  Thu Jan 3 16:34:29 2019 -0800
use all of query for index #22713

diff --git src/hg/lib/pslReader.c src/hg/lib/pslReader.c
index 36b3bde..8a9b109 100644
--- src/hg/lib/pslReader.c
+++ src/hg/lib/pslReader.c
@@ -1,340 +1,340 @@
 /* pslReader - object to read psl objects from database tables or files.  */
 /* Copyright (C) 2014 The Regents of the University of California 
  * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "pslReader.h"
 #include "jksql.h"
 #include "hdb.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "psl.h"
 static char *createString =
 "CREATE TABLE %s (\n"
     "%-s"                               /* Optional bin */
     "matches int unsigned not null,     # Number of bases that match that aren't repeats\n"
     "misMatches int unsigned not null,  # Number of bases that don't match\n"
     "repMatches int unsigned not null,  # Number of bases that match but are part of repeats\n"
     "nCount int unsigned not null,      # Number of 'N' bases\n"
     "qNumInsert int unsigned not null,  # Number of inserts in query\n"
     "qBaseInsert int unsigned not null, # Number of bases inserted in query\n"
     "tNumInsert int unsigned not null,  # Number of inserts in target\n"
     "tBaseInsert int unsigned not null, # Number of bases inserted in target\n"
     "strand char(2) not null,   # + or - for strand.  First character is query, second is target.\n"
     "qName varchar(255) not null,       # Query sequence name\n"
     "qSize int unsigned not null,       # Query sequence size\n"
     "qStart int unsigned not null,      # Alignment start position in query\n"
     "qEnd int unsigned not null,        # Alignment end position in query\n"
     "tName varchar(255) not null,       # Target sequence name\n"
     "tSize int unsigned not null,       # Target sequence size\n"
     "tStart int unsigned not null,      # Alignment start position in target\n"
     "tEnd int unsigned not null,        # Alignment end position in target\n"
     "blockCount int unsigned not null,  # Number of blocks in alignment\n"
     "blockSizes longblob not null,      # Size of each block\n"
     "qStarts longblob not null, # Start of each block in query.\n"
     "tStarts longblob not null, # Start of each block in target.\n";
 static char *indexString =
     "%s"                            /* Optional bin. */
-    "INDEX(qName(12))\n"
+    "INDEX(qName)\n"
 char* pslGetCreateSql(char* table, unsigned options, int tNameIdxLen)
 /* Get SQL required to create PSL table.  Options is a bit set consisting
  * of PSL_TNAMEIX, PSL_WITH_BIN, and PSL_XA_FORMAT.  tNameIdxLen is
  * the number of characters in target name to index.  If greater than
  * zero, must specify PSL_TNAMEIX.  If zero and PSL_TNAMEIX is specified,
  * to will default to 8. */
 struct dyString *sqlCmd = newDyString(2048);
 char binIx[32];
 binIx[0] = '\0';
 /* check and default tNameIdxLen */
 if ((tNameIdxLen > 0) && !(options & PSL_TNAMEIX))
     errAbort("pslGetCreateSql: must specify PSL_TNAMEIX with tNameIdxLen > 0");
 if ((options & PSL_TNAMEIX) && (tNameIdxLen == 0))
     tNameIdxLen = 8;
 /* setup tName and bin index fields */
 if (options & PSL_WITH_BIN)
     if (options & PSL_TNAMEIX)
 	safef(binIx, sizeof(binIx), "INDEX(tName(%d),bin),\n", tNameIdxLen);
 	safef(binIx, sizeof(binIx), "INDEX(bin),\n");
 else if (options & PSL_TNAMEIX)
     safef(binIx, sizeof(binIx), "INDEX(tName(%d)),\n", tNameIdxLen);
 sqlDyStringPrintf(sqlCmd, createString, table, 
     ((options & PSL_WITH_BIN) ? "bin smallint unsigned not null,\n" : ""));
 if (options & PSL_XA_FORMAT)
     dyStringPrintf(sqlCmd, "qSeq longblob not null,\n");
     dyStringPrintf(sqlCmd, "tSeq longblob not null,\n");
 dyStringPrintf(sqlCmd, indexString, binIx);
 return dyStringCannibalize(&sqlCmd);
 struct pslReader
 /* Object to read psl objects from database tables or files. */
     char *table;            /* name of table or file */
     boolean isPslx;         /* have qSequence, tSequence columns */
     /* for DB access */
     struct sqlResult *sr;   /* results if reading from a DB */
     int rowOffset;          /* offset if have a bin column */
     /* for file access */
     struct lineFile *lf;    /* lineFile when reading from a file */
     char* chrom;            /* chrom restriction for files */
 static void getTableInfo(struct pslReader* pr)
 /* examine result set for various table attributes */
 int iCol = 0;
 char *fname;
 /* n.b. need to check for columns qSequence and qSeq, as the pslx stuff
  * was invented twice */
 while ((fname = sqlFieldName(pr->sr)) != NULL)
     if (sameString(fname, "bin"))
         if (iCol != 0)
             errAbort("bin column not first column in %s", pr->table);
         pr->rowOffset = 1;
     else if (sameString(fname, "qSequence") || sameString(fname, "qSeq"))
         pr->isPslx = TRUE;
 struct pslReader *pslReaderQuery(struct sqlConnection* conn,
                                  char* table, char* where)
 /* Create a new pslReader to read from the given table in the database.
  * If where is not null, it is added as a where clause.  It will determine if
  * pslx columns are in the table. */
 char query[1024];
 struct pslReader* pr;
 pr->table = cloneString(table);
 if (where != NULL)
     sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select * from %s where %s", table, where);
     sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select * from %s", table);
 pr->sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
 return pr;
 struct pslReader *pslReaderChromQuery(struct sqlConnection* conn,
                                       char* table, char* chrom,
                                       char* extraWhere)
 /* Create a new pslReader to read all rows for a chrom in a database table.
  * If extraWhere is not null, it is added as an additional where condition. It
  * will determine if pslx columns are in the table. */
 struct pslReader* pr;
 int rowOffset;
 pr->table = cloneString(table);
 /* non-existant table will return null */
 pr->sr = hChromQuery(conn, table, chrom, extraWhere, &rowOffset);
 if (pr->sr != NULL)
 assert(pr->rowOffset == rowOffset);
 return pr;
 struct pslReader *pslReaderRangeQuery(struct sqlConnection* conn,
                                       char* table, char* chrom,
                                       int start, int end, 
                                       char* extraWhere)
 /* Create a new pslReader to read a chrom range in a database table.  If
  * extraWhere is not null, it is added as an additional where condition. It
  * will determine if pslx columns are in the table. */
 struct pslReader* pr;
 int rowOffset;
 pr->table = cloneString(table);
 /* non-existant table will return null */
 pr->sr = hRangeQuery(conn, table, chrom, start, end, extraWhere, &rowOffset);
 if (pr->sr != NULL)
 assert(pr->rowOffset == rowOffset);
 return pr;
 struct pslReader *pslReaderFile(char* pslFile, char* chrom)
 /* Create a new pslReader to read from a file.  If chrom is not null,
  * only this chromsome is read.   Checks for psl header and pslx columns. */
 char *line;
 char *words[PSLX_NUM_COLS];
 int wordCount, i;
 struct pslReader* pr;
 pr->table = cloneString(pslFile);
 if (chrom != NULL)
     pr->chrom = cloneString(chrom);
 pr->lf = lineFileOpen(pslFile, TRUE);
 /* check for header and get number of columns */
 if (lineFileNext(pr->lf, &line, NULL))
     if (startsWith("psLayout version", line))
         /* have header, skip it */
 	for (i=0; i < 5; ++i)
 	    if (!lineFileNext(pr->lf, &line, NULL))
 		errAbort("%s header truncated", pslFile);
     /* determine if this is a pslx */
     line = cloneString(line); /* don't corrupt input line */
     wordCount = chopLine(line, words);
     if ((wordCount < PSL_NUM_COLS) || (wordCount > PSLX_NUM_COLS)
         || (words[8][0] != '+' && words[8][0] != '-'))
         errAbort("%s is not a psl file", pslFile);
     pr->isPslx = (wordCount == PSLX_NUM_COLS);
 return pr;
 static struct psl *queryNext(struct pslReader* pr)
 /* read the next record from a query */
 char **row = sqlNextRow(pr->sr);
 if (row == NULL)
     return NULL;
 if (pr->isPslx)
     return pslxLoad(row+pr->rowOffset);
     return pslLoad(row+pr->rowOffset);
 static struct psl *fileNext(struct pslReader* pr)
 /* read the next record from a file */
 char *row[PSLX_NUM_COLS];
 int numCols;
 while ((numCols = lineFileChopNextTab(pr->lf, row, PSLX_NUM_COLS)) > 0)
     lineFileExpectWords(pr->lf, (pr->isPslx ? PSLX_NUM_COLS : PSL_NUM_COLS), numCols);
     if ((pr->chrom == NULL) || (sameString(row[13], pr->chrom)))
         if (pr->isPslx)
             return pslxLoad(row);
             return pslLoad(row);
 return NULL;
 struct psl *pslReaderNext(struct pslReader* pr)
 /* Read the next psl, returning NULL if no more */
 if (pr->lf != NULL)
     return fileNext(pr);
     return queryNext(pr);
 struct psl *pslReaderAll(struct pslReader* pr)
 /* Read the all of psls */
 struct psl* pslList = NULL, *psl;
 while ((psl = pslReaderNext(pr)) != NULL)
     slAddHead(&pslList, psl);
 return pslList;
 void pslReaderFree(struct pslReader** prPtr)
 /* Free the pslRead object. */
 struct pslReader* pr = *prPtr;
 if (pr != NULL)
 struct psl *pslReaderLoadQuery(struct sqlConnection* conn,
                                char* table, char* where)
 /* Function that encapsulates doing a query and loading the results */
 struct pslReader *pr = pslReaderQuery(conn, table, where);
 struct psl *pslList = pslReaderAll(pr);
 return pslList;
 struct psl *pslReaderLoadRangeQuery(struct sqlConnection* conn,
                                     char* table, char* chrom,
                                     int start, int end, 
                                     char* extraWhere)
 /* Function that encapsulates doing a range query and loading the results */
 struct pslReader *pr = pslReaderRangeQuery(conn, table, chrom,
                                            start, end, extraWhere);
 struct psl *pslList = pslReaderAll(pr);
 return pslList;
 struct psl *pslReaderLoadDb(char* db, char* table, char* where)
 /* Function that encapsulates reading a PSLs from a database If where is not
 * null, it is added as a where clause.  It will determine if pslx columns are
 * in the table. */
 struct sqlConnection *conn = sqlConnect(db);
 struct pslReader *reader = pslReaderQuery(conn, table, where);
 struct psl *psls = pslReaderAll(reader);
 return psls;
 struct psl *pslReaderLoadFile(char* pslFile, char* chrom)
 /* Function that encapsulates reading a psl file */
 struct pslReader *pr = pslReaderFile(pslFile, chrom);
 struct psl *pslList = pslReaderAll(pr);
 return pslList;