  Mon Oct 8 12:38:24 2018 -0700
Sqashed BLAT ALl Genomes branch

diff --git src/lib/common.c src/lib/common.c
index 20fa22a..da64277 100644
--- src/lib/common.c
+++ src/lib/common.c
@@ -3368,30 +3368,45 @@
 void safencat(char *buf, size_t bufSize, const char *src, size_t n)
 /* append n characters from a string to a buffer, with bounds checking. */
 size_t blen = strlen(buf);
 if (blen+n > bufSize-1)
     errAbort("buffer overflow, size %lld, new string size: %lld", (long long)bufSize, (long long)(blen+n));
 size_t slen = strlen(src);
 if (slen > n)
     slen = n;
 strncat(buf, src, n);
 buf[blen+slen] = '\0';
+void safecatRepeatChar(char *buf, size_t bufSize, const char c, int n)
+/* Append a character to a buffer, n times with bounds checking.*/
+if (n < 0)
+    errAbort("safecatRepeatChar called with invalid negative count %d", n);
+size_t blen = strlen(buf);
+size_t slen = n;
+if (blen+slen > bufSize-1)
+    errAbort("buffer overflow, size %lld, new string size: %lld", (long long)bufSize, (long long)(blen+slen));
+int i;
+for(i=0; i < slen; ++i)
+    buf[blen+i] = c;
+buf[blen+slen] = 0;
 static char *naStr = "n/a";
 static char *emptyStr = "";
 char *naForNull(char *s)
 /* Return 'n/a' if s is NULL, otherwise s. */
 if (s == NULL)
    s = naStr;
 return s;
 char *naForEmpty(char *s)
 /* Return n/a if s is "" or NULL, otherwise s. */