  Tue May 28 15:02:26 2019 -0700
Updating api.html based on Ann suggestions #18869

diff --git src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/api.html src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/api.html
index 5dfafdd..d043118 100755
--- src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/api.html
+++ src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/api.html
@@ -22,62 +22,62 @@
 <h6><a href="#Practical_examples">Practical examples</a></h6>
 <!-- ========== What is JSON data? ============================== -->
 <a id="Intro"></a>
 <h2>What is JSON data?</h2>
 JSON data is a data transfer syntax from a data provider to a data consumer.
 See also: <a href="https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_json_intro.asp"
 target=_blank>JSON Introduction</a>
 <!-- ========== What is the access URL? ============================== -->
 <a id="Access"></a>
 <h2>What is the access URL?</h2>
-This access url: <b>https://api.genome.ucsc.edu/</b> is used to access
+This access URL: <b>https://api.genome.ucsc.edu/</b> is used to access
 the endpoint functions.  For example:
     wget -O- 'https://api.genome.ucsc.edu/list/publicHubs'
 <!-- ========== What type of data can be accessed? ===================== -->
 <a id="Return"></a>
 <h2>What type of data can be accessed?</h2>
 The following data sets can be accessed at this time:
 <li>List of available public hubs</li>
 <li>List of available UCSC Genome Browser genome assemblies</li>
 <li>List of genomes from a specified assembly or track hub</li>
 <li>List of available data tracks from a specified hub or UCSC Genome Browser genome assembly
 (see also: <a
  href='trackDb/trackDbHub.html' target=_blank>track definition help</a>)</li>
 <li>List of chromosomes contained in an assembly hub or UCSC Genome Browser genome assembly</li>
 <li>List of chromosomes contained in a specific track of an assembly or track hub, or UCSC Genome
 Browser genome assembly</li>
 <li>Return DNA sequence from an assembly hub 2bit file, or UCSC Genome Browser assembly</li>
 <li>Return track data from a specified assembly or track hub, or UCSC Genome Browser assembly</li>
 <!-- ========== Endpoint functions ======================= -->
 <a id="Endpoint"></a>
 <h2>Endpoint functions to return data</h2>
-The url <b>https://api.genome.ucsc.edu/</b> is used to access
+The URL <b>https://api.genome.ucsc.edu/</b> is used to access
 the endpoint functions.  For example:
     curl -L 'https://api.genome.ucsc.edu/list/ucscGenomes'
 <li><b>/list/publicHubs</b> - list public hubs</li>
 <li><b>/list/ucscGenomes</b> - list UCSC Genome Browser database genomes</li>
 <li><b>/list/hubGenomes</b> - list genomes from specified hub</li>
 <li><b>/list/tracks</b> - list data tracks available in specified hub or database genome
 (see also: <a href='trackDb/trackDbHub.html' target=_blank>track definition help</a>)</li>
 <li><b>/list/chromosomes</b> - list chromosomes from a data track in specified hub or database
 <li><b>/getData/sequence</b> - return sequence from specified hub or database genome</li>
@@ -143,31 +143,31 @@
 a track hub will usually be a UCSC database genome.  Assembly hubs will
 have their own unique <b>genome</b> sequences.  Specify <b>genome</b> without
 a <b>hubUrl</b> to refer to a UCSC Genome Browser assembly.
 Using the <b>chrom=&lt;name&gt;</b> parameter will limit the request
 to the single specified chromosome.  To limit the request to a specific
 position, both <b>start=4321</b> and <b>end=5678</b> must be given together.
 Any extra parameters not allowed in a function will be flagged as an error.
 <!-- ========== Supported track types ======================= -->
 <a id="Track_types"></a>
-<h2>Supported track types, at this time (April 2019), for getData functions</h2>
+<h2>Supported track types for getData functions</h2>
 <li><a href='/FAQ/FAQformat.html#format1' target=_blank>bed</a></li>
 <li><a href='/FAQ/FAQformat.html#format1.5' target=_blank>bigBed</a></li>
 <!--  not yet
 <li><a href='/FAQ/FAQformat.html#format9.1' target=_blank>bigGenePred</a></li>
 <li><a href='/FAQ/FAQformat.html#format9.5' target=_blank>bigNarrowPeak</a></li>
 <li><a href='/FAQ/FAQformat.html#format6.1' target=_blank>bigWig</a></li>
 <li><a href='/FAQ/FAQformat.html#format9' target=_blank>genePred</a></li>
 <li><a href='/FAQ/FAQformat.html#format9.5' target=_blank>narrowPeak</a></li>
 <li><a href='/FAQ/FAQformat.html#format2' target=_blank>psl</a></li>
 <li><a href='http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg38/database/rmsk.sql' target=_blank>rmsk - repeat masker</a></li>
 <li><a href='/FAQ/FAQformat.html#format6' target=_blank>wig</a></li>
 <li>(Work is underway to support additional track types)</li>
@@ -336,31 +336,31 @@
 There are different ways around this item limit, depending on how many items are in the track. For
 the <i>knownGene</i> track, breaking it down to component chromosome queries using the <b>chrom</b> 
 parameter will suffice. In order to get a listing of the chrom names, and what chroms have data 
 for that track, the <b>/list/chromosomes</b> function can be used.</p>
 <a href='https://api.genome.ucsc.edu/list/chromosomes?genome=hg19;track=knownGene'
 target=_blank>Request listing of chroms that have data for the knownGene track in hg19</a> -
 With the list of chrom names that have data, the <b>/getData/track</b> function can be used 
-again while specifying the <b>chrom</b> parameter. In the following example chr1 is queried 
-and the <i>itemsReturned</i> field shows a total of 7967 items in the output. Well below the 
+again while specifying the <b>chrom</b> parameter. In the following example, chr1 is queried 
+and the <i>itemsReturned</i> field shows a total of 7967 items in the output, well below the 
 1M limit, meaning all data for chr1 has been extracted. This can then be repeated for all 
 chroms of interest.</p>
 <a href='https://api.genome.ucsc.edu/getData/track?genome=hg19;track=knownGene;chrom=chr1'
-target=_blank>Request iems in knownGene track of hg19, only for chr1</a> -
+target=_blank>Request items in knownGene track of hg19, only for chr1</a> -
 For tracks that have additional items, such as SNP tracks, the query can be further broken 
 down using the additional <b>start</b> and <b>end</b> parameters.</p>
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