  Wed Aug 1 13:37:07 2018 -0700
refs #21729. Added CSP and nonce and javascript-separation routines to the Python library hgLib in PyLib.  Changed hgGeneGraph to use those functions and stop XSS attacks. Modified commit for demonstration.

diff --git src/hg/pyLib/hgLib.py src/hg/pyLib/hgLib.py
index 1f4206b..2f70497 100644
--- src/hg/pyLib/hgLib.py
+++ src/hg/pyLib/hgLib.py
@@ -1,677 +1,961 @@
 # Library functions for genome browser CGI scripts written in Python 2.7
 # Because this library is loaded for every CGI execution, only a
 # fairly minimal set of functions is implemented here, e.g. hg.conf parsing,
 # bottleneck, cart loading, mysql queries.
 # The cart is currently read-only. More work is needed to allow writing a cart.
 # General rules for CGI in Python:
 # - never insert values into SQL queries. Write %s in the query and provide the
 #   arguments to sqlQuery as a list.  
 # - never print incoming HTTP argument as raw text. Run it through cgi.escape to 
 #   destroy javascript code in them.
 # Non-standard imports. They need to be installed on the machine. 
 # We provide a pre-compiled library as part of our cgi-bin distribution as a
 # fallback in the "pyLib" directory. The idea of having pyLib be the last
 # directory in sys.path is that the system MySQLdb takes precedence.
     import MySQLdb
     print "Installation error - could not load MySQLdb for Python. Please tell your system administrator to run " \
         "one of these commands as root: 'yum install MySQL-python', 'apt-get install python-mysqldb' or 'pip install MySQL-python'."
 # Imports from the Python 2.7 standard library
 # Please minimize global imports. Each library import can take up to 20msecs.
 import os, cgi, sys, logging
 from os.path import join, isfile, normpath, abspath, dirname, isdir, splitext
 from collections import namedtuple
 # activate debugging output output only on dev
 import platform
 if "hgwdev" in platform.node():
     import cgitb
 # debug level: a number. the higher, the more debug info is printed
 verboseLevel = None
 cgiArgs = None
 # like in the kent tree, we keep track of whether we have already output the content-type line
 contentLineDone = False
 jksqlTrace = False
+def warn(format, *args):
+    print (format % args)
 def errAbort(msg):
     " show msg and abort. Like errAbort.c "
     if not contentLineDone:
     print msg
 def debug(level, msg):
     " output debug message with a given verbosity level "
     if level >= verboseLevel:
 def parseConf(fname):
     " parse a hg.conf style file, return as dict key -> value (all strings) "
     conf = {}
     for line in open(fname):
         line = line.strip()
         if line.startswith("#"):
         elif line.startswith("include "):
             inclFname = line.split()[1]
             absFname = normpath(join(dirname(fname), inclFname))
             if os.path.isfile(absFname):
                 inclDict = parseConf(absFname)
         elif "=" in line: # string search for "="
             key, value = line.split("=")
             conf[key] = value
     return conf
 # cache of hg.conf contents
 hgConf = None
 def parseHgConf():
     """ return hg.conf as dict key:value. """
     global hgConf
     if hgConf is not None:
         return hgConf
     hgConf = dict() # python dict = hash table
     confDir = os.path.dirname(__file__) # look for hg.conf in parent dir
     fname = os.path.join(confDir, "..", "hg.conf")
     hgConf = parseConf(fname)
     if cfgOptionBoolean("JKSQL_TRACE"):
         global jksqlTrace
         jksqlTrace = True
     return hgConf
 def cfgOption(name, default=None):
     " return hg.conf option or default "
     return hgConf.get(name, default)
 def cfgOptionBoolean(name, default=False):
     " return True if option is set to 1, on or true, or default if not set "
     val = hgConf.get(name, default) in [True, "on", "1", "true"]
     return val
 def sqlConnect(db, host=None, user=None, passwd=None):
     """ connect to sql server specified in hg.conf with given db. Like jksql.c. """
     cfg = parseHgConf()
     if host==None:
         host, user, passwd = cfg["db.host"], cfg["db.user"], cfg["db.password"]
     conn = MySQLdb.connect(host=host, user=user, passwd=passwd, db=db)
     # we will need this info later
     conn.failoverConn = None
     conn.db = db
     conn.host = host
     return conn
 def sqlTableExists(conn, table):
     " return True if table exists. Like jksql.c "
     query = "SHOW TABLES LIKE %s"
     sqlQueryExists(conn, query, table)
 def sqlQueryExists(conn, query, args=None):
     " return true if query returns a result. Like jksql.c. No caching for now, unlike hdb.c. "
     cursor = conn.cursor()
     rows = cursor.execute(query, args)
     row = cursor.fetchone()
     res = (row!=None)
     return res
 def _sqlConnectFailover(conn):
     " connect the failover connection of a connection "
     cfg = parseHgConf()
     if "slow-db.host" not in cfg:
     host, user, passwd = cfg["slow-db.host"], cfg["slow-db.user"], cfg["slow-db.password"]
     sys.stderr.write("SQL_CONNECT 0 %s %s %s\n" % (host, user, passwd))
     db = conn.db
     failoverConn = MySQLdb.connect(host=host, user=user, passwd=passwd, db=db)
     conn.failoverConn = failoverConn
 def _timeDeltaSeconds(time1, time2):
     " convert time difference to total seconds for python 2.6 "
     td = time1 - time2
     return (td.microseconds + (td.seconds + td.days * 24 * 3600) * 10**6) / 10**6
 def sqlQuery(conn, query, args=None):
     """ Return all rows for query, placeholders can be used, args is a list to
     replace placeholders, to prevent Mysql injection.  Never do replacement
     with %s yourself, unless the value is coming from inside the program. This
     is called a "parameterized query". There is only %s, %d does not work.
     query = "SELECT contents FROM table WHERE id=%(id)s and name=%(name)s;"
     rows = sqlQuery(conn, query, {"id":1234, "name":"hiram"})
     cursor = conn.cursor()
     if jksqlTrace:
         from datetime import datetime
         sys.stderr.write("SQL_QUERY 0 %s %s %s %s\n" % (conn.host, conn.db, query, args))
         startTime = datetime.now()
         rows = cursor.execute(query, args)
         if jksqlTrace:
             timeDiff = _timeDeltaSeconds(datetime.now(), startTime)
             sys.stderr.write("SQL_TIME 0 %s %s %.3f\n" % (conn.host, conn.db, timeDiff))
     except MySQLdb.Error, errObj:
         # on table not found, try the secondary mysql connection, "slow-db" in hg.conf
         errCode, errDesc = errObj
         if errCode!=1146: # "table not found" error
         if conn.failoverConn == None:
         if not conn.failoverConn:
         # stay compatible with the jksql.c JKSQL_TRACE output format
         if jksqlTrace:
             sys.stderr.write("SQL_FAILOVER 0 %s %s db -> slow-db | %s %s\n" % \
                     (conn.host, conn.db, query, args))
         cursor = conn.failoverConn.cursor()
         rows = cursor.execute(query, args)
     if jksqlTrace:
         startTime = datetime.now()
     data = cursor.fetchall()
     if jksqlTrace:
         timeDiff = _timeDeltaSeconds(datetime.now(), startTime)
         sys.stderr.write("SQL_FETCH 0 %s %s %.3f\n" % (conn.host, conn.db, timeDiff))
     colNames = [desc[0] for desc in cursor.description]
     Rec = namedtuple("MysqlRow", colNames)
     recs = [Rec(*row) for row in data]
     return recs
 def htmlPageEnd(oldJquery=False):
     " close html body/page "
     print "</body>"
     print "</html>"
 def printMenuBar(oldJquery=False):
     baseDir = "../"
     " print the menubar. Mostly copied from src/hg/hgMenuBar.c "
     print ("<noscript><div class='noscript'><div class='noscript-inner'><p><b>JavaScript is disabled in your web browser</b></p>")
     print ("<p>You must have JavaScript enabled in your web browser to use the Genome Browser</p></div></div></noscript>\n")
     menuPath = "../htdocs/inc/globalNavBar.inc"
     navBarStr = open(menuPath, "r").read()
     print (navBarStr)
     # fixup old menubar, copied from hgGtexTrackSettings, for now
     print("<link rel='stylesheet' href='../style/gbAfterMenu.css' type='text/css'>")
     print("<link rel='stylesheet' href='../style/gb.css'>")
     print("<link rel='stylesheet' href='../style/hgGtexTrackSettings.css'>")
     print("<div class='container-fluid'>")
 def printHgcHeader(assembly, shortLabel, longLabel, addGoButton=True, infoUrl="#INFO_SECTION", infoMouseOver="Jump to the track description"):
     " copied from hgGtexTrackSettings, uses bootstrap styling "
     #print("<form action='../cgi-bin/hgTracks' name='MAIN_FORM' method=POST>")
     print("<a name='TRACK_TOP'></a>")
     print("<div class='row gbTrackTitleBanner'>")
     print("<div class='col-md-10'>")
     if assembly is not None:
         print("<span class='gbTrackName'>")
         print("<span class='gbAssembly'>%s</span>" % assembly)
     print("<span class='gbTrackTitle'>%s</span>" % longLabel)
     print("<a href='%s' title='%s'>" % (infoUrl, infoMouseOver))
     print("<span class='gbIconSmall fa-stack'>")
     print("<i class='gbBlueDarkColor fa fa-circle fa-stack-2x'></i>")
     print("<i class='gbWhiteColor fa fa-info fa-stack-1x'></i>")
     if addGoButton:
         print("<div class='col-md-2 text-right'>")
         print("<div class='gbButtonGoContainer' title='Go to the Genome Browser'>")
         print("<div class='gbButtonGo'>GO</div>")
         print("<i class='gbIconGo fa fa-play fa-2x'></i>")
     print("<!-- Track Configuration Panels -->")
     print("<div class='row'>")
     print("<div class='col-md-12'>")
 def printHgcSection(name, rightSideContent, id=None):
     " print a section header for the hgc page "
     print("<!-- Configuration panel -->")
     if id is None:
         print("<div class='row gbSectionBanner'>")
         print("<div class='row gbSectionBanner' id='%s'>" % id)
     print("<div class='col-md-10'>%s</div>" % name)
     print("<div class='col-md-2 text-right'>")
 def getGbHeader():
     " Python cannot include files with the preprocessor, so manually copied kent/src/hg/lib/gbHeader.h for now "
     return """<!DOCTYPE html>
     <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html;CHARSET=iso-8859-1">
     <meta name="description" content="UCSC Genome Browser">
     <meta name="keywords" content="genome, genome browser, human genome, genome assembly, Blat, UCSC, bioinformatics, gene prediction, SNP, SNPs, EST, mRNA, mouse genome, rat genome, chicken genome, chimp genome, dog genome, fruitfly genome, zebrafish genome, xenopus, frog genome, rhesus, opossum, danio rerio genome, drosophila, fugu, yeast, ciona,  comparative genomics, human variation, hapMap">
     <title>UCSC %s</title>
     <link href='https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Oswald:700|Lato:700,700italic,300,400,400italic' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.5.0/css/font-awesome.min.css">
     <link rel='stylesheet' href='https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.12.1/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css' type='text/css'>
     <link rel='stylesheet' href='../style/nice_menu.css' type='text/css'>
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css">
 <!-- BEGIN added for gene interactions page -->
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.12.4/jquery.min.js"></script>
 <script src="//code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.0/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>
-<script> /*** Handle jQuery plugin naming conflict between jQuery UI and Bootstrap ***/
+<script nonce='%s'> /*** Handle jQuery plugin naming conflict between jQuery UI and Bootstrap ***/
 $.widget.bridge('uibutton', $.ui.button); $.widget.bridge('uitooltip', $.ui.tooltip);
 <script type='text/javascript' src='../js/jquery.plugins.js'></script>
 <script src="//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/js/bootstrap.js"></script>
+<script nonce='%s'>
 $.fn.bsTooltip = $.fn.tooltip.noConflict();
 <!-- END added for gene interactions page -->
 def webStartGbNoBanner(prefix, title):
     " output the <head> part, largely copied from web.c / webStartGbNoBanner "
-    print (getGbHeader() % (prefix, title))
+    print (getGbHeader() % (prefix, title, getNonce(), getNonce()))
 def runCmd(cmd, mustRun=True):
     " wrapper around system() that prints error messages. cmd preferably a list, not just a string. "
     import subprocess
     ret = subprocess.call(cmd)
     if ret!=0 and mustRun:
         errAbort("Could not run command %s" % cmd)
     return ret
 def printContentType(contType="text/html", fname=None):
     " print the HTTP Content-type header line with an optional file name "
     global contentLineDone
     contentLineDone = True
     print("Content-type: %s; charset=utf-8" % contType)
     if fname is not None:
         print("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=%s" % fname)
 def queryBottleneck(host, port, ip):
     " contact UCSC-style bottleneck server to get current delay time. From hg/lib/botDelay.c "
     # send ip address
     import socket
     s =  socket.socket()
     s.connect((host, int(port)))
     msg = ip
     d = chr(len(msg))+msg
     # read delay time
     expLen = ord(s.recv(1))
     totalLen = 0
     buf = list()
     while True:
         resp = s.recv(1024)
         totalLen+= len(resp)
         if totalLen==expLen:
     return int("".join(buf))
 def hgBotDelay():
     Implement bottleneck delay, get bottleneck server from hg.conf.
     This behaves similar to the function src/hg/lib/botDelay.c:hgBotDelay
     It does not use the hgsid, currently it always uses the IP address.
     Using the hgsid makes little sense. It is more lenient than that C version.
     import time
     if "DOCUMENT_ROOT" not in os.environ: # skip if not called from Apache
     global hgConf
     hgConf = parseHgConf()
     if "bottleneck.host" not in hgConf:
     ip = os.environ["REMOTE_ADDR"]
     delay = queryBottleneck(hgConf["bottleneck.host"], hgConf["bottleneck.port"], ip)
     if delay>10000:
     if delay>20000:
         errAbort("Too many queries. Your IP has been blocked. Please contact genome-www@soe.ucsc.edu to unblock your IP address.")
 def parseRa(text):
     " Parse ra-style string and return as dict name -> value "
     import string
     lines = text.split("\n")
     data = dict()
     for l in lines:
         if len(l)==0:
         key, val = string.split(l, " ", maxsplit=1)
         data[key] = val
     return data
 def lineFileNextRow(inFile):
     parses tab-sep file with headers in first line. Yields collection.namedtuples.
     Strips "#"-prefix from header line.
     Cannot parse headers with non-alpha characters and fields that are not ASCII. Code
     for these cases is commented out, for performance reasons.
     import gzip, string
     if isinstance(inFile, str):
         if inFile.endswith(".gz"):
             fh = gzip.open(inFile, 'rb')
             fh = open(inFile)
         fh = inFile
     line1 = fh.readline()
     line1 = line1.rstrip("\n").lstrip("#")
     headers = line1.split("\t")
     #headers = [re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]","_", h) for h in headers]
     #headers = [x if x!="" else "noName" for x in headers]
     #filtHeads = []
     #for h in headers:
         #if h[0].isdigit():
     #headers = filtHeads
     Record = namedtuple('tsvRec', headers)
     for line in fh:
         if line.startswith("#"):
         #line = line.decode("latin1")
         line = line.rstrip("\n")
         fields = string.split(line, "\t", maxsplit=len(headers)-1)
             rec = Record(*fields)
         except Exception, msg:
             logging.error("Exception occured while parsing line, %s" % msg)
             logging.error("Filename %s" % fh.name)
             logging.error("Line was: %s" % line)
             logging.error("Does number of fields match headers?")
             logging.error("Headers are: %s" % headers)
             raise Exception("header count: %d != field count: %d wrong field count in line %s" % (len(headers), len(fields), line))
         yield rec
 def parseDict(fname):
     """ Parse text file in format key<tab>value<newline> and return as dict key->val.
     Does not abort on duplicate keys, for performance reasons. """
     import gzip
     d = {}
     if fname.endswith(".gz"):
         fh = gzip.open(fname)
         fh = open(fname)
     for line in fh:
         key, val = line.rstrip("\n").split("\t")
         d[key] = val
     return d
 def gbdbReplace(fname, hgConfSetting):
     " replace /gbdb/ in fname with hgConfSetting "
     if not fname.startswith("/gbdb/"):
         return None
     gbdbLoc = hgConf.get(hgConfSetting)
     if gbdbLoc is None:
         return None
     return fname.replace("/gbdb/", gbdbLoc)
 def getUdcCacheDir():
     " return the udc cache dir and create it if it doesn't exist "
     udcDir = hgConf.get("udc.cacheDir", "/tmp/udcCache")
     if not isdir(udcDir):
     return udcDir
 def hGbdbReplace(fname):
     " hdb.c : get the local filename on disk or construct a URL to a /gbdb file and return it "
     if not isfile(fname):
     # try using gbdbLoc1
         fname2 = gbdbReplace(fname, "gbdbLoc1")
         if fname2 and isfile(fname2):
             return fname2
     if not isfile(fname):
     # try using gbdbLoc2, which can be a URL
         fname2 = gbdbReplace(fname, "gbdbLoc2")
         return fname2
     return fname
 def netUrlOpen(url):
     " net.c: open a URL and return a file object "
     import urllib2, time, errno
     from socket import error as SocketError
     # let our webservers know that we are not a Firefox
     opener = urllib2.build_opener()
     opener.addheaders = [('User-Agent', 'Genome Browser pyLib/hgLib.py:netUrlOpen()')]
     resp = None
     for x in range(5): # limit number of retries
         resp = opener.open(url)
       except SocketError as e:
         if e.errno != errno.ECONNRESET:
           raise # re-raise any other error
     return resp
 def readSmallFile(fname):
     """ read a small file, usually from /gbdb/, entirely into memory and return lines.
     If the file doesn't exist, try gbdbLoc1, then gbdbLoc2
     and keep a local copy if only found on gbdbLoc2.
     This is similar but not the same as the UDC system in the kent C code, but
     for small files and a complete read over it, the UDC system may be overkill
     for Python.
     fname = hGbdbReplace(fname)
     if fname.startswith("http"):
         # download to local disk; local filename is the hash of the URL
         import hashlib
         udcCacheDir = getUdcCacheDir()
         m = hashlib.md5()
         fileExt = splitext(fname)[-1]
         tmpFname = join(udcCacheDir, "hgLibCache_"+m.hexdigest()+"."+fileExt)
         if not isfile(tmpFname):
             data = netUrlOpen(fname).read()
             fh = open(tmpFname, "w")
         fname = tmpFname
     if fname.endswith(".gz"):
         import gzip
         fh = gzip.open(fname)
         fh = open(fname)
     lines = fh.read().splitlines()
     return lines
 def cgiString(name, default=None):
     " get named cgi variable as a string, like lib/cheapcgi.c "
     val = cgiArgs.getfirst(name, default=default)
     return val
 def cgiGetAll():
     return cgiArgs
 def makeRandomKey(numBits=128+33):
     " copied line-by-line from kent/src/lib/htmlshell.c:makeRandomKey "
     import base64
     numBytes = (numBits + 7) / 8  # round up to nearest whole byte.
     numBytes = ((numBytes+2)/3)*3 # round up to the nearest multiple of 3 to avoid equals-char padding in base64 output
     f = open("/dev/urandom", "r") # open random system device for read-only access.
     binaryString = f.read(numBytes)
     return base64.b64encode(binaryString, "Aa") # replace + and / with characters that are URL-friendly.
+# ============ Nonce and CSP functions =============
+nonce = None;
+def getNonce():
+    " make nonce one-use-per-page "
+    global nonce
+    if nonce:
+        return nonce
+    nonce = makeRandomKey(128+33) # at least 128 bits of protection, 33 for the world population size.
+    return nonce
+def getNoncePolicy():
+    " get nonce policy clause "
+    return "'nonce-" + getNonce() + "'" 
+def getCspPolicyString():
+    " get the policy string "
+    # example "default-src 'self'; child-src 'none'; object-src 'none'"
+    policy = ""
+    policy += "default-src *;"
+    '''
+    # more secure method not used yet 
+    policy += "default-src 'self';"
+    policy += "  child-src 'self';"
+    '''
+    policy += " script-src 'self' blob:"
+    # Trick for backwards compatibility with browsers that understand CSP1 but not nonces (CSP2).
+    policy += " 'unsafe-inline'"
+    # For browsers that DO understand nonces and CSP2, they ignore 'unsafe-inline' in script if nonce is present.
+    policy += " " + getNoncePolicy()
+    policy += " code.jquery.com"      # used by hgIntegrator jsHelper and others
+    policy += " www.google-analytics.com" # used by google analytics
+    #cirm cdw lib and web browse
+    policy += " www.samsarin.com/project/dagre-d3/latest/dagre-d3.js"
+    policy += " cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/3.4.4/d3.min.js"
+    policy += " cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.12.1/jquery.min.js"
+    policy += " cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jstree/3.2.1/jstree.min.js"
+    policy += " cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/bowser/1.6.1/bowser.min.js"
+    policy += " cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jstree/3.3.4/jstree.min.js"
+    policy += " login.persona.org/include.js"
+    # expMatrix
+    policy +=  " ajax.googleapis.com/ajax"
+    policy += " maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap"
+    policy += " d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js"
+    # jsHelper
+    policy += " cdn.datatables.net"
+    # hgGeneGraph
+    policy += " https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.12.4/jquery.min.js"
+    policy += " http://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/js/bootstrap.js"
+    policy += " http://cdn.rawgit.com/jedfoster/Readmore.js/master/readmore.min.js"
+    policy += ";"
+    policy += " style-src * 'unsafe-inline';"
+    '''
+    # more secure method not used yet 
+    policy += " style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'"
+    policy += " code.jquery.com"         # used by hgIntegrator
+    policy += " netdna.bootstrapcdn.com" # used by hgIntegrator
+    policy += " fonts.googleapis.com"    # used by hgGateway
+    policy += " maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com" # used by hgGateway
+    policy += ";"
+    '''
+    # The data: protocol is used by popular browser extensions.
+    # It seems to be safe and it is too bad that it must be explicitly included.
+    policy += " font-src * data:;"
+    '''
+    /* more secure method not used yet 
+    policy += " font-src 'self'"
+    policy += " netdna.bootstrapcdn.com" # used by hgIntegrator
+    policy += " maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com" # used by hgGateway
+    policy += " fonts.gstatic.com"       # used by hgGateway
+    policy += ";"
+    dyStringAppend(policy, " object-src 'none';");
+    '''
+    policy += " img-src * data:;"  
+    '''
+    # more secure method not used yet 
+    policy += " img-src 'self'"
+    # used by hgGene for modbaseimages in hg/hgc/lowelab.c hg/protein/lib/domains.c hg/hgGene/domains.c
+    policy += " modbase.compbio.ucsf.edu");  
+    policy += " hgwdev.cse.ucsc.edu"); # used by visiGene
+    policy += " genome.ucsc.edu");     # used by visiGene
+    policy += " code.jquery.com");          # used by hgIntegrator
+    policy += " www.google-analytics.com"); # used by google analytics
+    policy += " stats.g.doubleclick.net");  # used by google analytics
+    policy += ";"
+    '''
+    return policy
+def getCspMetaString(policy):
+    " get the policy string as an html header meta tag "
+    # use double quotes around policy because it contains single-quoted values.
+    return "<meta http-equiv='Content-Security-Policy' content=\"" + policy + "\">\n" 
+def getCspMetaResponseHeader(policy):
+    " get the policy string as an http response header "
+    return "Content-Security-Policy: " + policy + "\n"
+def getCspMetaHeader():
+    " return meta CSP header string "
+    return getCspMetaString(getCspPolicyString())
+#============ javascript inline-separation routines ===============
+// One of the main services that CSP (Content Security Policy) provides
+// is protecting from reflected and stored XSS attacks by disabling all inline javacript,
+// both in script tags, and in inline event handlers.  The separated javascript 
+// can be either added back to the end of the html page with a nonce or sha hashid,
+// or it can be saved to a temp file in trash and then included as a non-inline, off-page .js.
+jsInlineLines = ""
+def jsInline(javascript):
+    " Add javascript text to output file or memory structure "
+    global jsInlineLines
+    jsInlineLines += javascript
+def jsInlineF(format, *args):
+    " Add javascript text to output file or memory structure "
+    jsInline(format % args)
+jsInlineFinishCalled = False;
+def jsInlineFinish():
+    " finish outputting accumulated inline javascript "
+    global jsInlineFinishCalled
+    global jsInlineLines
+    if jsInlineFinishCalled:
+	# jsInlineFinish can be called multiple times when generating framesets or genomeSpace.
+	warn("jsInlineFinish() called already.")
+    print "<script type='text/javascript' nonce='%s'>\n%s</script>\n" % (getNonce(), jsInlineLines)
+    jsInlineLines = ""
+    jsInlineFinishCalled = True
+def jsInlineReset():
+    " used by genomeSpace to repeatedly output multiple pages to stdout "
+    global jsInlineFinishCalled
+    jsInlineFinishCalled = False
+jsEvents = [ 
+ ]
+jsEventDic = None
+def findJsEvent(event):
+    " see if it is in the list "
+    global jsEventDic
+    # init event dic
+    if jsEventDic == None:
+	jsEventDic = {}
+	for w in jsEvents:
+	    jsEventDic[w] = True
+    if jsEventDic[event]:
+	return True
+    return False
+def checkValidEvent(event):
+    " check if it is lowercase and a known valid event name "
+    # TODO GALT
+    temp = event.lower()
+    if temp != event:
+	warn("jsInline: javascript event %s should be given in lower-case", event)
+    event = temp; 
+    if not findJsEvent(event):
+	warn("jsInline: unknown javascript event %s", event)
+def jsOnEventById(eventName, idText, jsText):
+    " Add js mapping for inline event "
+    checkValidEvent(eventName)
+    jsInlineF("document.getElementById('%s').on%s = function(event) {if (!event) {event=window.event}; %s};\n", idText, eventName, jsText)
+def jsOnEventByIdF(eventName, idText, format, *args):
+    " Add js mapping for inline event with printf formatting "
+    checkValidEvent(eventName)
+    jsInlineF("document.getElementById('%s').on%s = function(event) {if (!event) {event=window.event}; ", idText, eventName)
+    jsInlineF(format, args)
+    jsInlineF("};\n")
+#============ END of javascript inline-separation routines ===============
 def cartDbLoadFromId(conn, table, cartId, oldCart):
     " Like src/hg/lib/cart.c, opens cart table and parses cart contents given a cartId of the format 123123_csctac "
     import urlparse
     if cartId==None:
         return {}
     cartFields = cartId.split("_")
     if len(cartFields)!=2:
         errAbort("Could not parse identifier %s for cart table %s" % (cgi.escape(cartId), table))
     idStr, secureId = cartFields
     query = "SELECT contents FROM "+table+" WHERE id=%(id)s and sessionKey=%(sessionKey)s"
     rows = sqlQuery(conn, query, {"id":idStr, "sessionKey":secureId})
     if len(rows)==0:
         # silently ignore invalid cart IDs for now. Future code may want to generate a new cart.
         return {}
     cartList = urlparse.parse_qs(rows[0][0])
     # by default, python returns a dict with key -> list of vals. We need only the first one
     for key, vals in cartList.iteritems():
         oldCart[key] =vals[0]
     return oldCart
 centralConn = None
 def hConnectCentral():
     " similar to src/hg/lib/hdb.c:hConnectCentral. We use a much simpler cache, because we usually read all rows into memory. "
     global centralConn
     if centralConn:
         return centralConn
     centralDb = cfgOption("central.db")
     if centralDb is None:
         errAbort("Could not find central.db in hg.conf. Installation error.")
     centralUser = cfgOption("central.user")
     if centralUser is None:
         errAbort("Could not find central.user in hg.conf. Installation error.")
     centralPwd = cfgOption("central.password")
     if centralPwd is None:
         errAbort("Could not find central.password in hg.conf. Installation error.")
     centralHost = cfgOption("central.host")
     if centralHost is None:
         errAbort("Could not find central.host in hg.conf. Installation error.")
     conn = sqlConnect(centralDb, host=centralHost, user=centralUser, passwd=centralPwd)
     centralConn = conn
     return conn
 def cartNew(conn, table):
     " create a new cart and return ID "
     sessionKey = makeRandomKey()
     sqlQuery(conn, "INSERT %s VALUES(0,'',0,now(),now(),0,%s" % (table, sessionKey));
     sqlLastId = conn.insert_id()
     newId = "%d_%s" % (sqlLastId, sessionKey)
     return newId
 def cartAndCookieSimple():
     """ Make the cart from the user cookie (user settings) and the hgsid CGI parameter (session settings, e.g. a browser tab).
         This is somewhat similar to cartAndCookie from hg/lib/cart.c
         Two important differences: this cart does not add all CGI arguments automatically.
         It also does not run cart.c:cartJustify, so track priorities are not applied.
         Also, if there is no hgsid parameter or no cookie, we do not create a new cart.
     import Cookie
     # no cgiApoptosis yet - maybe needed in the future. see cart.c / cartNew
     if "HTTP_COOKIE" in os.environ:
         cookies = Cookie.SimpleCookie(os.environ["HTTP_COOKIE"])
         cookieName = cfgOption("central.cookie", "hguid")
         hguid = cookies.get(cookieName)
         if hguid is not None:
             hguid = hguid.value # cookies have values and other attributes. We only need the value
         hguid = None
     hgsid = cgiString("hgsid")
     conn = hConnectCentral()
     cart = {}
     userInfo = cartDbLoadFromId(conn, "userDb", hguid, cart)
     sessionInfo = cartDbLoadFromId(conn, "sessionDb", hgsid, cart)
     return cart
 def cartString(cart, default=None):
     " Get a string from the cart. For better readability for programmers used to the C code. "
     return cart.get(cart, default)
 def cgiSetup():
     """ do the usual browser CGI setup: parse the hg.conf file, parse the CGI
     variables, get the cart, do bottleneck delay. Returns the cart.
     This is not part of the C code (though it maybe should).
     global cgiArgs
     cgiArgs = cgi.FieldStorage() # Python has built-in cgiSpoof support: sys.argv[1] is the query string if run from the command line
     if cgiString("debug"):
         global verboseLevel
         verboseLevel = int(cgiString("debug"))
     cart = cartAndCookieSimple()
     return cart
 #if __file__=="__main__":