  Wed May 29 13:14:08 2019 -0700
some tweaks to the lm allocater to allow it to use a memory block passed
into rather than allocating its own memory.  Also a checkpoint routine
for the memory allocators that allows a caller to find out how much
memory has been allocated since the last time it was called.

diff --git src/lib/localmem.c src/lib/localmem.c
index 706ad15..8c5a33c 100644
--- src/lib/localmem.c
+++ src/lib/localmem.c
@@ -1,221 +1,254 @@
 /* LocalMem.c - local memory routines. 
  * These routines are meant for the sort of scenario where
  * a lot of little to medium size pieces of memory are
  * allocated, and then disposed of all at once.
  * This file is copyright 2002 Jim Kent, but license is hereby
  * granted for all use - public, private or commercial. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "localmem.h"
 struct lm
     struct lmBlock *blocks;
     size_t blockSize;
     size_t allignMask;
     size_t allignAdd;
+    boolean doMemoryAllocs; // if true, do our own memory allocs, otherwise use passed in pointer
 struct lmBlock
     struct lmBlock *next;
     char *free;
     char *end;
     char *extra;
 static struct lmBlock *newBlock(struct lm *lm, size_t reqSize)
 /* Allocate a new block of at least reqSize */
 size_t size = (reqSize > lm->blockSize ? reqSize : lm->blockSize);
 size_t fullSize = size + sizeof(struct lmBlock);
 struct lmBlock *mb = needLargeZeroedMem(fullSize);
 if (mb == NULL)
     errAbort("Couldn't allocate %lld bytes", (long long)fullSize);
 mb->free = (char *)(mb+1);
 mb->end = ((char *)mb) + fullSize;
 mb->next = lm->blocks;
 lm->blocks = mb;
 return mb;
-struct lm *lmInit(int blockSize)
+struct lm *lmGuts(int blockSize, void *mem)
 /* Create a local memory pool. */
 struct lm *lm;
 int aliSize = sizeof(long);
 if (aliSize < sizeof(double))
     aliSize = sizeof(double);
 if (aliSize < sizeof(void *))
     aliSize = sizeof(void *);
 lm = needMem(sizeof(*lm));
 lm->blocks = NULL;
 if (blockSize <= 0)
     blockSize = (1<<14);    /* 16k default. */
 lm->blockSize = blockSize;
 lm->allignAdd = (aliSize-1);
 lm->allignMask = ~lm->allignAdd;
+if (mem != NULL)
+    {
+    lm->doMemoryAllocs = FALSE;
+    struct lmBlock *mb = mem;
+    mb->free = (char *)(mb+1);
+    mb->end = ((char *)mb) + blockSize;
+    mb->next = lm->blocks;
+    lm->blocks = mb;
+    }
+    {
+    lm->doMemoryAllocs = TRUE;
     newBlock(lm, blockSize);
+    }
 return lm;
+struct lm *lmInit(int blockSize)
+/* Create a local memory pool. */
+return lmGuts(blockSize, NULL);
+struct lm *lmInitWMem(void *mem, int blockSize)
+/* Create a local memory pool. */
+return lmGuts(blockSize, mem);
 void lmCleanup(struct lm **pLm)
 /* Clean up a local memory pool. */
     struct lm *lm = *pLm;
     if (lm == NULL)
     *pLm = NULL;
 size_t lmAvailable(struct lm *lm)
 // Returns currently available memory in pool
 struct lmBlock *mb = lm->blocks;
 return (mb->end - mb->free);
 size_t lmSize(struct lm *lm)
 // Returns current size of pool, even for memory already allocated
 size_t fullSize = 0;
 struct lmBlock *mb = lm->blocks;
 for (;mb != NULL;mb = mb->next)
     fullSize += (mb->end - (char *)(mb+1));
 return fullSize;
 void *lmAlloc(struct lm *lm, size_t size)
 /* Allocate memory from local pool. */
 struct lmBlock *mb = lm->blocks;
 void *ret;
 size_t memLeft = mb->end - mb->free;
 if (memLeft < size)
+    {
+    if (lm->doMemoryAllocs)
         mb = newBlock(lm, size);
+    else
+        errAbort("attempted local memory alloc in fixed size allocator");
+    }
 ret = mb->free;
 mb->free += ((size+lm->allignAdd)&lm->allignMask);
 if (mb->free > mb->end)
     mb->free = mb->end;
 return ret;
 void *lmAllocMoreMem(struct lm *lm, void *pt, size_t oldSize, size_t newSize)
 /* Adjust memory size on a block, possibly relocating it.  If block is grown,
  * new memory is zeroed. */
 struct lmBlock *mb = lm->blocks;
 // rare case that pointer is to last lm alloc, but still try.
 // Note this is the one place where the pointer gets reused and it is known to be in this lm
 if ((char *)pt + oldSize == mb->free
 &&  (char *)pt + newSize <= mb->end)
     if (newSize > oldSize) // only move the free pointer on more mem
         mb->free = pt + newSize;
     return pt;
 void *new = lmAlloc(lm, newSize);
 memcpy(new, pt, oldSize);
 return new;
 void *lmCloneMem(struct lm *lm, void *pt, size_t size)
 /* Return a local mem copy of memory block. */
 void *d = lmAlloc(lm, size);
 memcpy(d, pt, size);
 return d;
 char *lmCloneStringZ(struct lm *lm, const char *string, int size)
 /* Return local mem copy of string. */
 if (string == NULL)
     return NULL;
     char *s = lmAlloc(lm, size+1);
     memcpy(s, string, size);
     return s;
 char *lmCloneString(struct lm *lm, const char *string)
 /* Return local mem copy of string. */
 if (string == NULL)
     return NULL;
     return lmCloneStringZ(lm, string, strlen(string));
 char *lmCloneFirstWord(struct lm *lm, const char *line)
 /* Clone first word in line */
 char *startFirstWord = skipLeadingSpaces(line);
 if (startFirstWord == NULL)
     return NULL;
 char *endFirstWord = skipToSpaces(startFirstWord);
 if (endFirstWord == NULL)
     return lmCloneString(lm, startFirstWord);
     return lmCloneStringZ(lm, startFirstWord, endFirstWord - startFirstWord);
 char *lmCloneSomeWord(struct lm *lm, const char *line, int wordIx)
 /* Return a clone of the given space-delimited word within line.  Returns NULL if
  * not that many words in line. */
 if (wordIx < 0)
     return NULL;
 int i;
 for (i=0; i<wordIx; ++i)
     line = skipLeadingSpaces(line);
     line = skipToSpaces(line);
     if (line == NULL)
         return NULL;
 return lmCloneFirstWord(lm, line);
 struct slName *lmSlName(struct lm *lm, const char *name)
 /* Return slName in memory. */
 struct slName *n;
 int size = sizeof(*n) + strlen(name) + 1;
 n = lmAlloc(lm, size);
 strcpy(n->name, name);
 return n;
 char **lmCloneRowExt(struct lm *lm, char **row, int rowOutSize, int rowInSize)
 /* Allocate an array of strings with rowOutSize elements.  Clone the first rowInSize elements
  * of row into the new array, leaving others NULL if rowOutSize is greater than rowInSize.
  * rowOutSize must be greater than or equal to rowInSize. */
 if (rowOutSize < rowInSize)
     errAbort("lmCloneRowExt: rowOutSize (%d) must be greater than or equal to rowInSize (%d)",
              rowOutSize, rowInSize);
 char **rowClone = NULL;
 lmAllocArray(lm, rowClone, rowOutSize);
 int i;
 for (i = 0;  i < rowInSize;  i++)
     rowClone[i] = lmCloneString(lm, row[i]);
 return rowClone;
 char **lmCloneRow(struct lm *lm, char **row, int rowSize)
 /* Allocate an array of strings and its contents cloned from row. */
 return lmCloneRowExt(lm, row, rowSize, rowSize);