1b17e173bde7713fe7080825f27efb8e952419f4 hiram Thu Aug 1 14:51:39 2019 -0700 updating text after QA comments refs #23734 diff --git src/hg/utils/automation/asmHubGatewayPage.pl src/hg/utils/automation/asmHubGatewayPage.pl index 369fa77..b10adda 100755 --- src/hg/utils/automation/asmHubGatewayPage.pl +++ src/hg/utils/automation/asmHubGatewayPage.pl @@ -1,24 +1,26 @@ #!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use FindBin qw($Bin); use lib "$Bin"; use AsmHub; use File::Basename; +my $sourceServer = "hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu"; + my @months = qw( 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ); sub usage() { printf STDERR "usage: asmHubGatewayPage.pl /*assembly_report.txt /asmId.chrom.sizes /image.jpg /photoCredits.txt\n"; printf STDERR "output is to stdout, redirect to file: > description.html\n"; printf STDERR "photoCredits.txt is a two line tagstring file:\n"; printf STDERR "tags: photoCreditURL and photoCreditName\n"; printf STDERR "use string 'noPhoto' for image and credits when no photo\n"; exit 255; } sub chromSizes($) { my ($sizeFile) = @_; if ( -s $sizeFile ) { printf STDERR "# reading chrom.sizes file:\n#\t'%s\'\n", $sizeFile; @@ -275,68 +277,74 @@ target=_blank> \"%s\" %s
(Photo courtesy of %s) \n", $imageWidth+$imageWidthBorder, $imageHeight, $asmAccession, $ftpName, $imageName, $imageWidth, $imageHeight, $commonName, $orgName, $photoCreditURL, $photoCreditName; } printf "

-Common name: %s
+Common name: %s
Taxonomic name: %s, taxonomy ID: %s
Sequencing/Assembly provider ID: %s
Assembly date: %s
Assembly type: %s
Assembly level: %s
Biosample: %s
Assembly accession ID: %s
Assembly FTP location: %s
\n", $commonName, $orgName, $taxId, $taxId, $submitter, $asmDate, $descrAsmType, $asmLevel, $bioSample, $bioSample, $asmAccession, $asmAccession, $urlDirectory, $urlDirectory; chromSizes($chromSizes); printf "


Download files for this assembly hub:
To use the data from this assembly for a local hub instance at your institution, download these data as indicated by these instructions.
-See also: track hub help documentation.
+See also: track hub help documentation.

-To download these data, issue this wget command: +To download this assembly data, use this rsync command:

-wget --timestamping -m -nH -x --cut-dirs=5 -e robots=off -np -k \\
+  rsync -a -P rsync://$sourceServer/hubs/VGP/genomes/$asmId/ ./$asmId/
+  which creates the local directory: ./$asmId/
+or this wget command: +
+  wget --timestamping -m -nH -x --cut-dirs=4 -e robots=off -np -k \\
     --reject \"index.html*\" -P \"$asmId\" \\
-       http://genome-test.soe.ucsc.edu/hubs/ncbiAssemblies/$asmId/
+       http://$sourceServer/hubs/VGP/genomes/$asmId/
+  which creates a local directory: ./$asmId/
-to download the files for this assembly,
-creating the local directory: \"$asmId\"

There is an included $asmId.genomes.txt file in that download data to use for your local track hub instance.
You will need to add a hub.txt file to point to this genomes.txt file.
Something like:
 hub myLocalHub
 shortLabel myLocalHub
-longLabel genomes from RefSeq assemblies
+longLabel genomes from Vertebrate Genomes Project assemblies
 genomesFile $asmId.genomes.txt
 email yourEmail\@yourdomain.edu
 descriptionUrl html/$asmId.description.html
The html/$asmId.description.html page is information for your users to describe this assembly. This WEB page with these instructions is an instance of html/$asmId.description.html file.

\n"; printf "

To operate a blat server on this assembly, in the directory where you have the $asmId.2bit file:

 gfServer -log=%s.gfServer.trans.log -ipLog -canStop start \\