fb895c82bef394408aff9fa5ce3008daa4cee6e3 mspeir Wed Jul 31 12:16:46 2019 -0700 Fixed an issue with qaAutoTrack not properly checking date for grcIncidentDb tracks. Bumped up tooOld date for grcIncidentDb tracks to 6 months since updates seem to come infrequently from GRC. Fixed issue with runQaAutoTrack not deleting old log files. Added checks for grcIncidentDb track on danRer10 and galGal5. Removed check for danRer7 as GRC site does not seem to have data for this assembly anymore. no redmine diff --git src/utils/qa/runQaAutoTrack.sh src/utils/qa/runQaAutoTrack.sh index 6fde56f..e80f394 100755 --- src/utils/qa/runQaAutoTrack.sh +++ src/utils/qa/runQaAutoTrack.sh @@ -1,117 +1,118 @@ #!/bin/bash # quit if something within the script fails set -beEu -o pipefail source `which qaConfig.bash` umask 002 ################################ # # 01-13-2017 # Matthew Speir # # runQaAutoTrack.sh # Runs script bin/qaAutoTrack.sh for # various autopushed tracks # # Runs day after track is supposed # to be updated for most tracks # ################################ # Set current day of the week # Needed to determine which tracks to test dayOfWeek=$(date +%A) # Set date used to delete logs older than this. # Currently set to 6mo ago logTooOld=$(date --date="-6 months" +%F) # Where qaAutoTrack is placing the results logDir="" usage=""" Runs script qaAutoTrack.sh for various autopushed tracks.\nWill remove log files older than six months from log directory\nfor qaAutoTrack.sh. Log directory defaults to\n /usr/local/apache/htdocs-genecats/qa/test-results/qaAutoTrackLogs \n\n usage:`basename $0` go logDirectory \n\nlogDirectory is directory where output files are being placed\nby qaAutoTrack.sh if it's different that the default listed above.\n """ # Print really basic usage statement if (( $# < 1 )) || (( $# > 2 )) then echo -e $usage exit 1 elif (( $# == 1 )) then runScript=$1 elif (( $# == 2 )) then # Check if logDirectory exists if [ -d $2 ] then runScript="$1" logDir="$2" else echo -e "Sorry, directory \"$2\" does not exist. " echo -e "Check spelling or create this directory and try again.\n" exit 1 fi fi if [[ $logDir == "" ]] then logDir="/usr/local/apache/htdocs-genecats/qa/test-results/qaAutoTrackLogs" fi # Print usage statement if the supplied argument isn't "go" if [[ $runScript != "go" ]] then echo -e $usage exit 1 # Run qaAutoTrack.sh for different tracks depending on the day of the week else if [ -e "$logDir/*.txt" ] then - # Identify log files that are greater than 6 months old - # $1, $2, $3, and $4 are the db, table, date, and time respectively + # Identify log files that are greater than 6 months old. + # $1, $2, $3, and $4 are the db, table, date, and time respectively. + # $5 is the file extension (txt). oldLogFiles=$(ls $logDir/*.txt | awk -v ymdOld=$logTooOld -F'.' '$3 <= ymdOld {print $1"."$2"."$3"."$4"."$5}') # Remove these old log files # Prevents log file directory from becoming overstuffed with files for file in $(echo $oldLogFiles) do - rm $file.txt + rm $file done fi if [[ $dayOfWeek == "Monday" ]] then qaAutoTrack.sh hg19 isca qaAutoTrack.sh hg38 isca qaAutoTrack.sh hg19 decipher qaAutoTrack.sh hg19 geneReviews qaAutoTrack.sh hg38 geneReviews elif [[ $dayOfWeek == "Tuesday" ]] then qaAutoTrack.sh hg18 lovd qaAutoTrack.sh hg19 gwasCatalog qaAutoTrack.sh hg38 gwasCatalog elif [[ $dayOfWeek == "Wednesday" ]] then - - qaAutoTrack.sh -b danRer7 grcIncidentDb + qaAutoTrack.sh -b danRer10 grcIncidentDb + qaAutoTrack.sh -b galGal5 grcIncidentDb qaAutoTrack.sh -b hg19 grcIncidentDb qaAutoTrack.sh -b hg38 grcIncidentDb qaAutoTrack.sh -b mm9 grcIncidentDb qaAutoTrack.sh -b mm10 grcIncidentDb elif [[ $dayOfWeek == "Thursday" ]] then qaAutoTrack.sh hg19 omim qaAutoTrack.sh hg38 omim qaAutoTrack.sh -b hg19 clinvar qaAutoTrack.sh -b hg38 clinvar elif [[ $dayOfWeek == "Friday" ]] then qaAutoTrack.sh hg38 refGene fi fi