  Mon Sep 2 10:21:11 2019 -0700
Adding relationship table updates to multi-multi handling.

diff --git src/hg/sqlUpdateRelated/sqlUpdateRelated.c src/hg/sqlUpdateRelated/sqlUpdateRelated.c
index 873de60..7f58276 100644
--- src/hg/sqlUpdateRelated/sqlUpdateRelated.c
+++ src/hg/sqlUpdateRelated/sqlUpdateRelated.c
@@ -43,44 +43,79 @@
 struct multiRef
 /* What we need to handle a foreign key reference */
     struct multiRef *next;	    // Next in list
     char *nativeFieldName;	    // Name in the current table
     char *nativeKeyName;	    // The name of the key in current table
     char *relationalTable;	    // Table that links the two together
     char *relationalNativeField;    // The field that specifies the record in current table
     char *relationalForeignField;   // The field that specifies the record in foreign table
     char *foreignTable;		    // Foreign table name
     char *foreignFindName;	    // Name to search in the destination table
     char *foreignKeyName;	    // Name of key we are fetching, usually just "id"
     int nativeFieldIx;		    // Field index in native table
+void addMultiRelation(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct multiRef *mRef, struct fieldedRow *fr,
+    int nativeId, char *tabFile, struct dyString *csvScratch)
+/* inCsv is a comma separated list of names that we should be able to locate in the foreign
+ * table via mRef->foreignFindName.  We make up relationships for them in the relationalTable. */
+char *inCsv = fr->row[mRef->nativeFieldIx];
+char *nativeVal;
+char *parsePos = inCsv;
+struct dyString *sql = dyStringNew(0);
+while ((nativeVal = csvParseNext(&parsePos, csvScratch)) != NULL)
+    {
+    char *escaped = sqlEscapeString(nativeVal);
+    dyStringClear(sql);
+    sqlDyStringPrintf(sql, "select %s from %s where %s=\"%s\"",
+	    mRef->foreignKeyName, mRef->foreignTable, 
+	    mRef->foreignFindName, escaped);
+    char *foreignKey = sqlQuickString(conn, sql->string);
+    verbose(2, "foreignKey for %s is %s\n", nativeVal, foreignKey);
+    if (isEmpty(foreignKey))
+	errAbort("No %s in table %s referenced line %d of %s",  nativeVal, mRef->foreignTable,
+	    fr->id,  tabFile);
+    // Alright, we got our native and foreign keys, let's insert a row in relationship table
+    dyStringClear(sql);
+    sqlDyStringPrintf(sql, "insert into %s (%s,%s) values (%d,%s)", mRef->relationalTable,
+	mRef->relationalNativeField, mRef->relationalForeignField,
+	nativeId, foreignKey);
+    verbose(2, "relationship sql: %s\n", sql->string);
+    sqlUpdate(conn, sql->string);
+    freez(&escaped);
+    }
 void sqlUpdateViaTabFile(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *tabFile, char *tableName)
 /* Interpret one tab-separated file */
 // Load the tabFile 
 struct fieldedTable *inTable = fieldedTableFromTabFile(tabFile, tabFile, NULL, 0);
 verbose(2, "%d fields and %d rows in %s\n",  inTable->fieldCount, inTable->rowCount, tabFile);
 char **inFields = inTable->fields;
-// Loop through the fields looking for special ones
+// Loop through the fields creating field set for output table and parsing
+// foreign and multi-multi fields into structures 
 char *conditionalField = NULL;  // We might have one of these
 int conditionalIx = -1;
 struct foreignRef *foreignRefList = NULL;
 struct multiRef *multiRefList = NULL;
-struct hash *foreignHash = hashNew(0), *multiHash = hashNew(0);
+struct hash *multiHash = hashNew(0);
 int fieldIx;
 for (fieldIx=0; fieldIx<inTable->fieldCount; ++fieldIx)
     char *field = inFields[fieldIx];
     char firstChar = field[0];
     if (firstChar == '?')
 	if (conditionalField != NULL)
 	    errAbort("Multiple fields starting with a '?', There can only be one\n"
 		"but both %s and %s exist\n", conditionalField, field+1);
 	conditionalField = field;
 	conditionalIx = fieldIx;
 	verbose(2, "conditionalField = %s, ix = %d\n", field, conditionalIx);
     else if (firstChar == '@')  // Foreign keys are involved.  Will it get worse?
@@ -126,94 +161,95 @@
 	    if (partCount != expectedCount)
 		errAbort("Expecting %d @ separated fields in %s, got %d\n",
 		    expectedCount, field, partCount);
 	    struct foreignRef *fRef;
 	    fRef->nativeFieldName = parts[0];
 	    fRef->foreignTable = parts[1];
 	    fRef->foreignFindName = parts[2];
 	    fRef->foreignKeyName = parts[3];
 	    fRef->nativeFieldIx = fieldIx;
 	    if (!sqlTableExists(conn, fRef->foreignTable))
 	        errAbort("Table %s from %s doesn't exist", fRef->foreignTable, field);
 	    slAddTail(&foreignRefList, fRef);
-	    hashAdd(foreignHash, field, fRef);
 verbose(2, "Got %s conditional, %d foreignRefs, %d multiRefs\n", 
 	naForNull(conditionalField), slCount(foreignRefList), slCount(multiRefList));
-/* Now we loop through the input table */
+/* Now we loop through the input table and make the appropriate sql queries and inserts */
 struct fieldedRow *fr;
 struct dyString *sql = dyStringNew(0);
 struct dyString *csvScratch = dyStringNew(0);
 for (fr = inTable->rowList; fr != NULL; fr = fr->next)
     char **row = fr->row;
-    /* Deal with conditional field */
+    /* Deal with conditional field.  If we have one and the value we are trying to insert
+     * already exists then just continue to next row. */
     if (conditionalField != NULL && sameString(conditionalField, inFields[conditionalIx]))
 	char *rawVal = row[conditionalIx];
 	char *uncsvVal = csvParseNext(&rawVal, csvScratch);
 	// Before we do more we see if the record already exists
 	sqlDyStringPrintf(sql, "select count(*) from %s where %s='%s'",
 	    tableName, conditionalField+1, uncsvVal);
-	verbose(1, "%s\n", sql->string);
+	verbose(2, "%s\n", sql->string);
 	if (sqlQuickNum(conn, sql->string) > 0)
     /* Cope with foreign keys */
     struct foreignRef *fRef;
     for (fRef = foreignRefList; fRef != NULL; fRef = fRef->next)
 	char *origVal = row[fRef->nativeFieldIx];
 	char *val = emptyForNull(csvParseNext(&origVal, csvScratch));
 	char *escaped = sqlEscapeString(val);
 	dyStringPrintf(sql, "\"%s\"",  escaped);
 	sqlDyStringPrintf(sql, "select %s from %s where %s=\"%s\"",
 	    fRef->foreignKeyName, fRef->foreignTable, 
 	    fRef->foreignFindName, escaped);
-	verbose(1, "query for foreignKey: %s\n", sql->string);
+	verbose(2, "query for foreignKey: %s\n", sql->string);
 	fRef->foreignKey = sqlQuickString(conn, sql->string);
 	if (isEmpty(fRef->foreignKey))
 	    errAbort("No %s in table %s referenced line %d of %s",  val, fRef->foreignTable,
 	        fr->id,  tabFile);
 	row[fRef->nativeFieldIx] = fRef->foreignKey;
     sqlDyStringPrintf(sql, "insert into %s (", tableName);
     boolean firstTime = TRUE;
     for (fieldIx=0; fieldIx < inTable->fieldCount; ++fieldIx)
 	char *field = inFields[fieldIx];
 	char firstChar = field[0];
 	if (firstChar == '@')
 	    if (field[1] == '@')  // multi field
 		// Actually multi field variables don't get written, all lives in
-		// the relationship table
+		// the relationship table which we handle after the insert into main 
+		// table.
 		char *startField = field + 1;  // skip over '@'
 		char *endField = strchr(startField, '@');
 		// This is parsed out so we know it works until someone rearranged code
 		assert(endField != NULL);  
 		field = cloneStringZ(startField, endField-startField);
 	// We already dealt with the question mark outside this loop
 	if (firstChar == '?')
 	    field += 1;
@@ -225,71 +261,81 @@
 	    dyStringAppendC(sql, ',');
 	dyStringAppend(sql, field);
     /* Now generate the values bit */
     dyStringAppend(sql, ") values (");
     firstTime = TRUE;
     for (fieldIx=0; fieldIx < inTable->fieldCount; ++fieldIx)
 	char *field = inFields[fieldIx];
 	char firstChar = field[0];
 	if (firstChar == '@')
 	    if (field[1] == '@')  // multi field
-		continue;
+		{
+		continue;	// multi field output doesn't go into this table, just relationship
+		}
 	        field += 1;	// We val with the foreign key here, just skip over '@'
 	if (firstChar == '?')
 	    field += 1;
 	if (firstTime)
 	    firstTime = !firstTime;
 	    dyStringAppendC(sql, ',');
 	char *origVal = row[fieldIx];
 	char *val = emptyForNull(csvParseNext(&origVal, csvScratch));
 	char *escaped = sqlEscapeString(val);
 	dyStringPrintf(sql, "\"%s\"",  escaped);
     dyStringAppendC(sql, ')');
-    verbose(1, "update sql: %s\n", sql->string);
+    verbose(2, "update sql: %s\n", sql->string);
     sqlUpdate(conn, sql->string);
+    int mainTableId = sqlLastAutoId(conn);
+    /* Handle multi-multi stuff */
+    struct multiRef *mRef;
+    for (mRef = multiRefList; mRef != NULL; mRef = mRef->next)
+        {
+	addMultiRelation(conn, mRef, fr, mainTableId, tabFile, csvScratch);
+	}
     /* Clean up strings allocated for field references */
     for (fRef = foreignRefList; fRef != NULL; fRef = fRef->next)
 void sqlUpdateRelated(char *database, char **inFiles, int inCount)
 /* sqlUpdateRelated - Update a bunch of tables in a kind of careful way based out of tab 
  * separated files.  Handles foreign key and many-to-many relationships with a multitude 
  * of @ signs.. */
 struct sqlConnection *conn = sqlConnect(database);
 int fileIx;
 for (fileIx = 0; fileIx < inCount; ++fileIx)
     char *inFile = inFiles[fileIx];
     char *tableName = cloneString(inFile);
     verbose(1, "Processing %s into %s table \n", inFile, tableName);
     sqlUpdateViaTabFile(conn, inFile, tableName);
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 /* Process command line. */
 optionInit(&argc, argv, options);
 if (argc < 3)
 sqlUpdateRelated(argv[1], argv+2, argc-2);
 return 0;