  Tue Oct 30 15:01:29 2018 -0700
some optimizations to speed up trackDb loads on huge hubs

diff --git src/hg/inc/trackDb.h src/hg/inc/trackDb.h
index c31f871..5d14a0a 100644
--- src/hg/inc/trackDb.h
+++ src/hg/inc/trackDb.h
@@ -47,30 +47,31 @@
     unsigned char altColorG;	/* Light color green component 0-255 */
     unsigned char altColorB;	/* Light color blue component 0-255 */
     unsigned char useScore;	/* 1 if use score, 0 if not */
 #ifndef	__cplusplus
     unsigned char private;	/* 1 if only want to show it on test site */
     unsigned char priv;		/* don't conflict with C++ keyword */
     int restrictCount;	/* Number of chromosomes this is on (0=all though!) */
     char **restrictList;	/* List of chromosomes this is on */
     char *url;	/* URL to link to when they click on an item */
     char *html;	/* Some html to display when they click on an item */
     char *grp;	/* Which group track belongs to */
     unsigned char canPack;	/* 1 if can pack track display, 0 otherwise */
     char *settings;	/* Name/value pairs for track-specific stuff */
+    struct hash *viewHash;  /* Hash for settings. Not saved in database.*/
     struct hash *settingsHash;  /* Hash for settings. Not saved in database.
                                  * Don't use directly, rely on trackDbSetting to access. */
     /* additional info, determined from settings */
     char treeNodeType;          // bit map containing defining supertrack, composite and children
                                 //     of same (may be parent & child)
     struct trackDb *parent;     // parent of composite or superTracks
     struct trackDb *subtracks;  // children of composite not supers. NOTE: only in one sl at a time!
     struct slRef *children;     // children of folders (superTracks) only.
                                 // Needed as slRef since these children are on the main trackList
                                 // and can't be in 2 sl's at once
     char *parentName;           // set if this is a supertrack member 
     boolean isShow;             // for supertracks: true if supertrack with pseudo-vis 'show'
     struct hash *overrides;     /* If not NULL, this is an override
                                  * entry.  It contains the names, but not the
                                  * values of the fields and settings that were
@@ -536,72 +537,103 @@
 boolean trackDbCheckValidRelease(char *tag);
 /* check to make sure release tag is valid */
 struct slName *trackDbLocalSettingsWildMatch(struct trackDb *tdb, char *expression);
 // Return local settings that match expression else NULL.  In alpha order.
 struct slName *trackDbSettingsWildMatch(struct trackDb *tdb, char *expression);
 // Return settings in tdb tree that match expression else NULL.  In alpha order, no duplicates.
 // Forward defs for tdbExtras
 struct mdbObj;
 struct _membersForAll;
 struct _membership;
+enum filterCompositeType 
+// Filter composites are drop-down checkbox-lists for selecting subtracks (eg hg19::HAIB TFBS)
+    {
+    fctNone=0,      // do not offer filter for this dimension
+    fctOne=1,       // filter composite by one or all
+    fctOneOnly=2,   // filter composite by only one
+    fctMulti=3,     // filter composite by multiselect: all, one or many
+    };
+typedef struct _members
+    {
+    int count;
+    char * groupTag;
+    char * groupTitle;
+    char **tags;
+    char **titles;
+    boolean *selected;
+    char * setting;
+    int *subtrackCount;              // count of subtracks
+    int *currentlyVisible;           // count of visible subtracks 
+    struct slRef **subtrackList;     // set of subtracks belonging to each subgroup member
+    enum filterCompositeType fcType; // fctNone,fctOne,fctMulti
+    } members_t;
 struct tdbExtras
 // Struct for misc. data collected/calculated during CGI track setup that are cached for later use.
 // These extras are primarily used in hgTracks & hgTrackUi but can be used and expanded as needed.
 // CGI developers are encouraged to add to this structure for their own needs.
     int fourState; // hgTrackUi subtracks use 4 state checkboxes (checked/un by enabled/dis)
     boolean reshapedComposite; // hgTracks should not "reshape" composites more than once.
     struct mdbObj *mdb;        // several CGIs need repeated access to a tracks metadata
     struct _membersForAll *membersForAll; // hgTrackUi composites collect all view/dimension info
     struct _membership *membership;       // hgTrackUi subtracks have individual membership info
     // Developer: please add your useful data that is costly to calculate/retrieve more than once
+    struct hash *membersHash;
 void tdbExtrasFree(struct tdbExtras **pTdbExtras);
 // Frees the tdbExtras structure
 int tdbExtrasFourState(struct trackDb *tdb);
 // Returns subtrack four state if known, else TDB_EXTRAS_EMPTY_STATE
 void tdbExtrasFourStateSet(struct trackDb *tdb,int fourState);
 // Sets subtrack four state
 boolean tdbExtrasReshapedComposite(struct trackDb *tdb);
 // Returns TRUE if composite has been declared as reshaped, else FALSE.
 void tdbExtrasReshapedCompositeSet(struct trackDb *tdb);
 // Declares that the composite has been reshaped.
 struct mdbObj *tdbExtrasMdb(struct trackDb *tdb);
 // Returns mdb metadata if already known, else NULL
 void tdbExtrasMdbSet(struct trackDb *tdb,struct mdbObj *mdb);
 // Sets the mdb metadata structure for later retrieval.
 struct _membersForAll *tdbExtrasMembersForAll(struct trackDb *tdb);
 // Returns composite view/dimension members for all, else NULL.
 void tdbExtrasMembersForAllSet(struct trackDb *tdb, struct _membersForAll *membersForAll);
 // Sets the composite view/dimensions members for all for later retrieval.
+members_t *tdbExtrasMembers(struct trackDb *tdb, char *groupNameOrTag);
+// Returns subtrack members if already known, else NULL
+void tdbExtrasMembersSet(struct trackDb *tdb,  char *groupNameOrTag,  members_t *members);
+// Sets the subtrack members for later retrieval.
 struct _membership *tdbExtrasMembership(struct trackDb *tdb);
 // Returns subtrack membership if already known, else NULL
 void tdbExtrasMembershipSet(struct trackDb *tdb,struct _membership *membership);
 // Sets the subtrack membership for later retrieval.
 char *tdbBigFileName(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct trackDb *tdb);
 // Return file name associated with bigWig.  Do a freeMem on returned string when done.
 boolean rTdbTreeCanPack(struct trackDb *tdb);
 // Trees can pack as all or none, since they can share vis.
 void tdbSetCartVisibility(struct trackDb *tdb, struct cart *cart, char *vis);
 // Set visibility in the cart. Handles all the complications necessary for subtracks.
@@ -646,17 +678,20 @@
 INLINE boolean tdbIsBedGraph(struct trackDb *tdb)
 // Return TRUE if tdb corresponds to a bedGraph track.
 return startsWithWord("bedGraph", tdb->type);
 boolean trackDbSettingBlocksConfiguration(struct trackDb *tdb, boolean onlyAjax);
 // Configuration dialogs may be explicitly blocked in tracDb settings
 struct slPair *trackDbMetaPairs(struct trackDb *tdb);
 /* Read in metadata given a trackDb entry.  This routine understands the three ways
  * that metadata can be represented in a trackDb stanza: "metadata" lines per stanza,
  * or a  tab-separated or tagStorm file with a foreign key specified by the "meta" tag.
+char *trackDbViewSetting(struct trackDb *tdb, char *name);
+/* Return view setting from tdb, but *not* any of it's parents. */
 #endif /* TRACKDB_H */