  Mon Oct 15 13:21:03 2018 -0700
fixed link to APPRIS server (#21852)

diff --git src/hg/hgc/gencodeClick.c src/hg/hgc/gencodeClick.c
index 2496784..746b8f3 100644
--- src/hg/hgc/gencodeClick.c
+++ src/hg/hgc/gencodeClick.c
@@ -37,33 +37,32 @@
 /* Various URLs and URL templates.  At one time, these were in the ra file,
  * but that didn't prove that helpful and end up requiring updated the ra
  * files for every GENCODE version if a URL was added or changed. */
 //FIXME: clean up RA files when CGIs no longer need them
 static char *gencodeBiotypesUrl = "http://www.gencodegenes.org/gencode_biotypes.html";
 static char *gencodeTagsUrl = "http://www.gencodegenes.org/gencode_tags.html";
 static char *ensemblTranscriptIdUrl = "http://www.ensembl.org/%s/Transcript/Summary?db=core;t=%s";
 static char *ensemblGeneIdUrl = "http://www.ensembl.org/%s/Gene/Summary?db=core;t=%s";
 static char *ensemblProteinIdUrl = "http://www.ensembl.org/%s/Transcript/ProteinSummary?db=core;t=%s";
 static char *ensemblSupportingEvidUrl = "http://www.ensembl.org/%s/Transcript/SupportingEvidence?db=core;t=%s";
 static char *vegaTranscriptIdUrl = "http://vega.sanger.ac.uk/%s/Transcript/Summary?db=core;t=%s";
 static char *vegaGeneIdUrl = "http://vega.sanger.ac.uk/%s/Gene/Summary?db=core;g=%s";
 static char *yalePseudoUrl = "http://tables.pseudogene.org/%s";
 static char *hgncUrl = "http://www.genenames.org/data/hgnc_data.php?match=%s";
 static char *geneCardsUrl = "http://www.genecards.org/cgi-bin/carddisp.pl?gene=%s";
-static char *apprisHomeUrl = "http://appris.bioinfo.cnio.es/";
-static char *apprisGeneUrl = "http://appris.bioinfo.cnio.es/report.html?id=%s&namespace=Ensembl_Gene_Id&specie=%s";
-static char *apprisTranscriptUrl = "http://appris.bioinfo.cnio.es/report.html?id=%s&namespace=Ensembl_Transcript_Id&specie=%s";
+static char *apprisHomeUrl = "http://appris-tools.org/";
+static char *apprisGeneUrl = "http://appris-tools.org/#/database/id/%s/%s?sc=ensembl";
 static char *getBaseAcc(char *acc, char *accBuf, int accBufSize)
 /* get the accession with version number dropped. */
 safecpy(accBuf, accBufSize, acc);
 char *dot = strchr(accBuf, '.');
 if (dot != NULL)
     *dot = '\0';
 return accBuf;
 static bool haveGencodeTable(struct trackDb *tdb, char *tableBase)
 /* determine if table is in settings and thus in this gencode release */
 return trackDbSetting(tdb, tableBase) != NULL;
@@ -263,31 +262,31 @@
 prEnsIdAnchor(id, urlTemplate);
 static void prApprisTdAnchor(char *id, char *label, char *urlTemplate)
 /* print a gene or transcript link to APPRIS */
 // under bar separated, lower case species name.
 char *speciesArg = hScientificName(database);
 toLowerN(speciesArg, strlen(speciesArg));
 subChar(speciesArg, ' ', '_');
 char accBuf[64];
 printf("<td><a href=\"");
-printf(urlTemplate, getBaseAcc(id, accBuf, sizeof(accBuf)), speciesArg);
+printf(urlTemplate, speciesArg, getBaseAcc(id, accBuf, sizeof(accBuf)));
 printf("\" target=_blank>%s</a>", label);
 static void writePosLink(char *chrom, int chromStart, int chromEnd)
 /* write link to a genomic position */
 printf("<a href=\"%s&db=%s&position=%s%%3A%d-%d\">%s:%d-%d</A>",
        hgTracksPathAndSettings(), database,
        chrom, chromStart, chromEnd, chrom, chromStart+1, chromEnd);
 static bool geneHasApprisTranscripts(struct trackDb *tdb, struct sqlConnection *conn, struct wgEncodeGencodeAttrs *transAttrs)
 /* check if any transcript in a gene has an APPRIS tags */
@@ -325,33 +324,34 @@
 return buf;
 static void writeAprrisRow(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct trackDb *tdb,
                            struct wgEncodeGencodeAttrs *transAttrs,
                            struct wgEncodeGencodeTag *tags)
 /* write row for APPRIS */
 // Get labels to use. if transcript has an appris tag, then we link to the transcript.
 // if it doesn;t have a appris tag, we can still link to the gene if any of the transcripts
 // have appris tags
 char* apprisTag = findApprisTag(tags);
 char* transLabel = (apprisTag != NULL) ? apprisTagToSymbol(apprisTag) : NULL;
 char *geneLabel = ((apprisTag != NULL) || geneHasApprisTranscripts(tdb, conn, transAttrs)) ? transAttrs->geneName : NULL;
+// APPRIS gene and transcript now go to the same location
 printf("<tr><th><a href=\"%s\" target=_blank>APPRIS</a>\n", apprisHomeUrl);
 if (transLabel != NULL)
-    prApprisTdAnchor(transAttrs->transcriptId, transLabel, apprisTranscriptUrl);
+    prApprisTdAnchor(transAttrs->geneId, transLabel, apprisGeneUrl);
 if (geneLabel != NULL)
     prApprisTdAnchor(transAttrs->geneId, geneLabel, apprisGeneUrl);
 static void writeBasicInfoHtml(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct trackDb *tdb, char *gencodeId, struct genePred *transAnno,
                                struct wgEncodeGencodeAttrs *transAttrs,
                                int geneChromStart, int geneChromEnd,
                                struct wgEncodeGencodeGeneSource *geneSource, struct wgEncodeGencodeTranscriptSource *transcriptSource,
                                struct wgEncodeGencodeTag *tags, bool haveTsl, struct wgEncodeGencodeTranscriptionSupportLevel *tsl)
 /* write basic HTML info for all genes */