Fri Mar 22 14:52:22 2019 -0700
getting a little bit better refs #18869
diff --git src/hg/hubApi/hubApi.c src/hg/hubApi/hubApi.c
index 410a905..76c7c93 100644
--- src/hg/hubApi/hubApi.c
+++ src/hg/hubApi/hubApi.c
@@ -6,33 +6,34 @@
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| hubUrl | longblob | NO | PRI | NULL | |
| shortLabel | varchar(255) | NO | | NULL | |
| longLabel | varchar(255) | NO | | NULL | |
| registrationTime | varchar(255) | NO | | NULL | |
| dbCount | int(10) unsigned | NO | | NULL | |
| dbList | blob | YES | | NULL | |
| descriptionUrl | longblob | YES | | NULL | |
/* Global Variables for all modules */
int maxItemsOutput = 1000; /* can be set in URL maxItemsOutput=N */
+static int maxItemLimit = 1000000; /* maximum of 1,000,000 items returned */
/* Global only to this one source file */
-static boolean debug = FALSE; /* can be set in URL debug=1 */
+static boolean debug = TRUE; /* can be set in URL debug=1 */
static struct cart *cart; /* CGI and other variables */
static struct hash *oldVars = NULL;
static struct hash *trackCounter = NULL;
static long totalTracks = 0;
static boolean measureTiming = FALSE; /* set by CGI parameters */
static boolean allTrackSettings = FALSE; /* checkbox setting */
static char **shortLabels = NULL; /* public hub short labels in array */
// struct hubPublic *publicHubList = NULL;
static int publicHubCount = 0;
static char *defaultHub = "Plants";
static char *defaultDb = "ce11";
static long enteredMainTime = 0; /* will become = clock1000() on entry */
/* to allow calculation of when to bail out, taking too long */
static long timeOutSeconds = 100;
static boolean timedOut = FALSE;
@@ -192,31 +193,31 @@
hashIncInt(countTracks, "superTrack child");
hashIncInt(countTracks, stripType);
hashIncInt(countTracks, "track count");
else if (isEmpty(tdb->type))
hashIncInt(countTracks, "no type specified");
hashIncInt(countTracks, stripType);
hashIncInt(countTracks, "track count");
// showCounts(countTracks);
-static void sampleUrl(struct trackHub *hub, char *db, struct trackDb *tdb, char *chrom, long long chromSize, char *errorString)
+static void sampleUrl(struct trackHub *hub, char *db, struct trackDb *tdb, char *chrom, unsigned chromSize, char *errorString)
/* print out a sample getData URL */
char errorPrint[2048];
errorPrint[0] = 0;
if (isNotEmpty(errorString))
safef(errorPrint, sizeof(errorPrint), " ERROR: %s", errorString);
unsigned start = chromSize / 4;
unsigned end = start + 10000;
if (end > chromSize)
end = chromSize;
char *genome = NULL;
@@ -239,92 +240,84 @@
%s : %s (sample getData)%s\n", tdb->track, tdb->type, urlPrefix, db, chrom, tdb->track, start, end, errorPrint);
else if (hub)
if (tdb->parent)
hPrintf("%s : %s subtrack of parent: %s (sample getData)%s\n", tdb->track, tdb->type, tdb->parent->track, urlPrefix, hub->url, genome, chrom, tdb->track, start, end, errorPrint);
hPrintf("%s : %s (sample getData)%s\n", tdb->track, tdb->type, urlPrefix, hub->url, genome, chrom, tdb->track, start, end, errorPrint);
hPrintf("%s : %s not db hub track ?\n", tdb->track, tdb->type);
-static void showSubTracks(struct trackHub *hub, char *db, struct trackDb *tdb, struct hash *countTracks,
- char *chromName, long long chromSize, char *errorString)
-/* tdb has subtracks, show only subTracks, no details */
-hPrintf(" \n");
-if (debug)
- hPrintf(" - subtracks for '%s' db: '%s'
\n", tdb->track, db);
-if (tdb->subtracks)
+static void hubSampleUrl(struct trackHub *hub, struct trackDb *tdb,
+ long chromCount, long itemCount, char *chromName, unsigned chromSize,
+ char *genome, char *errorString)
- struct trackDb *tdbEl = NULL;
- for (tdbEl = tdb->subtracks; tdbEl; tdbEl = tdbEl->next)
+unsigned start = chromSize / 4;
+unsigned end = start + 10000;
+if (end > chromSize)
+ end = chromSize;
+char errorPrint[2048];
+errorPrint[0] = 0;
+if (isNotEmpty(errorString))
- if (tdbIsCompositeView(tdbEl))
- hPrintf("- %s : %s : composite view of parent: %s
\n", tdbEl->track, tdbEl->type, tdbEl->parent->track);
- else
+ safef(errorPrint, sizeof(errorPrint), " : ERROR: %s", errorString);
+ }
+char countsMessage[512];
+countsMessage[0] = 0;
+if (chromCount > 0 || itemCount > 0)
- if (isSupportedType(tdbEl->type))
- sampleUrl(hub, db, tdbEl, chromName, chromSize, errorString);
+ if (startsWithWord("bigBed", tdb->type))
+ safef(countsMessage, sizeof(countsMessage), " : %ld chroms : %ld item count ", chromCount, itemCount);
+ else if (startsWithWord("bigWig", tdb->type))
+ safef(countsMessage, sizeof(countsMessage), " : %ld chroms : %ld bases covered ", chromCount, itemCount);
- hPrintf("- %s : %s : subtrack of parent: %s
\n", tdbEl->track, tdbEl->type, tdbEl->parent->track);
- }
- hashCountTrack(tdbEl, countTracks);
- if (tdbEl->subtracks)
- showSubTracks(hub, db, tdbEl, countTracks, chromName, chromSize, errorString);
- }
- }
+ safef(countsMessage, sizeof(countsMessage), " : %ld chroms : %ld count ", chromCount, itemCount);
-static void trackSettings(struct trackDb *tdb, struct hash *countTracks)
-/* process the settingsHash for a trackDb, recursive when subtracks */
-hPrintf(" \n");
-// if (tdb->children) haven't yet seen a track with children ?
-// hPrintf(" - %s: has children
\n", tdb->track);
-// else
-// hPrintf(" - %s: NO children
\n", tdb->track);
-struct hashEl *hel;
-struct hashCookie hc = hashFirst(tdb->settingsHash);
-while ((hel = hashNext(&hc)) != NULL)
+if (isSupportedType(tdb->type))
- if (sameWord("track", hel->name))
- continue; // already output in header
- if (isEmpty((char *)hel->val))
- hPrintf(" - %s : <empty>
\n", hel->name);
+ char urlReference[2048];
+ safef(urlReference, sizeof(urlReference), "(sample getData)%s\n", urlPrefix, hub->url, genome, tdb->track, chromName, start, end, errorPrint);
+ if (startsWithWord("bigBed", tdb->type))
+ hPrintf(" - %s : %s%s%s
\n", tdb->track, tdb->type, countsMessage, urlReference);
+ else if (startsWithWord("bigWig", tdb->type))
+ hPrintf(" - %s : %s%s%s
\n", tdb->track, tdb->type, countsMessage, urlReference);
- hPrintf(" - %s : '%s'
\n", hel->name, (char *)hel->val);
+ hPrintf(" - %s : %s%s%s
\n", tdb->track, tdb->type, countsMessage, urlReference);
-if (tdb->subtracks)
- {
- struct trackDb *tdbEl = NULL;
- if (debug)
- hPrintf(" - has %d subtrack(s)
\n", slCount(tdb->subtracks));
- for (tdbEl = tdb->subtracks; tdbEl; tdbEl = tdbEl->next)
- hPrintf("- subtrack: %s of parent: %s : type: '%s'
\n", tdbEl->track, tdbEl->parent->track, tdbEl->type);
- hashCountTrack(tdbEl, countTracks);
- trackSettings(tdbEl, countTracks);
- }
- }
+ if (startsWithWord("bigBed", tdb->type))
+ hPrintf(" %s : %s%s\n", tdb->track, tdb->type, countsMessage);
+ else if (startsWithWord("bigWig", tdb->type))
+ hPrintf(" %s : %s%s\n", tdb->track, tdb->type, countsMessage);
+ else
+ hPrintf(" %s : %s%s\n", tdb->track, tdb->type, countsMessage);
+} /* static void hubSampleUrl(struct trackHub *hub, struct trackDb *tdb,
+ * long chromCount, long itemCount, char *chromName, unsigned chromSize,
+ * char *genome)
+ */
static void bbiBiggestChrom(struct bbiChromInfo *chromList, char **chromName,
unsigned *chromSize)
/* find largest chromosome name and size in the chromList */
if (chromName && chromSize)
*chromSize = 0;
char *returnName = NULL;
struct bbiChromInfo *el;
for (el = chromList; el; el = el->next)
if (el->size > *chromSize)
*chromSize = el->size;
@@ -425,149 +418,222 @@
retVal = 1;
if (errCatch->gotError)
retVal = 1;
dyStringPrintf(errors, "%s", errCatch->message->string);
return retVal;
} /* static int bbiBriefMeasure() */
-static void hubSampleUrl(struct trackHub *hub, struct trackDb *tdb,
- long chromCount, long itemCount, char *chromName, unsigned chromSize,
- char *genome, char *errorString)
+static void hubSubTracks(struct trackHub *hub, char *db, struct trackDb *tdb,
+ struct hash *countTracks, long chromCount, long itemCount,
+ char *chromName, unsigned chromSize, char *genome, char *errorString)
+/* tdb has subtracks, show only subTracks, no details */
-unsigned start = chromSize / 4;
-unsigned end = start + 10000;
-if (end > chromSize)
- end = chromSize;
-char errorPrint[2048];
-errorPrint[0] = 0;
-if (isNotEmpty(errorString))
+hPrintf(" \n");
+if (debug)
- safef(errorPrint, sizeof(errorPrint), " : ERROR: %s", errorString);
+ hPrintf(" - subtracks for '%s' db: '%s'
\n", tdb->track, db);
+ hPrintf(" - chrom: '%s' size: %u
\n", chromName, chromSize);
-if (isSupportedType(tdb->type))
+if (tdb->subtracks)
- if (startsWithWord("bigBed", tdb->type))
- hPrintf(" - %s : %s : %ld chroms : %ld item count (sample getData)%s
\n", tdb->track, tdb->type, chromCount, itemCount, urlPrefix, hub->url, genome, tdb->track, chromName, start, end, errorPrint);
- else if (startsWithWord("bigWig", tdb->type))
- hPrintf(" - %s : %s : %ld chroms : %ld bases covered (sample getData)%s
\n", tdb->track, tdb->type, chromCount, itemCount, urlPrefix, hub->url, genome, tdb->track, chromName, start, end, errorPrint);
+ struct trackDb *tdbEl = NULL;
+ for (tdbEl = tdb->subtracks; tdbEl; tdbEl = tdbEl->next)
+ {
+ boolean compositeContainer = tdbIsComposite(tdbEl);
+ boolean compositeView = tdbIsCompositeView(tdbEl);
+ if (! (compositeContainer || compositeView) )
+ {
+ if (chromSize < 1)
+ {
+ char *bigDataIndex = NULL;
+ char *relIdxUrl = trackDbSetting(tdbEl, "bigDataIndex");
+ if (relIdxUrl != NULL)
+ bigDataIndex = trackHubRelativeUrl(hub->genomeList->trackDbFile, relIdxUrl);
+ char *bigDataUrl = trackDbSetting(tdbEl, "bigDataUrl");
+ char *longName = NULL;
+ unsigned longSize = 0;
+ struct dyString *errors = newDyString(1024);
+ (void) bbiBriefMeasure(tdbEl->type, bigDataUrl, bigDataIndex, &chromCount, &itemCount, errors, &longName, &longSize);
+ chromSize = longSize;
+ chromName = longName;
+ }
+ }
+ if (tdbIsCompositeView(tdbEl))
+ hPrintf("- %s : %s : composite view of parent: %s
\n", tdbEl->track, tdbEl->type, tdbEl->parent->track);
- hPrintf(" - %s : %s : %ld chroms : %ld count <(sample getData)%s
\n", tdb->track, tdb->type, chromCount, itemCount, urlPrefix, hub->url, genome, tdb->track, chromName, start, end, errorPrint);
+ {
+ if (isSupportedType(tdbEl->type))
+ hubSampleUrl(hub, tdbEl, chromCount, itemCount, chromName, chromSize, genome, errorString);
+ else
+ hPrintf("- %s : %s : subtrack of parent: %s
\n", tdbEl->track, tdbEl->type, tdbEl->parent->track);
+ hashCountTrack(tdbEl, countTracks);
+ if (tdbEl->subtracks)
+ hubSubTracks(hub, db, tdbEl, countTracks, chromCount, itemCount, chromName, chromSize, genome, errorString);
+ }
+ }
+} /* hubSubTracks() */
+static void showSubTracks(struct trackHub *hub, char *db, struct trackDb *tdb, struct hash *countTracks,
+ char *chromName, unsigned chromSize, char *errorString)
+/* tdb has subtracks, show only subTracks, no details */
+hPrintf(" \n");
+if (debug)
+ hPrintf(" - subtracks for '%s' db: '%s'
\n", tdb->track, db);
+if (tdb->subtracks)
+ {
+ struct trackDb *tdbEl = NULL;
+ for (tdbEl = tdb->subtracks; tdbEl; tdbEl = tdbEl->next)
+ {
+ if (tdbIsCompositeView(tdbEl))
+ hPrintf("- %s : %s : composite view of parent: %s
\n", tdbEl->track, tdbEl->type, tdbEl->parent->track);
- if (startsWithWord("bigBed", tdb->type))
- hPrintf(" - %s : %s : %ld chroms : %ld item count
\n", tdb->track, tdb->type, chromCount, itemCount);
- else if (startsWithWord("bigWig", tdb->type))
- hPrintf(" - %s : %s : %ld chroms : %ld bases covered
\n", tdb->track, tdb->type, chromCount, itemCount);
+ if (isSupportedType(tdbEl->type))
+ sampleUrl(hub, db, tdbEl, chromName, chromSize, errorString);
- hPrintf(" - %s : %s : %ld chroms : %ld count
\n", tdb->track, tdb->type, chromCount, itemCount);
+ hPrintf("- %s : %s : subtrack of parent: %s
\n", tdbEl->track, tdbEl->type, tdbEl->parent->track);
+ }
+ hashCountTrack(tdbEl, countTracks);
+ if (tdbEl->subtracks)
+ showSubTracks(hub, db, tdbEl, countTracks, chromName, chromSize, errorString);
+ }
+ }
+static void trackSettings(struct trackDb *tdb, struct hash *countTracks)
+/* process the settingsHash for a trackDb, recursive when subtracks */
+hPrintf(" \n");
+// if (tdb->children) haven't yet seen a track with children ?
+// hPrintf(" - %s: has children
\n", tdb->track);
+// else
+// hPrintf(" - %s: NO children
\n", tdb->track);
+struct hashEl *hel;
+struct hashCookie hc = hashFirst(tdb->settingsHash);
+while ((hel = hashNext(&hc)) != NULL)
+ {
+ if (sameWord("track", hel->name))
+ continue; // already output in header
+ if (isEmpty((char *)hel->val))
+ hPrintf(" - %s : <empty>
\n", hel->name);
+ else
+ hPrintf(" - %s : '%s'
\n", hel->name, (char *)hel->val);
+ }
+if (tdb->subtracks)
+ {
+ struct trackDb *tdbEl = NULL;
+ if (debug)
+ hPrintf(" - has %d subtrack(s)
\n", slCount(tdb->subtracks));
+ for (tdbEl = tdb->subtracks; tdbEl; tdbEl = tdbEl->next)
+ {
+ hPrintf("- subtrack: %s of parent: %s : type: '%s'
\n", tdbEl->track, tdbEl->parent->track, tdbEl->type);
+ hashCountTrack(tdbEl, countTracks);
+ trackSettings(tdbEl, countTracks);
+ }
+ }
-} /* static void hubSampleUrl(struct trackHub *hub, struct trackDb *tdb,
- * long chromCount, long itemCount, char *chromName, unsigned chromSize,
- * char *genome)
- */
static void hubCountOneTdb(struct trackHub *hub, char *db, struct trackDb *tdb,
char *bigDataIndex, struct hash *countTracks, char *chromName,
unsigned chromSize, char *genome)
char *bigDataUrl = trackDbSetting(tdb, "bigDataUrl");
// char *compositeTrack = trackDbSetting(tdb, "compositeTrack");
boolean compositeContainer = tdbIsComposite(tdb);
boolean compositeView = tdbIsCompositeView(tdb);
// char *superTrack = trackDbSetting(tdb, "superTrack");
boolean superChild = tdbIsSuperTrackChild(tdb);
boolean depthSearch = cartUsualBoolean(cart, "depthSearch", FALSE);
hashCountTrack(tdb, countTracks);
-char *longName = NULL;
-unsigned longSize = 0;
long chromCount = 0;
long itemCount = 0;
struct dyString *errors = newDyString(1024);
+/* if given a chromSize, it belongs to a UCSC db and this is *not* an
+ * assembly hub, otherwise, look up a chrom and size in the bbi file
+ */
if (! (compositeContainer || compositeView) )
+ {
+ if (chromSize < 1 || depthSearch)
+ {
+ char *longName = NULL;
+ unsigned longSize = 0;
(void) bbiBriefMeasure(tdb->type, bigDataUrl, bigDataIndex, &chromCount, &itemCount, errors, &longName, &longSize);
+ chromSize = longSize;
+ chromName = longName;
+ }
+ }
if (depthSearch && bigDataUrl)
if (isSupportedType(tdb->type))
- {
- if (chromSize > 0)
hubSampleUrl(hub, tdb, chromCount, itemCount, chromName, chromSize, genome, errors->string);
- else
- hubSampleUrl(hub, tdb, chromCount, itemCount, longName, longSize, genome, errors->string);
- }
if (compositeContainer)
hPrintf(" %s : %s : composite track container has %d subtracks\n", tdb->track, tdb->type, slCount(tdb->subtracks));
else if (compositeView)
hPrintf(" %s : %s : composite view of parent: %s\n", tdb->track, tdb->type, tdb->parent->track);
else if (superChild)
hPrintf(" %s : %s : superTrack child of parent: %s (sample getData)\n", tdb->track, tdb->type, tdb->parent->track);
else if (! depthSearch && bigDataUrl)
if (isSupportedType(tdb->type))
- if (chromSize > 0)
hubSampleUrl(hub, tdb, chromCount, itemCount, chromName, chromSize, genome, errors->string);
- else
- hubSampleUrl(hub, tdb, chromCount, itemCount, longName, longSize, genome, errors->string);
- // hPrintf(" %s : %s : %s (maybe sample ?)\n", tdb->track, tdb->type, bigDataUrl);
if (isSupportedType(tdb->type))
- if (chromSize > 0)
hubSampleUrl(hub, tdb, chromCount, itemCount, chromName, chromSize, genome, errors->string);
- else
- hubSampleUrl(hub, tdb, chromCount, itemCount, longName, longSize, genome, errors->string);
hPrintf(" %s : %s (what is this)\n", tdb->track, tdb->type);
if (allTrackSettings)
hPrintf(" \n");
trackSettings(tdb, countTracks); /* show all settings */
else if (tdb->subtracks)
- showSubTracks(hub, db, tdb, countTracks, chromName, chromSize, errors->string);
+ hubSubTracks(hub, db, tdb, countTracks, chromCount, itemCount, chromName, chromSize, genome, errors->string);
} /* static void hubCountOneTdb(char *db, struct trackDb *tdb,
* char *bigDataIndex, struct hash *countTracks,
- * char *chromName, long long chromSize)
+ * char *chromName, unsigned chromSize)
static void countOneTdb(char *db, struct trackDb *tdb,
struct hash *countTracks, char *chromName, unsigned chromSize,
char *errorString)
/* for this tdb in this db, count it up and provide a sample */
char *bigDataUrl = trackDbSetting(tdb, "bigDataUrl");
// char *compositeTrack = trackDbSetting(tdb, "compositeTrack");
boolean compositeContainer = tdbIsComposite(tdb);
boolean compositeView = tdbIsCompositeView(tdb);
// char *superTrack = trackDbSetting(tdb, "superTrack");
boolean superChild = tdbIsSuperTrackChild(tdb);
boolean depthSearch = cartUsualBoolean(cart, "depthSearch", FALSE);
@@ -710,53 +776,44 @@
struct trackHubGenome *genome = hubTop->genomeList;
hPrintf("genome sequences (and tracks) present in this track hub
if (NULL == genome)
hPrintf("odd error, can not find a gnomeList ? at url: '%s'
\n", hubTop->url);
long lastTime = clock1000();
for ( ; genome; genome = genome->next )
-#ifdef NOT
- char *twoBitPath; /* URL to twoBit. If not null, this is an assmebly hub*/
- struct twoBitFile *tbf; /* open handle to two bit file */
- char *groups; /* URL to group.txt file */
- char *defaultPos; /* default position */
- char *organism; /* organism name, like Human */
- char *description; /* description, also called freeze name */
- struct trackHub *trackHub; /* associated track hub */
if (isNotEmpty(genome->twoBitPath))
hPrintf("- assembly hub twoBitFile: %s
\n", genome->twoBitPath);
if (genome->organism)
hPrintf("- %s - %s - %s
\n", genome->organism, genome->name, genome->description);
{ /* can there be a description when organism is empty ? */
hPrintf("- name: %s
\n", genome->name);
hubAssemblySettings(hubTop, genome);
- if (measureTiming)
+ if (measureTiming || debug)
long thisTime = clock1000();
hPrintf("- processing time %s: %ld millis
\n", genome->name, thisTime - lastTime);
if (timeOutReached())
if (trackCounter->elCount)
hPrintf(" - total genome assembly count: %ld
\n", totalAssemblyCount);
hPrintf(" - %ld total tracks counted, %d different track types:
\n", totalTracks, trackCounter->elCount);
hPrintf(" \n");
struct hashEl *hel, *helList = hashElListHash(trackCounter);
slSort(&helList, hashElCmpIntValDesc);
for (hel = helList; hel; hel = hel->next)
@@ -921,38 +978,43 @@
hPrintf("Supported track types, at this time, for getData functions:
static struct slName *el;
for (el = supportedTypes; el; el = el->next)
hPrintf("- %s
\n", el->name);
static void initUrlPrefix()
/* set up urlPrefix for self referenes */
char *httpHost = getenv("HTTP_HOST");
+if (isEmpty(httpHost))
+ urlPrefix = "";
+ {
if (! startsWith("hgwdev-api", httpHost))
if (startsWith("hgwdev",httpHost) || startsWith("genome-test", httpHost))
urlPrefix = "../cgi-bin/hubApi";
static void showExamples(char *url, struct trackHubGenome *hubGenome, char *ucscDb)
hPrintf("Example URLs to return json data structures:
hPrintf("listing functions
hPrintf("- list public hubs %s/list/publicHubs
\n", urlPrefix, urlPrefix);
hPrintf("- list database genomes %s/list/ucscGenomes
\n", urlPrefix, urlPrefix);
hPrintf("- list genomes from specified hub %s/list/hubGenomes?hubUrl=%s
\n", urlPrefix, url, urlPrefix, url);
hPrintf("- list tracks from specified hub and genome %s/list/tracks?hubUrl=%s&genome=%s
\n", urlPrefix, url, hubGenome->name, urlPrefix, url, hubGenome->name);
hPrintf("- list tracks from specified UCSC database %s/list/tracks?db=%s
\n", urlPrefix, ucscDb, urlPrefix, ucscDb);
hPrintf("- list chromosomes from specified UCSC database %s/list/chromosomes?db=%s
\n", urlPrefix, ucscDb, urlPrefix, ucscDb);
hPrintf("- list chromosomes from specified track from UCSC databaset %s/list/chromosomes?db=%s&track=gold
\n", urlPrefix, ucscDb, urlPrefix, ucscDb);
@@ -997,30 +1059,34 @@
cart = theCart;
measureTiming = hPrintStatus() && isNotEmpty(cartOptionalString(cart, "measureTiming"));
measureTiming = TRUE;
char *database = NULL;
char *genome = NULL;
cgiVarSet("ignoreCookie", "1");
getDbAndGenome(cart, &database, &genome, oldVars);
/* global variable for all workers to honor this limit */
maxItemsOutput = cartUsualInt(cart, "maxItemsOutput", maxItemsOutput);
+if (maxItemsOutput > maxItemLimit) /* safety check */
+ maxItemsOutput = maxItemLimit;
+if (maxItemsOutput < 1) /* safety check */
+ maxItemsOutput = 1;
debug = cartUsualBoolean(cart, "debug", debug);
int timeout = cartUsualInt(cart, "udcTimeout", 300);
if (udcCacheTimeout() < timeout)
char *pathInfo = getenv("PATH_INFO");
/* nothing on incoming path, then display the WEB page instead */
if (sameOk("/",pathInfo))
pathInfo = NULL;
boolean commandError = FALSE;
/*expect no more than MAX_PATH_INFO number of words*/
char *words[MAX_PATH_INFO];
@@ -1107,31 +1173,31 @@
char *urlDropDown = urlFromShortLabel(hubDropDown);
char *ucscDb = cartUsualString(cart, "ucscGenomes", defaultDb);
char *urlInput = urlDropDown; /* assume public hub */
if (sameWord("go", goOtherHub)) /* requested other hub URL */
urlInput = otherHubUrl;
else if (isEmpty(otherHubUrl))
otherHubUrl = urlInput;
if (commandError)
hPrintf("ERROR: no such command: '%s/%s' for endpoint '%s'
", words[0], words[1], pathInfo);
long lastTime = clock1000();
struct trackHub *hub = errCatchTrackHubOpen(urlInput);
-if (measureTiming)
+if (measureTiming || debug)
long thisTime = clock1000();
if (debug)
hPrintf("hub open time: %ld millis
\n", thisTime - lastTime);
// hPrintf("ucscDb: '%s'\n", ucscDb);
struct trackHubGenome *hubGenome = hub->genomeList;
showExamples(urlInput, hubGenome, ucscDb);
if (debug)
@@ -1199,31 +1265,31 @@
hPrintf("Examine %s at: %s
\n", sameWord("go",goPublicHub) ? "public hub" : "other hub", urlInput);
hPrintf("- %s
\n", hub->shortLabel);
hPrintf("- %s
\n", hub->longLabel);
if (isNotEmpty(hub->defaultDb))
hPrintf("- %s - default database
\n", hub->defaultDb);
if (timedOut)
hPrintf("Reached time out %ld seconds
", timeOutSeconds);
-if (measureTiming)
+if (measureTiming || debug)
hPrintf("Overall total time: %ld millis
\n", clock1000() - enteredMainTime);
} /* void doMiddle(struct cart *theCart) */
/* Null terminated list of CGI Variables we don't want to save
* permanently. */
static char *excludeVars[] = {"Submit", "submit", "goOtherHub", "goPublicHub", "goUcscDb", "ucscGenomes", "publicHubs", NULL,};
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* Process command line. */
enteredMainTime = clock1000();