  Wed Sep 11 16:03:26 2019 -0700
Better support for hic composite tracks, and hic trackUi pages now include
metadata from the file, refs #22316

diff --git src/hg/lib/straw/straw.cpp src/hg/lib/straw/straw.cpp
index 9054889..e9602a9 100644
--- src/hg/lib/straw/straw.cpp
+++ src/hg/lib/straw/straw.cpp
@@ -1,997 +1,1021 @@
   The straw library (straw.cpp, straw.h) is used with permission of the Aiden
   Lab at the Broad Institute.  It is included below, along with modifications
   to work in the environment of the UCSC Genome Browser, under the following
   The MIT License (MIT)
   Copyright (c) 2011-2016 Broad Institute, Aiden Lab
  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
  of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
  in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
  to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
  copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
  furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
  all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
 #include <cstring>
 #include <iostream>
 #include <fstream>
 #include <iostream>
 #include <sstream>
 #include <map>
 #include <set>
 #include <vector>
 #include <streambuf>
 //#include <curl/curl.h>
 #include "zlib.h"
 #include "straw.h"
 #include "udcWrapper.h"
 using namespace std;
 /* Simple exception wrapper class */
 class strawException: public std::runtime_error {
   strawException(const std::string& error):
     std::runtime_error(error) {
   Straw: fast C++ implementation of dump. Not as fully featured as the
   Java version. Reads the .hic file, finds the appropriate matrix and slice
   of data, and outputs as text in sparse upper triangular format.
   Currently only supporting matrices.
   Usage: straw <NONE/VC/VC_SQRT/KR> <hicFile(s)> <chr1>[:x1:x2] <chr2>[:y1:y2] <BP/FRAG> <binsize> 
 // this is for creating a stream from a byte array for ease of use
 struct membuf : std::streambuf
   membuf(char* begin, char* end) {
     this->setg(begin, begin, end);
 // version number
 static int version;
 // map of block numbers to pointers
 map <int, indexEntry> blockMap;
 long total_bytes;
 // get a buffer that can be used as an input stream from the URL
 char* getHttpData(char *url, long position, long chunksize) {
   char *buffer = (char*) malloc(chunksize);
   if (buffer == NULL) {
     throw strawException("Out of memory (malloc returned NULL)");
   struct udcFile *udc = udcFileMayOpen(url, NULL);
   if (udc == NULL)
     throw strawException("Error: unable to open udcFile for resource " + string(url));
   total_bytes = udcFileSize(url);
   udcSeek(udc, position);
   udcRead(udc, (void*)buffer, chunksize);
   return buffer;
 // returns whether or not this is valid HiC file
 bool readMagicString(istream& fin) {
   string str;
   getline(fin, str, '\0' );
   return str[0]=='H' && str[1]=='I' && str[2]=='C';
 // reads the header, storing the positions of the normalization vectors and returning the master pointer
 long readHeader(istream& fin, string chr1, string chr2, int &c1pos1, int &c1pos2, int &c2pos1, int &c2pos2, int &chr1ind, int &chr2ind) {
   if (!readMagicString(fin)) {
     throw strawException("Hi-C magic string is missing, does not appear to be a hic file");
   fin.read((char*)&version, sizeof(int));
   if (version < 6) {
     throw strawException("Version " + to_string(version) + " no longer supported");
   long master;
   fin.read((char*)&master, sizeof(long));
   string genome;
   getline(fin, genome, '\0' );
   int nattributes;
   fin.read((char*)&nattributes, sizeof(int));
   // reading and ignoring attribute-value dictionary
   for (int i=0; i<nattributes; i++) {
     string key, value;
     getline(fin, key, '\0');
     getline(fin, value, '\0');
   int nChrs;
   fin.read((char*)&nChrs, sizeof(int));
   // chromosome map for finding matrix
   bool found1 = false;
   bool found2 = false;
   for (int i=0; i<nChrs; i++) {
     string name;
     int length;
     getline(fin, name, '\0');
     fin.read((char*)&length, sizeof(int));
     if (name==chr1) {
       chr1ind = i;
       if (c1pos1 == -100) {
 	c1pos1 = 0;
 	c1pos2 = length;
     if (name==chr2) {
       chr2ind = i;
       if (c2pos1 == -100) {
 	c2pos1 = 0;
 	c2pos2 = length;
   if (!found1 || !found2) {
     if (chr1==chr2)
         throw strawException("Chromosome " + chr1 + " wasn't found in the file. Check that the chromosome name matches the genome.");
         throw strawException("Chromosomes " + chr1 + " and/or " + chr2 + " weren't found in the file. Check that the chromosome names match the genome.");
   return master;
 // reads the footer from the master pointer location. takes in the chromosomes,
 // norm, unit (BP or FRAG) and resolution or binsize, and sets the file 
 // position of the matrix and the normalization vectors for those chromosomes 
 // at the given normalization and resolution
 void readFooter(istream& fin, long master, int c1, int c2, string norm, string unit, int resolution, long &myFilePos, indexEntry &c1NormEntry, indexEntry &c2NormEntry) {
   int nBytes;
   fin.read((char*)&nBytes, sizeof(int));
   stringstream ss;
   ss << c1 << "_" << c2;
   string key = ss.str();
   int nEntries;
   fin.read((char*)&nEntries, sizeof(int));
   bool found = false;
   for (int i=0; i<nEntries; i++) {
     string str;
     getline(fin, str, '\0');
     long fpos;
     fin.read((char*)&fpos, sizeof(long));
     int sizeinbytes;
     fin.read((char*)&sizeinbytes, sizeof(int));
     if (str == key) {
       myFilePos = fpos;
   if (!found) {
     throw strawException("File doesn't have the given chr_chr map");
   if (norm=="NONE") return; // no need to read norm vector index
   // read in and ignore expected value maps; don't store; reading these to 
   // get to norm vector index
   int nExpectedValues;
   fin.read((char*)&nExpectedValues, sizeof(int));
   for (int i=0; i<nExpectedValues; i++) {
     string str;
     getline(fin, str, '\0'); //unit
     int binSize;
     fin.read((char*)&binSize, sizeof(int));
     int nValues;
     fin.read((char*)&nValues, sizeof(int));
     for (int j=0; j<nValues; j++) {
       double v;
       fin.read((char*)&v, sizeof(double));
     int nNormalizationFactors;
     fin.read((char*)&nNormalizationFactors, sizeof(int));
     for (int j=0; j<nNormalizationFactors; j++) {
       int chrIdx;
       fin.read((char*)&chrIdx, sizeof(int));
       double v;
       fin.read((char*)&v, sizeof(double));
   fin.read((char*)&nExpectedValues, sizeof(int));
   for (int i=0; i<nExpectedValues; i++) {
     string str;
     getline(fin, str, '\0'); //typeString
     getline(fin, str, '\0'); //unit
     int binSize;
     fin.read((char*)&binSize, sizeof(int));
     int nValues;
     fin.read((char*)&nValues, sizeof(int));
     for (int j=0; j<nValues; j++) {
       double v;
       fin.read((char*)&v, sizeof(double));
     int nNormalizationFactors;
     fin.read((char*)&nNormalizationFactors, sizeof(int));
     for (int j=0; j<nNormalizationFactors; j++) {
       int chrIdx;
       fin.read((char*)&chrIdx, sizeof(int));
       double v;
       fin.read((char*)&v, sizeof(double));
   // Index of normalization vectors
   fin.read((char*)&nEntries, sizeof(int));
   bool found1 = false;
   bool found2 = false;
   for (int i = 0; i < nEntries; i++) {
     string normtype;
     getline(fin, normtype, '\0'); //normalization type
     int chrIdx;
     fin.read((char*)&chrIdx, sizeof(int));
     string unit1;
     getline(fin, unit1, '\0'); //unit
     int resolution1;
     fin.read((char*)&resolution1, sizeof(int));
     long filePosition;
     fin.read((char*)&filePosition, sizeof(long));
     int sizeInBytes;
     fin.read((char*)&sizeInBytes, sizeof(int));
     if (chrIdx == c1 && normtype == norm && unit1 == unit && resolution1 == resolution) {
       found1 = true;
     if (chrIdx == c2 && normtype == norm && unit1 == unit && resolution1 == resolution) {
       found2 = true;
   if (!found1 || !found2) {
     throw strawException("File did not contain " + norm + " normalization vectors for one or both chromosomes at "
             + to_string(resolution) + " " + unit);
 // reads the raw binned contact matrix at specified resolution, setting the block bin count and block column count 
 bool readMatrixZoomData(istream& fin, string myunit, int mybinsize, int &myBlockBinCount, int &myBlockColumnCount) {
   string unit;
   getline(fin, unit, '\0' ); // unit
   int tmp;
   fin.read((char*)&tmp, sizeof(int)); // Old "zoom" index -- not used
   float tmp2;
   fin.read((char*)&tmp2, sizeof(float)); // sumCounts
   fin.read((char*)&tmp2, sizeof(float)); // occupiedCellCount
   fin.read((char*)&tmp2, sizeof(float)); // stdDev
   fin.read((char*)&tmp2, sizeof(float)); // percent95
   int binSize;
   fin.read((char*)&binSize, sizeof(int));
   int blockBinCount;
   fin.read((char*)&blockBinCount, sizeof(int));
   int blockColumnCount;
   fin.read((char*)&blockColumnCount, sizeof(int));
   bool storeBlockData = false;
   if (myunit==unit && mybinsize==binSize) {
     myBlockBinCount = blockBinCount;
     myBlockColumnCount = blockColumnCount;
     storeBlockData = true;
   int nBlocks;
   fin.read((char*)&nBlocks, sizeof(int));
   for (int b = 0; b < nBlocks; b++) {
     int blockNumber;
     fin.read((char*)&blockNumber, sizeof(int));
     long filePosition;
     fin.read((char*)&filePosition, sizeof(long));
     int blockSizeInBytes;
     fin.read((char*)&blockSizeInBytes, sizeof(int));
     indexEntry entry;
     entry.size = blockSizeInBytes;
     entry.position = filePosition;
     if (storeBlockData) blockMap[blockNumber] = entry;
   return storeBlockData;
 // reads the raw binned contact matrix at specified resolution, setting the block bin count and block column count 
 bool readMatrixZoomDataHttp(char *url, long &myFilePosition, string myunit, int mybinsize, int &myBlockBinCount, int &myBlockColumnCount) {
   char* buffer;
   int header_size = 5*sizeof(int)+4*sizeof(float);
   char* first;
   first = getHttpData(url, myFilePosition, 1);
   if (first[0]=='B') {
   else if (first[0]=='F') {
   else {
     throw strawException("Unit not understood - must be one of <BP/FRAG>");
   buffer = getHttpData(url, myFilePosition, header_size);
   membuf sbuf(buffer, buffer + header_size);
   istream fin(&sbuf);
   string unit;
   getline(fin, unit, '\0' ); // unit
   int tmp;
   fin.read((char*)&tmp, sizeof(int)); // Old "zoom" index -- not used
   float tmp2;
   fin.read((char*)&tmp2, sizeof(float)); // sumCounts
   fin.read((char*)&tmp2, sizeof(float)); // occupiedCellCount
   fin.read((char*)&tmp2, sizeof(float)); // stdDev
   fin.read((char*)&tmp2, sizeof(float)); // percent95
   int binSize;
   fin.read((char*)&binSize, sizeof(int));
   int blockBinCount;
   fin.read((char*)&blockBinCount, sizeof(int));
   int blockColumnCount;
   fin.read((char*)&blockColumnCount, sizeof(int));
   bool storeBlockData = false;
   if (myunit==unit && mybinsize==binSize) {
     myBlockBinCount = blockBinCount;
     myBlockColumnCount = blockColumnCount;
     storeBlockData = true;
   int nBlocks;
   fin.read((char*)&nBlocks, sizeof(int));
   if (storeBlockData) {
     buffer = getHttpData(url, myFilePosition+header_size, nBlocks*(sizeof(int)+sizeof(long)+sizeof(int)));
     membuf sbuf2(buffer, buffer + nBlocks*(sizeof(int)+sizeof(long)+sizeof(int)));
     istream fin2(&sbuf2);
     for (int b = 0; b < nBlocks; b++) {
       int blockNumber;
       fin2.read((char*)&blockNumber, sizeof(int));
       long filePosition;
       fin2.read((char*)&filePosition, sizeof(long));
       int blockSizeInBytes;
       fin2.read((char*)&blockSizeInBytes, sizeof(int));
       indexEntry entry;
       entry.size = blockSizeInBytes;
       entry.position = filePosition;
       blockMap[blockNumber] = entry;
   else {
     myFilePosition = myFilePosition+header_size+(nBlocks*(sizeof(int)+sizeof(long)+sizeof(int)));
   delete buffer;
   return storeBlockData;
 // goes to the specified file pointer in http and finds the raw contact matrix at specified resolution, calling readMatrixZoomData.
 // sets blockbincount and blockcolumncount
 void readMatrixHttp(char *url, long myFilePosition, string unit, int resolution, int &myBlockBinCount, int &myBlockColumnCount) {
   char * buffer;
   int size = sizeof(int)*3;
   buffer = getHttpData(url, myFilePosition, size);
   membuf sbuf(buffer, buffer + size);
   istream bufin(&sbuf);
   int c1,c2;
   bufin.read((char*)&c1, sizeof(int)); //chr1
   bufin.read((char*)&c2, sizeof(int)); //chr2
   int nRes;
   bufin.read((char*)&nRes, sizeof(int));
   int i=0;
   bool found=false;
   delete buffer;
   while (i<nRes && !found) {
     // myFilePosition gets updated within call
     found = readMatrixZoomDataHttp(url, myFilePosition, unit, resolution, myBlockBinCount, myBlockColumnCount);
   if (!found) {
     throw strawException("Error finding block data");
 // goes to the specified file pointer and finds the raw contact matrix at specified resolution, calling readMatrixZoomData.
 // sets blockbincount and blockcolumncount
 void readMatrix(istream& fin, long myFilePosition, string unit, int resolution, int &myBlockBinCount, int &myBlockColumnCount) {
   fin.seekg(myFilePosition, ios::beg);
   int c1,c2;
   fin.read((char*)&c1, sizeof(int)); //chr1
   fin.read((char*)&c2, sizeof(int)); //chr2
   int nRes;
   fin.read((char*)&nRes, sizeof(int));
   int i=0;
   bool found=false;
   while (i<nRes && !found) {
     found = readMatrixZoomData(fin, unit, resolution, myBlockBinCount, myBlockColumnCount);
   if (!found) {
     throw strawException("Error finding block data\nWas looking for " + unit + " at resolution " + to_string(resolution));
 // gets the blocks that need to be read for this slice of the data.  needs blockbincount, blockcolumncount, and whether
 // or not this is intrachromosomal.
 set<int> getBlockNumbersForRegionFromBinPosition(int* regionIndices, int blockBinCount, int blockColumnCount, bool intra) {
    int col1 = regionIndices[0] / blockBinCount;
    int col2 = (regionIndices[1] + 1) / blockBinCount;
    int row1 = regionIndices[2] / blockBinCount;
    int row2 = (regionIndices[3] + 1) / blockBinCount;
    set<int> blocksSet;
    // first check the upper triangular matrix
    for (int r = row1; r <= row2; r++) {
      for (int c = col1; c <= col2; c++) {
        int blockNumber = r * blockColumnCount + c;
    // check region part that overlaps with lower left triangle
    // but only if intrachromosomal
    if (intra) {
      for (int r = col1; r <= col2; r++) {
        for (int c = row1; c <= row2; c++) {
 	 int blockNumber = r * blockColumnCount + c;
    return blocksSet;
 // this is the meat of reading the data.  takes in the block number and returns the set of contact records corresponding to
 // that block.  the block data is compressed and must be decompressed using the zlib library functions
 vector<contactRecord> readBlock(istream& fin, char *url, bool isHttp, int blockNumber) {
   indexEntry idx = blockMap[blockNumber];
   if (idx.size == 0) {
     vector<contactRecord> v;
     return v;
   char* compressedBytes = new char[idx.size];
   char* uncompressedBytes = new char[idx.size*10]; //biggest seen so far is 3
   if (isHttp) {
     compressedBytes = getHttpData(url, idx.position, idx.size);    
   else {
     fin.seekg(idx.position, ios::beg);
     fin.read(compressedBytes, idx.size);
   // Decompress the block
   // zlib struct
   z_stream infstream;
   infstream.zalloc = Z_NULL;
   infstream.zfree = Z_NULL;
   infstream.opaque = Z_NULL;
   infstream.avail_in = (uInt)(idx.size); // size of input
   infstream.next_in = (Bytef *)compressedBytes; // input char array
   infstream.avail_out = (uInt)idx.size*10; // size of output
   infstream.next_out = (Bytef *)uncompressedBytes; // output char array
   // the actual decompression work.
   inflate(&infstream, Z_NO_FLUSH);
   int uncompressedSize=infstream.total_out;
   // create stream from buffer for ease of use
   membuf sbuf(uncompressedBytes, uncompressedBytes + uncompressedSize);
   istream bufferin(&sbuf);
   int nRecords;
   bufferin.read((char*)&nRecords, sizeof(int));
   vector<contactRecord> v(nRecords);
   // different versions have different specific formats
   if (version < 7) {
     for (int i = 0; i < nRecords; i++) {
       int binX, binY;
       bufferin.read((char*)&binX, sizeof(int));
       bufferin.read((char*)&binY, sizeof(int));
       float counts;
       bufferin.read((char*)&counts, sizeof(float));
       contactRecord record;
       record.binX = binX;
       record.binY = binY;
       record.counts = counts;
       v[i] = record;
   else {
     int binXOffset, binYOffset;
     bufferin.read((char*)&binXOffset, sizeof(int));
     bufferin.read((char*)&binYOffset, sizeof(int));
     char useShort;
     bufferin.read((char*)&useShort, sizeof(char));
     char type;
     bufferin.read((char*)&type, sizeof(char));
     int index=0;
     if (type == 1) {
       // List-of-rows representation
       short rowCount;
       bufferin.read((char*)&rowCount, sizeof(short));
       for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
 	short y;
 	bufferin.read((char*)&y, sizeof(short));
 	int binY = y + binYOffset;
 	short colCount;
 	bufferin.read((char*)&colCount, sizeof(short));
 	for (int j = 0; j < colCount; j++) {
 	  short x;
 	  bufferin.read((char*)&x, sizeof(short));
 	  int binX = binXOffset + x;
 	  float counts;
 	  if (useShort == 0) { // yes this is opposite of usual
 	    short c;
 	    bufferin.read((char*)&c, sizeof(short));
 	    counts = c;
 	  else {
 	    bufferin.read((char*)&counts, sizeof(float));
 	  contactRecord record;
 	  record.binX = binX;
 	  record.binY = binY;
 	  record.counts = counts;
     else if (type == 2) { // have yet to find test file where this is true, possibly entirely deprecated
       int nPts;
       bufferin.read((char*)&nPts, sizeof(int));
       short w;
       bufferin.read((char*)&w, sizeof(short));
       for (int i = 0; i < nPts; i++) {
 	//int idx = (p.y - binOffset2) * w + (p.x - binOffset1);
 	int row = i / w;
 	int col = i - row * w;
 	int bin1 = binXOffset + col;
 	int bin2 = binYOffset + row;
 	float counts;
 	if (useShort == 0) { // yes this is opposite of the usual
 	  short c;
 	  bufferin.read((char*)&c, sizeof(short));
 	  if (c != -32768) {
 	    contactRecord record;
 	    record.binX = bin1;
 	    record.binY = bin2;
 	    record.counts = c;
 	else {
 	  bufferin.read((char*)&counts, sizeof(float));
 	  if (counts != 0x7fc00000) { // not sure this works
 	    //	  if (!Float.isNaN(counts)) {
 	    contactRecord record;
 	    record.binX = bin1;
 	    record.binY = bin2;
 	    record.counts = counts;
   delete[] compressedBytes;
   delete[] uncompressedBytes; // don't forget to delete your heap arrays in C++!
   return v;
 // reads the normalization vector from the file at the specified location
 vector<double> readNormalizationVector(istream& bufferin) {
   int nValues;
   bufferin.read((char*)&nValues, sizeof(int));
   vector<double> values(nValues);
   //  bool allNaN = true;
   for (int i = 0; i < nValues; i++) {
     double d;
     bufferin.read((char*)&d, sizeof(double));
     values[i] = d;
     /* if (!Double.isNaN(values[i])) {
       allNaN = false;
   //  if (allNaN) return null;
   return values;
 void straw(string norm, string fname, int binsize, string chr1loc, string chr2loc, string unit, vector<int> &xActual, vector<int> &yActual, vector<float> &counts)
   int earlyexit=1;
   if (!(norm=="NONE"||norm=="VC"||norm=="VC_SQRT"||norm=="KR")) {
     throw strawException("Invalid Norm value - must be one of <NONE/VC/VC_SQRT/KR>");
   if (!(unit=="BP"||unit=="FRAG")) {
     throw strawException("Invalid Unit value - must be one of <BP/FRAG>");
   // parse chromosome positions
   stringstream ss(chr1loc);
   string chr1, chr2, x, y;
   int c1pos1=-100, c1pos2=-100, c2pos1=-100, c2pos2=-100;
   getline(ss, chr1, ':');
   if (getline(ss, x, ':') && getline(ss, y, ':')) {
     c1pos1 = stoi(x);
     c1pos2 = stoi(y);
   stringstream ss1(chr2loc);
   getline(ss1, chr2, ':');
   if (getline(ss1, x, ':') && getline(ss1, y, ':')) {
     c2pos1 = stoi(x);
     c2pos2 = stoi(y);
   int chr1ind, chr2ind;
   // HTTP code
   string prefix="http";
   bool isHttp = false;
   ifstream fin;
   // read header into buffer; 100K should be sufficient
   char *url = NULL;
   long master;
   if (std::strncmp(fname.c_str(), prefix.c_str(), prefix.size()) == 0) {
     isHttp = true;
     char * buffer;
     url = (char*) fname.c_str();
     buffer = getHttpData(url, 0, 100000);    
     membuf sbuf(buffer, buffer + 100000); 
     istream bufin(&sbuf);  
     master = readHeader(bufin, chr1, chr2, c1pos1, c1pos2, c2pos1, c2pos2, chr1ind, chr2ind);
     delete buffer;
   else {
     fin.open(fname, fstream::in);
     if (!fin) {
       cerr << "File " << fname << " cannot be opened for reading" << endl;
     master = readHeader(fin, chr1, chr2, c1pos1, c1pos2, c2pos1, c2pos2, chr1ind, chr2ind);
   // from header have size of chromosomes, set region to read
   int c1=min(chr1ind,chr2ind);
   int c2=max(chr1ind,chr2ind);
   int origRegionIndices[4]; // as given by user
   int regionIndices[4]; // used to find the blocks we need to access
   // reverse order if necessary
   if (chr1ind > chr2ind) {
     origRegionIndices[0] = c2pos1;
     origRegionIndices[1] = c2pos2;
     origRegionIndices[2] = c1pos1;
     origRegionIndices[3] = c1pos2;
     regionIndices[0] = c2pos1 / binsize;
     regionIndices[1] = c2pos2 / binsize;
     regionIndices[2] = c1pos1 / binsize;
     regionIndices[3] = c1pos2 / binsize;
   else {
     origRegionIndices[0] = c1pos1;
     origRegionIndices[1] = c1pos2;
     origRegionIndices[2] = c2pos1;
     origRegionIndices[3] = c2pos2;
     regionIndices[0] = c1pos1 / binsize;
     regionIndices[1] = c1pos2 / binsize;
     regionIndices[2] = c2pos1 / binsize;
     regionIndices[3] = c2pos2 / binsize;
   indexEntry c1NormEntry, c2NormEntry;
   long myFilePos;
   unsigned long bytes_to_read = total_bytes - master;
   if (isHttp) {
     char* buffer2;
     buffer2 = getHttpData(url, master, bytes_to_read);    
     membuf sbuf2(buffer2, buffer2 + bytes_to_read);
     istream bufin2(&sbuf2);
     readFooter(bufin2, master, c1, c2, norm, unit, binsize, myFilePos, c1NormEntry, c2NormEntry); 
     delete buffer2;
   else { 
     fin.seekg(master, ios::beg);
     readFooter(fin, master, c1, c2, norm, unit, binsize, myFilePos, c1NormEntry, c2NormEntry); 
   // readFooter will assign the above variables
   vector<double> c1Norm;
   vector<double> c2Norm;
   if (norm != "NONE") {
     char* buffer3;
     if (isHttp) {
       buffer3 = getHttpData(url, c1NormEntry.position, c1NormEntry.size);
     else {
       buffer3 = new char[c1NormEntry.size];
       fin.seekg(c1NormEntry.position, ios::beg);
       fin.read(buffer3, c1NormEntry.size);
     membuf sbuf3(buffer3, buffer3 + c1NormEntry.size);
     istream bufferin(&sbuf3);
     c1Norm = readNormalizationVector(bufferin);
     char* buffer4;
     if (isHttp) {
       buffer4 = getHttpData(url, c2NormEntry.position, c2NormEntry.size);
     else {
       buffer4 = new char[c2NormEntry.size];
       fin.seekg(c2NormEntry.position, ios::beg);
       fin.read(buffer4, c2NormEntry.size);
     membuf sbuf4(buffer4, buffer4 + c2NormEntry.size);
     istream bufferin2(&sbuf4);
     c2Norm = readNormalizationVector(bufferin2);
     delete buffer3;
     delete buffer4;
   int blockBinCount, blockColumnCount;
   if (isHttp) {
     // readMatrix will assign blockBinCount and blockColumnCount
     readMatrixHttp(url, myFilePos, unit, binsize, blockBinCount, blockColumnCount); 
   else {
     // readMatrix will assign blockBinCount and blockColumnCount
     readMatrix(fin, myFilePos, unit, binsize, blockBinCount, blockColumnCount); 
   set<int> blockNumbers = getBlockNumbersForRegionFromBinPosition(regionIndices, blockBinCount, blockColumnCount, c1==c2); 
   // getBlockIndices
   vector<contactRecord> records;
   for (set<int>::iterator it=blockNumbers.begin(); it!=blockNumbers.end(); ++it) {
     // get contacts in this block
     records = readBlock(fin, url, isHttp, *it);
     for (vector<contactRecord>::iterator it2=records.begin(); it2!=records.end(); ++it2) {
       contactRecord rec = *it2;
       int x = rec.binX * binsize;
       int y = rec.binY * binsize;
       float c = rec.counts;
       if (norm != "NONE") {
 	c = c / (c1Norm[rec.binX] * c2Norm[rec.binY]);
       if ((x >= origRegionIndices[0] && x <= origRegionIndices[1] &&
 	   y >= origRegionIndices[2] && y <= origRegionIndices[3]) ||
 	  // or check regions that overlap with lower left
 	  ((c1==c2) && y >= origRegionIndices[0] && y <= origRegionIndices[1] && x >= origRegionIndices[2] && x <= origRegionIndices[3])) {
 	//printf("%d\t%d\t%.14g\n", x, y, c);
-void parseHeaderFields(istream& fin, string &genome, vector<string> &chromNames, vector<int> &bpResolutions, vector<int> &fragResolutions)
+void parseHeaderFields(istream& fin, string &genome, vector<string> &chromNames, vector<int> &chromSizes, vector<int> &bpResolutions, vector<int> &fragResolutions, vector<string> &attributes)
 /* Parse out header fields from the supplied data buffer, assumed to come from the beginning of
  * a .hic file. */
   if (!readMagicString(fin)) {
     throw strawException("Hi-C magic string is missing, does not appear to be a hic file");
   fin.read((char*)&version, sizeof(int));
   if (version < 6) {
     throw strawException("Version " + to_string(version) + " no longer supported");
   long master;
   fin.read((char*)&master, sizeof(long));
   getline(fin, genome, '\0' );
   int nattributes;
   fin.read((char*)&nattributes, sizeof(int));
-  // reading and ignoring attribute-value dictionary
-  // Should expand this to save these to another structure
+  // read in attribute-value dictionary
   for (int i=0; i<nattributes; i++) {
     string key, value;
     getline(fin, key, '\0');
     getline(fin, value, '\0');
+    attributes.insert(attributes.end(), key);
+    attributes.insert(attributes.end(), value);
   int nChrs;
   fin.read((char*)&nChrs, sizeof(int));
   // chromosome map for finding matrix
   for (int i=0; i<nChrs; i++) {
     string name;
     getline(fin, name, '\0');
     chromNames.insert(chromNames.end(), name);
-    // ignoring chromosome sizes
     int length;
     fin.read((char*)&length, sizeof(int));
+    chromSizes.insert(chromSizes.end(), length);
   int nBpResolutions;
   fin.read((char*)&nBpResolutions, sizeof(int));
   for (int i=0; i<nBpResolutions; i++) {
     int res;
     fin.read((char*)&res, sizeof(int));
     bpResolutions.insert(bpResolutions.end(), res);
   int nFragResolutions;
   fin.read((char*)&nFragResolutions, sizeof(int));
   for (int i=0; i<nFragResolutions; i++) {
     int res;
     fin.read((char*)&res, sizeof(int));
     fragResolutions.insert(fragResolutions.end(), res);
-void getHeaderFields(string fname, string &genome, vector<string> &chromNames, vector<int> &bpResolutions, vector<int> &fragResolutions)
+void getHeaderFields(string fname, string &genome, vector<string> &chromNames, vector<int> &chromSizes, vector<int> &bpResolutions, vector<int> &fragResolutions, vector<string> &attributes)
 /* Retrieve .hic header fields from the supplied filename and return them in the supplied variables. */
   // HTTP code
   string prefix="http";
   bool isHttp = false;
   // read header into buffer; 100K should be sufficient
   char * buffer = NULL;
   char *url = NULL;
   if (std::strncmp(fname.c_str(), prefix.c_str(), prefix.size()) == 0) {
     isHttp = true;
     url = (char*) fname.c_str();
     buffer = getHttpData(url, 0, 100000);
     membuf sbuf(buffer, buffer + 100000);
     istream bufin(&sbuf);  
-    parseHeaderFields(bufin, genome, chromNames, bpResolutions, fragResolutions);
+    parseHeaderFields(bufin, genome, chromNames, chromSizes, bpResolutions, fragResolutions, attributes);
     delete buffer;
   else {
     fstream fin;
     fin.open(fname, fstream::in);
     if (!fin) {
       throw strawException("File " + fname + " cannot be opened for reading");
-    parseHeaderFields(fin, genome, chromNames, bpResolutions, fragResolutions);
+    parseHeaderFields(fin, genome, chromNames, chromSizes, bpResolutions, fragResolutions, attributes);
 extern "C" char *Cstraw (char *norm, char *fname, int binsize, char *chr1loc, char *chr2loc, char *unit, int **xActual, int **yActual, double **counts, int *numRecords)
 /* Wrapper function to retrieve a data chunk from a .hic file, for use by C libraries.
  * norm is one of NONE/VC/VC_SQRT/KR.
  * binsize is one of the supported bin sizes as determined by CstrawHeader.
  * chr1loc and chr2loc are the two positions to retrieve interaction data for, specified as chr:start-end.
  * unit is one of BP/FRAG.
  * Values are returned in newly allocated arrays in xActual, yActual, and counts, with the number of
  * returned records in numRecords.
  * The function returns NULL unless an error was encountered, in which case the return value points
  * to a character string explaining the error. */
     string thisnorm(norm);
     string thisfname(fname);
     string thischr1loc(chr1loc);
     string thischr2loc(chr2loc);
     string thisunit(unit);
     vector<int> thisx;
     vector<int> thisy;
     vector<float> thiscounts;
     try {
       straw(thisnorm, thisfname, binsize, thischr1loc, thischr2loc, unit, thisx, thisy, thiscounts);
     } catch (strawException& err) {
       char *errMsg = (char*) calloc((size_t) strlen(err.what())+1, sizeof(char));
       strcpy(errMsg, err.what());
       return errMsg;
     *numRecords = thisx.size();
     *xActual = (int*) calloc((size_t) *numRecords, sizeof(int));
     *yActual = (int*) calloc((size_t) *numRecords, sizeof(int));
     *counts = (double*) calloc((size_t) *numRecords, sizeof(double));
     for (int i=0; i<*numRecords; i++)
         (*xActual)[i] = thisx[i];
         (*yActual)[i] = thisy[i];
         (*counts)[i] = (double) thiscounts[i];
     return NULL;
-extern "C" char *CstrawHeader (char *filename, char **genome, char ***chromNames, int *nChroms, char ***bpResolutions, int *nBpRes, char ***fragResolutions, int *nFragRes)
+extern "C" char *CstrawHeader (char *filename, char **genome, char ***chromNames, int **chromSizes, int *nChroms, char ***bpResolutions, int *nBpRes, char ***fragResolutions, int *nFragRes, char ***attributes, int *nAttributes)
 /* Wrapper function to retrieve header fields from a .hic file, for use by C libraries.
  * This retrieves the assembly name, list of chromosome names, list of available binsize resolutions,
  * and list of available fragment resolutions in the specific .hic file.
  * The function returns NULL unless an error was encountered, in which case the return value points
  * to a character string explaining the error. */
   string filenameString(filename);
   string genomeString;
   vector<string> chromNameVector;
+  vector<int> chromSizeVector;
   vector<int> bpResolutionVector;
   vector<int> fragResolutionVector;
+  vector<string> attributeVector;
   try {
-    getHeaderFields(filenameString, genomeString, chromNameVector, bpResolutionVector, fragResolutionVector);
+    getHeaderFields(filenameString, genomeString, chromNameVector, chromSizeVector, bpResolutionVector, fragResolutionVector, attributeVector);
   } catch (strawException& err) {
     char *errMsg = (char*) calloc((size_t) strlen(err.what())+1, sizeof(char));
     strcpy(errMsg, err.what());
     return errMsg;
   if (genome != NULL)
     *genome = (char*) malloc((genomeString.length()+1)*sizeof(char));
     strcpy(*genome, genomeString.c_str());
   if (nChroms != NULL)
     *nChroms = chromNameVector.size();
   if (chromNames != NULL)
     *chromNames = (char**) calloc((size_t) chromNameVector.size(), sizeof(char*));
     for (int i=0; i<chromNameVector.size(); i++)
       (*chromNames)[i] = (char*) malloc((chromNameVector[i].length()+1)*sizeof(char));
       strcpy((*chromNames)[i], chromNameVector[i].c_str());
+  if (chromSizes != NULL)
+  {
+    *chromSizes = (int*) calloc((size_t) chromSizeVector.size(), sizeof(int));
+    for (int i=0; i<chromSizeVector.size(); i++)
+    {
+      (*chromSizes)[i] = chromSizeVector[i];
+    }
+  }
   if (nBpRes != NULL)
     *nBpRes = bpResolutionVector.size();
   if (bpResolutions != NULL)
     *bpResolutions = (char**) calloc((size_t) bpResolutionVector.size(), sizeof(char*));
     for (int i=0; i<bpResolutionVector.size(); i++)
       (*bpResolutions)[i] = (char*) malloc((to_string(bpResolutionVector[i]).length()+1)*sizeof(char));
       strcpy((*bpResolutions)[i], to_string(bpResolutionVector[i]).c_str());
   if (nFragRes != NULL)
     *nFragRes = fragResolutionVector.size();
   if (fragResolutions != NULL)
     *fragResolutions = (char**) calloc((size_t) fragResolutionVector.size(), sizeof(char*));
     for (int i=0; i<fragResolutionVector.size(); i++)
       (*fragResolutions)[i] = (char*) malloc((to_string(fragResolutionVector[i]).length()+1)*sizeof(char));
       strcpy((*fragResolutions)[i], to_string(fragResolutionVector[i]).c_str());
+  if (nAttributes != NULL)
+  {
+    *nAttributes = attributeVector.size();
+  }
+  if (attributes != NULL)
+  {
+    *attributes = (char**) calloc((size_t) attributeVector.size(), sizeof(char*));
+    for (int i=0; i<attributeVector.size(); i++)
+    {
+      (*attributes)[i] = (char*) malloc((attributeVector[i].length()+1)*sizeof(char));
+      strcpy((*attributes)[i], attributeVector[i].c_str());
+    }
+  }
   return NULL;