if program is invoked with -genePredExt "
                  "but no valid frames are given in the file.  If the 8th "
                  "field of GFF/GTF file is always a placeholder, then don't use "
 static boolean isGtfFeature(char *feat)
 /* check if a feature is one of the recognized features.  All otherse
  * should be ignored. */
 static char *gtfFeats[] = {"CDS", "start_codon", "stop_codon", "5UTR", "3UTR",
                            "inter", "inter_CNS", "intron_CNS", "exon", NULL};
 int i;
 for (i = 0; gtfFeats[i] != NULL; i++)
     if (sameString(feat, gtfFeats[i]))
         return TRUE;
 return FALSE;
 static boolean ignoreGxfLine(struct gffLine *gl, boolean isGtf)
 /* should the specified line be skipped? */
 if (isGtf)
     return !isGtfFeature(gl->feature);
     return FALSE;
 static boolean allowedFrameFeature(struct gffLine *gl, boolean isGtf)
 /* should this feature be used to assign frame? */
 if (isStartStopCodon(gl->feature) || ignoreGxfLine(gl, isGtf))
     return FALSE;
 // for GFF, any features with frame can be used to set frame,
 // with GTF, there are some bogus files that set frame on UTR features,
 // so only use CDS
 if (isGtf)
     return sameString(gl->feature, "CDS");
     return (gl->frame != '.');
 static struct gffLine *assignFrameForCdsExon(int start, int end, int *framePtr,
                                              struct gffLine *gl, boolean isGtf)
 /* set frame from any overlapping records with frame. Don't include
  * start/stop_codon, as it isn't a full exon. */
 /* skip lines preceeding this exon */
 while (gl != NULL)
     if (allowedFrameFeature(gl, isGtf) && (gl->end >= start))
     gl = gl->next;
 /* set frame from any overlapping records with frame. */
 while ((gl != NULL) && (rangeIntersection(gl->start, gl->end, start, end) > 0))
     if (allowedFrameFeature(gl, isGtf))
         int frame = phaseToFrame(gl->frame);
         if (frame >= 0)
             *framePtr = frame;
     gl = gl->next;
 return gl;
 static void assignFrame(boolean isGtf, struct gffGroup *group, struct genePred *gp)
 /* Assign frame from GFF after genePred has been built.*/
 struct gffLine *gl = group->lineList;
 int start, end, i;
 boolean haveFrame = FALSE;
 for (i = 0; i < gp->exonCount; i++)
     if (genePredCdsExon(gp, i, &start, &end))
         gl = assignFrameForCdsExon(start, end, &(gp->exonFrames[i]), gl, isGtf);
         if (gp->exonFrames[i] >= 0)
             haveFrame = TRUE;
 /* make sure stop has frame if some exons in the gene had frame */
 if (haveFrame)
 static struct genePred *mkFromGroupedGxf(struct gffFile *gff, struct gffGroup *group, char *name,
                                          boolean isGtf, char *exonSelectWord, unsigned optFields,
                                          unsigned options)
 /* common function to create genePreds from GFFs or GTFs.  This is a little
  * ugly with to many check of isGtf, however the was way to much identical
  * code the other way. Options are from genePredFromGxfOpts */
 struct genePred *gp;
 int stopCodonStart = -1, stopCodonEnd = -1;
 int cdsStart = BIGNUM, cdsEnd = -BIGNUM;
 int exonCount = 0;
 boolean haveStartCodon = FALSE, haveStopCodon = FALSE;
 struct gffLine *gl;
 unsigned *eStarts, *eEnds;
 int i;
 /* should we count on start/stop codon annotation in GFFs? */
 boolean useStartStops = isGtf || haveStartStopCodons(gff);
 int geneStart = 0, geneEnd = 0;
 /* Count up exons and figure out cdsStart and cdsEnd. */
 for (gl = group->lineList; gl != NULL; gl = gl->next)
     boolean exonishLine = FALSE;
     if (ignoreGxfLine(gl, isGtf))
     if (isExon(gl->feature, isGtf, exonSelectWord))
 	exonishLine = TRUE;
     if (isCds(gl->feature))
 	exonishLine = TRUE;
 	if (gl->start < cdsStart)
             cdsStart = gl->start;
 	if (gl->end > cdsEnd)
             cdsEnd = gl->end;
     if (exonishLine)
 	if (geneStart == geneEnd)  // Not initialized yet
 	     geneStart = gl->start;
 	     geneEnd = gl->end;
 	     geneStart = min(gl->start, geneStart);
 	     geneEnd = max(gl->end, geneEnd);
     if (sameWord(gl->feature, "start_codon"))
         haveStartCodon = TRUE;
     if (sameWord(gl->feature, "stop_codon"))
         /* stop_codon can be split, need bounds for adjusting CDS below */
         if ((stopCodonStart < 0) || (gl->start < stopCodonStart))
             stopCodonStart = gl->start;
         if ((stopCodonEnd < 0) || (gl->end > stopCodonEnd))
             stopCodonEnd = gl->end;
         haveStopCodon = TRUE;
 if (exonCount == 0)
     return NULL;
 if (cdsStart > cdsEnd)
     /* no cds annotated */
     cdsStart = 0;
     cdsEnd = 0;
 else if (stopCodonStart >= 0)
     /* adjust CDS to include stop codon as in GTF */
     if (group->strand == '+')
         if (stopCodonEnd > cdsEnd)
             cdsEnd = stopCodonEnd;
         if (stopCodonStart < cdsStart)
             cdsStart = stopCodonStart;
 /* add in version numbers if requested and available */
 char geneIdToUse[1024], transcriptIdToUse[1024];
 geneIdToUse[0]= '\0';
 if (options & genePredGxfGeneNameAsName2)
     if (group->lineList->geneName != NULL)
         safecpy(geneIdToUse, sizeof(geneIdToUse), group->lineList->geneName);
 else if (group->lineList->geneId != NULL)
     if ((options & genePredGxfIncludeVersion) && (group->lineList->geneVersion != NULL))
         safef(geneIdToUse, sizeof(geneIdToUse), "%s.%s", group->lineList->geneId, group->lineList->geneVersion);
         safecpy(geneIdToUse, sizeof(geneIdToUse), group->lineList->geneId);
 if ((options & genePredGxfIncludeVersion) && (group->lineList->transcriptVersion != NULL))
     safef(transcriptIdToUse, sizeof(transcriptIdToUse), "%s.%s", name, group->lineList->transcriptVersion);
     safecpy(transcriptIdToUse, sizeof(transcriptIdToUse), name);
 /* Allocate genePred and fill in values. */
 gp->name = cloneString(transcriptIdToUse);
 gp->chrom = cloneString(group->seq);
 gp->strand[0] = group->strand;
 gp->txStart = geneStart;
 gp->txEnd = geneEnd;
 if (cdsStart < cdsEnd)
     gp->cdsStart = cdsStart;
     gp->cdsEnd = cdsEnd;
     // no CDS, set to txEnd
     gp->cdsStart = gp->txEnd;
     gp->cdsEnd = gp->txEnd;
 gp->exonStarts = AllocArray(eStarts, exonCount);
 gp->exonEnds = AllocArray(eEnds, exonCount);
 gp->optFields = optFields;
 if (optFields & genePredName2Fld)
     gp->name2 = cloneString(geneIdToUse);
 if (optFields & genePredCdsStatFld)
     if (cdsStart < cdsEnd)
         if (!useStartStops)
             /* GFF doesn't require start or stop, if not used, assume complete */
             gp->cdsStartStat = cdsComplete;
             gp->cdsEndStat = cdsComplete;
         else if (group->strand == '+')
             gp->cdsStartStat = (haveStartCodon ? cdsComplete : cdsIncomplete);
             gp->cdsEndStat = (haveStopCodon ? cdsComplete : cdsIncomplete);;
             gp->cdsEndStat = (haveStartCodon ? cdsComplete : cdsIncomplete);
             gp->cdsStartStat = (haveStopCodon ? cdsComplete : cdsIncomplete);;
         gp->cdsStartStat = cdsNone;
         gp->cdsEndStat = cdsNone;
 if (optFields & genePredExonFramesFld)
     AllocArray(gp->exonFrames, exonCount);
     for (i = 0; i < exonCount; i++)
         gp->exonFrames[i] = -1;
 /* adjust tx range to include stop codon */
 if ((group->strand == '+') && (gp->txEnd == stopCodonStart))
      gp->txEnd = stopCodonEnd;
 else if ((group->strand == '-') && (gp->txStart == stopCodonEnd))
     gp->txStart = stopCodonStart;
 i = -1; /* before first exon */
 /* fill in exons, merging overlaping and adjacent exons */
 for (gl = group->lineList; gl != NULL; gl = gl->next)
     if (ignoreGxfLine(gl, isGtf))
     if (isExon(gl->feature, isGtf, exonSelectWord) || (isGtf && isCds(gl->feature)))
         chkGroupLine(group, gl, gp);
         if ((i < 0) || (gl->start > eEnds[i]))
             /* start a new exon */
             assert(i < exonCount);
             eStarts[i] = gl->start;
             eEnds[i] = gl->end;
             /* overlap, extend exon, picking the largest of ends */
             assert(i < exonCount);
             assert(gl->start >= eStarts[i]);
             if (gl->end > eEnds[i])
                 eEnds[i] = gl->end;
 gp->exonCount = i+1;
 /* adjust for flybase type of GFFs, with stop codon implied and outside of
  * CDS. */
 if ((options & genePredGxfImpliedStopAfterCds) && !haveStopCodon)
 if (optFields & genePredExonFramesFld)
     assignFrame(isGtf, group, gp);
 return gp;
 struct genePred *genePredFromGroupedGff(struct gffFile *gff, struct gffGroup *group, char *name,
                                         char *exonSelectWord, unsigned optFields, unsigned options)
 /* Convert gff->groupList to genePred list. See genePred.h for details. */
 struct gffLine *gl;
 boolean anyExon = FALSE;
 /* Look to see if any exons.  If not allow CDS to be used instead. */
 if (exonSelectWord)
     for (gl = group->lineList; gl != NULL; gl = gl->next)
 	if (sameWord(gl->feature, exonSelectWord))
 	    anyExon = TRUE;
     anyExon = TRUE;
 if (!anyExon)
     exonSelectWord = "CDS";
 return mkFromGroupedGxf(gff, group, name, FALSE, exonSelectWord, optFields,
 struct genePred *genePredFromGroupedGtf(struct gffFile *gff, struct gffGroup *group, char *name,
                                         unsigned optFields, unsigned options)
 /* Convert gff->groupList to genePred list, using GTF feature conventions.
  * See genePred.h for details. */
 return mkFromGroupedGxf(gff, group, name, TRUE, NULL, optFields,
 static void mapCdsToGenome(struct psl *psl, struct genbankCds* cds,
                            struct genePred* gene)
 /* Convert set cdsStart/end from mrna to genomic coordinates. */
 struct genbankCds genomeCds = genbankCdsToGenome(cds, psl);
 if (genomeCds.start < genomeCds.end)
     gene->cdsStart = genomeCds.start;
     gene->cdsEnd = genomeCds.end;
     if (gene->optFields & genePredCdsStatFld)
         if (gene->strand[0] == '+')
             gene->cdsStartStat = (genomeCds.startComplete) ? cdsComplete : cdsIncomplete;
             gene->cdsEndStat = (genomeCds.endComplete) ? cdsComplete : cdsIncomplete;;
             gene->cdsStartStat = (genomeCds.endComplete) ? cdsComplete : cdsIncomplete;;
             gene->cdsEndStat = (genomeCds.startComplete) ? cdsComplete : cdsIncomplete;
     /* CDS not aligned */
     gene->cdsStart = gene->txEnd;
     gene->cdsEnd = gene->txEnd;
     if (gene->optFields & genePredCdsStatFld)
         gene->cdsStartStat = cdsUnknown;
         gene->cdsEndStat = cdsUnknown;
 void genePredAddGenbankCds(struct psl *psl, struct genbankCds* cds, 
 	struct genePred *gene)
 /* Convert cdsStart/End from mrna to genomic coordinates. 
  * Note that the genePred blocks need not be filled in before
  * this call. */
 if (cds == NULL)
     /* no CDS, set to zero-length at end */
     gene->cdsStart = psl->tEnd;
     gene->cdsEnd = psl->tEnd;
     if (gene->optFields & genePredCdsStatFld)
         gene->cdsStartStat = cdsNone;
         gene->cdsEndStat = cdsNone;
 else if ((cds->start < 0) || (cds->end <= 0))
     /* unknown CDS, set to end */
     gene->cdsStart = psl->tEnd;
     gene->cdsEnd = psl->tEnd;
     if (gene->optFields & genePredCdsStatFld)
         gene->cdsStartStat = cdsUnknown;
         gene->cdsEndStat = cdsUnknown;
     /* have CDS annotation, make sure it's in bounds */
     struct genbankCds adjCds = *cds;
     if (adjCds.end > psl->qSize)
         adjCds.end = psl->qSize;
         adjCds.endComplete = FALSE;
     mapCdsToGenome(psl, &adjCds, gene);
 static int getFrame(struct psl *psl, int start, int end,
                     struct genbankCds* cds)
 /* get the starting frame for an exon of a mRNA.  start and end are
  * the bounds of the exon within the mRNA.  This may cover multiple psl
  * blocks due to merging of small gaps. */
 /* use the 3' end is used if it's complete, as it is more often accurate when
  * genes are defined from mRNAs sequenced with reverse-transcriptase. */
 int frame = -1;
 /* map to mRNA coords in CDS since frame for an exon is in direction of
  * transcription. */
 if (psl->strand[0] == '-')
     reverseIntRange(&start, &end, psl->qSize);
 if (start < cds->start)
     start = cds->start;
 if (end > cds->end)
     end = cds->end;
 if (start < end)
     /* Compute frame from end of RNA if CDS end is marked complete and start
      * is not complete.  This is done as the end of an RNA is more likely
      * completely due to reverse transcriptase not replicating the entire RNA.
      * However, code that create CDS from genePreds doesn't always create a
      * CDS specification that indicates incompleteness. So don't use CDS end
      * unless we know start is incomplete, mean code tried to set it.  This is
      * not a perfect solution, as handling of CDS specification is naive and
      * doesn't account for truncated start or stop.  Incomplete codons can
      * result in frame shift even is CDS completeness is set correctly. */
     if (cds->endComplete && !cds->startComplete)
         int fr = (cds->end-start) % 3;
         frame = (fr == 2) ? 1 : ((fr == 1) ? 2 : 0);
         frame = (start-cds->start) % 3;
 return frame;
 static boolean shouldMergeBlocks(struct genePred *gene, 
                                  unsigned tStart, unsigned prevTEnd,
                                  unsigned qStart, unsigned prevQEnd,
                                  unsigned options,
                                  int cdsMergeSize, int utrMergeSize)
 /* determine if a new block starting at tStart whould be merged with
  * the preceeding exon.
 boolean inCds = (gene->cdsStart <= tStart) && (tStart < gene->cdsEnd);
 int tGapSize = (tStart - prevTEnd);
 int qGapSize = (qStart - prevQEnd);
 if (inCds)
     if ((options & genePredPslCdsMod3)
         && (((tGapSize % 3) != 0) || ((qGapSize % 3) != 0)))
         return FALSE;  /* not a multiple of three */
     if ((cdsMergeSize >= 0) && ((tGapSize <= cdsMergeSize) && (qGapSize <= cdsMergeSize)))
         return TRUE;
     // qGapSize only matters for CDS where we are trying to keep frame sane
     if ((utrMergeSize >= 0) && (tGapSize <= utrMergeSize))
         return TRUE;
 return FALSE; /* don't merge */
 static void pslToExons(struct psl *psl, struct genePred *gene,
                        struct genbankCds* cds, unsigned options,
                        int cdsMergeSize, int utrMergeSize)
 /* Convert psl alignment blocks to genePred exons, merging together blocks by
  * the specified paraemeters.  Optionally add frame information. */
 int iBlk, iExon;
 int startIdx, stopIdx, idxIncr;
 /* this is bigger than needed if blocks merge */
 gene->exonStarts = needMem(psl->blockCount*sizeof(unsigned));
 gene->exonEnds = needMem(psl->blockCount*sizeof(unsigned));
 if (gene->optFields & genePredExonFramesFld)
     /* default frames to indicate no frame */
     gene->exonFrames = needMem(psl->blockCount*sizeof(unsigned));
     for (iExon = 0; iExon < psl->blockCount; iExon++)
         gene->exonFrames[iExon] = -1;
 /* traverse psl in postive target order */
 if (psl->strand[1] == '-')
     startIdx = psl->blockCount-1;
     stopIdx = -1;
     idxIncr = -1;
     startIdx = 0;
     stopIdx = psl->blockCount;
     idxIncr = 1;
 iExon = -1;  /* indicate none have been added */
 unsigned prevQEnd = 0;
 unsigned prevTEnd = 0;
 for (iBlk = startIdx; iBlk != stopIdx; iBlk += idxIncr)
     int qStart = psl->qStarts[iBlk];
     int qEnd = qStart + psl->blockSizes[iBlk];
     if (psl->strand[0] == '-')
         reverseIntRange(&qStart, &qEnd, psl->qSize);
     int tStart = psl->tStarts[iBlk];
     int tEnd = tStart + psl->blockSizes[iBlk];
     if (psl->strand[1] == '-')
         reverseIntRange(&tStart, &tEnd, psl->tSize);
     if ((iExon < 0) || !shouldMergeBlocks(gene, tStart, prevTEnd, qStart, prevQEnd, options,
                                           cdsMergeSize, utrMergeSize))
         /* new exon */
         gene->exonStarts[iExon] = tStart;
     gene->exonEnds[iExon] = tEnd;
     /* Set the frame. We have to deal with multiple blocks being merged.  For
      * positive strand, the first block frame is used, for negative strand,
      * the last is used. */
     if ((gene->optFields & genePredExonFramesFld) && (cds != NULL)
         && (((psl->strand[0] == '+') && (gene->exonFrames[iExon] < 0))
             || (psl->strand[0] == '-')))
         int fr = getFrame(psl, psl->qStarts[iBlk], psl->qStarts[iBlk]+psl->blockSizes[iBlk], cds);
         if (fr >= 0)
 	    gene->exonFrames[iExon] = fr;
     prevTEnd = tEnd;
     prevQEnd = qEnd;
 gene->exonCount = iExon+1;
 assert(gene->exonCount <= psl->blockCount);
 struct genePred *genePredFromPsl3(struct psl *psl,  struct genbankCds* cds, 
                                   unsigned optFields, unsigned options,
                                   int cdsMergeSize, int utrMergeSize)
 /* Convert a PSL of an mRNA alignment to a genePred, converting a genbank CDS
  * specification string to genomic coordinates. Small genomic inserts are
  * merged based on the mergeSize parameters.  Gaps no larger than the
  * specified merge sizes result in the adjacent blocks being merged into a
  * single exon.  Gaps in CDS use cdsMergeSize, in UTR use utrMergeSize.  If
  * the genePredPslCdsMod3 option is specified, then CDS gaps are only merged
  * if a multiple of three.  A negative merge sizes disables merging of blocks.
  * This differs from specifying zero in that adjacent blocks will not be
  * merged. The optfields field is a set from genePredFields, indicated what
  * fields to create.  Zero-length CDS, or null cds, creates without CDS
  * annotation.  If cds is null, it will set status fields to cdsNone.  */
 struct genePred *gene;
 #if 0
 /* FIXME; the browser calls this on a protein psl when rendering the amino
  * acids of a protein alignment track.  Some of this code doesn't really make
  * sense for proteins and I really don't see how this produces the right
  * results, however the check is disabled until this can be investigated
  * because it *seems* to work.  markd 2006-05-22 */
 if (pslIsProtein(psl))
     errAbort("can't convert protein psls to genePreds");
 gene->name = cloneString(psl->qName);
 gene->chrom = cloneString(psl->tName);
 gene->txStart = psl->tStart;
 gene->txEnd = psl->tEnd;
 gene->optFields = optFields;
 /* get strand in genome that the positive version mRNA aligns to */
 if (psl->strand[1] == '\0')
     /* assumed pos target strand, so neg query would be pos target */
     gene->strand[0] = psl->strand[0];
     /* query and target strand are different; will be neg when query pos */
     gene->strand[0] = ((psl->strand[0] != psl->strand[1]) ? '-' : '+');
 genePredAddGenbankCds(psl, cds, gene);
 pslToExons(psl, gene, cds, options, cdsMergeSize, utrMergeSize);
 return gene;
 struct genePred *genePredFromPsl2(struct psl *psl, unsigned optFields,
                                   struct genbankCds* cds, int insertMergeSize)
 /* Compatibility function, genePredFromPsl3 is prefered.  See that function's
  * documentation for details. This calls genePredFromPsl3 with no options
  * and insertMergeSize set for CDS and UTR.
 return genePredFromPsl3(psl, cds, optFields, genePredPslDefaults, insertMergeSize, insertMergeSize);
 struct genePred *genePredFromPsl(struct psl *psl, int cdsStart, int cdsEnd,
                                  int insertMergeSize)
 /* Compatibility function, genePredFromPsl3 is prefered.  See that function's
  * documentation for details. This calls genePredFromPsl3 with no options.
 struct genbankCds cds;
 cds.start = cdsStart;
 cds.end = cdsEnd;
 return genePredFromPsl3(psl, &cds, 0, genePredPslDefaults, insertMergeSize, insertMergeSize);
 char* genePredGetCreateSql(char* table, unsigned optFields, unsigned options,
                            int chromIndexLen)
 /* Get SQL required to create a genePred table. optFields is a bit set
  * consisting of the genePredFields values. Options are a bit set of
  * genePredCreateOpts. Returned string should be freed.  This will create all
  * optional fields that preceed the highest optFields column.  chromIndexLen
  * is now ignored.. */
 /* the >= is used so that we create preceeding fields. */
 char sqlCmd[1024];
 sqlSafef(sqlCmd, sizeof(sqlCmd), createSql, table,
       ((options & genePredWithBin) ? binFieldSql : noBinIndexSql));
 if (optFields >= genePredScoreFld)
     safecat(sqlCmd, sizeof(sqlCmd), scoreFieldSql);
 if (optFields >= genePredName2Fld)
     safecat(sqlCmd, sizeof(sqlCmd), name2FieldSql);
 if (optFields >= genePredCdsStatFld)
     safecat(sqlCmd, sizeof(sqlCmd), cdsStatFieldSql);
 if (optFields >= genePredExonFramesFld)
     safecat(sqlCmd, sizeof(sqlCmd), exonFramesFieldSql);
 safecat(sqlCmd, sizeof(sqlCmd), ")");
 return cloneString(sqlCmd);
 // FIXME: this really doesn't belong in this module
 struct genePred *getOverlappingGene(char *db, struct genePred **list, char *table, char *chrom, int cStart, int cEnd, char *name, int *retOverlap)
 /* read all genes from a table find the gene with the biggest overlap. 
    Cache the list of genes to so we only read it once */
 char query[256];
 struct genePred *gene;
 struct sqlConnection *conn;
 struct sqlResult *sr;
 char **row;
 struct genePred *el = NULL, *bestMatch = NULL, *gp = NULL;
 int overlap = 0 , bestOverlap = 0, i;
 struct psl *psl;
 int *eFrames;
 if (*list == NULL)
     printf("Loading Predictions from %s\n",table);
     conn = hAllocConn(db);
     sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select * from %s", table);
     sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
     while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
         if (!sameString(table,"all_mrna"))
             el = genePredLoad(row);
             psl = pslLoad(row);
             el = genePredFromPsl2(psl, 0, NULL, genePredStdInsertMergeSize);
         slAddHead(list, el);
 for (el = *list; el != NULL; el = el->next)
     if (chrom != NULL && el->chrom != NULL)
         overlap = 0;
         if ( sameString(chrom, el->chrom))
             for (i = 0 ; i<(el->exonCount); i++)
                 overlap += positiveRangeIntersection(cStart,cEnd, el->exonStarts[i], el->exonEnds[i]) ;
             if (overlap > 20 && sameString(name, el->name))
                 bestMatch = el;
                 bestOverlap = overlap;
                 *retOverlap = bestOverlap;
             if (overlap > bestOverlap)
                 bestMatch = el;
                 bestOverlap = overlap;
                 *retOverlap = bestOverlap;
 if (bestMatch != NULL)
     /* Allocate genePred and fill in values. */
     gp->name = cloneString(bestMatch->name);
     gp->chrom = cloneString(bestMatch->chrom);
     gp->strand[1] = bestMatch->strand[1];
     gp->strand[0] = bestMatch->strand[0];
     gp->txStart = bestMatch->txStart;
     gp->txEnd = bestMatch->txEnd;
     gp->cdsStart = bestMatch->cdsStart;
     gp->cdsEnd = bestMatch->cdsEnd;
     gp->exonCount = bestMatch->exonCount;
     AllocArray(gp->exonStarts, bestMatch->exonCount);
     AllocArray(gp->exonEnds, bestMatch->exonCount);
     for (i=0; i<bestMatch->exonCount; ++i)
         gp->exonStarts[i] = bestMatch->exonStarts[i] ;
         gp->exonEnds[i] = bestMatch->exonEnds[i] ;
     gp->optFields = bestMatch->optFields;
     gp->score = bestMatch->score;
     if (bestMatch->optFields & genePredName2Fld)
         gp->name2 = cloneString(bestMatch->name2);
         gp->name2 = NULL;
     if (bestMatch->optFields & genePredCdsStatFld)
         gp->cdsStartStat = bestMatch->cdsStartStat;
         gp->cdsEndStat = bestMatch->cdsEndStat;
     if (bestMatch->optFields & genePredExonFramesFld)
         gp->exonFrames = AllocArray(eFrames, bestMatch->exonCount);
         for (i = 0; i < bestMatch->exonCount; i++)
             gp->exonFrames[i] = bestMatch->exonFrames[i];
     eFrames = gp->exonFrames;
 return gp;
 int genePredBases(struct genePred *gp)
 /* count coding and utr bases in a gene prediction */
 int count = 0, i;
 if (gp == NULL) return 0;
 for (i=0; i<gp->exonCount; i++)
     count += gp->exonEnds[i] - gp->exonStarts[i] ;
 return count;
 int genePredCodingBases(struct genePred *gp)
 /* Count up the number of coding bases in gene prediction. */
 int i, exonCount = gp->exonCount;
 int cdsStart = gp->cdsStart, cdsEnd = gp->cdsEnd;
 int baseCount = 0;
 for (i=0; i<exonCount; ++i)
     baseCount += positiveRangeIntersection(cdsStart,cdsEnd,
     	gp->exonStarts[i], gp->exonEnds[i]);
 return baseCount;
 boolean genePredCdsExon(struct genePred *gp, int iExon, int *startPtr, int *endPtr)
 /* Get the CDS range in an exon.  If there is no CDS, return FALSE and then
  * set start == end */
 assert((iExon >= 0) && (iExon < gp->exonCount));
 int start = gp->exonStarts[iExon];
 int end = gp->exonEnds[iExon];
 if (start < gp->cdsStart)
     start = gp->cdsStart;
 if (end > gp->cdsEnd)
     end = gp->cdsEnd;
 if (startPtr != NULL)
     *startPtr = start;
 if (endPtr != NULL)
     *endPtr = end;
 return (start < end);
 static void gpError(FILE* errFh, int* errorCnt, char *format, ...)
 /* print and count an error */
 va_list args;
 fprintf(errFh, "Error: ");
 va_start(args, format);
 vfprintf(errFh, format, args);
 fputc('\n', errFh);
 static void checkExon(FILE* errFh, int* errorCnt, char *desc, struct genePred* gp, int iExon)
 /* check one exon of a genePred */
 unsigned exonStart = gp->exonStarts[iExon];
 unsigned exonEnd = gp->exonEnds[iExon];
 if (exonStart >= exonEnd)
     gpError(errFh, errorCnt, "%s: %s exon %u start %u >= end %u", desc, gp->name, iExon, exonStart, exonEnd);
 if (exonStart < gp->txStart)
     gpError(errFh, errorCnt, "%s: %s exon %u start %u < txStart %u", desc, gp->name, iExon, exonStart, gp->txStart);
 if (exonEnd > gp->txEnd)
     gpError(errFh, errorCnt, "%s: %s exon %u end %u > txEnd %u", desc, gp->name, iExon, exonEnd, gp->txEnd);
 if (iExon > 0)
     /* other than first exon */
     if (exonStart < gp->exonEnds[iExon-1])
         gpError(errFh, errorCnt, "%s: %s exon %u (%s:%d-%d) overlaps previous exon (%s:%d-%d)",
                 desc, gp->name, iExon, gp->chrom, exonStart, exonEnd, gp->chrom, gp->exonStarts[iExon-1], gp->exonEnds[iExon-1]);
 if (gp->optFields & genePredExonFramesFld)
     int frame = gp->exonFrames[iExon];
     if ((frame < -1) || (frame > 2))
         gpError(errFh, errorCnt, "%s: %s invalid exonFrame: %d", desc, gp->name, frame);
     if ((exonEnd > gp->cdsStart) && (exonStart < gp->cdsEnd))
         if (frame == -1)
             gpError(errFh, errorCnt, "%s: %s no exonFrame on CDS exon %d", desc, gp->name, iExon);
         if (frame != -1)
             gpError(errFh, errorCnt, "%s: %s exonFrame on non-CDS exon %d", desc, gp->name, iExon);
 static void checkCdsBounds(FILE* errFh, int* errorCnt, char *desc, struct genePred* gp)
 /* check cdsStart/cdsEnd */
 int iExon;
 boolean foundCdsStart = FALSE, foundCdsEnd = FALSE;
 if (gp->cdsStart > gp->cdsEnd)
     gpError(errFh, errorCnt, "%s: %s cdsStart %u > cdsEnd %u", desc, gp->name, gp->cdsStart, gp->cdsEnd);
 if ((gp->cdsStart < gp->txStart) || (gp->cdsStart > gp->txEnd))
     gpError(errFh, errorCnt, "%s: %s cdsStart %u not in tx bounds %u-%u", desc, gp->name, gp->cdsStart, gp->txStart, gp->txEnd);
 if ((gp->cdsEnd < gp->txStart) || (gp->cdsEnd > gp->txEnd))
     gpError(errFh, errorCnt, "%s: %s cdsEnd %u not in tx bounds %u-%u", desc, gp->name, gp->cdsEnd, gp->txStart, gp->txEnd);
 /*  is cdsStart/cdsEnd in an exon?  */
 for (iExon = 0; iExon < gp->exonCount; iExon++)
     if ((gp->cdsStart >= gp->exonStarts[iExon])
         && (gp->cdsStart < gp->exonEnds[iExon]))
         foundCdsStart = TRUE;
     if ((gp->cdsEnd > gp->exonStarts[iExon])
         && (gp->cdsEnd <= gp->exonEnds[iExon]))
         foundCdsEnd = TRUE;
 if (!foundCdsStart)
     gpError(errFh, errorCnt, "%s: %s cdsStart %u not in an exon", desc, gp->name, gp->cdsStart);
 if (!foundCdsEnd)
     gpError(errFh, errorCnt, "%s: %s cdsEnd %u not in an exon", desc, gp->name, gp->cdsEnd);
 int genePredCheck(char *desc, FILE* errFh, int chromSize, struct genePred* gp)
 /* Validate a genePred for consistency.  desc is printed the error messages
  * to file errFh (open /dev/null to discard).  chromSize should contain
  * size of chromosome, or 0 if chrom is not valid, or -1 to not check
  * chromosome bounds. Returns count of errors. */
 int iExon;
 int errorCnt = 0;
 if (gp->name == NULL)
     gpError(errFh, &errorCnt, "%s: name is null", desc);
 if (!(sameString(gp->strand, "+") || sameString(gp->strand, "-")))
     gpError(errFh, &errorCnt, "%s: %s invalid strand: \"%s\"", desc, gp->name, gp->strand);
 /* check chrom */
 if (chromSize == 0)
     gpError(errFh, &errorCnt, "%s: %s chrom not a valid chromosome: \"%s\"", desc, gp->name, gp->chrom);
 else if (chromSize > 0)
     if (gp->txEnd > chromSize)
         gpError(errFh, &errorCnt, "%s: %s txEnd %u >= chromSize %u", desc, gp->name, gp->txEnd, chromSize);
 /* check internal consistency */
 if (gp->txStart >= gp->txEnd)
     gpError(errFh, &errorCnt, "%s: %s txStart %u >= txEnd %u", desc, gp->name, gp->txStart, gp->txEnd);
 /* no CDS is indicated by cdsStart == cdsEnd */
 if (gp->cdsStart != gp->cdsEnd)
     checkCdsBounds(errFh, &errorCnt, desc, gp);
 /* must be at least one exon */
 if (gp->exonCount == 0)
     gpError(errFh, &errorCnt, "%s: %s contains no exons", desc, gp->name);
 /* make sure first/last exons match tx range */
     if (gp->txStart != gp->exonStarts[0])
         gpError(errFh, &errorCnt, "%s: %s first exon start %u doesn't match txStart %u", desc, gp->name, gp->exonStarts[0], gp->txStart);
     if (gp->txEnd != gp->exonEnds[gp->exonCount-1])
         gpError(errFh, &errorCnt, "%s: %s last exon end %u doesn't match txEnd %u", desc, gp->name, gp->exonEnds[gp->exonCount-1], gp->txEnd);
 /* check each exon */
 for (iExon = 0; iExon < gp->exonCount; iExon++)
     checkExon(errFh, &errorCnt, desc, gp, iExon);
 return errorCnt;
 static int lookupChromSize(char *desc, FILE* errFh, char* db, struct genePred* gp, int *errorCnt)
 /* lookup the chromosome size in the database, -1 if invalid */
 // hGetChromInfo is case independent
 struct chromInfo *ci = hGetChromInfo(db, gp->chrom);
 if (ci == NULL)
     fprintf(errFh, "Error: %s: %s has invalid chrom for %s: %s\n", desc, gp->name, db, gp->chrom);
     return -1;  // don't validate
 else if (differentString(gp->chrom, ci->chrom)) // verify case dependent equal
     fprintf(errFh, "Error: %s: %s has invalid chrom for %s: %s\n", desc, gp->name, db, gp->chrom);
     return -1;  // don't validate
     return ci->size;
 int genePredCheckDb(char *desc, FILE* errFh, char* db, struct genePred* gp)
 /* Validate a genePred for consistency.  desc is printed the error messages
  * to file errFh (open /dev/null to discard).  Lookup chromosome size in database if
  * db is not NULL. Returns count of errors. */
 int errorCnt = 0;
 int chromSize = -1;  /* default to not checking */
 if (db != NULL)
     chromSize = lookupChromSize(desc, errFh, db, gp, &errorCnt);
 errorCnt += genePredCheck(desc, errFh, chromSize, gp);
 return errorCnt;
 int genePredCheckChromSizes(char *desc, FILE* errFh, struct genePred* gp,
                             struct hash* chromSizes)
 /* Validate a genePred for consistency.  desc is printed the error messages
  * to file errFh (open /dev/null to discard).  Lookup chromosome size in hash.
 int errorCnt = 0;
 int chromSize = hashIntValDefault(chromSizes, gp->chrom, -1);
 if (chromSize < 0)
     fprintf(errFh, "Error: %s: %s has invalid chrom for: %s\n", desc, gp->name, gp->chrom);
     errorCnt += genePredCheck(desc, errFh, chromSize, gp);
 return errorCnt;
 boolean genePredNmdTarget(struct genePred *gp) 
 /* Return TRUE if cds end is more than 50bp upstream of
    last intron. */
 int gpSize = 0;
 int i = 0;
 int startDist = 0, endDist = 0;
 int blockSize = 0;
 if(gp->exonCount < 2 || gp->cdsStart == gp->cdsEnd)
     return FALSE;
 for(i = 0; i < gp->exonCount; i++)
     int blockStart = gp->exonStarts[i];
     int blockEnd = gp->exonEnds[i];
     blockSize = blockEnd - blockStart;
     if( blockStart <= gp->cdsStart && gp->cdsStart <= blockEnd)
 	startDist += blockSize - (blockEnd - gp->cdsStart);
     else if(blockEnd <= gp->cdsStart)
 	startDist += blockSize;
     if( blockStart <= gp->cdsEnd && gp->cdsEnd <= blockEnd)
 	endDist += blockSize - (blockEnd - gp->cdsEnd);
     else if(blockEnd <= gp->cdsEnd)
 	endDist += blockSize;
     gpSize += blockSize;
 /*  xxxxxXXX----XXXXXXXXXXXXX--------XXXXXXX----XXXxxxxxxxx-------xxxxxxxxx  */                                           
 if(sameString(gp->strand, "+"))
     blockSize = gp->exonEnds[gp->exonCount-1] - gp->exonStarts[gp->exonCount-1];
     return endDist < (gpSize - blockSize - 50); 
 else if(sameString(gp->strand, "-"))
     blockSize = gp->exonEnds[0] - gp->exonStarts[0];
     return startDist > (blockSize + 50);
     errAbort("genePredNmdsTarget() - Don't recognize strand: %s\n", gp->strand);
 return FALSE;
 void genePredAddExonFrames(struct genePred *gp)
 /* Add exonFrames array to a genePred that doesn't have it. Frame is assumed
  * to be contiguous. */
 int iExon, start, end, iBase = 0;
 int iStart, iEnd, iDir;
 /* initial array to all -1, for no frame */
 AllocArray(gp->exonFrames, gp->exonCount);
 gp->optFields |= genePredExonFramesFld;
 for (iExon = 0; iExon < gp->exonCount; iExon++)
     gp->exonFrames[iExon] = -1;
 if (sameString(gp->strand, "+"))
     iStart = 0;
     iEnd = gp->exonCount;
     iDir = 1;
     iStart = gp->exonCount-1;
     iEnd = -1;
     iDir = -1;
 for (iExon = iStart; iExon != iEnd; iExon += iDir)
     if (genePredCdsExon(gp, iExon, &start, &end))
         gp->exonFrames[iExon] = iBase % 3;
         iBase += (end - start);
 void genePredRc(struct genePred *gp, int chromSize)
 /* Reverse complement a genePred (project it to the opposite strand).  Useful
  * when doing analysis that is simplified by having things on the same strand.
 int iExon;
 gp->strand[0] = (gp->strand[0] == '+') ? '-' : '+';
 reverseUnsignedRange(&gp->txStart, &gp->txEnd, chromSize);
 reverseUnsignedRange(&gp->cdsStart, &gp->cdsEnd, chromSize);
 for (iExon = 0; iExon < gp->exonCount; iExon++)
     reverseUnsignedRange(&gp->exonStarts[iExon], &gp->exonEnds[iExon], chromSize);
 reverseUnsigned(gp->exonStarts, gp->exonCount);
 reverseUnsigned(gp->exonEnds, gp->exonCount);
 if (gp->optFields & genePredCdsStatFld)
     enum cdsStatus hold =  gp->cdsStartStat;
     gp->cdsStartStat = gp->cdsEndStat;
     gp->cdsEndStat = hold;
 if (gp->optFields & genePredExonFramesFld)
     reverseInts(gp->exonFrames, gp->exonCount);
 int genePredCdsSize(struct genePred *gp)
 /* compute the number of bases of CDS */
 int iExon, start, end, cdsBases = 0;
 for (iExon = 0; iExon < gp->exonCount; iExon++)
     if (genePredCdsExon(gp, iExon, &start, &end))
         cdsBases += (end - start);
 return cdsBases;
 struct genePred *genePredNew(char *name, char *chrom, char strand,
                              unsigned txStart, unsigned txEnd,
                              unsigned cdsStart, unsigned cdsEnd,
                              unsigned optFields, unsigned exonSpace)
 /* create a new gene with space for the specified number of exons allocated.
  * genePredGrow maybe used to expand this space if needed. */
 struct genePred *gp;
 assert(exonSpace > 0);
 gp->name = cloneString(name);
 gp->chrom  = cloneString(chrom);
 gp->strand[0] = strand;
 gp->txStart = txStart;
 gp->txEnd = txEnd;
 gp->cdsStart  = cdsStart;
 gp->cdsEnd = cdsEnd;
 gp->optFields = optFields;
 AllocArray(gp->exonStarts, exonSpace);
 AllocArray(gp->exonEnds, exonSpace);
 if (gp->optFields & genePredExonFramesFld)
     AllocArray(gp->exonFrames, exonSpace);
 return gp;
 void genePredGrow(struct genePred *gp, unsigned *exonSpacePtr)
 /* Increase memory allocated to a psl to hold more exons.  exonSpacePtr
  * should point the the current maximum number of exons and will be
  * updated to with the new amount of space. */
 int exonSpace = *exonSpacePtr;
 int newSpace = 2 * exonSpace;
 ExpandArray(gp->exonStarts, exonSpace, newSpace);
 ExpandArray(gp->exonEnds, exonSpace, newSpace);
 if (gp->optFields & genePredExonFramesFld)
     ExpandArray(gp->exonFrames, exonSpace, newSpace);
 *exonSpacePtr = newSpace;
 struct rbTree *genePredToRangeTree(struct genePred *gp, boolean cdsOnly)
 /* Convert genePred into a range tree. */
 struct rbTree *rangeTree = rangeTreeNew();
 int i;
 for (i=0; i<gp->exonCount; ++i)
     int start = gp->exonStarts[i];
     int end = gp->exonEnds[i];
     if (cdsOnly)
 	start = max(start, gp->cdsStart);
 	end = min(end, gp->cdsEnd);
 	if (start >= end)
     rangeTreeAdd(rangeTree, start, end);
 return rangeTree;
 void gpPartOutAsBed(struct genePred *gp, int start, int end, FILE *f, 
 	char *type, int id, int minSize)
 /* Write out part of gp as bed12. */
 /* Figure out # of blocks and min/max of area inside start/end */
 int blockCount = 0;
 int newStart = gp->txEnd, newEnd = gp->txStart;
 int size = 0;
 int i;
 for (i=0; i<gp->exonCount; ++i)
     int exonStart = gp->exonStarts[i];
     int exonEnd = gp->exonEnds[i];
     exonStart = max(start, exonStart);
     exonEnd = min(end, exonEnd);
     if (exonStart < exonEnd)
 	newStart = min(exonStart, newStart);
 	newEnd = max(exonEnd, newEnd);
 	size += exonEnd - exonStart;
 /* Output first 10 fields of bed12. */
 if (size > minSize)
     fprintf(f, "%s\t%d\t%d\t", gp->chrom, newStart, newEnd);
     fprintf(f, "%s_%d_%s\t", type, id, gp->name);
     fprintf(f, "0\t%s\t0\t0\t0\t%d\t", gp->strand, blockCount);
     /* Output blockSizes field */
     for (i=0; i<gp->exonCount; ++i)
 	int exonStart = gp->exonStarts[i];
 	int exonEnd = gp->exonEnds[i];
 	exonStart = max(start, exonStart);
 	exonEnd = min(end, exonEnd);
 	if (exonStart < exonEnd)
 	    fprintf(f, "%d,", exonEnd - exonStart);
     fprintf(f, "\t");
     /* Output chromStarts field */
     for (i=0; i<gp->exonCount; ++i)
 	int exonStart = gp->exonStarts[i];
 	int exonEnd = gp->exonEnds[i];
 	exonStart = max(start, exonStart);
 	exonEnd = min(end, exonEnd);
 	if (exonStart < exonEnd)
 	    fprintf(f, "%d,", exonStart - newStart);
     fprintf(f, "\n");
 boolean codonToPos(struct genePred *gp, unsigned num, int *chromStart, int *chromEnd)
 // map 1-based codon to genomic coordinates. If the codon crosses an exon junction, we return just the beginning (LHS) of the codon.
 // Returns true if we find the codon in given gene predition; chromStart and end are set to appropriate three base region.
 int pos = -1;
 int i;
 int offset = -1;  // current 1-based offset in bases (not codons)
 if(gp->strand[0] == '+')
     for(i = 0; i < gp->exonCount; i++)
         if(gp->exonEnds[i] > gp->cdsStart && gp->exonStarts[i] < gp->cdsEnd)
             int start, end;
             if(offset == -1 && gp->cdsStart <= gp->exonEnds[i])
                 // start counting
                 start = gp->cdsStart;
                 offset = 1;
                 start = gp->exonStarts[i];
             if(gp->cdsEnd < gp->exonEnds[i])
                 end = gp->cdsEnd;
                 end = gp->exonEnds[i];
             int next = offset + end - start;
             if(next > (num * 3 - 2))
                 pos = start + (((num - 1) * 3 + 1) - offset);
                 offset = next;
     for(i = gp->exonCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
         if(gp->exonStarts[i] < gp->cdsEnd && gp->exonEnds[i] > gp->cdsStart)
             int start, end; // start here is really the RHS, and end is the LHS
             if(offset == -1 && gp->cdsEnd >= gp->exonStarts[i])
                 // start counting
                 start = gp->cdsEnd;
                 offset = 1;
                 start = gp->exonEnds[i];
             if(gp->cdsStart > gp->exonStarts[i])
                 end = gp->cdsStart;
                 end = gp->exonStarts[i];
             int next = offset + start - end;
             if(next > num * 3)
                 pos = start - (num*3 - offset) - 1;
                 offset = next;
 if(pos == -1)
     return FALSE;
     *chromStart = pos;
     *chromEnd = pos + 3;
     return TRUE;
 boolean exonToPos(struct genePred *gp, unsigned num, int *chromStart, int *chromEnd)
 // map 1-based exon number to genomic coordinates.
 // Returns true if we find the exon in given gene predition; start and end are set to appropriate region.
 if(num == 0 || num > gp->exonCount)
     return FALSE;
 else if(gp->strand[0] == '+')
     *chromStart = gp->exonStarts[num - 1];
     *chromEnd = gp->exonEnds[num - 1];
     *chromStart = gp->exonStarts[gp->exonCount - num];
     *chromEnd = gp->exonEnds[gp->exonCount - num];
 return TRUE;
 static char *genePredAutoSqlString =
     "table genePred\n"
     "\"A gene prediction.\"\n"
     "    (\n"
     "    string name;	\"Name of gene\"\n"
     "    string chrom;	\"Reference sequence chromosome or scaffold\"\n"
     "    char[1] strand;     \"+ or - for strand\"\n"
     "    uint txStart;	\"Transcription start position\"\n"
     "    uint txEnd;         \"Transcription end position\"\n"
     "    uint cdsStart;	\"Coding region start\"\n"
     "    uint cdsEnd;        \"Coding region end\"\n"
     "    uint exonCount;     \"Number of exons\"\n"
     "    uint[exonCount] exonStarts; \"Exon start positions\"\n"
     "    uint[exonCount] exonEnds;   \"Exon end positions\"\n"
     "    )\n";
 struct asObject *genePredAsObj()
 // Return asObject describing fields of genePred
 return asParseText(genePredAutoSqlString);
 struct dnaSeq *genePredGetDna(char *database, struct genePred *gp,
                               boolean coding, enum dnaCase dnaCase)
 // Returns the DNA sequence associated with gene prediction.
 // Negative strand genes will return the sequence as read from the negative strand.
 // Optionally restrict to coding sequence only
 struct dnaSeq *dnaSeq = hDnaFromSeq(database, gp->chrom, gp->txStart, gp->txEnd,  dnaCase);
 if (dnaSeq == NULL)
     return NULL;
 DNA *seq = dnaSeq->dna;
 int len = dnaSeq->size;
 if (coding)
     int cdnaOffset = 0, exonIx;
     for (exonIx = 0; exonIx < gp->exonCount; exonIx++)
         int exonStart = max(gp->exonStarts[exonIx],gp->cdsStart);
         int exonEnd   = min(gp->exonEnds[  exonIx],gp->cdsEnd  );
         if (exonStart >= exonEnd) // non-coding exon
         exonStart -= gp->txStart;
         exonEnd   -= gp->txStart;
         int exonSize  = exonEnd - exonStart;
         assert(cdnaOffset <= exonStart && exonEnd <= len);
         if (cdnaOffset < exonStart)
             memmove(seq + cdnaOffset, seq + exonStart, exonSize);
         cdnaOffset += exonSize;
     seq[cdnaOffset] = '\0';
     dnaSeq->size = cdnaOffset;
 if (gp->strand[0] == '-')
 return dnaSeq;
 int genePredBaseToCodingPos(struct genePred *gp, int basePos,
                             boolean stranded, boolean *isCoding)
 // Given a genePred model and a single (0 based) base position, predict the 0-based
 // DNA (stranded) coding sequence pos.  Dividing this number by 3 should give the AA position!
 // Returns -1 when outside of coding exons unless OPTIONAL isCoding pointer to boolean is
 // provided. In that case, returns last valid position and sets isCoding to FALSE.
 if (isCoding == NULL && (basePos < gp->cdsStart || basePos >= gp->cdsEnd))
     return -1;
 boolean reverse = (stranded && gp->strand[0] == '-');
 assert(gp->exonStarts != NULL && gp->exonEnds != NULL);
 // Walk through exons, advancing depending upon strand
 int codingBasesSoFar = 0;
 int exonIx = (reverse ? (gp->exonCount - 1) : 0);
 while (0 <= exonIx && exonIx < gp->exonCount)
     int exonStart = max(gp->exonStarts[exonIx],gp->cdsStart);
     int exonEnd   = min(gp->exonEnds[  exonIx],gp->cdsEnd  );
     if (exonStart < exonEnd) // coding exon
         // Within this exon?
         if (exonStart <= basePos && basePos < exonEnd)
             if (isCoding != NULL)
                 *isCoding = TRUE;
             if (reverse)
                 return (codingBasesSoFar + (exonEnd - basePos));
                 return (codingBasesSoFar + (basePos - exonStart));
         // Past the target base already?
         if (( reverse && basePos >= exonEnd  )
         ||  (!reverse && basePos <  exonStart))
         // Yet to reach the target base... accumulate exon worth
         codingBasesSoFar += (exonEnd - exonStart);
     exonIx += (reverse ? -1 : 1);
 if (isCoding != NULL && codingBasesSoFar > 0)
     *isCoding = FALSE;
     return codingBasesSoFar;
 return -1;  // introns not okay
 struct genePredExt  *genePredFromBigGenePred( char *chrom, struct bigBedInterval *bb)
 /* build a genePred from a bigGenePred */
 char *extra = cloneString(bb->rest);
 int numCols = 12 + 8 - 3;
 char *row[numCols];
 int wordCount = chopByChar(extra, '\t', row, numCols);
 assert(wordCount == numCols);
 struct genePredExt *gp;
 gp->chrom = chrom;
 gp->txStart = bb->start;
 gp->txEnd = bb->end;
 gp->name =  cloneString(row[ 0]);
 gp->strand[0] =  row[ 2][0];
 gp->strand[1] =  row[ 2][1];
 gp->cdsStart =  atoi(row[ 3]);
 gp->cdsEnd =  atoi(row[ 4]);
 gp->exonCount =  atoi(row[ 6]);
 int numBlocks;
 sqlUnsignedDynamicArray(row[ 8],  &gp->exonStarts, &numBlocks);
 assert (numBlocks == gp->exonCount);
 sqlUnsignedDynamicArray(row[ 7],  &gp->exonEnds, &numBlocks);
 assert (numBlocks == gp->exonCount);
 int ii;
 for(ii=0; ii < numBlocks; ii++)
     gp->exonStarts[ii] += bb->start;
     gp->exonEnds[ii] += gp->exonStarts[ii];
 gp->name2 = cloneString(row[ 9]);
 gp->cdsStartStat = parseCdsStat(row[ 10]);
 gp->cdsEndStat = parseCdsStat(row[ 11]);
 sqlSignedDynamicArray(row[ 12],  &gp->exonFrames, &numBlocks);
 gp->optFields |= genePredExonFramesFld;
 assert (numBlocks == gp->exonCount);
 gp->type = cloneString(row[13]);
 gp->geneName = cloneString(row[14]);
 gp->geneName2 = cloneString(row[15]);
 return gp;
 static void sqlUnsignedDynamicArrayNoClobber(char *s, unsigned **retArray, int *retSize)
 /* Make a copy of s on stack and chop that up so we don't mangle s. */
 char copy[strlen(s)+1];
 safecpy(copy, sizeof(copy), s);
 sqlUnsignedDynamicArray(copy, retArray, retSize);
 struct genePredExt  *genePredFromBigGenePredRow(char **row)
 /* build a genePred from a bigGenePred row */
 struct genePredExt *gp;
 gp->chrom = cloneString(row[0]);
 gp->txStart = sqlUnsigned(row[1]);
 gp->txEnd = sqlUnsigned(row[2]);
 gp->name = cloneString(row[3]);
 gp->strand[0] = row[5][0];
 gp->strand[1] = row[5][1];
 gp->cdsStart = sqlUnsigned(row[6]);
 gp->cdsEnd = sqlUnsigned(row[7]);
 gp->exonCount = sqlUnsigned(row[9]);
 int numBlocks;
 sqlUnsignedDynamicArrayNoClobber(row[11], &gp->exonStarts, &numBlocks);
 assert (numBlocks == gp->exonCount);
 // First put blockSizes in exonEnds:
 sqlUnsignedDynamicArrayNoClobber(row[10], &gp->exonEnds, &numBlocks);
 assert (numBlocks == gp->exonCount);
 // Then add in txStart to relative starts, and add starts to block sizes to get ends:
 int ii;
 for(ii=0; ii < numBlocks; ii++)
     gp->exonStarts[ii] += gp->txStart;
     gp->exonEnds[ii] += gp->exonStarts[ii];
 gp->name2 = cloneString(row[12]);
 gp->cdsStartStat = parseCdsStat(row[13]);
 gp->cdsEndStat = parseCdsStat(row[14]);
 gp->optFields |= genePredCdsStatFld;
 sqlSignedDynamicArray(row[15],  &gp->exonFrames, &numBlocks);
 assert (numBlocks == gp->exonCount);
 gp->optFields |= genePredExonFramesFld;
 gp->type = cloneString(row[16]);
 gp->geneName = cloneString(row[17]);
 gp->geneName2 = cloneString(row[18]);
 return gp;
 struct cds
 /* CDS sequence being assembled */
     char *bases;    // CDS string being built
     int iCds;       // Index into CDS
     int nextFrame;  // next required frame
 static struct dnaSeq* getGeneRegion(struct nibTwoCache* genomeSeqs,  struct genePred *gp, int start, int end,
                                     int *chromSize)
 /* Get the genome sequence covering the a region of a gene, in transcription order */
 struct dnaSeq *dna = nibTwoCacheSeqPart(genomeSeqs, gp->chrom, start, end-start, chromSize);
 if (gp->strand[0] == '-')
     reverseComplement(dna->dna, dna->size);
 return dna;
 static void removePartialCodon(struct cds* cds)
 /* remove partial codon that has already been copied to CDS */
 int iCdsNew = cds->iCds - cds->nextFrame;
 if (iCdsNew < 0)
     iCdsNew = 0;
 zeroBytes(cds->bases+iCdsNew, (cds->iCds - iCdsNew));
 cds->iCds = iCdsNew;
 cds->nextFrame = 0;
 static void addCdsExonBases(struct nibTwoCache* genomeSeqs, struct genePred *genePred,
                             int exonCdsStart, int exonCdsEnd, struct cds* cds, int *chromSize)
 struct dnaSeq *dna = getGeneRegion(genomeSeqs, genePred, exonCdsStart, exonCdsEnd, chromSize);
 int iDna = 0;
 int iCdsStart = cds->iCds;
 while (iDna < dna->size)
     cds->bases[cds->iCds++] = dna->dna[iDna++];
 cds->nextFrame = ((cds->nextFrame) + (cds->iCds - iCdsStart)) % 3;
 static void addCdsExon(struct nibTwoCache* genomeSeqs, struct genePred *gp,
                        int exonCdsStart, int exonCdsEnd, int frame,
                        struct cds* cds)
 /* get CDS from one exon */
 // adjust for frame shift, dropping partial codon
 if (frame != cds->nextFrame)
     if (gp->strand[0] == '+')
         exonCdsStart += frame;
         exonCdsEnd -= frame;
 if (exonCdsStart < exonCdsEnd)
     int chromSize = 0;
     addCdsExonBases(genomeSeqs, gp, exonCdsStart, exonCdsEnd, cds, &chromSize);
 static char* getCdsCodons(struct genePred *gp, struct nibTwoCache* genomeSeqs)
 /* get the CDS sequence, dropping partial codons */
 struct cds cds;
 cds.bases = needMem(genePredCdsSize(gp) + 1);
 cds.iCds = 0;
 cds.nextFrame = 0;
 // walk in direction of transcription
 int dir = (gp->strand[0] == '+') ? 1 : -1;
 int iExon = (dir > 0) ? 0 : gp->exonCount-1;
 int iStop = (dir > 0) ? gp->exonCount : -1;
 int exonCdsStart, exonCdsEnd;
 for (; iExon != iStop; iExon += dir)
     if (genePredCdsExon(gp, iExon, &exonCdsStart, &exonCdsEnd))
         addCdsExon(genomeSeqs, gp, exonCdsStart, exonCdsEnd, gp->exonFrames[iExon], &cds);
 if (cds.nextFrame != 0)
 assert((strlen(cds.bases) % 3) == 0);  // ;-)
 return cds.bases;
 static char translateCodon(boolean isChrM, char* codon, bool lastCodon, unsigned options)
 /* translate the first three bases starting at codon, handling weird
  * biology as requested giving */
 char aa = isChrM ? lookupMitoCodon(codon) : lookupCodon(codon);
 if (aa == '\0')
     // stop, contains `N' or selenocysteine
     boolean isStopOrSelno = isStopCodon(codon);
     boolean isRealStop = isReallyStopCodon(codon, !lastCodon); // internal could be selenocysteine
     if (lastCodon)
         if ((options & GENEPRED_TRANSLATE_INCLUDE_STOP) != 0)
             aa = '*';
         else if (!isRealStop)
             aa = 'X';
         // others, \0' will terminate
     else if (((options & GENEPRED_TRANSLATE_SELENO) != 0)
              && isStopOrSelno && !isRealStop)
         aa = 'U';
     else if (isRealStop && ((options & GENEPRED_TRANSLATE_STAR_INFRAME_STOPS) != 0))
         aa = '*';
         aa = 'X';
 return aa;
 static char* translateCds(char* chrom, char* cds, unsigned options)
 /* translate the CDS */
 int cdsLen = strlen(cds);
 char *prot = needMem((cdsLen/3)+1);
 boolean isChrM = sameString(chrom, "chrM");
 int iCds, iProt;
 for (iCds = 0, iProt = 0; iCds < cdsLen; iCds+=3, iProt++)
     prot[iProt] = translateCodon(isChrM, cds+iCds, (iCds == cdsLen-3), options);
 return prot;
 void genePredTranslate(struct genePred *gp, struct nibTwoCache* genomeSeqs, unsigned options,
                        char **protRet, char **cdsRet)
 /* Translate a genePred into a protein.  It can also return the CDS part of the
  * mRNA sequence. If the chrom is chrM, the mitochondrial translation tables are
  * used. If protRet or cdsRet is NULL, those sequences are not returned.
 // note: code tests by genePredToProt
 bool haveFrames = (gp->exonFrames != NULL);
 if (!haveFrames)
     genePredAddExonFrames(gp);  // assume correct frame if not included
 char* cds = getCdsCodons(gp, genomeSeqs);
 char *prot = translateCds(gp->chrom, cds, options);
 if (protRet != NULL)
     *protRet = prot;
 if (cdsRet != NULL)
     *cdsRet = cds;
 if (!haveFrames)
 void genePredToCds(struct genePred *gp, struct genbankCds *cds)
 /* Fill in cds with transcript offsets computed from genePred. */
  * Warning: Genbank CDS does't have the ability to represent
  * partial codons.  If we have genePreds created from GFF/GTF, they can have
  * partial codons, which is indicated in frame.  This code does not correctly handle
  * this case, or frame shifting indels.
 cds->start = cds->end = -1;
 cds->startComplete = cds->endComplete = cds->complement = FALSE;
 if (gp->cdsEnd > gp->cdsStart)
     int e, off = 0;
     int qCdsStart = -1, qCdsEnd = -1;
     for (e = 0; e < gp->exonCount; ++e)
         int eCdsStart, eCdsEnd;
         if (genePredCdsExon(gp, e, &eCdsStart, &eCdsEnd))
             if (qCdsStart < 0)
                 qCdsStart = off + (eCdsStart - gp->exonStarts[e]);
             qCdsEnd = off + (eCdsEnd - gp->exonStarts[e]);
         off += gp->exonEnds[e] - gp->exonStarts[e];
     int qSize = off;
     if (gp->strand[0] == '-')
         reverseIntRange(&qCdsStart, &qCdsEnd, qSize);
     cds->start = qCdsStart;
     cds->end = qCdsEnd;
     cds->startComplete = (gp->cdsStartStat != cdsIncomplete);
     cds->endComplete = (gp->cdsEndStat != cdsIncomplete);
 struct psl *genePredToPsl(struct genePred *gp, int chromSize, int qSize)
 /* Convert a genePred to psl, assuming perfect concordance between target & query.
  * If qSize is 0 then the number of aligned bases will be used as qSize. */
 int e = 0, aliSize = 0;
 for (e = 0; e < gp->exonCount; ++e)
     aliSize += (gp->exonEnds[e] - gp->exonStarts[e]);
 struct psl *psl = pslNew(gp->name, qSize ? qSize : aliSize, 0, aliSize,
                          gp->chrom, chromSize, gp->txStart, gp->txEnd,
                          gp->strand, gp->exonCount, 0);
 // If qSize is greater than aliSize then we assume the extra bases are at the end of
 // the transcript (poly-A tail).  If the alignment is on the '-' strand, then we need
 // to offset the reversed qStarts by the number of extra bases.
 int sizeAdjust = (gp->strand[0] == '-' && qSize > aliSize) ? (qSize - aliSize) : 0;
 int i = -1;
 for (e = 0; e < gp->exonCount; ++e)
     if (e == 0 || gp->exonStarts[e] != gp->exonEnds[e-1])
         psl->blockSizes[i] = (gp->exonEnds[e] - gp->exonStarts[e]);
         psl->qStarts[i] = i==0 ? 0 + sizeAdjust : psl->qStarts[i-1] + psl->blockSizes[i-1];
-//#*** TODO: use exonFrame to detect ribosomal frameshift that makes us skip a base on t
         psl->tStarts[i] = gp->exonStarts[e];
         // Merge "exons" that have a 0-length gap between them to avoid pslCheck failure
         psl->blockSizes[i] += (gp->exonEnds[e] - gp->exonStarts[e]);
 psl->blockCount = i+1;
 psl->match = aliSize;
 psl->tNumInsert = psl->blockCount-1;
 psl->tBaseInsert = (gp->txEnd - gp->txStart) - aliSize;
 return psl;