  Tue Oct 9 13:39:18 2018 -0700
removing gtex warnings, build patch, # not known yet

diff --git src/hg/hgc/barChartClick.c src/hg/hgc/barChartClick.c
index 73810d3..70b64f7 100644
--- src/hg/hgc/barChartClick.c
+++ src/hg/hgc/barChartClick.c
@@ -158,53 +158,49 @@
 while (lineFileChopNext(lf, words, sizeof words))
     hashAdd(sampleHash, words[0], words[1]);
 // Open matrix file
 struct udcFile *f = udcFileOpen(dataFile, NULL);
 // Get header line with sample ids
 char *header = udcReadLine(f);
 int wordCt = sampleCt+1;        // initial field is label or empty 
 char **samples;
 AllocArray(samples, wordCt);
-int gotSampleCt = chopByWhite(header, samples, wordCt);
-if (gotSampleCt!=wordCt)
-    warn("Expected %d columns in matrix based on categories file, but got %d", wordCt, gotSampleCt);
+chopByWhite(header, samples, wordCt);
 // Get data values
 // Format: id, category, extras
 bits64 offset = (bits64)bed->_dataOffset;
 bits64 size = (bits64)bed->_dataLen;
 udcSeek(f, offset);
 bits64 seek = udcTell(f);
 if (udcTell(f) != offset)
     warn("UDC seek mismatch: expecting %Lx, got %Lx. ", offset, seek);
 char *buf = needMem(size+1);
 bits64 count = udcRead(f, buf, size);
 if (count != size)
     warn("UDC read mismatch: expecting %Ld bytes, got %Ld. ", size, count);
 char **vals;
 AllocArray(vals, wordCt);
 buf[size]=0; // in case that size does not include the trailing newline
-int gotWordCt = chopByWhite(buf, vals, wordCt);
-if (gotWordCt != wordCt)
-    warn("Matrix format error: expected %d words, but got %d. File %s, on line for gene %s, at offset %llu, with line length %llu", wordCt, gotWordCt, dataFile, bed->name, offset, size);
+chopByWhite(buf, vals, wordCt);
 // Construct list of sample data with category
 struct barChartItemData *sampleVals = NULL, *data = NULL;
 int i;
 for (i=1; i<wordCt && samples[i] != NULL; i++)
     char *sample = samples[i];
     char *categ = (char *)hashFindVal(sampleHash, sample);
     if (categ == NULL)
         warn("barChart track %s: unknown category for sample %s", tdb->track, sample);
     else if (hashLookup(categoryHash, categ))