  Wed Feb 27 12:18:03 2019 -0800
Add more info to 'Short POST input' error message.

diff --git src/lib/cheapcgi.c src/lib/cheapcgi.c
index 27a266f..6407807 100644
--- src/lib/cheapcgi.c
+++ src/lib/cheapcgi.c
@@ -509,31 +509,32 @@
 s = getenv("CONTENT_TYPE");
 if (s != NULL && startsWith("multipart/form-data", s))
     /* use MIME parse on input stream instead, can handle large uploads */
     /* inputString must not be NULL so it knows it was set */
 int len = getSize + inputSize;
 if (getSize > 0)
 char *temp = needMem((size_t)len+1);
 for (i=0; i<inputSize; ++i)
     r = getc(stdin);
     if (r == EOF)
-	errAbort("Short POST input.");
+	errAbort("Short POST input to %s: CONTENT_LENGTH=%ld, only %ld supplied",
+                 cgiScriptName(), inputSize, i);
     temp[i] = r;
 if (getSize > 0)
   temp[i++] = '&';
 strncpy(temp+i, inputString, getSize);
 temp[len] = 0;
 inputString = temp;
 #define memmem(hay, haySize, needle, needleSize) \
     memMatch(needle, needleSize, hay, haySize)
 #ifndef GBROWSE
 static void cgiParseMultipart(struct hash **retHash, struct cgiVar **retList)