110f5e12a634db49ea9aa1ea23ff4965f1c2befe galt Tue Aug 14 13:48:57 2018 -0700 changing cse to soe in domains, sometimes gi. ref #21876 diff --git src/hg/hgTables/mainPage.c src/hg/hgTables/mainPage.c index 6ce957a..685cf39 100644 --- src/hg/hgTables/mainPage.c +++ src/hg/hgTables/mainPage.c @@ -1,1011 +1,1011 @@ /* mainPage - stuff to put up the first table browser page. */ /* Copyright (C) 2014 The Regents of the University of California * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */ #include "common.h" #include "linefile.h" #include "hash.h" #include "htmshell.h" #include "cheapcgi.h" #include "cart.h" #include "cartTrackDb.h" #include "textOut.h" #include "jksql.h" #include "hdb.h" #include "web.h" #include "jsHelper.h" #include "hui.h" #include "hgColors.h" #include "trackDb.h" #include "grp.h" #include "hgTables.h" #include "joiner.h" #include "trackDb.h" #include "hubConnect.h" #include "trackHub.h" #include "hgConfig.h" static struct dyString *onChangeStart() /* Start up a javascript onChange command */ { struct dyString *dy = jsOnChangeStart(); jsDropDownCarryOver(dy, hgtaTrack); jsDropDownCarryOver(dy, hgtaGroup); jsTrackedVarCarryOver(dy, hgtaRegionType, "regionType"); jsTextCarryOver(dy, hgtaRange); jsDropDownCarryOver(dy, hgtaOutputType); jsTextCarryOver(dy, hgtaOutFileName); return dy; } static char *onChangeClade() /* Return javascript executed when they change clade. */ { struct dyString *dy = onChangeStart(); jsDropDownCarryOver(dy, "clade"); jsDropDownCarryOver(dy, hgtaTable); dyStringAppend(dy, " document.hiddenForm.org.value=0;"); dyStringAppend(dy, " document.hiddenForm.db.value=0;"); dyStringAppend(dy, " document.hiddenForm.position.value='';"); return jsOnChangeEnd(&dy); } static char *onChangeOrg() /* Return javascript executed when they change organism. */ { struct dyString *dy = onChangeStart(); jsDropDownCarryOver(dy, "clade"); jsDropDownCarryOver(dy, "org"); jsDropDownCarryOver(dy, hgtaTable); dyStringAppend(dy, " document.hiddenForm.db.value=0;"); dyStringAppend(dy, " document.hiddenForm.position.value='';"); return jsOnChangeEnd(&dy); } static char *onChangeDb() /* Return javascript executed when they change database. */ { struct dyString *dy = onChangeStart(); jsDropDownCarryOver(dy, "clade"); jsDropDownCarryOver(dy, "db"); jsDropDownCarryOver(dy, hgtaTable); dyStringAppend(dy, " document.hiddenForm.position.value='';"); return jsOnChangeEnd(&dy); } static char *onChangeGroupOrTrack() /* Return javascript executed when they change group. */ { struct dyString *dy = onChangeStart(); jsDropDownCarryOver(dy, "clade"); jsDropDownCarryOver(dy, "db"); jsDropDownCarryOver(dy, "org"); dyStringPrintf(dy, " document.hiddenForm.%s.value=0;", hgtaTable); return jsOnChangeEnd(&dy); } static char *onChangeTable() /* Return javascript executed when they change group. */ { struct dyString *dy = onChangeStart(); jsDropDownCarryOver(dy, "clade"); jsDropDownCarryOver(dy, "db"); jsDropDownCarryOver(dy, "org"); jsDropDownCarryOver(dy, hgtaTable); return jsOnChangeEnd(&dy); } void makeRegionButtonExtraHtml(char *val, char *selVal, char *extraHtml) /* Make region radio button including a little Javascript to save selection state * and optional extra html attributes. */ { jsMakeTrackingRadioButtonExtraHtml(hgtaRegionType, "regionType", val, selVal, extraHtml); } void makeRegionButton(char *val, char *selVal) /* Make region radio button including a little Javascript * to save selection state. */ { makeRegionButtonExtraHtml(val, selVal, NULL); } struct grp *showGroupField(char *groupVar, char *event, char *groupScript, struct sqlConnection *conn, boolean allTablesOk) /* Show group control. Returns selected group. */ { struct grp *group, *groupList = fullGroupList; struct grp *selGroup = findSelectedGroup(groupList, groupVar); hPrintf("group:\n"); hPrintf("\n"); return selGroup; } static void addIfExists(struct hash *hash, struct slName **pList, char *name) /* Add name to tail of list if it exists in hash. */ { if (hashLookup(hash, name)) slNameAddTail(pList, name); } struct slName *getDbListForGenome() /* Get list of selectable databases. */ { struct hash *hash = sqlHashOfDatabases(); struct slName *dbList = NULL; addIfExists(hash, &dbList, database); addIfExists(hash, &dbList, "uniProt"); addIfExists(hash, &dbList, "proteome"); addIfExists(hash, &dbList, "go"); addIfExists(hash, &dbList, "hgFixed"); addIfExists(hash, &dbList, "visiGene"); addIfExists(hash, &dbList, "ultra"); return dbList; } char *findSelDb() /* Find user selected database (as opposed to genome database). */ { struct slName *dbList = getDbListForGenome(); char *selDb = cartUsualString(cart, hgtaTrack, NULL); if (!slNameInList(dbList, selDb)) selDb = cloneString(dbList->name); slFreeList(&dbList); return selDb; } struct trackDb *showTrackField(struct grp *selGroup, char *trackVar, char *event, char *trackScript, boolean disableNoGenome) /* Show track control. Returns selected track. */ { struct trackDb *track, *selTrack = NULL; if (trackScript == NULL) trackScript = ""; if (sameString(selGroup->name, "allTables")) { char *selDb = findSelDb(); struct slName *dbList = getDbListForGenome(), *db; hPrintf("database:\n"); hPrintf("\n"); } else { boolean allTracks = sameString(selGroup->name, "allTracks"); hPrintf("track:\n"); hPrintf("\n"); } hPrintf("\n"); return selTrack; } char *unsplitTableName(char *table) /* Convert chr*_name to name */ { if (startsWith("chr", table)) { char *s = strrchr(table, '_'); if (s != NULL) { table = s + 1; } } return table; } struct slName *tablesForDb(char *db) /* Find tables associated with database. */ { boolean isGenomeDb = sameString(db, database); struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(db); struct slName *raw, *rawList = sqlListTables(conn); struct slName *cooked, *cookedList = NULL; struct hash *uniqHash = newHash(0); hFreeConn(&conn); for (raw = rawList; raw != NULL; raw = raw->next) { if (cartTrackDbIsAccessDenied(db, raw->name)) continue; if (isGenomeDb) { /* Deal with tables split across chromosomes. */ char *root = unsplitTableName(raw->name); if (cartTrackDbIsAccessDenied(db, root)) continue; if (!hashLookup(uniqHash, root)) { hashAdd(uniqHash, root, NULL); cooked = slNameNew(root); slAddHead(&cookedList, cooked); } } else { char dbTable[256]; safef(dbTable, sizeof(dbTable), "%s.%s", db, raw->name); cooked = slNameNew(dbTable); slAddHead(&cookedList, cooked); } } hashFree(&uniqHash); slFreeList(&rawList); slSort(&cookedList, slNameCmp); return cookedList; } char *showTableField(struct trackDb *track, char *varName, boolean useJoiner) /* Show table control and label. */ { struct slName *name, *nameList = NULL; char *selTable; if (track == NULL) nameList = tablesForDb(findSelDb()); else nameList = cartTrackDbTablesForTrack(database, track, useJoiner); /* Get currently selected table. If it isn't in our list * then revert to first in list. */ selTable = cartUsualString(cart, varName, nameList->name); if (!slNameInListUseCase(nameList, selTable)) selTable = nameList->name; /* Print out label and drop-down list. */ hPrintf("table: "); hPrintf("\n"); if (!trackHubDatabase(database)) { char *restrictDate = encodeRestrictionDateDisplay(database,selTdb); if (restrictDate) { hPrintf("restricted until: %s", ENCODE_DATA_RELEASE_POLICY, restrictDate); freeMem(restrictDate); } } return selTable; } struct outputType /* Info on an output type. */ { struct outputType *next; char *name; /* Symbolic name of type. */ char *label; /* User visible label. */ }; static void showOutDropDown(struct outputType *otList, struct outputType *otDefault) /* Display output drop-down. */ { struct outputType *ot; char *outputType = cartUsualString(cart, hgtaOutputType, otList->name); if (otDefault != NULL && otDefault != otList) { boolean otInOtList = FALSE; for (ot = otList; ot != NULL; ot = ot->next) if (sameString(ot->name, outputType)) { otInOtList = TRUE; break; } if (! otInOtList) outputType = otDefault->name; } hPrintf("\n"); hPrintf(" "); if (!cfgOptionBooleanDefault("hgta.disableSendOutput", FALSE)) { hPrintf(" Send output to "); struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(256); dyStringAppend(dy, "document.getElementById('checkboxGreat').checked=false;"); if (isGenomeSpaceEnabled()) dyStringAppend(dy, "document.getElementById('checkboxGenomeSpace').checked=false;"); dyStringAppend(dy, "return true;"); cgiMakeCheckBoxWithId("sendToGalaxy", doGalaxy(), "checkboxGalaxy"); jsOnEventById("click", "checkboxGalaxy", dy->string); hPrintf("Galaxy\n"); nbSpaces(2); cgiMakeCheckBoxWithId("sendToGreat", doGreat(), "checkboxGreat"); jsOnEventById("click", "checkboxGreat", "return onSelectGreat();"); hPrintf(" GREAT"); if (isGenomeSpaceEnabled()) { nbSpaces(2); cgiMakeCheckBoxWithId("sendToGenomeSpace", doGenomeSpace(), "checkboxGenomeSpace"); jsOnEventById("click", "checkboxGenomeSpace", "document.getElementById('checkboxGreat').checked=false;" "document.getElementById('checkboxGalaxy').checked=false; return true;"); hPrintf(" GenomeSpace"); } } hPrintf("\n"); } struct outputType otAllFields = { NULL, outPrimaryTable,"all fields from selected table", }; struct outputType otSelected = { NULL, outSelectedFields, "selected fields from primary and related tables", }; struct outputType otSequence = { NULL, outSequence, "sequence", }; struct outputType otPal = { NULL, outPalOptions, "CDS FASTA alignment from multiple alignment", }; struct outputType otGff = { NULL, outGff, "GTF - gene transfer format (limited)", }; struct outputType otBed = { NULL, outBed, "BED - browser extensible data", }; struct outputType otCustomTrack = { NULL, outCustomTrack, "custom track", }; struct outputType otHyperlinks = { NULL, outHyperlinks, "hyperlinks to Genome Browser", }; struct outputType otWigData = { NULL, outWigData, "data points", }; struct outputType otWigBed = { NULL, outWigBed, "bed format", }; struct outputType otMaf = { NULL, outMaf, "MAF - multiple alignment format", }; struct outputType otChromGraphData = { NULL, outChromGraphData, "data points", }; struct outputType otMicroarrayNames = { NULL, outMicroarrayNames, "microarray names", }; struct outputType otMicroarrayGroupings = { NULL, outMicroarrayGroupings, "microarray groupings", }; static void showOutputTypeRow(boolean isWig, boolean isBedGr, boolean isPositional, boolean isMaf, boolean isChromGraphCt, boolean isPal, boolean isMicroarray, boolean isHalSnake) /* Print output line. */ { struct outputType *otList = NULL, *otDefault = NULL; boolean bedifiedOnly = (anySubtrackMerge(database, curTable) || anyIntersection()); hPrintf("
" "To reset all user cart settings (including custom tracks), \n" "click here.\n", getScriptName()); } static char *getGenomeSpaceText() /* fetch GenomeSpace text if enabled */ { if (isGenomeSpaceEnabled()) { return "Send data to " "GenomeSpace for use with diverse computational tools. "; } else { return ""; } } void mainPageAfterOpen(struct sqlConnection *conn) /* Put up main page assuming htmlOpen()/htmlClose() * will happen in calling routine. */ { hPrintf( "Use this program to retrieve the data associated with a track in text " "format, to calculate intersections between tracks, and to retrieve " "DNA sequence covered by a track. For help in using this application " "see Using the Table Browser for a description " "of the controls in this form, the " "User's Guide for " "general information and sample queries, and the OpenHelix Table Browser " "tutorial for a narrated presentation of the software " "features and usage. " "For more complex queries, you may want to use " "Galaxy or " "our public " "MySQL server. " "To examine the biological function of your set through annotation " "enrichments, send the data to " "GREAT. " "%s" "Refer to the " "Credits page for the list of " "contributors and usage restrictions associated with these data. " "All tables can be downloaded in their entirety from the " - "Sequence and Annotation Downloads page." , getGenomeSpaceText() ); // When GREAT is selected, disable the other checkboxes and force output to BED jsInline( "function onSelectGreat() {\n" " document.getElementById('checkboxGalaxy').checked=false;\n"); if (isGenomeSpaceEnabled()) jsInline( " document.getElementById('checkboxGenomeSpace').checked=false;\n"); jsInline( " document.getElementById('outBed').selected=true;\n" " return true;\n" "}\n"); // Disable/enable noGenome tracks depending on whether region is genome. jsInline( "function maybeDisableNoGenome() {\n" " var regionTypeSelected = $('input[name=\"hgta_regionType\"]:checked').val();\n" " var regionIsGenome = (regionTypeSelected === 'genome');\n" " var $noGenomeOptions = $('select[name=\"hgta_track\"] option.hgtaNoGenome');\n" " $noGenomeOptions.attr('disabled', regionIsGenome)\n" " .css('color', regionIsGenome ? '' : 'black');\n" "}\n" "$(document).ready(function() {\n" // once when the page loads, and every time the user changes the region type: " maybeDisableNoGenome();\n" " $('input[name=\"hgta_regionType\"]').change(maybeDisableNoGenome);\n" "});\n"); /* Main form. */ hPrintf("
\n"); /* Hidden form - for benefit of javascript. */ { static char *saveVars[] = { "clade", "org", "db", hgtaGroup, hgtaTrack, hgtaTable, hgtaRegionType, hgtaRange, hgtaOutputType, hgtaOutFileName}; jsCreateHiddenForm(cart, getScriptName(), saveVars, ArraySize(saveVars)); } /* Hidden form for jumping to custom tracks CGI. */ hPrintf("\n"); /* Hidden form for jumping to track hub manager CGI. */ hPrintf("\n"); webNewSection("Using the Table Browser\n"); printMainHelp(); cartFlushHubWarnings(); } void doMainPage(struct sqlConnection *conn) /* Put up the first page user sees. */ { htmlOpen("Table Browser"); mainPageAfterOpen(conn); htmlClose(); }