9fa6ac13d910ceca97bfc81224325e23ee44b9c8 max Tue Dec 18 10:56:50 2018 +0100 adding version info to top level README, refs #22591 diff --git README README index eb96d1b..490d039 100644 --- README +++ README @@ -26,30 +26,35 @@ The pre-compiled user application binaries may function on your system without this build procedure. For example to obtain the linux.x86_64 binaries: rsync -azvP rsync://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/genome/admin/exe/linux.x86_64/ ./ Mac OSX binaries available via: rsync -azvP rsync://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/genome/admin/exe/macOSX.x86_64/ ./ Most source code users will only be interested in the kent/src/inc and kent/src/lib directories, which contain the interfaces and implementations to the library routines, and in a few specific applications. The applications are scattered in other directories. Many of them are web based. The UCSC Genome Browser in particular is mostly found in kent/src/hg/hgTracks. +The current version number is stored in src/hg/inc/versionInfo.h . +The current version of a running genome browser is displayed in the html +page