  Thu Dec 20 16:54:07 2018 -0800
added notes on how open-ended requests allow reusing sockets

diff --git src/lib/udc.c src/lib/udc.c
index ee2b2eb..4bef361 100644
--- src/lib/udc.c
+++ src/lib/udc.c
@@ -216,30 +216,36 @@
     ssize_t rd = ourRead(ioStats, sd, buf, chunkSize);
     if (rd < 0)
 	errnoAbort("udcReadAndIgnore: error reading socket after %lld bytes", total);
     remaining -= rd;
     total += rd;
 if (total < size)
     errAbort("udcReadAndIgnore: got EOF at %lld bytes (wanted %lld)", total, size);
 static int connInfoGetSocket(struct udcFile *file, char *url, bits64 offset, int size)
 /* If ci has an open socket and the given offset matches ci's current offset,
  * reuse ci->socket.  Otherwise close the socket, open a new one, and update ci,
  * or return -1 if there is an error opening a new one. */
+/* NOTE: This doesn't use HTTP 1.1 keep alive to do multiple request on the
+ * same socket.  The only way subsequent random requests on the same socket
+ * work is because previous request are open-ended and this can continue
+ * reading where it left off.  The HTTP requests are issued as 1.0, even
+ * through range requests are a 1.1 feature. */ 
 struct connInfo *ci = &file->connInfo;
 if (ci != NULL && ci->socket > 0 && ci->offset != offset)
     bits64 skipSize = (offset - ci->offset);
     if (skipSize > 0 && skipSize <= MAX_SKIP_TO_SAVE_RECONNECT)
 	verbose(4, "!! skipping %lld bytes @%lld to avoid reconnect\n", skipSize, ci->offset);
 	udcReadAndIgnore(&file->ios.net, ci->socket, skipSize);
 	ci->offset = offset;
 	verbose(4, "Offset mismatch (ci %lld != new %lld), reopening.\n", ci->offset, offset);