  Tue Apr 24 15:08:01 2018 -0700
Sanitize field description (bedToBigBed doesn't understand line-wraps. refs #21109

diff --git src/hg/lib/interact.as src/hg/lib/interact.as
index 71ea30f..ba27127 100644
--- src/hg/lib/interact.as
+++ src/hg/lib/interact.as
@@ -1,25 +1,24 @@
 table interact
 "Interaction between two regions"
     string chrom;      "Chromosome (or contig, scaffold, etc.). For interchromosomal, use 2 records"
     uint chromStart;   "Start position in chromosome of lower region. For interchromosomal, set to chromStart of this region"
     uint chromEnd;     "End position in chromosome of upper region. For interchromosomal, set to chromEnd of this region"
     string name;       "Name of item, for display.  Usually 'name1/name2' or empty"
     uint score;        "Score from 0-1000."
     double value;      "Strength of interaction or other data value. Typically basis for score"
     string exp;        "Experiment name (metadata for filtering). Use . if not applicable"
-    string color;      "Item color.  Specified as r,g,b or hexadecimal #RRGGBB or html color name,
-                                as in //www.w3.org/TR/css3-color/#html4."
+    string color;      "Item color.  Specified as r,g,b or hexadecimal #RRGGBB or html color name, as in //www.w3.org/TR/css3-color/#html4."
     string sourceChrom;  "Chromosome of source region (directional) or lower region. For non-directional interchromosomal, chrom of this region."
     uint sourceStart;  "Start position in chromosome of source/lower/this region"
     uint sourceEnd;    "End position in chromosome of source/lower/this region"
     string sourceName;  "Identifier of source/lower/this region. Can be used as link to related table"
     string sourceStrand; "Orientation of source/lower/this region: + or -.  Use . if not applicable"
     string targetChrom; "Chromosome of target region (directional) or upper region. For non-directional interchromosomal, chrom of other region"
     uint targetStart;  "Start position in chromosome of target/upper/this region"
     uint targetEnd;    "End position in chromosome of target/upper/this region"
     string targetName; "Identifier of target/upper/this region. Can be used as link to related table"
     string targetStrand; "Orientation of target/upper/this region: + or -.  Use . if not applicable"