Fri Aug 10 15:38:25 2018 -0700
oops, forget target _blank, refs #21895
diff --git src/inc/vcf.h src/inc/vcf.h
index 8dbd04b..36b5d61 100644
--- src/inc/vcf.h
+++ src/inc/vcf.h
@@ -1,322 +1,322 @@
/* VCF: Variant Call Format, version 4.0 / 4.1
* http://www.1000genomes.org/wiki/Analysis/Variant%20Call%20Format/vcf-variant-call-format-version-40
* http://www.1000genomes.org/wiki/Analysis/Variant%20Call%20Format/vcf-variant-call-format-version-41
* The vcfFile object borrows many memory handling and error reporting tricks from MarkD's
* gff3File; any local deficiencies are not to reflect poorly on Mark's fine work! :) */
#ifndef vcf_h
#define vcf_h
#include "limits.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "linefile.h"
#include "asParse.h"
enum vcfInfoType
/* VCF header defines INFO column components; each component has one of these types: */
vcfInfoNoType, // uninitialized value (0) or unrecognized type name
union vcfDatum
/* Container for a value whose type is specified by an enum vcfInfoType. */
int datInt;
double datFloat;
boolean datFlag;
char datChar;
char *datString;
struct vcfInfoDef
/* Definition of INFO column component from VCF header: */
struct vcfInfoDef *next;
char *key; // A short identifier, e.g. MQ for mapping quality
int fieldCount; // The number of values to follow the id, or -1 if it varies
enum vcfInfoType type; // The type of values that follow the id
char *description; // Brief description of info
struct vcfInfoElement
/* A single INFO column component; each row's INFO column may contain multiple components. */
char *key; // An identifier described by a struct vcfInfoDef
int count; // Number of data values following id
union vcfDatum *values; // Array of data values following id
bool *missingData; // Array of flags for missing data values ("." instead of number)
struct vcfGenotype
/* A single component of the optional GENOTYPE column. */
char *id; // Name of individual/sample (pointer to vcfFile genotypeIds) or .
char hapIxA; // Index of one haplotype's allele: 0=reference, 1=alt, 2=other alt
// *or* if negative, missing data
char hapIxB; // Index of other haplotype's allele, or if negative, missing data
bool isPhased; // True if haplotypes are phased
bool isHaploid; // True if there is only one haplotype (e.g. chrY)
int infoCount; // Number of components named in FORMAT column
struct vcfInfoElement *infoElements; // Array of info components for this genotype call
struct vcfRecord
/* A VCF data row (or list of rows). */
struct vcfRecord *next;
char *chrom; // Reference assembly sequence name
unsigned int chromStart; // Start offset in chrom
unsigned int chromEnd; // End offset in chrom
char *name; // Variant name from ID column
int alleleCount; // Number of alleles (reference + alternates)
char **alleles; // Alleles: reference first then alternate alleles
char *qual; // . or Phred-scaled score, i.e. -10log_10 P(call in ALT is wrong)
int filterCount; // Number of ;-separated filter codes in FILTER column
char **filters; // Code(s) described in header for failed filters (or PASS or .)
int infoCount; // Number of components of INFO column
struct vcfInfoElement *infoElements; // Array of INFO column components
char *format; // Optional column containing ordered list of genotype components
char **genotypeUnparsedStrings; // Temporary array of unparsed optional genotype columns
struct vcfGenotype *genotypes; // If built, array of parsed genotype components;
// call vcfParseGenotypes(record) to build.
struct vcfFile *file; // Pointer back to parent vcfFile
struct vcfFile
/* Info extracted from a VCF file. Manages all memory for contents.
* Clearly borrowing structure from MarkD's gff3File. :) */
char *fileOrUrl; // VCF local file path or URL
char *headerString; // Complete original header including newlines.
int majorVersion; // 4 etc.
int minorVersion; // 0, 1 etc.
struct vcfInfoDef *infoDefs; // Header's definitions of INFO column components
struct vcfInfoDef *filterDefs; // Header's definitions of FILTER column failure codes
struct vcfInfoDef *altDefs; // Header's defs of symbolic alternate alleles (e.g. DEL, INS)
struct vcfInfoDef *gtFormatDefs; // Header's defs of GENOTYPE compnts. listed in FORMAT col.
int genotypeCount; // Number of optional genotype columns described in header
char **genotypeIds; // Array of optional genotype column names described in header
struct vcfRecord *records; // VCF data rows, sorted by position
struct hash *byName; // Hash records by name -- not populated until needed.
struct hash *pool; // Used to allocate string values that tend to
// be repeated in the files. hash's localMem is also used to
// allocated memory for all other objects (if recordPool null)
struct lm *reusePool; // If created with vcfFileMakeReusePool, non-shared record data is
// allocated from this pool. Useful when walking through huge files.
struct lineFile *lf; // Used only during parsing
int maxErr; // Maximum number of errors before aborting
int errCnt; // Error count
/* Reserved but optional INFO keys: */
extern const char *vcfInfoAncestralAllele;
extern const char *vcfInfoPerAlleleGtCount; // allele count in genotypes, for each ALT allele,
// in the same order as listed
extern const char *vcfInfoAlleleFrequency; // allele frequency for each ALT allele in the same
// order as listed: use this when estimated from
// primary data, not called genotypes
extern const char *vcfInfoNumAlleles; // total number of alleles in called genotypes
extern const char *vcfInfoBaseQuality; // RMS base quality at this position
extern const char *vcfInfoCigar; // cigar string describing how to align an
// alternate allele to the reference allele
extern const char *vcfInfoIsDbSnp; // dbSNP membership
extern const char *vcfInfoDepth; // combined depth across samples, e.g. DP=154
extern const char *vcfInfoEnd; // end position of the variant described in this
// record (esp. for CNVs)
extern const char *vcfInfoIsHapMap2; // membership in hapmap2
extern const char *vcfInfoIsHapMap3; // membership in hapmap3
extern const char *vcfInfoIs1000Genomes; // membership in 1000 Genomes
extern const char *vcfInfoMappingQuality; // RMS mapping quality, e.g. MQ=52
extern const char *vcfInfoMapQual0Count; // number of MAPQ == 0 reads covering this record
extern const char *vcfInfoNumSamples; // Number of samples with data
extern const char *vcfInfoStrandBias; // strand bias at this position
extern const char *vcfInfoIsSomatic; // indicates that the record is a somatic mutation,
// for cancer genomics
extern const char *vcfInfoIsValidated; // validated by follow-up experiment
/* Reserved but optional per-genotype keys: */
extern const char *vcfGtGenotype; // numeric allele values separated by "/" (unphased)
// or "|" (phased). Allele values are 0 for
// reference allele, 1 for the first allele in ALT,
// 2 for the second allele in ALT and so on.
extern const char *vcfGtDepth; // read depth at this position for this sample
extern const char *vcfGtFilter; // analogous to variant's FILTER field
extern const char *vcfGtLikelihoods; // three floating point log10-scaled likelihoods for
// AA,AB,BB genotypes where A=ref and B=alt;
// not applicable if site is not biallelic.
extern const char *vcfGtPhred; // Phred-scaled genotype likelihoods rounded to closest int
extern const char *vcfGtConditionalQual; // Conditional genotype quality
// i.e. phred quality -10log_10 P(genotype call is wrong,
// conditioned on the site's being variant)
extern const char *vcfGtHaplotypeQualities; // Two phred qualities comma separated
extern const char *vcfGtPhaseSet; // Set of phased genotypes to which this genotype belongs
extern const char *vcfGtPhasingQuality; // Phred-scaled P(alleles ordered wrongly in heterozygote)
extern const char *vcfGtExpectedAltAlleleCount; // Typically used in association analyses
INLINE void vcfPrintDatum(FILE *f, const union vcfDatum datum, const enum vcfInfoType type)
/* Print datum to f in the format determined by type. */
switch (type)
case vcfInfoInteger:
fprintf(f, "%d", datum.datInt);
case vcfInfoFloat:
fprintf(f, "%f", datum.datFloat);
case vcfInfoFlag:
fprintf(f, "%s", datum.datString); // Flags could have values in older VCF
case vcfInfoCharacter:
fprintf(f, "%c", datum.datChar);
case vcfInfoString:
if (startsWith("http", datum.datString))
- fprintf(f, "%s", datum.datString, datum.datString);
+ fprintf(f, "%s", datum.datString, datum.datString);
fprintf(f, "%s", datum.datString);
errAbort("vcfPrintDatum: Unrecognized type %d", type);
struct vcfFile *vcfFileNew();
/* Return a new, empty vcfFile object. */
struct vcfFile *vcfFileFromHeader(char *name, char *headerString, int maxErr);
/* Parse the VCF header string into a vcfFile object with no rows.
* name is for error reporting.
* If maxErr is non-negative then continue to parse until maxErr+1 errors have been found.
* A maxErr less than zero does not stop and reports all errors.
* Set maxErr to VCF_IGNORE_ERRS for silence. */
struct vcfFile *vcfFileMayOpen(char *fileOrUrl, char *chrom, int start, int end,
int maxErr, int maxRecords, boolean parseAll);
/* Open fileOrUrl and parse VCF header; return NULL if unable.
* If chrom is non-NULL, scan past any variants that precede {chrom, chromStart}.
* Note: this is very inefficient -- it's better to use vcfTabix if possible!
* If parseAll, then read in all lines in region, parse and store in
* vcff->records; if maxErr >= zero, then continue to parse until
* there are maxErr+1 errors. A maxErr less than zero does not stop
* and reports all errors. Set maxErr to VCF_IGNORE_ERRS for silence. */
struct vcfFile *vcfTabixFileAndIndexMayOpen(char *fileOrUrl, char *tbiFileOrUrl, char *chrom, int start, int end,
int maxErr, int maxRecords);
/* Open a VCF file that has been compressed and indexed by tabix and
* parse VCF header, or return NULL if unable. tbiFileOrUrl can be NULL.
* If chrom is non-NULL, seek to the position range and parse all lines in
* range into vcff->records. If maxErr >= zero, then continue to parse until
* there are maxErr+1 errors. A maxErr less than zero does not stop
* and reports all errors. Set maxErr to VCF_IGNORE_ERRS for silence */
struct vcfFile *vcfTabixFileMayOpen(char *fileOrUrl, char *chrom, int start, int end,
int maxErr, int maxRecords);
/* Open a VCF file that has been compressed and indexed by tabix and
* parse VCF header, or return NULL if unable. If chrom is non-NULL,
* seek to the position range and parse all lines in range into
* vcff->records. If maxErr >= zero, then continue to parse until
* there are maxErr+1 errors. A maxErr less than zero does not stop
* and reports all errors. Set maxErr to VCF_IGNORE_ERRS for silence. */
int vcfTabixBatchRead(struct vcfFile *vcff, char *chrom, int start, int end,
int maxErr, int maxRecords);
// Reads a batch of records from an opened and indexed VCF file, adding them to
// vcff->records and returning the count of new records added in this batch.
// Note: vcff->records will continue to be sorted, even if batches are loaded
// out of order. Additionally, resulting vcff->records will contain no duplicates
// so returned count refects only the new records added, as opposed to all records
// in range. If maxErr >= zero, then continue to parse until there are maxErr+1
// errors. A maxErr less than zero does not stop and reports all errors. Set
// maxErr to VCF_IGNORE_ERRS for silence.
void vcfFileMakeReusePool(struct vcfFile *vcff, int initialSize);
// Creates a separate memory pool for records. Establishing this pool allows
// using vcfFileFlushRecords to abandon previously read records and free
// the associated memory. Very useful when reading an entire file in batches.
#define vcfFileLm(vcff) ((vcff)->reusePool ? (vcff)->reusePool : (vcff)->pool->lm)
void vcfFileFlushRecords(struct vcfFile *vcff);
// Abandons all previously read vcff->records and flushes the reuse pool (if it exists).
// USE WITH CAUTION. All previously allocated record pointers are now invalid.
struct vcfRecord *vcfNextRecord(struct vcfFile *vcff);
/* Parse the words in the next line from vcff into a vcfRecord. Return NULL at end of file.
* Note: this does not store record in vcff->records! */
struct vcfRecord *vcfRecordFromRow(struct vcfFile *vcff, char **words);
/* Parse words from a VCF data line into a VCF record structure. */
unsigned int vcfRecordTrimIndelLeftBase(struct vcfRecord *rec);
/* For indels, VCF includes the left neighboring base; for example, if the alleles are
* AA/- following a G base, then the VCF record will start one base to the left and have
* "GAA" and "G" as the alleles. That is not nice for display for two reasons:
* 1. Indels appear one base wider than their dbSNP entries.
* 2. In pgSnp display mode, the two alleles are always the same color.
* However, for hgTracks' mapBox we need the correct chromStart for identifying the
* record in hgc -- so return the original chromStart. */
unsigned int vcfRecordTrimAllelesRight(struct vcfRecord *rec);
/* Some tools output indels with extra base to the right, for example ref=ACC, alt=ACCC
* which should be ref=A, alt=AC. When the extra bases make the variant extend from an
* intron (or gap) into an exon, it can cause a false appearance of a frameshift.
* To avoid this, when all alleles have identical base(s) at the end, trim all of them,
* and update rec->chromEnd.
* For hgTracks' mapBox we need the correct chromStart for identifying the record in hgc,
* so return the original chromEnd. */
int vcfRecordCmp(const void *va, const void *vb);
/* Compare to sort based on position. */
void vcfFileFree(struct vcfFile **vcffPtr);
/* Free a vcfFile object. */
const struct vcfRecord *vcfFileFindVariant(struct vcfFile *vcff, char *variantId);
/* Return all records with name=variantId, or NULL if not found. */
const struct vcfInfoElement *vcfRecordFindInfo(const struct vcfRecord *record, char *key);
/* Find an INFO element, or NULL. */
struct vcfInfoDef *vcfInfoDefForKey(struct vcfFile *vcff, const char *key);
/* Return infoDef for key, or NULL if it wasn't specified in the header or VCF spec. */
void vcfParseGenotypes(struct vcfRecord *record);
/* Translate record->genotypesUnparsedStrings[] into proper struct vcfGenotype[].
* This destroys genotypesUnparsedStrings. */
const struct vcfGenotype *vcfRecordFindGenotype(struct vcfRecord *record, char *sampleId);
/* Find the genotype and associated info for the individual, or return NULL.
* This calls vcfParseGenotypes if it has not already been called. */
struct vcfInfoDef *vcfInfoDefForGtKey(struct vcfFile *vcff, const char *key);
/* Look up the type of genotype FORMAT component key, in the definitions from the header,
* and failing that, from the keys reserved in the spec. */
const struct vcfInfoElement *vcfGenotypeFindInfo(const struct vcfGenotype *gt, char *key);
/* Find the genotype infoElement for key, or return NULL. */
char *vcfFilePooledStr(struct vcfFile *vcff, char *str);
/* Allocate memory for a string from vcff's shared string pool. */
#define VCF_NUM_COLS 10
struct asObject *vcfAsObj();
// Return asObject describing fields of VCF
char *vcfGetSlashSepAllelesFromWords(char **words, struct dyString *dy);
/* Overwrite dy with a /-separated allele string from VCF words,
* skipping the extra initial base that VCF requires for indel alleles if necessary.
* Return dy->string for convenience. */
void vcfRecordWriteNoGt(FILE *f, struct vcfRecord *rec);
/* Write the first 8 columns of VCF rec to f. Genotype data will be ignored if present. */
#endif // vcf_h