  Thu Sep 12 14:24:08 2019 -0700
expand earlyBotCheck to manage two types of outputs, recognize defaults, and adding hgGateway to the game refs #23217

diff --git src/hg/inc/botDelay.h src/hg/inc/botDelay.h
index b2eea4f..beafb85 100644
--- src/hg/inc/botDelay.h
+++ src/hg/inc/botDelay.h
@@ -24,21 +24,24 @@
 void hgBotDelayNoWarn();
 /* High level bot delay call without warning - for use with non-webpage output */
 void hgBotDelayNoWarnFrac(double fraction);
 /* Like hgBotDelayNoWarn, but imposes a fraction of the standard access penalty */
 int hgBotDelayTime();
 /* Get suggested delay time from cgi using the standard penalty. */
 int hgBotDelayTimeFrac(double fraction);
 /* Get suggested delay time from cgi using the specified fraction of the standard penalty. */
 extern int botDelayMillis;
-boolean earlyBotCheck(long enteredMainTime, char *cgiName, double delayFrac, int warningMs, int hogExitMs);
+boolean earlyBotCheck(long enteredMainTime, char *cgiName, double delayFrac, int warnMs, int exitMs, char *exitType);
 /* similar to botDelayCgi but for use before the CGI has started any
  * output or setup the cart of done any MySQL operations.  The boolean
  * return is used later in the CGI after it has done all its setups and
- * started output so it can issue the warning.
+ * started output so it can issue the warning.  Pass in delayFrac 0.0
+ * to use the default 1.0, pass in 0 for warnMs and exitMs to use defaults,
+ * and exitType is either 'html' or 'json' to do that type of exit output in
+ * the case of hogExit();