110f5e12a634db49ea9aa1ea23ff4965f1c2befe galt Tue Aug 14 13:48:57 2018 -0700 changing cse to soe in domains, sometimes gi. ref #21876 diff --git src/hg/bedItemOverlapCount/bedItemOverlapCount.c src/hg/bedItemOverlapCount/bedItemOverlapCount.c index ad27a88..22d0aba 100644 --- src/hg/bedItemOverlapCount/bedItemOverlapCount.c +++ src/hg/bedItemOverlapCount/bedItemOverlapCount.c @@ -52,31 +52,31 @@ void usage() /* Explain usage and exit. */ { errAbort( "bedItemOverlapCount - count number of times a base is overlapped by the\n" "\titems in a bed file. Output is bedGraph 4 to stdout.\n" "usage:\n" " sort bedFile.bed | bedItemOverlapCount [options] <database> stdin\n" "To create a bigWig file from this data to use in a custom track:\n" " sort -k1,1 bedFile.bed | bedItemOverlapCount [options] <database> stdin \\\n" " > bedFile.bedGraph\n" " bedGraphToBigWig bedFile.bedGraph chrom.sizes bedFile.bw\n" " where the chrom.sizes is obtained with the script: fetchChromSizes\n" " See also:\n" - " http://genome-test.cse.ucsc.edu/~kent/src/unzipped/utils/userApps/fetchChromSizes\n" + " http://genome-test.gi.ucsc.edu/~kent/src/unzipped/utils/userApps/fetchChromSizes\n" "options:\n" " -zero add blocks with zero count, normally these are ommitted\n" " -bed12 expect bed12 and count based on blocks\n" " Without this option, only the first three fields are used.\n" " -max if counts per base overflows set to max (%lu) instead of exiting\n" " -outBounds output min/max to stderr\n" " -chromSize=sizefile\tRead chrom sizes from file instead of database\n" " sizefile contains two white space separated fields per line:\n" " chrom name and size\n" " -host=hostname\tmysql host used to get chrom sizes\n" " -user=username\tmysql user\n" " -password=password\tmysql password\n\n" "Notes:\n" " * You may want to separate your + and - strand\n" " items before sending into this program as it only looks at\n"