  Wed Sep 11 16:04:23 2019 -0700
A couple more files for the hic composite track changes, refs #22316

diff --git src/hg/lib/hic.c src/hg/lib/hic.c
index 1758389..f8b831f 100644
--- src/hg/lib/hic.c
+++ src/hg/lib/hic.c
@@ -1,150 +1,156 @@
 /* hic.c contains a few helpful wrapper functions for managing Hi-C data. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "dystring.h"
 #include "jksql.h"
 #include "hic.h"
 #include "hdb.h"
 #include "trackHub.h"
 #include "Cstraw.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "chromAlias.h"
 #include "interact.h"
 char *hicLoadHeader(char *filename, struct hicMeta **header, char *ucscAssembly)
 /* Create a hicMeta structure for the supplied Hi-C file.  If
  * the return value is non-NULL, it points to a string containing
  * an error message that explains why the retrieval failed. */
 char *genome;
-char **chromosomes, **bpResolutions;
-int nChroms, nBpRes;
+char **chromosomes, **bpResolutions, **attributes;
+int *chromSizes, nChroms, nBpRes, nAttributes;
-char *errMsg = CstrawHeader(filename, &genome, &chromosomes, &nChroms, &bpResolutions, &nBpRes, NULL, NULL);
+char *errMsg = CstrawHeader(filename, &genome, &chromosomes, &chromSizes, &nChroms, &bpResolutions, &nBpRes, NULL, NULL, &attributes, &nAttributes);
 if (errMsg != NULL)
     return errMsg;
 struct hicMeta *newMeta = NULL;
 newMeta->fileAssembly = genome;
 newMeta->nRes = nBpRes;
 newMeta->resolutions = bpResolutions;
 newMeta->nChroms = nChroms;
 newMeta->chromNames = chromosomes;
+newMeta->chromSizes = chromSizes;
 newMeta->ucscToAlias = NULL;
 newMeta->ucscAssembly = cloneString(ucscAssembly);
 newMeta->filename = cloneString(filename);
+newMeta->attributes = attributes;
+newMeta->nAttributes = nAttributes;
 *header = newMeta;
 if (trackHubDatabase(genome))
     return NULL;
 // add alias hash in case file uses 1 vs chr1, etc.
+if (newMeta->ucscAssembly != NULL)
+    {
     struct hash *aliasToUcsc = chromAliasMakeLookupTable(newMeta->ucscAssembly);
     if (aliasToUcsc != NULL)
         struct hash *ucscToAlias = newHash(0);
         int i;
         for (i=0; i<nChroms; i++)
             struct chromAlias *cA = hashFindVal(aliasToUcsc, chromosomes[i]);
             if (cA != NULL)
                 hashAdd(ucscToAlias, cA->chrom, cloneString(chromosomes[i]));
         newMeta->ucscToAlias = ucscToAlias;
+    }
 return NULL;
 struct interact *interactFromHic(char *chrom1, int start1, char *chrom2, int start2, int size, double value)
 /* Given some data values from an interaction in a hic file, build a corresponding interact structure. */
 struct interact *new = NULL;
 new->chrom = cloneString(chrom1);
 // start1 is always before start2 on same-chromosome records, so start1 is always the start.
 // On records that link between chromosomes, just use the coordinates for this chromosome.
 new->chromStart = start1;
 if (sameWord(chrom1, chrom2))
     new->chromEnd = start2+size;
     new->chromEnd = start1+size;
 new->name = cloneString("");
 new->score = 0; // ignored
 new->value = value;
 new->exp = cloneString(".");
 new->color = 0;
 new->sourceChrom = cloneString(chrom1);
 new->sourceStart = start1;
 new->sourceEnd = start1+size;
 new->sourceName = cloneString("");
 new->sourceStrand = cloneString(".");
 new->targetChrom = cloneString(chrom2);
 new->targetStart = start2;
 new->targetEnd = start2+size;
 new->targetName = cloneString("");
 new->targetStrand = cloneString(".");
 return new;
 char *hicLoadData(struct hicMeta *fileInfo, int resolution, char *normalization, char *chrom1, int start1,
          int end1, char *chrom2, int start2, int end2, struct interact **resultPtr)
 /* Fetch heatmap data from a hic file.  The hic file info must be provided in fileInfo, which should be
  * populated by hicLoadHeader.  The result is a linked list of interact structures in *resultPtr,
  * and the return value (if non-NULL) is the text of any error message encountered by the underlying
  * Straw library. */
 int *x, *y, numRecords;
 double *counts;
 if (!fileInfo)
     errAbort("Attempting to load hic data from a NULL hicMeta pointer");
 struct dyString *leftWindowPos = dyStringNew(0);
 struct dyString *rightWindowPos = dyStringNew(0);
 char *leftChromName = chrom1;
 char *rightChromName = chrom2;
 if (fileInfo->ucscToAlias != NULL)
     leftChromName = (char*) hashFindVal(fileInfo->ucscToAlias, leftChromName);
     if (leftChromName == NULL)
         leftChromName = chrom1;
     rightChromName = (char*) hashFindVal(fileInfo->ucscToAlias, rightChromName);
     if (rightChromName == NULL)
         rightChromName = chrom2;
 dyStringPrintf(leftWindowPos, "%s:%d:%d", leftChromName, start1, end1);
 dyStringPrintf(rightWindowPos, "%s:%d:%d", rightChromName, start2, end2);
 char *networkErrMsg = Cstraw(normalization, fileInfo->filename, resolution, dyStringContents(leftWindowPos),
          dyStringContents(rightWindowPos), "BP", &x, &y, &counts, &numRecords);
 int i=0;
 for (i=0; i<numRecords; i++)
     if (isnan(counts[i]))
         // Yes, apparently NAN is possible with normalized values in some methods.  Ignore those.
     struct interact *new = interactFromHic(chrom1, x[i], chrom2, y[i], resolution, counts[i]);
     slAddHead(resultPtr, new);
     if (differentWord(chrom1, chrom2))
         // a second interact structure must be created on the other chromosome
         new = interactFromHic(chrom2, y[i], chrom1, x[i], resolution, counts[i]);
         slAddHead(resultPtr, new);
 return networkErrMsg;