  Fri May 31 11:41:50 2019 -0700
Updating redirected links for hg18, uiLinks cronjob.

diff --git src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/human/ntHumChimpCodingDiff.html src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/human/ntHumChimpCodingDiff.html
index 4f443cb..0dca855 100644
--- src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/human/ntHumChimpCodingDiff.html
+++ src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/human/ntHumChimpCodingDiff.html
@@ -31,21 +31,21 @@
 lineage since the ancestral split with chimpanzee were identified by
 aligning human, chimpanzee and orangutan protein sequences for all
 orthologous proteins in
 <A HREF="https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/homologene" TARGET=_BLANK>HomoloGene</A>
 (Build 58) . Comparison of these three species allowed the assignment
 of human/chimpanzee differences to their respective evolutionary
 lineages. An Agilent custom oligonucleotide array covering the 13,841
 non-synonymous changes inferred to have occurred in the human lineage
 was designed and used to capture Neandertal sequences.  
 Burbano HA, Hodges E, Green RE, Briggs AW, Krause J, Meyer M, Good JM, Maricic T, Johnson PL, Xuan Z
 <em>et al</em>.
-<a href="http://science.sciencemag.org/content/328/5979/723" target="_blank">
+<a href="https://science.sciencemag.org/content/328/5979/723" target="_blank">
 Targeted investigation of the Neandertal genome by array-based sequence capture</a>.
 <em>Science</em>. 2010 May 7;328(5979):723-5.
 PMID: <a href="https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20448179" target="_blank">20448179</a>; PMC: <a
 href="https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3140021/" target="_blank">PMC3140021</a>