  Mon Mar 12 10:44:00 2018 -0700
make wiggle sorting give the same answer regardless of the type of graph

diff --git src/hg/hgTracks/wigTrack.c src/hg/hgTracks/wigTrack.c
index eab8c45..2733cdf 100644
--- src/hg/hgTracks/wigTrack.c
+++ src/hg/hgTracks/wigTrack.c
@@ -878,50 +878,58 @@
     if (drawColor != oldDrawColor)
 	mediumColor = somewhatLighterColor32(drawColor);
 	lightColor = somewhatLighterColor32(mediumColor);
 	oldDrawColor = drawColor;
     /*	count is non-zero meaning valid data exists here	*/
     if (p->count)
 	/*	data value has been picked by previous scanning.
 	 *	Could be smoothed, maybe not.
 	double dataValue = p->smooth;
+        /* save a number that represents how many pixels that would be set if we were drawing bars.
+         * This may used for sorting later on */
+        int iy0 = graphUpperLimit * scaleFactor;
+        int iy1 = (graphUpperLimit - dataValue)*scaleFactor;
+        int boxHeight = max(1,abs(iy1 - iy0));
+        *bitCount += boxHeight;
 	/*	The graphing coordinate conversion situation is:
 	 *	graph coordinate y = 0 is graphUpperLimit data space
 	 *	and total graph height is h which is graphRange in data space
 	 *	The Y axis is positive down, negative up.
 	 *	Taking a simple coordinate conversion from data space
 	 *	to the graphing space, the data value is at:
 	 *	h * ((graphUpperLimit - dataValue)/graphRange)
 	 *	and a data value zero line is at:
 	 *	h * (graphUpperLimit/graphRange)
 	 *	These may end up to be negative meaning they are above
 	 *	the upper graphing limit, or be very large, meaning they
          *      are below the lower graphing limit.  This is OK, the
          *      clipping will be taken care of by the vgBox() function.
         if (vis == tvFull || vis == tvPack)
 #define scaleHeightToPixels(val) (min(BIGNUM,(scaleFactor * (graphUpperLimit - (val)) + yOff)))
-#define doLine(image, x, y, height, color) {vLine(image, x, y, height, color); *bitCount += height;}
+#define doLine(image, x, y, height, color) {vLine(image, x, y, height, color); }
 	    if (lineBar == wiggleGraphBar)
 		if (whiskers)
 		    int zeroPos = max(0,scaleHeightToPixels(0));
 		    int scaledVal = scaleHeightToPixels(dataValue);
 		    double std = calcStdFromSums(p->sumData, p->sumSquares, p->count);
 		    double mean = p->sumData/p->count;
 		    if (dataValue < 0)
 			int scaledMin = scaleHeightToPixels(doTransform(p->min, transformFunc));
 			int lightHeight = max(1,scaledMin-zeroPos);
 			int mediumHeight = lightHeight;
 			if (!isnan(std))