110f5e12a634db49ea9aa1ea23ff4965f1c2befe galt Tue Aug 14 13:48:57 2018 -0700 changing cse to soe in domains, sometimes gi. ref #21876 diff --git src/hg/qaPushQ/README src/hg/qaPushQ/README index b87aa5e..8cfb1f7 100644 --- src/hg/qaPushQ/README +++ src/hg/qaPushQ/README @@ -20,31 +20,31 @@ cache-busting cb=randomDigits is added to all links and forms except popup help. backdoor to unlock a record: add action=unlock&qid=000027 as URL parms to cgi-bin/qaPushQ will unlock record 27. Currently users must be added manually to the database (note the role should eeither be 'qa' or 'dev'): hgsql qapushq insert into users values ('newname','','dev',''); To clear the password: update users set password='' where user='theuser'; To empty the pseudo-cart: update users set content='' where user='theuser'; -(NOTE: since qapushq cookie was expanded to .cse.ucsc.edu, +(NOTE: since qapushq cookie was expanded to .soe.ucsc.edu, the following trick should not be required) Now that we are using the qaPushQ cgi on hgwdev in a hack that lets us read the files on dev even from beta, this means that the user table on dev needs updating. I currently just dump in from hgwbeta and load it into dev: ssh hgwdev hgsql qapushq -e 'drop table users' hgsqldump -h hgwbeta qapushq users | hgsql qapushq Notes for qaPushQ gateway, adding new queues: CREATE TABLE hg17 (UNIQUE (qid)) SELECT * FROM pushQ; delete from hg17; this will dupe the table structure. A new template that may be useful for staging new assemblies: