  Thu May 30 17:02:00 2019 -0700
Adding galGal6 to the vertebrate composite #18071

diff --git src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/human/chainNetVertebrate.ra src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/human/chainNetVertebrate.ra
index 0b20b9b..7ffff37 100644
--- src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/human/chainNetVertebrate.ra
+++ src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/human/chainNetVertebrate.ra
@@ -1,1155 +1,1155 @@
 track vertebrateChainNet
 compositeTrack on
 shortLabel Vertebrate Chain/Net
 longLabel Non-placental Vertebrate Genomes, Chain and Net Alignments
 subGroup1 view Views chain=Chains net=Nets
 subGroup2 species Species s000=Wallaby s001=Wallaby s002=Tasmanian_devil s003=Opossum s004=Platypus s005=Platypus s006=Turkey s007=Turkey s008=Chicken s009=Chicken s010=Chicken s011=Mallard_duck s012=Scarlet_macaw s013=Medium_ground_finch s014=White-throated_sparrow s015=Collared_flycatcher s016=Golden_eagle s017=Peregrine_falcon s018=Saker_falcon s019=Rock_pigeon s020=Parrot s021=Budgerigar s022=Tibetan_ground_jay s023=Zebra_finch s024=Zebra_finch s025=American_alligator s026=Chinese_alligator s027=Lizard s028=Lizard s028b=Garter_snake s029a=Axolotl s029b=X._tropicalis s030=X._tropicalis s031=X._tropicalis s032=X._tropicalis s033=X._tropicalis s034=African_clawed_frog s035=Spiny_softshell_turtle s036=Chinese_softshell_turtle s037=Painted_turtle s038=Painted_turtle s039=Green_seaturtle s040=Coelacanth s041=Spotted_gar s042=Mexican_tetra_(cavefish) s043=Zebrafish s044=Zebrafish s045=Zebrafish s046=Zebrafish s047=Zebrafish s048=Atlantic_cod s049=Stickleback s050=Southern_platyfish s051=Medaka s052=Pundamilia_nyererei s053=Zebra_mbuna s054=Princess_of_Burundi s055=Burton's_mouthbreeder s056=Nile_tilapia s057=Nile_tilapia s058=Nile_tilapia s059=Yellowbelly_pufferfish s060=Fugu s061=Fugu s062=Tetraodon s063=Tetraodon s064a=Lamprey s064b=Lamprey s065=Lamprey s066=Arctic_lamprey
 subGroup3 clade Clade c00=mammalia c01=dinosauria c02=lepidosauria c03=amphibia c04=cryptodira c05=coelancanthimorpha c06=neopterygii c07=hyperoartia
 dragAndDrop subTracks
 visibility hide
 group compGeno
 noInherit on
 color 0,0,0
 altColor 255,255,0
 type bed 3
 chainLinearGap loose
 chainMinScore 5000
 dimensions dimensionX=clade dimensionY=species
 sortOrder species=+ view=+ clade=+
 configurable on
 html vertebrateChainNet
 priority 9
     track vertebrateChainNetViewchain
     shortLabel Chains
     view chain
     visibility pack
     subTrack vertebrateChainNet
     spectrum on
         track chainMacEug2
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s000 clade=c00
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain macEug2
         otherDb macEug2
         track chainMacEug1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s001 clade=c00
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain macEug1
         otherDb macEug1
         track chainSarHar1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s002 clade=c00
         shortLabel $o_Organism Chain
         longLabel $o_Organism ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain sarHar1
         otherDb sarHar1
         track chainMonDom5
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s003 clade=c00
         shortLabel $o_Organism Chain
         longLabel $o_Organism ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain monDom5
         otherDb monDom5
         track chainOrnAna2
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s004 clade=c00
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain ornAna2
         otherDb ornAna2
         track chainOrnAna1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s005 clade=c00
         shortLabel $o_Organism Chain
         longLabel $o_Organism ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain ornAna1
         otherDb ornAna1
         track chainMelGal5
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s006 clade=c01
         shortLabel $o_Organism Chain
         longLabel $o_Organism ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain melGal5
         otherDb melGal5
         track chainMelGal1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s007 clade=c01
         shortLabel $o_Organism Chain
         longLabel $o_Organism ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain melGal1
         otherDb melGal1
-        track chainGalGal5
+        track chainGalGal6
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s008 clade=c01
         shortLabel $o_Organism Chain
         longLabel $o_Organism ($o_date) Chained Alignments
-        type chain galGal5
-        otherDb galGal5
+        type chain galGal6
+        otherDb galGal6
         track chainGalGal4
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s009 clade=c01
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain galGal4
         otherDb galGal4
         track chainGalGal3
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s010 clade=c01
         shortLabel $o_Organism Chain
         longLabel $o_Organism ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain galGal3
         otherDb galGal3
         track chainAnaPla1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s011 clade=c01
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain anaPla1
         otherDb anaPla1
         track chainAraMac1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s012 clade=c01
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain araMac1
         otherDb araMac1
         track chainGeoFor1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s013 clade=c01
         shortLabel $o_Organism Chain
         longLabel $o_Organism ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain geoFor1
         otherDb geoFor1
         track chainZonAlb1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s014 clade=c01
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain zonAlb1
         otherDb zonAlb1
         track chainFicAlb2
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s015 clade=c01
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain ficAlb2
         otherDb ficAlb2
         track chainAquChr2
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s016 clade=c01
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain aquChr2
         otherDb aquChr2
         track chainFalPer1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s017 clade=c01
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain falPer1
         otherDb falPer1
         track chainFalChe1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s018 clade=c01
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain falChe1
         otherDb falChe1
         track chainColLiv1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s019 clade=c01
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain colLiv1
         otherDb colLiv1
         track chainAmaVit1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s020 clade=c01
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain amaVit1
         otherDb amaVit1
         track chainMelUnd1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s021 clade=c01
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain melUnd1
         otherDb melUnd1
         track chainPseHum1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s022 clade=c01
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain pseHum1
         otherDb pseHum1
         track chainTaeGut2
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s023 clade=c01
         shortLabel $o_Organism Chain
         longLabel $o_Organism ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain taeGut2
         otherDb taeGut2
         track chainTaeGut1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s024 clade=c01
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain taeGut1
         otherDb taeGut1
         track chainAllMis1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s025 clade=c02
         shortLabel $o_Organism Chain
         longLabel $o_Organism ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain allMis1
         otherDb allMis1
         track chainAllSin1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s026 clade=c02
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain allSin1
         otherDb allSin1
         track chainAnoCar2
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s027 clade=c02
         shortLabel $o_Organism Chain
         longLabel $o_Organism ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain anoCar2
         otherDb anoCar2
         track chainAnoCar1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s028 clade=c02
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain anoCar1
         otherDb anoCar1
         track chainThaSir1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s028b clade=c02
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain thaSir1
         otherDb thaSir1
         track chainAmbMex1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s029a clade=c03
         shortLabel $o_Organism Chain
         longLabel $o_Organism ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain ambMex1
         otherDb ambMex1
         track chainXenTro9
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s029b clade=c03
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain xenTro9
         otherDb xenTro9
         track chainXenTro7
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s030 clade=c03
         shortLabel $o_Organism Chain
         longLabel $o_Organism ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain xenTro7
         otherDb xenTro7
         track chainXenTro3
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s031 clade=c03
         shortLabel $o_Organism Chain
         longLabel $o_Organism ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain xenTro3
         otherDb xenTro3
         track chainXenTro2
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s032 clade=c03
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain xenTro2
         otherDb xenTro2
         track chainXenTro1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s033 clade=c03
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain xenTro1
         otherDb xenTro1
         track chainXenLae2
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s034 clade=c03
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain xenLae2
         otherDb xenLae2
         track chainApaSpi1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s035 clade=c04
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain apaSpi1
         otherDb apaSpi1
         track chainPelSin1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s036 clade=c04
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain pelSin1
         otherDb pelSin1
         track chainChrPic2
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s037 clade=c04
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain chrPic2
         otherDb chrPic2
         track chainChrPic1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s038 clade=c04
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain chrPic1
         otherDb chrPic1
         track chainCheMyd1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s039 clade=c04
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain cheMyd1
         otherDb cheMyd1
         track chainLatCha1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s040 clade=c05
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain latCha1
         otherDb latCha1
         track chainLepOcu1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s041 clade=c06
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain lepOcu1
         otherDb lepOcu1
         track chainAstMex1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s042 clade=c06
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain astMex1
         otherDb astMex1
         track chainDanRer11
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s043 clade=c06
         shortLabel $o_Organism Chain
         longLabel $o_Organism ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain danRer11
         otherDb danRer11
         track chainDanRer10
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s044 clade=c06
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain danRer10
         otherDb danRer10
         track chainDanRer7
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s045 clade=c06
         shortLabel $o_Organism Chain
         longLabel $o_Organism ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain danRer7
         otherDb danRer7
         track chainDanRer6
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s046 clade=c06
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain danRer6
         otherDb danRer6
         track chainDanRer5
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s047 clade=c06
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain danRer5
         otherDb danRer5
         track chainGadMor1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s048 clade=c06
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain gadMor1
         otherDb gadMor1
         track chainGasAcu1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s049 clade=c06
         shortLabel $o_Organism Chain
         longLabel $o_Organism ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain gasAcu1
         otherDb gasAcu1
         track chainXipMac1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s050 clade=c06
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain xipMac1
         otherDb xipMac1
         track chainOryLat2
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s051 clade=c06
         shortLabel $o_Organism Chain
         longLabel $o_Organism ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain oryLat2
         otherDb oryLat2
         track chainPunNye1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s052 clade=c06
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain punNye1
         otherDb punNye1
         track chainMayZeb1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s053 clade=c06
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain mayZeb1
         otherDb mayZeb1
         track chainNeoBri1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s054 clade=c06
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain neoBri1
         otherDb neoBri1
         track chainHapBur1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s055 clade=c06
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain hapBur1
         otherDb hapBur1
         track chainOreNil3
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s056 clade=c06
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain oreNil3
         otherDb oreNil3
         track chainOreNil2
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s057 clade=c06
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain oreNil2
         otherDb oreNil2
         track chainOreNil1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s058 clade=c06
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain oreNil1
         otherDb oreNil1
         track chainTakFla1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s059 clade=c06
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain takFla1
         otherDb takFla1
         track chainFr3
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s060 clade=c06
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain fr3
         otherDb fr3
         track chainFr2
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s061 clade=c06
         shortLabel $o_Organism Chain
         longLabel $o_Organism ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain fr2
         otherDb fr2
         track chainTetNig2
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s062 clade=c06
         shortLabel $o_Organism Chain
         longLabel $o_Organism ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain tetNig2
         otherDb tetNig2
         track chainTetNig1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s063 clade=c06
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain tetNig1
         otherDb tetNig1
         track chainPetMar3
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s064a clade=c07
         shortLabel $o_Organism Chain
         longLabel $o_Organism ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain petMar3
         otherDb petMar3
         track chainPetMar2
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s064b clade=c07
         shortLabel $o_Organism Chain
         longLabel $o_Organism ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain petMar2
         otherDb petMar2
         track chainPetMar1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s065 clade=c07
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain petMar1
         otherDb petMar1
         track chainLetCam1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s066 clade=c07
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain letCam1
         otherDb letCam1
     track vertebrateChainNetViewnet
     shortLabel Nets
     view net
     visibility dense
     subTrack vertebrateChainNet
         track netMacEug2
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewnet off
         subGroups view=net species=s000 clade=c00
         shortLabel $o_db Net
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Alignment Net
         type netAlign macEug2 chainMacEug2
         otherDb macEug2
         track netMacEug1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewnet off
         subGroups view=net species=s001 clade=c00
         shortLabel $o_db Net
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Alignment Net
         type netAlign macEug1 chainMacEug1
         otherDb macEug1
         track netSarHar1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewnet off
         subGroups view=net species=s002 clade=c00
         shortLabel $o_Organism Net
         longLabel $o_Organism ($o_date) Alignment Net
         type netAlign sarHar1 chainSarHar1
         otherDb sarHar1
         track netMonDom5
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewnet on
         subGroups view=net species=s003 clade=c00
         shortLabel $o_Organism Net
         longLabel $o_Organism ($o_date) Alignment Net
         type netAlign monDom5 chainMonDom5
         otherDb monDom5
         track netOrnAna2
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewnet off
         subGroups view=net species=s004 clade=c00
         shortLabel $o_db Net
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Alignment Net
         type netAlign ornAna2 chainOrnAna2
         otherDb ornAna2
         track netOrnAna1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewnet off
         subGroups view=net species=s005 clade=c00
         shortLabel $o_Organism Net
         longLabel $o_Organism ($o_date) Alignment Net
         type netAlign ornAna1 chainOrnAna1
         otherDb ornAna1
         track netMelGal5
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewnet off
         subGroups view=net species=s006 clade=c01
         shortLabel $o_Organism Net
         longLabel $o_Organism ($o_date) Alignment Net
         type netAlign melGal5 chainMelGal5
         otherDb melGal5
         track netMelGal1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewnet off
         subGroups view=net species=s007 clade=c01
         shortLabel $o_Organism Net
         longLabel $o_Organism ($o_date) Alignment Net
         type netAlign melGal1 chainMelGal1
         otherDb melGal1
-        track netGalGal5
+        track netGalGal6
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewnet on
         subGroups view=net species=s008 clade=c01
         shortLabel $o_Organism Net
         longLabel $o_Organism ($o_date) Alignment Net
-        type netAlign galGal5 chainGalGal5
-        otherDb galGal5
+        type netAlign galGal6 chainGalGal6
+        otherDb galGal6
         track netGalGal4
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewnet off
         subGroups view=net species=s009 clade=c01
         shortLabel $o_db Net
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Alignment Net
         type netAlign galGal4 chainGalGal4
         otherDb galGal4
         track netGalGal3
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewnet off
         subGroups view=net species=s010 clade=c01
         shortLabel $o_Organism Net
         longLabel $o_Organism ($o_date) Alignment Net
         type netAlign galGal3 chainGalGal3
         otherDb galGal3
         track netAnaPla1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewnet off
         subGroups view=net species=s011 clade=c01
         shortLabel $o_db Net
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Alignment Net
         type netAlign anaPla1 chainAnaPla1
         otherDb anaPla1
         track netAraMac1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewnet off
         subGroups view=net species=s012 clade=c01
         shortLabel $o_db Net
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Alignment Net
         type netAlign araMac1 chainAraMac1
         otherDb araMac1
         track netGeoFor1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewnet on
         subGroups view=net species=s013 clade=c01
         shortLabel $o_Organism Net
         longLabel $o_Organism ($o_date) Alignment Net
         type netAlign geoFor1 chainGeoFor1
         otherDb geoFor1
         track netZonAlb1
         subTrack vertebrateChainNetViewnet off
         subGroups view=net species=s014 clade=c01
         shortLabel $o_db Net
         longLabel $o_db ($o_date) Alignment Net
         type netAlign zonAlb1 chainZonAlb1
         otherDb zonAlb1
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