  Thu Mar 21 11:25:19 2019 +0100
adding counts to genes faq, refs #22696

diff --git src/hg/htdocs/FAQ/FAQgenes.html src/hg/htdocs/FAQ/FAQgenes.html
index f7a5542..142b611 100755
--- src/hg/htdocs/FAQ/FAQgenes.html
+++ src/hg/htdocs/FAQ/FAQgenes.html
@@ -130,30 +130,67 @@
 human and mouse transcripts. NCBI has added an automated prediction software (Gnomon)
 which we show in the &quot;<a target=_blank 
 href=../cgi-bin/hgTrackUi?db=hg38&g=refSeqComposite>RefSeq Predicted</a>&quot; track.</p>
 <p>There are many other tracks in the group &quot;Genes and Gene Predictions&quot;.
 <a target=_blank href="../cgi-bin/hgTrackUi?db=hg38&g=genscan">Genscan</a> and <a target=_blank 
 href="../cgi-bin/hgTrackUi?db=hg19&g=nscanGene">N-Scan</a> are older 
 transcript predictor algorithms that are based on the genome sequence alone. 
 <a target=_blank href="../cgi-bin/hgTrackUi?db=hg38&g=augustusGene">Augustus</a> and <a 
 target=_blank href="../cgi-bin/hgTrackUi?db=hg19&g=acembly">AceView</a> are automated 
 gene-predictors that use cDNA and EST data. These and similar gene
 tracks are only relevant when you are working on a particular locus where you
 think that the manually curated gene models (Ensembl and RefSeq) have
+To illustrate differences between the most common gene tracks, here is an
+overview of a few different tracks on human (hg38) and how many transcripts
+they contain as of March 2019:
+    <tr> 
+      <th nowrap><strong>Track name</strong></th> 
+      <th nowrap><strong>Number of transcripts</strong></th> 
+    <tr> 
+      <td>Known Gene (Gencode comprehensive V29)</td>
+      <td>226,811</td> 
+    </tr> 
+    <tr> 
+      <td>Known Gene (Gencode basic V29)</td>
+      <td>112,634</td> 
+    </tr> 
+    <tr> 
+      <td>NCBI RefSeq Predicted Transcripts</td>
+      <td>94,389</td> 
+    </tr> 
+    <tr> 
+      <td>UCSC RefSeq (Curated)</td>
+      <td>80,694</td> 
+    </tr> 
+    <tr> 
+      <td>NCBI RefSeq Curated</td>
+      <td>73,080</td> 
+    </tr> 
+    <tr> 
+      <td>CCDS</td>
+      <td>32,506</td> 
+    </tr> 
+  </table>
 <a name="ens"></a>
 <h2>The differences</h2>
 Some of our gene tracks look similar and contain very similar information which can be confusing.
 <h6>What are Ensembl and GENCODE and is there a difference?</h6>
 Officially, the Ensembl and GENCODE gene models are the same. On the latest human and mouse genome 
 assemblies (hg38 and mm10), the identifiers, transcript sequences, and exon coordinates are almost
 identical between equivalent Ensembl and GENCODE versions (excluding <a target=_blank 
 href="FAQdownloads.html#downloadAlt">alternative sequences</a> or <a target=_blank 
 href="FAQdownloads.html#downloadFix">fix sequences</a>).</p>
 <p>GENCODE uses the UCSC convention of prefixing chromosome names with &quot;chr&quot;, e.g.