  Tue Jul 30 17:05:54 2019 -0700
fixup directory name clash for bedJoinTabOffset refs #23806

diff --git src/userApps/fetchKentSource.sh src/userApps/fetchKentSource.sh
index 6f1f297..6727a92 100755
--- src/userApps/fetchKentSource.sh
+++ src/userApps/fetchKentSource.sh
@@ -13,30 +13,33 @@
 # a 10-minute update cycle with live work taking place.
 # export branch="HEAD"
 # These selective git archive commands only work up to a certain size
 # of fetched source (number of arguments), hence the multiple set of
 # individual fetches to get all the parts
 rm -f part1Src.zip part2Src.zip part3Src.zip part4Src.zip part5Src.zip
 export partNumber=1
 export ofN="of 5"
 # this util changed from being in a directory to being a script
 # the extract can't overwrite the directory with a file
 rm -fr kent/src/utils/uniprotLift
+# v385 this util changed from a script by this name to a directory
+# and the script changed to a .py name
+rm -fr kent/src/utils/bedJoinTabOffset
 echo "fetch kent source part ${partNumber} ${ofN}" 1>&2
 git archive --format=zip -9 --remote=git://genome-source.soe.ucsc.edu/kent.git \
 --prefix=kent/ ${branch} \
 src/machTest.sh \
 src/checkUmask.sh \
 src/ameme \
 src/aladdin \
 src/blat \
 src/dnaDust \
 src/fuse \
 src/gfClient \
 src/gfServer \
 src/index \
 src/makefile \