  Mon Sep 9 14:19:33 2019 -0700
now allowing hgCustom to play the bottleneck game, and bold highlight the error 429 message refs #23217

diff --git src/hg/lib/botDelay.c src/hg/lib/botDelay.c
index 9a0418c..524c0ac 100644
--- src/hg/lib/botDelay.c
+++ src/hg/lib/botDelay.c
@@ -231,31 +231,31 @@
 puts("Retry-After: 30");
 puts("<!DOCTYPE HTML 4.01 Transitional>\n");
 puts("<html lang='en'>");
 puts("<meta charset=\"utf-8\">");
 printf("<title>Status %d: %s</title></head>\n", err429, err429Msg);
 printf("<body><h1>Status %d: %s</h1><p>\n", err429, err429Msg);
 time_t now = time(NULL);
 printf("There is an exceedingly high volume of traffic coming from your "
        "site (IP address %s) as of %s (California time).  It looks like "
        "a web robot is launching queries quickly, and not even waiting for "
        "the results of one query to finish before launching another query. "
-       "/* We cannot service requests from your IP address under */ these "
+       "<b>We cannot service requests from your IP address under</b> these "
        "conditions.  (code %d) "
        "To use the genome browser functionality from a Unix command line, "
        "please read <a href='http://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQdownloads.html#download36'>our FAQ</a> on this topic. "
        "For further help on how to access our data from a command line, "
        "or if "
        "you think this delay is being imposed unfairly, please contact genome-www@soe.ucsc.edu."
        ,hogHost, asctime(localtime(&now)), botDelayMillis);
 cgiExitTime(cgiExitName, enteredMainTime);
 }       /*      static void hogExit()   */
 boolean earlyBotCheck(long enteredMainTime, char *cgiName, double delayFrac, int warnMs, int exitMs)
 /* similar to botDelayCgi but for use before the CGI has started any
  * output or setup the cart of done any MySQL operations.  The boolean