  Sun Sep 1 11:41:08 2019 -0700
Starting to work on a utility to help load things from GEO into HCAT

diff --git src/hca/hcat/hcatTabUpdate/hcatTabUpdate.c src/hca/hcat/hcatTabUpdate/hcatTabUpdate.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba0270a
--- /dev/null
+++ src/hca/hcat/hcatTabUpdate/hcatTabUpdate.c
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+/* hcatTabUpdate - take the tabToTabDir result of the geo/sra import
+ * and unpack a few fields that are just too hard in strex. 
+ * Put results in an output dir. */
+#include "common.h"
+#include "linefile.h"
+#include "hash.h"
+#include "options.h"
+#include "fieldedTable.h"
+#include "portable.h"
+#include "csv.h"
+void usage()
+/* Explain usage and exit. */
+  "hcatTabUpdate - Update the hcat database given a tab seperated input and output dir.\n"
+  "hcatTabUpdate - take the tabToTabDir result of the geo/sra import\n"
+  "and unpack a few fields that are just too hard in strex. \n"
+  "Put results in an output dir.\n" 
+  "usage:\n"
+  "   hcatTabUpdate inDir outDir\n"
+  "options:\n"
+  "   -xxx=XXX\n"
+  );
+/* Command line validation table. */
+static struct optionSpec options[] = {
+   {NULL, 0},
+void addIfReal(int fieldIx, char *oldFieldNames[], 
+    char *newFields[], int newIxs[], int maxNewCount,int *pCurCount)
+/* If fieldIx is positive we consider it real anc add it to the newFields */
+if (fieldIx > 0)
+    {
+    char *oldName = cloneString(oldFieldNames[fieldIx]);
+    char *newName = oldName;
+    char *prefix = "contact_";
+    if (startsWith(prefix, oldName))
+	 {
+         newName += strlen(prefix);;
+	 }
+    int curCount = *pCurCount;
+    if (curCount >= maxNewCount)
+       errAbort("Too many fields in addIfRead on %s, %d max", oldName, curCount);
+    newIxs[curCount] = fieldIx;
+    newFields[curCount] = newName;
+    *pCurCount = curCount+1;
+    }
+struct fieldedTable *makeContributors(struct fieldedTable *inProject)
+/* Make a fielded table from project contact info and contributors list */
+char **projectRow = inProject->rowList->row;
+/* Make the contributors list in two pieces first off of the contact */
+int contact_name = fieldedTableFindFieldIx(inProject, "contact_name");
+int contact_email = fieldedTableFindFieldIx(inProject, "contact_email");
+int contact_phone = fieldedTableFindFieldIx(inProject, "contact_phone");
+int contact_department = fieldedTableFindFieldIx(inProject, "contact_department");
+int contact_institute = fieldedTableFindFieldIx(inProject, "contact_institute");
+int contact_address = fieldedTableFindFieldIx(inProject, "contact_address");
+int contact_city = fieldedTableFindFieldIx(inProject, "contact_city");
+int contact_country = fieldedTableFindFieldIx(inProject, "contact_country");
+int contact_zip_postal_code = fieldedTableFindFieldIx(inProject, "contact_zip_postal_code");
+/* Figure out which contact data we actually have */
+const int maxContacts = 32;
+char *contactFields[maxContacts+1];  // An extra for the project_role
+int contactIx[maxContacts];
+int realFieldCount = 0;
+char **oldFields = inProject->fields;
+addIfReal(contact_name, oldFields, contactFields, contactIx, maxContacts, &realFieldCount);
+addIfReal(contact_email, oldFields, contactFields, contactIx, maxContacts, &realFieldCount);
+addIfReal(contact_phone, oldFields, contactFields, contactIx, maxContacts, &realFieldCount);
+addIfReal(contact_department, oldFields, contactFields, contactIx, maxContacts, &realFieldCount);
+addIfReal(contact_institute, oldFields, contactFields, contactIx, maxContacts, &realFieldCount);
+addIfReal(contact_address, oldFields, contactFields, contactIx, maxContacts, &realFieldCount);
+addIfReal(contact_city, oldFields, contactFields, contactIx, maxContacts, &realFieldCount);
+addIfReal(contact_country, oldFields, contactFields, contactIx, maxContacts, &realFieldCount);
+addIfReal(contact_zip_postal_code, oldFields, 
+    contactFields, contactIx, maxContacts, &realFieldCount);
+contactFields[realFieldCount] = "project_role";
+realFieldCount += 1;
+uglyf("Got %d real contact fields\n", realFieldCount);
+/* Make contributor output table.  The first row of it will be seeded with the contact.
+ * We can fill out names, but not other info on the other contributors, who will make
+ * up the rest of the rows. */
+struct fieldedTable *contributors = fieldedTableNew("contributors", contactFields, 
+    realFieldCount);
+contributors->startsSharp = inProject->startsSharp;
+/* Make up first row from contacts */
+char *outVals[realFieldCount];
+int outIx;
+struct dyString *scratch = dyStringNew(0);
+for (outIx=0; outIx<realFieldCount-1; ++outIx)
+    {
+    char *inTsv = projectRow[contactIx[outIx]];
+    char *inVal = emptyForNull(cloneString(csvParseNext(&inTsv, scratch)));
+    outVals[outIx] = inVal;
+    }
+outVals[outIx] = "lab contact";
+char *contactName = cloneString(outVals[0]);
+fieldedTableAdd(contributors, outVals, realFieldCount, 1);
+/* Unroll the contributors field  into further rows*/
+for (outIx=0; outIx<realFieldCount; ++outIx)
+    outVals[outIx] = "";	// Empty out all rows.
+int inContribIx = fieldedTableMustFindFieldIx(inProject, "contributors");
+int outContribIx = fieldedTableMustFindFieldIx(contributors, "name");
+char *inTsv = projectRow[inContribIx];
+char *oneVal;
+while ((oneVal = csvParseNext(&inTsv, scratch)) != NULL)
+    {
+    if (differentString(oneVal, contactName))  // We already got the contact as a contributor
+	{
+	outVals[outContribIx] = cloneString(oneVal);
+	outVals[realFieldCount-1] = "contributor";
+	fieldedTableAdd(contributors, outVals, realFieldCount, contributors->rowCount+1);
+	}
+    }
+return contributors;
+char *lookupSpecies(char *taxon)
+/* Some day we may query a decent database, for now
+ * just have some of the most common */
+if (sameString(taxon, "9606")) return "human";
+if (sameString(taxon, "10090")) return "mouse";
+if (sameString(taxon, "10116")) return "rat";
+if (sameString(taxon, "7955")) return "zebrafish";
+if (sameString(taxon, "7227")) return "fly";
+if (sameString(taxon, "6239")) return "worm";
+if (sameString(taxon, "4932")) return "yeast";
+errAbort("Unknown taxon %s", taxon);
+return NULL;
+char *taxonsToSpecies(char *inVal, struct dyString *scratch)
+/* Convert a comma separated list of taxons in inVal to a
+ * comma separated species list, using scratch. */
+struct dyString *result = dyStringNew(64);
+char *taxon;
+char *s = inVal;
+while ((taxon = csvParseNext(&s, scratch)) != NULL)
+    {
+    char *species = lookupSpecies(taxon);
+    csvEscapeAndAppend(result, species);
+    }
+return dyStringCannibalize(&result);
+struct fieldedTable *makeProject(struct fieldedTable *inProject)
+/* Make output project table.  This is the big one - 35 fields now
+ * probably twice that by the time HCA is done.  Fortunately we only need
+ * to deal with some of the fields and it only has one row. */
+char **inFields = inProject->fields;
+char **inRow = inProject->rowList->row;
+int inFieldCount = inProject->fieldCount;
+int outFieldMax = inFieldCount + 16;  // Mostly we remove fields but we do add a few
+char *outFields[outFieldMax];  
+char *outRow[outFieldMax];
+int outFieldCount = 0;
+struct dyString *scratch = dyStringNew(0);
+/* First we make up the basics of the outProject table.  Mostly this is just
+ * passing through from the inProject, but there's exceptions like contacts. */
+int inIx;
+for (inIx=0; inIx<inFieldCount; ++inIx)
+    {
+    /* Fetch input name and value */
+    char *inName = inFields[inIx];
+    char *inVal = inRow[inIx];
+    /* Go through list of input fields we tweak slightly */
+    if (sameString("taxons", inName))
+        {
+	inName = "species";
+	inVal = taxonsToSpecies(inVal, scratch);
+	}
+    /* Output all the ones we haven't dealt with already */
+    if (!startsWith("contact_", inName) && !sameString("contributors", inName))
+        {
+	outFields[outFieldCount] = inName;
+	outRow[outFieldCount] = inVal;
+	++outFieldCount;
+	}
+    }
+struct fieldedTable *outTable = fieldedTableNew("project", outFields, outFieldCount);
+outTable->startsSharp = inProject->startsSharp;
+fieldedTableAdd(outTable, outRow, outFieldCount, 1);
+return outTable;
+char *fieldedTableLookupNamedFieldInRow(struct fieldedTable *table, char *field, char **row)
+/* Look up field by name,  not as effient as by index but what the heck. */
+int ix = fieldedTableFindFieldIx(table, field);
+if (ix < 0)
+    return NULL;
+return row[ix];
+struct fieldedTable *makeLab(struct fieldedTable *inProject)
+/* If there's a lab field we make a lab table and seed it with the contacts. */
+int labIx = fieldedTableFindFieldIx(inProject, "lab");
+if (labIx >= 0)
+    {
+    char **inRow = inProject->rowList->row;
+    char *short_name = inRow[labIx];
+    char *contact = fieldedTableLookupNamedFieldInRow(inProject, "contact_name", inRow);
+    char *institute = emptyForNull(fieldedTableLookupNamedFieldInRow(inProject, "contact_institute", inRow));
+    char labName[256];
+    if (strlen(short_name) < 20)  // Unlikely to be unique, may cause trouble
+	safef(labName, sizeof(labName), "%s %s", short_name, institute);
+    else
+        safef(labName, sizeof(labName), "%s", short_name);
+    labName[50] = 0;  // not too long
+    char *outFields[3] = {"short_name", "institute", "contact"};
+    struct fieldedTable *labTable = fieldedTableNew("lab", outFields, ArraySize(outFields));
+    char *outRow[3] = {labName, institute, contact};
+    fieldedTableAdd(labTable, outRow, ArraySize(outRow), 1);
+    return labTable;
+    }
+    return NULL;
+void hcatTabUpdate(char *inDir, char *outDir)
+/* hcatTabUpdate - Update the hcat database given a tab seperated input and output dir. */
+// We are actually just looking for specific files in inDir. */
+/* Load up input projects table */
+char *projectFile = "hcat_project.tsv";
+char inPath[PATH_LEN];
+safef(inPath, sizeof(inPath), "%s/%s", inDir, projectFile);
+char *projectRequired[] = {"short_name", "contact_name"};
+struct fieldedTable *inProject = fieldedTableFromTabFile(inPath, inPath, 
+    projectRequired, ArraySize(projectRequired));
+uglyf("Got %d rows, %d columns from %s\n", 
+    inProject->rowCount, inProject->fieldCount, inProject->name);
+/* Load up samples table */
+char *sampleFile = "hcat_sample.tsv";
+safef(inPath, sizeof(inPath), "%s/%s", inDir, sampleFile);
+char *sampleRequired[] = {"short_name",};
+struct fieldedTable *inSample = fieldedTableFromTabFile(inPath, inPath, 
+    sampleRequired, ArraySize(sampleRequired));
+uglyf("Got %d rows, %d columns from %s\n", 
+    inSample->rowCount, inSample->fieldCount, inSample->name);
+/* Make sure inProject table makes sense by having exactly one row */
+if (inProject->rowCount != 1)
+    errAbort("Expected one row in %s, got %d\n", projectFile, inProject->rowCount);
+struct fieldedTable *outContributor = makeContributors(inProject);
+struct fieldedTable *outProject = makeProject(inProject);
+struct fieldedTable *outLab = makeLab(inProject);
+/* Write output */
+char outPath[PATH_LEN];
+safef(outPath, sizeof(outPath), "%s/%s", outDir, "contributors.tsv");
+fieldedTableToTabFile(outContributor, outPath);
+safef(outPath, sizeof(outPath), "%s/%s", outDir, "project.tsv");
+fieldedTableToTabFile(outProject, outPath);
+if (outLab != NULL)
+    {
+    safef(outPath, sizeof(outPath), "%s/%s", outDir, "lab.tsv");
+    fieldedTableToTabFile(outLab, outPath);
+    }
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+/* Process command line. */
+optionInit(&argc, argv, options);
+if (argc != 3)
+    usage();
+hcatTabUpdate(argv[1], argv[2]);
+return 0;