9cd188d4f3c3aa9cee5d24e9d75fbe8c6bcebf73 kent Sun Sep 1 17:02:30 2019 -0700 Removing a few debugging statements. diff --git src/hca/hcat/hcatTabUpdate/hcatTabUpdate.c src/hca/hcat/hcatTabUpdate/hcatTabUpdate.c index ab11917..8466861 100644 --- src/hca/hcat/hcatTabUpdate/hcatTabUpdate.c +++ src/hca/hcat/hcatTabUpdate/hcatTabUpdate.c @@ -128,31 +128,30 @@ contactIx[0] = fieldedTableMustFindFieldIx(inProject, "contact_name"); int realFieldCount = 1; // The rest of the contact pieces are added just conditionally addIfReal(contact_email, oldFields, contactFields, contactIx, maxContacts, &realFieldCount); addIfReal(contact_phone, oldFields, contactFields, contactIx, maxContacts, &realFieldCount); addIfReal(contact_department, oldFields, contactFields, contactIx, maxContacts, &realFieldCount); addIfReal(contact_institute, oldFields, contactFields, contactIx, maxContacts, &realFieldCount); addIfReal(contact_address, oldFields, contactFields, contactIx, maxContacts, &realFieldCount); addIfReal(contact_city, oldFields, contactFields, contactIx, maxContacts, &realFieldCount); addIfReal(contact_country, oldFields, contactFields, contactIx, maxContacts, &realFieldCount); addIfReal(contact_zip_postal_code, oldFields, contactFields, contactIx, maxContacts, &realFieldCount); contactFields[realFieldCount] = "project_role"; realFieldCount += 1; -uglyf("Got %d real contact fields\n", realFieldCount); /* Make contributor output table. The first row of it will be seeded with the contact. * We can fill out names, but not other info on the other contributors, who will make * up the rest of the rows. */ struct fieldedTable *contributors = fieldedTableNew("contributors", contactFields, realFieldCount); contributors->startsSharp = inProject->startsSharp; /* Make up first row from contacts */ char *outVals[realFieldCount]; int outIx; struct dyString *scratch = dyStringNew(0); for (outIx=0; outIx<realFieldCount-1; ++outIx) { char *inTsv = projectRow[contactIx[outIx]]; @@ -336,41 +335,37 @@ return NULL; } void hcatTabUpdate(char *inDir, char *outDir) /* hcatTabUpdate - Update the hcat database given a tab seperated input and output dir. */ { // We are actually just looking for specific files in inDir. */ /* Load up input projects table */ char *projectFile = "hcat_project.tsv"; char inPath[PATH_LEN]; safef(inPath, sizeof(inPath), "%s/%s", inDir, projectFile); char *projectRequired[] = {"short_name", "contact_name", "contributors"}; struct fieldedTable *inProject = fieldedTableFromTabFile(inPath, inPath, projectRequired, ArraySize(projectRequired)); -uglyf("Got %d rows, %d columns from %s\n", - inProject->rowCount, inProject->fieldCount, inProject->name); /* Load up samples table */ char *sampleFile = "hcat_sample.tsv"; safef(inPath, sizeof(inPath), "%s/%s", inDir, sampleFile); char *sampleRequired[] = {"short_name",}; struct fieldedTable *inSample = fieldedTableFromTabFile(inPath, inPath, sampleRequired, ArraySize(sampleRequired)); -uglyf("Got %d rows, %d columns from %s\n", - inSample->rowCount, inSample->fieldCount, inSample->name); /* Make sure inProject table makes sense by having exactly one row */ if (inProject->rowCount != 1) errAbort("Expected one row in %s, got %d\n", projectFile, inProject->rowCount); struct fieldedTable *outContributor = makeContributors(inProject); struct fieldedTable *outProject = makeProject(inProject, inSample); struct fieldedTable *outLab = makeLab(inProject); /* Write output from lowest level to highest level tables. */ makeDirsOnPath(outDir); char outPath[PATH_LEN]; safef(outPath, sizeof(outPath), "%s/%s", outDir, "contributors.tsv"); fieldedTableToTabFile(outContributor, outPath);