  Thu Aug 1 14:55:29 2019 -0700
correct word in usage message refs #23918

diff --git src/hg/utils/automation/gpToIx.pl src/hg/utils/automation/gpToIx.pl
index 0bde5b4..8450c2d 100755
--- src/hg/utils/automation/gpToIx.pl
+++ src/hg/utils/automation/gpToIx.pl
@@ -1,50 +1,50 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env perl
 # construct ix.txt index from a genePred file
 # index key is the name of the gene from column 1 of the genePred
 # alias names for that are constructed:
 #   the name without any .nnn suffix
 #   name2 if present, and name2 without .nnn suffix
 use strict;
 use warnings;
 my $argc = scalar(@ARGV);
 if ($argc != 1 ) {
-  printf STDERR "ucage: gpToIx.pl <genePred.gp> | sort -u > ix.txt\n";
+  printf STDERR "usage: gpToIx.pl <genePred.gp> | sort -u > ix.txt\n";
   printf STDERR "then run ixIxx on ix.txt:\n";
   printf STDERR " ixIxx ix.txt out.ix out.ixx\n";
   exit 255;
 my $gpFile = shift;
 if ($gpFile =~ m/.gz$/) {
   open (FH, "zcat $gpFile|") or die "ERROR: gpToIx.pl can not read '$gpFile'";
 } else {
   open (FH, "<$gpFile") or die "ERROR: gpToIx.pl can not read '$gpFile'";
 while (my $line = <FH>) {
   next if ($line =~ m/^#/);
   chomp ($line);
   my ($name, $chrom, $strand, $txStart, $txEnd, $cdsStart, $cdsEnd, $exonCount, $exonStarts, $exonEnds, $score, $name2, $cdsStartStat, $cdsEndStat, $exonFrames) = split('\s+', $line);
   my $extraNames = "";
   my $noSuffix=$name;
   $noSuffix =~ s/\.[0-9][0-9]*$//;
   $extraNames = $noSuffix if (($noSuffix ne $name) && (length($noSuffix) > 0));
   if (defined($name2)) {
     if ($name !~ m/\Q$name2\E/i) {
       if (length($extraNames) > 0) {
          $extraNames .= "\t" . $name2;
       } else {
          $extraNames = $name2;
       $noSuffix = $name2;
       $noSuffix =~ s/\.[0-9][0-9]*$//;
       $extraNames .= "\t" . $noSuffix if (($noSuffix ne $name2) && (length($noSuffix) > 0));
   printf "%s\t%s\n", $name, $extraNames if (length($extraNames) > 0);
 close (FH);