  Wed Aug 1 13:37:07 2018 -0700
refs #21729. Added CSP and nonce and javascript-separation routines to the Python library hgLib in PyLib.  Changed hgGeneGraph to use those functions and stop XSS attacks. Modified commit for demonstration.

diff --git src/hg/pyLib/hgLib.py src/hg/pyLib/hgLib.py
index 1f4206b..2f70497 100644
--- src/hg/pyLib/hgLib.py
+++ src/hg/pyLib/hgLib.py
@@ -34,30 +34,33 @@
 import platform
 if "hgwdev" in platform.node():
     import cgitb
 # debug level: a number. the higher, the more debug info is printed
 verboseLevel = None
 cgiArgs = None
 # like in the kent tree, we keep track of whether we have already output the content-type line
 contentLineDone = False
 jksqlTrace = False
+def warn(format, *args):
+    print (format % args)
 def errAbort(msg):
     " show msg and abort. Like errAbort.c "
     if not contentLineDone:
     print msg
 def debug(level, msg):
     " output debug message with a given verbosity level "
     if level >= verboseLevel:
 def parseConf(fname):
     " parse a hg.conf style file, return as dict key -> value (all strings) "
@@ -290,45 +293,45 @@
     <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html;CHARSET=iso-8859-1">
     <meta name="description" content="UCSC Genome Browser">
     <meta name="keywords" content="genome, genome browser, human genome, genome assembly, Blat, UCSC, bioinformatics, gene prediction, SNP, SNPs, EST, mRNA, mouse genome, rat genome, chicken genome, chimp genome, dog genome, fruitfly genome, zebrafish genome, xenopus, frog genome, rhesus, opossum, danio rerio genome, drosophila, fugu, yeast, ciona,  comparative genomics, human variation, hapMap">
     <title>UCSC %s</title>
     <link href='https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Oswald:700|Lato:700,700italic,300,400,400italic' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.5.0/css/font-awesome.min.css">
     <link rel='stylesheet' href='https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.12.1/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css' type='text/css'>
     <link rel='stylesheet' href='../style/nice_menu.css' type='text/css'>
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css">
 <!-- BEGIN added for gene interactions page -->
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.12.4/jquery.min.js"></script>
 <script src="//code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.0/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>
-<script> /*** Handle jQuery plugin naming conflict between jQuery UI and Bootstrap ***/
+<script nonce='%s'> /*** Handle jQuery plugin naming conflict between jQuery UI and Bootstrap ***/
 $.widget.bridge('uibutton', $.ui.button); $.widget.bridge('uitooltip', $.ui.tooltip);
 <script type='text/javascript' src='../js/jquery.plugins.js'></script>
 <script src="//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/js/bootstrap.js"></script>
+<script nonce='%s'>
 $.fn.bsTooltip = $.fn.tooltip.noConflict();
 <!-- END added for gene interactions page -->
 def webStartGbNoBanner(prefix, title):
     " output the <head> part, largely copied from web.c / webStartGbNoBanner "
-    print (getGbHeader() % (prefix, title))
+    print (getGbHeader() % (prefix, title, getNonce(), getNonce()))
 def runCmd(cmd, mustRun=True):
     " wrapper around system() that prints error messages. cmd preferably a list, not just a string. "
     import subprocess
     ret = subprocess.call(cmd)
     if ret!=0 and mustRun:
         errAbort("Could not run command %s" % cmd)
     return ret
 def printContentType(contType="text/html", fname=None):
     " print the HTTP Content-type header line with an optional file name "
     global contentLineDone
     contentLineDone = True
     print("Content-type: %s; charset=utf-8" % contType)
     if fname is not None:
@@ -548,30 +551,311 @@
     return val
 def cgiGetAll():
     return cgiArgs
 def makeRandomKey(numBits=128+33):
     " copied line-by-line from kent/src/lib/htmlshell.c:makeRandomKey "
     import base64
     numBytes = (numBits + 7) / 8  # round up to nearest whole byte.
     numBytes = ((numBytes+2)/3)*3 # round up to the nearest multiple of 3 to avoid equals-char padding in base64 output
     f = open("/dev/urandom", "r") # open random system device for read-only access.
     binaryString = f.read(numBytes)
     return base64.b64encode(binaryString, "Aa") # replace + and / with characters that are URL-friendly.
+# ============ Nonce and CSP functions =============
+nonce = None;
+def getNonce():
+    " make nonce one-use-per-page "
+    global nonce
+    if nonce:
+        return nonce
+    nonce = makeRandomKey(128+33) # at least 128 bits of protection, 33 for the world population size.
+    return nonce
+def getNoncePolicy():
+    " get nonce policy clause "
+    return "'nonce-" + getNonce() + "'" 
+def getCspPolicyString():
+    " get the policy string "
+    # example "default-src 'self'; child-src 'none'; object-src 'none'"
+    policy = ""
+    policy += "default-src *;"
+    '''
+    # more secure method not used yet 
+    policy += "default-src 'self';"
+    policy += "  child-src 'self';"
+    '''
+    policy += " script-src 'self' blob:"
+    # Trick for backwards compatibility with browsers that understand CSP1 but not nonces (CSP2).
+    policy += " 'unsafe-inline'"
+    # For browsers that DO understand nonces and CSP2, they ignore 'unsafe-inline' in script if nonce is present.
+    policy += " " + getNoncePolicy()
+    policy += " code.jquery.com"      # used by hgIntegrator jsHelper and others
+    policy += " www.google-analytics.com" # used by google analytics
+    #cirm cdw lib and web browse
+    policy += " www.samsarin.com/project/dagre-d3/latest/dagre-d3.js"
+    policy += " cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/3.4.4/d3.min.js"
+    policy += " cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.12.1/jquery.min.js"
+    policy += " cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jstree/3.2.1/jstree.min.js"
+    policy += " cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/bowser/1.6.1/bowser.min.js"
+    policy += " cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jstree/3.3.4/jstree.min.js"
+    policy += " login.persona.org/include.js"
+    # expMatrix
+    policy +=  " ajax.googleapis.com/ajax"
+    policy += " maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap"
+    policy += " d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js"
+    # jsHelper
+    policy += " cdn.datatables.net"
+    # hgGeneGraph
+    policy += " https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.12.4/jquery.min.js"
+    policy += " http://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/js/bootstrap.js"
+    policy += " http://cdn.rawgit.com/jedfoster/Readmore.js/master/readmore.min.js"
+    policy += ";"
+    policy += " style-src * 'unsafe-inline';"
+    '''
+    # more secure method not used yet 
+    policy += " style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'"
+    policy += " code.jquery.com"         # used by hgIntegrator
+    policy += " netdna.bootstrapcdn.com" # used by hgIntegrator
+    policy += " fonts.googleapis.com"    # used by hgGateway
+    policy += " maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com" # used by hgGateway
+    policy += ";"
+    '''
+    # The data: protocol is used by popular browser extensions.
+    # It seems to be safe and it is too bad that it must be explicitly included.
+    policy += " font-src * data:;"
+    '''
+    /* more secure method not used yet 
+    policy += " font-src 'self'"
+    policy += " netdna.bootstrapcdn.com" # used by hgIntegrator
+    policy += " maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com" # used by hgGateway
+    policy += " fonts.gstatic.com"       # used by hgGateway
+    policy += ";"
+    dyStringAppend(policy, " object-src 'none';");
+    '''
+    policy += " img-src * data:;"  
+    '''
+    # more secure method not used yet 
+    policy += " img-src 'self'"
+    # used by hgGene for modbaseimages in hg/hgc/lowelab.c hg/protein/lib/domains.c hg/hgGene/domains.c
+    policy += " modbase.compbio.ucsf.edu");  
+    policy += " hgwdev.cse.ucsc.edu"); # used by visiGene
+    policy += " genome.ucsc.edu");     # used by visiGene
+    policy += " code.jquery.com");          # used by hgIntegrator
+    policy += " www.google-analytics.com"); # used by google analytics
+    policy += " stats.g.doubleclick.net");  # used by google analytics
+    policy += ";"
+    '''
+    return policy
+def getCspMetaString(policy):
+    " get the policy string as an html header meta tag "
+    # use double quotes around policy because it contains single-quoted values.
+    return "<meta http-equiv='Content-Security-Policy' content=\"" + policy + "\">\n" 
+def getCspMetaResponseHeader(policy):
+    " get the policy string as an http response header "
+    return "Content-Security-Policy: " + policy + "\n"
+def getCspMetaHeader():
+    " return meta CSP header string "
+    return getCspMetaString(getCspPolicyString())
+#============ javascript inline-separation routines ===============
+// One of the main services that CSP (Content Security Policy) provides
+// is protecting from reflected and stored XSS attacks by disabling all inline javacript,
+// both in script tags, and in inline event handlers.  The separated javascript 
+// can be either added back to the end of the html page with a nonce or sha hashid,
+// or it can be saved to a temp file in trash and then included as a non-inline, off-page .js.
+jsInlineLines = ""
+def jsInline(javascript):
+    " Add javascript text to output file or memory structure "
+    global jsInlineLines
+    jsInlineLines += javascript
+def jsInlineF(format, *args):
+    " Add javascript text to output file or memory structure "
+    jsInline(format % args)
+jsInlineFinishCalled = False;
+def jsInlineFinish():
+    " finish outputting accumulated inline javascript "
+    global jsInlineFinishCalled
+    global jsInlineLines
+    if jsInlineFinishCalled:
+	# jsInlineFinish can be called multiple times when generating framesets or genomeSpace.
+	warn("jsInlineFinish() called already.")
+    print "<script type='text/javascript' nonce='%s'>\n%s</script>\n" % (getNonce(), jsInlineLines)
+    jsInlineLines = ""
+    jsInlineFinishCalled = True
+def jsInlineReset():
+    " used by genomeSpace to repeatedly output multiple pages to stdout "
+    global jsInlineFinishCalled
+    jsInlineFinishCalled = False
+jsEvents = [ 
+ ]
+jsEventDic = None
+def findJsEvent(event):
+    " see if it is in the list "
+    global jsEventDic
+    # init event dic
+    if jsEventDic == None:
+	jsEventDic = {}
+	for w in jsEvents:
+	    jsEventDic[w] = True
+    if jsEventDic[event]:
+	return True
+    return False
+def checkValidEvent(event):
+    " check if it is lowercase and a known valid event name "
+    # TODO GALT
+    temp = event.lower()
+    if temp != event:
+	warn("jsInline: javascript event %s should be given in lower-case", event)
+    event = temp; 
+    if not findJsEvent(event):
+	warn("jsInline: unknown javascript event %s", event)
+def jsOnEventById(eventName, idText, jsText):
+    " Add js mapping for inline event "
+    checkValidEvent(eventName)
+    jsInlineF("document.getElementById('%s').on%s = function(event) {if (!event) {event=window.event}; %s};\n", idText, eventName, jsText)
+def jsOnEventByIdF(eventName, idText, format, *args):
+    " Add js mapping for inline event with printf formatting "
+    checkValidEvent(eventName)
+    jsInlineF("document.getElementById('%s').on%s = function(event) {if (!event) {event=window.event}; ", idText, eventName)
+    jsInlineF(format, args)
+    jsInlineF("};\n")
+#============ END of javascript inline-separation routines ===============
 def cartDbLoadFromId(conn, table, cartId, oldCart):
     " Like src/hg/lib/cart.c, opens cart table and parses cart contents given a cartId of the format 123123_csctac "
     import urlparse
     if cartId==None:
         return {}
     cartFields = cartId.split("_")
     if len(cartFields)!=2:
         errAbort("Could not parse identifier %s for cart table %s" % (cgi.escape(cartId), table))
     idStr, secureId = cartFields
     query = "SELECT contents FROM "+table+" WHERE id=%(id)s and sessionKey=%(sessionKey)s"
     rows = sqlQuery(conn, query, {"id":idStr, "sessionKey":secureId})
     if len(rows)==0:
         # silently ignore invalid cart IDs for now. Future code may want to generate a new cart.