  Fri Mar 22 11:25:47 2019 -0700
Correcting a comment and removing declaration of a function that is no longer defined in jksql.c.

diff --git src/hg/inc/jksql.h src/hg/inc/jksql.h
index eb87e25..71193c9 100644
--- src/hg/inc/jksql.h
+++ src/hg/inc/jksql.h
@@ -264,45 +264,42 @@
 /* Free up a result. */
 int sqlCountColumns(struct sqlResult *sr);
 /* Count the number of columns in result. */
 int sqlCountColumnsInTable(struct sqlConnection *sc, char *table);
 /* Return the number of columns in a table */
 boolean sqlDatabaseExists(char *database);
 /* Return TRUE if database exists. */
 boolean sqlTableExists(struct sqlConnection *sc, char *table);
 /* Return TRUE if a table exists. */
 bool sqlColumnExists(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *tableName, char *column);
-/* return TRUE if column exists in table. tableName can contain sql wildcards  */
+/* return TRUE if column exists in table. column can contain sql wildcards  */
 int sqlTableSizeIfExists(struct sqlConnection *sc, char *table);
 /* Return row count if a table exists, -1 if it doesn't. */
 boolean sqlTablesExist(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *tables);
 /* Check all tables in space delimited string exist. */
 boolean sqlTableWildExists(struct sqlConnection *sc, char *table);
 /* Return TRUE if table (which can include SQL wildcards) exists.
  * A bit slower than sqlTableExists. */
-boolean sqlTableOk(struct sqlConnection *sc, char *table);
-/* Return TRUE if a table not only exists, but also is not corrupted. */
 unsigned long sqlTableDataSizeFromSchema(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *db, char *table);
 /* Get table data size. Table must exist or will abort. */
 unsigned long sqlTableIndexSizeFromSchema(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *db, char *table);
 /* Get table index size. Table must exist or will abort. */
 char *sqlQuickQuery(struct sqlConnection *sc, char *query, char *buf, int bufSize);
 /* Does query and returns first field in first row.  Meant
  * for cases where you are just looking up one small thing.
  * Returns NULL if query comes up empty. */
 char *sqlNeedQuickQuery(struct sqlConnection *sc, char *query,
 	char *buf, int bufSize);
 /* Does query and returns first field in first row.  Meant
  * for cases where you are just looking up one small thing.