fb895c82bef394408aff9fa5ce3008daa4cee6e3 mspeir Wed Jul 31 12:16:46 2019 -0700 Fixed an issue with qaAutoTrack not properly checking date for grcIncidentDb tracks. Bumped up tooOld date for grcIncidentDb tracks to 6 months since updates seem to come infrequently from GRC. Fixed issue with runQaAutoTrack not deleting old log files. Added checks for grcIncidentDb track on danRer10 and galGal5. Removed check for danRer7 as GRC site does not seem to have data for this assembly anymore. no redmine diff --git src/utils/qa/qaAutoTrack.sh src/utils/qa/qaAutoTrack.sh index e09fc9b..19ecebf 100755 --- src/utils/qa/qaAutoTrack.sh +++ src/utils/qa/qaAutoTrack.sh @@ -1,339 +1,326 @@ #!/bin/bash # quit if something within the script fails set -beEu -o pipefail source `which qaConfig.bash` export HGDB_CONF=$HOME/.hg.conf.beta umask 002 ################################ # # 02-13-2015 # Matthew Speir # # qaAutoTrack.sh # Performs basic QA for auto-pushed tracks, which includes: # - Checks when data for track was last updated # - Coverage from featureBits -countGaps # - Percentage difference in coverage between now and the last time the script was run # ################################ ##### Variables ##### # Set by command-line options db="" tableName="" bigBedMode="" verboseMode=false overwriteLogUrl=false newLogDir="" # Other variables currDate=$(date +%F) currTime=$(date +%H_%M_%S) output="" # holds output message logUrl="http://genecats.soe.ucsc.edu/qa/test-results/qaAutoTrackLogs" logDir="/usr/local/apache/htdocs-genecats/qa/test-results/qaAutoTrackLogs" currLogFile="" prevLogFile="" prevLogDate="" # Variables for issue checking issueNote="" tooOld="" percentDiff="" ##### Functions ##### # Usage message function showHelp() { cat << EOF Usage: `basename $0` [-hbvs] [-l log dir] [-u log url] \$database \$table Required arguments: database UCSC database name, e.g. hg19 or hg38. table Table name, e.g. gwasCatalog. Optional arguments: -h Display this help and exit -b BigBed mode. Used for tracks supported bigBed files, i.e. grcIncidentDb. -v Verbose mode. Outputs test results to standard out as well as file. -l log directory Alternate directory for output log -u log url Alternate URL for output log. -s Suppress URL in output. Will instead print directory in messages. Performs basic QA for auto-pushed tracks, which includes: - Checks when data for track was last updated - Coverage from featureBits -countGaps - Percentage difference in coverage between now and the last time the script was run By default, all results are output to a file and only issues are output to the command line. Use the "-v" option to see results on the command line as well. All log files are output to: http://genecats.soe.ucsc.edu/qa/test-results/qaAutoTrack. Notes: - For OMIM, ClinGen (formerly ISCA), or ClinVar tracks use omim, isca, or clinvar as the table name. - If run more than once per day, then subsequent log files will include current time in name. EOF } # Output function function outputCovDiff () { # four positional arguments. $1 == prevLogFile. $2 == tblCov. $3 == tableName. $4 == tblDate. # Dependency: Coverage information from previous log file (positional argument $1) # If no previous log file exists or if previous log file doesn't contain coverage info, # then no coverage diff will be calculated and the percentDiff variable will retain its # default value of "" if [[ $1 != "" ]] # Check for previous log file. True if file exists. then # get info needed for diff rawCount=$(echo $2 | awk '{print $1}') prevCov=$(egrep -A2 "^$3" $1 | grep "^Coverage New" | cut -d" " -f3-) # Grabs coverage from previous log file. rawCountPrev=$(echo $prevCov | awk '{print $1}') if [[ prevCov != "" ]] # Check needed so script doesn't fail if prevLogFile doesn't contain coverage info then # Calculate diff between new and old coverage rawCountDiff=$(echo $(expr $rawCount - $rawCountPrev)|tr -d -) rawCountAvg=$(expr $rawCount / 2 + $rawCountPrev / 2) percentDiff=$(awk -v rcd=$rawCountDiff -v rca=$rawCountAvg 'BEGIN{print 100 * rcd / rca}') # Build output string output+="$3\nLast updated: $4\nCoverage New: $2\nCoverage Old: $prevCov\nCoverage Diff: $percentDiff%\n\n" else output+="$3\nLast updated: $4\nCoverage New: $2\n\n" fi else output+="$3\nLast updated: $4\nCoverage New: $2\n\n" fi } # Function to raise errors function checkForIssues () { # four positional arguments. $1 == tblDate. $2 == tooOld. $3 == tableName. $4 == precentDiff. # Dependency: percentDiff, positional argument $4, is expected to be set by outputCovDiff # If percent diff is not set (so it retains default empty "" value), then checkForIssues # will raise no errors. # Raises an error if it's been too long since last update if [ $(date -d "$1" +%s) -le $(date -d "$2" +%s) ] then issueNote+="$db.$3 has not been updated since $1\n" fi # Raises error if coverage diff between track versions is too large if [[ "$4" != "" ]] then # Round our percentDiff to 3 decimal places. percentDiffRounded=$(printf "%.3f\n" "$4") if [ $(echo "$percentDiffRounded >= 10" | bc) -ne 0 ] then issueNote+="Large coverage diff for $db.$3\n" fi fi } ##### Parse command-line input ##### OPTIND=1 # Reset is necessary if getopts was used previously in the script. while getopts "hl:u:bvs" opt do case $opt in h) showHelp exit 0 ;; v) verboseMode=true ;; b) bigBedMode="on" ;; l) # Check if directory is valid before attempting to write to it. if [ -d "$OPTARG" ] then newLogDir=$OPTARG else echo -e "Sorry, directory \"$2\" does not exist." echo -e "Check spelling or create this directory and try again.\n" exit 1 fi ;; u) logUrl=$OPTARG ;; s) overwriteLogUrl=true ;; '?') showHelp >&2 exit 1 ;; esac done shift "$((OPTIND-1))" # Shift off the options and optional --. # Check number of required arguments if [ $# -ne 2 ] then # Output usage message if number of required arguments is wrong showHelp >&2 exit 1 else # Set variables with required argument values db=$1 tableName=$2 fi ##### Main Program ##### # Set some variables based on optional input if [[ "$newLogDir" != "" ]] then # Set logDir if newLogDir is provided logDir="$newLogDir" fi if [[ $overwriteLogUrl == true ]] then # Overwrite url if option is set logUrl=$logDir fi # set currLogFile currLogFile="$db.$tableName.$currDate.$currTime.txt" # set info for prevLog prevLogDate=$(ls -Lt $logDir | sed -n /$db.$tableName/p | head -1 | awk -F . '{print $3}') prevLogTime=$(ls -Lt $logDir | sed -n /$db.$tableName/p | head -1 | awk -F . '{print $4}') #initialize output string output="\n$db\n" if [ -e $logDir/$db.$tableName.$prevLogDate.$prevLogTime.txt ] then prevLogFile="$logDir/$db.$tableName.$prevLogDate.$prevLogTime.txt" fi # Set tooOld for different tables -if [[ "$tableName" == "clinvar" ]] || [[ "$tableName" == "grcIndcidentDb" ]] +if [[ "$tableName" == "clinvar" ]] then tooOld=$(date -d "$currDate - 2 months" +%F) +elif [[ "$tableName" == "grcIndcidentDb" ]] +then + tooOld=$(date -d "$currDate - 6 months" +%F) else tooOld=$(date -d "$currDate - 1 month" +%F) fi # Run tests for different tracks if [[ $bigBedMode == "on" ]] then # ClinVar has muliple tables if [[ $tableName == "clinvar" ]] then for tbl in clinvarMain clinvarCnv do # Get file name from beta fileName=$(hgsql -Ne "SELECT * FROM $tbl LIMIT 1" $db) # Get table update time from beta tblDate=$(ssh qateam@hgwbeta "date -d '$(stat -Lc '%y' $fileName)' +%F' '%T") MYTEMPFILE=$(mktemp --tmpdir tmp.XXXXXXXXXX.bed) # featureBits doesn't work with bigBeds, need to turn into bed first ssh qateam@hgwbeta "/usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/utils/bigBedToBed $fileName stdout" > $MYTEMPFILE tblCov=$(featureBits -countGaps $db $MYTEMPFILE 2>&1) outputCovDiff "$prevLogFile" "$tblCov" "$tbl" "$tblDate" # Check for issues with table checkForIssues "$tblDate" "$tooOld" "$tbl" "$percentDiff" rm -f $MYTEMPFILE done - # GRC Incident track relies on remote file so curl must be used instead of stat - elif [[ $tableName == "grcIncidentDb" ]] - then - fileName=$(hgsql -Ne "SELECT * FROM $tableName LIMIT 1" $db) - # Use curl to get update time on file - tblDate=$(date -d "$(curl -s -v -I $fileName 2>&1 | grep '^< Last-Modified:'| cut -d ' ' -f3- )" '+%F %T') - MYTEMPFILE=$(mktemp --tmpdir tmp.XXXXXXXXXX.bed) - # featureBits doesn't work with bigBeds, need to turn into bed first - bigBedToBed $fileName $MYTEMPFILE - tblCov=$(featureBits -countGaps $db $MYTEMPFILE 2>&1) - - outputCovDiff "$prevLogFile" "$tblCov" "$tableName" "$tblDate" - # Check for issues with table - checkForIssues "$tblDate" "$tooOld" "$tableName" "$percentDiff" - - rm -f $MYTEMPFILE # Tests for all other bigBed based autopushed tracks (assuming they don't use remote bigBed files) else fileName=$(hgsql -Ne "SELECT * FROM $tableName LIMIT 1" $db) # Get table update time from beta tblDate=$(ssh qateam@hgwbeta "date -d '$(stat -Lc '%y' $fileName)' +%F' '%T") MYTEMPFILE=$(mktemp --tmpdir tmp.XXXXXXXXXX.bed) # featureBits doesn't work with bigBeds, need to turn into bed first ssh qateam@hgwbeta "/usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/utils/bigBedToBed $fileName stdout" > $MYTEMPFILE tblCov=$(featureBits -countGaps $db $MYTEMPFILE 2>&1) outputCovDiff "$prevLogFile" "$tblCov" "$tableName" "$tblDate" # Check for issues with table checkForIssues "$tblDate" "$tooOld" "$tableName" "$percentDiff" rm -f $MYTEMPFILE fi # Tests for non-bigBed tracks else # OMIM and ISCA both have a large number of tables if [[ $tableName == "omim" ]] || [[ $tableName == "isca" ]] then for tbl in $(hgsql -Ne "SHOW TABLES LIKE '%$tableName%'" $db) # Grabs list of all omim or isca tables from beta do tblDate=$(hgsql -Ne "SELECT UPDATE_TIME FROM information_schema.tables WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='$db' AND TABLE_NAME='$tbl'") # Only some omim tables have coordinates if [[ $tbl == "omimGene2" ]] || [[ $tbl == "omimAvSnp" ]] || [[ $tbl == "omimLocation" ]] || [[ $tableName == "isca" ]] then tblCov=$(ssh qateam@hgwbeta "featureBits -countGaps $db $tbl 2>&1") outputCovDiff "$prevLogFile" "$tblCov" "$tbl" "$tblDate" # Check for issues with table checkForIssues "$tblDate" "$tooOld" "$tbl" "$percentDiff" # Output for tables that don't contain coordinates else output+="$tbl\nLast updated: $tblDate\n\n" # Check for issues with table checkForIssues "$tblDate" "$tooOld" "$tbl" "" fi done # Tests for all other table based autopushed tracks else tblDate=$(hgsql -Ne "SELECT UPDATE_TIME FROM information_schema.tables WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='$db' AND TABLE_NAME='$tableName'") tblCov=$(ssh qateam@hgwbeta "featureBits -countGaps $db $tableName 2>&1") outputCovDiff "$prevLogFile" "$tblCov" "$tableName" "$tblDate" # Check for issues with table checkForIssues "$tblDate" "$tooOld" "$tableName" "$percentDiff" fi fi # Output results of tests if [[ $issueNote != "" ]] then #Put URL to log file at end of issue note issueNote+="\nSee $logUrl/$currLogFile for more details about these errors.\n\n" echo -e $issueNote | tee $logDir/$currLogFile fi if [[ $verboseMode == true ]] # True if verboseMode is on then echo -e $output | tee -a $logDir/$currLogFile else echo -e $output >> $logDir/$currLogFile fi