  Fri Sep 6 13:40:00 2019 -0700
Adding in descriptions of changes from Paris' requests.

diff --git src/hca/hcat/mysite/versions.txt src/hca/hcat/mysite/versions.txt
index c196db6..7981c5e 100644
--- src/hca/hcat/mysite/versions.txt
+++ src/hca/hcat/mysite/versions.txt
@@ -1,49 +1,49 @@
 0.1 - Got Django 2.1 admin running on hgwdev and proof of concept that
       the multiple selects on many-to-many fields work there.  Made
       basic Contributor, Lab, Project, Grant tables and a few of the
       biologically relevant tables in first draft.  Showed to Clay.
 0.2 - Went through Clay's wish list and got through about 3/4 of the
       stuff we have control over.  There's lots of tables for things
       like organs, assays, and project state.  The controlled vocabs
       are managed by a separate table for the vocab in question that
       the wranglers can extend.  People can put comments on most things.
 0.3 - Figured out how to set up file uploads so that people can download
       a file after it's uploaded.  Used this for holding the excel
       spreadsheets and other key files for wranglers.  Got through
       the other 1/4 of Clay's wish list.  Polished up the project
       details page a bit to condense it again with all the recent
       additions.  Changing 'vocab' to 'wrangler' as a prefix for the
       tables most people should ignore, and figured out how to do 
       this without changing the table names.
 0.4 - Adding a bunch of date fields in project, and a specific comment
       field for the submission.  Refining state names and adding more so can 
       show project as it goes through analysis a bit.  Breaking now huge
       wrangling section into three:  wrangling, submission steps, post-submission.
           tech note:
       Django migration gets easily confused around multi-to-multi tables 
       that are reflected so as to appear on both tables being related.  
       I've had to do pretty painful patches two or three times now.  :-(   
       I'll probably figure out the pattern though.  
 0.5 - Changes done largely in response to feedback from the wranglers and Max.
       These include
          - Making the comments simple text fields rather than many-to-many relations 
 	   with a hcat_comment table.
 	 - Making a wrangler table, to add more info without burdening contributor.
 	   This should also make it simpler to filter by wrangler. 
 	 - Made some fields in the lab optional.
 	 - You can filter projects by wrangler1.
 	 - Added chat url to overall section
 	 - Added a new submission step - assigned to curator
 	 - The contributor role is now a key into a vocab table.  There's roles defined
 	   for program officer (Jonah), pipeliner (Tim), analyst (Jing Zhu and Max),
-	   lab contact (not enough), PI (too many).
-      In anticipation of working with curators I made a Curator object similar to the 
-      Wrangler one.  I also added SoftwareDeveloper when I was in there.
+	   lab contact (not enough), PI (too many), intern (just enough)
+      In anticipation of working with interns I made an Intern object similar to the 
+      Wrangler one.  I also added SoftwareDeveloper while I was in there.
           I made a new group, pipeliners, and a new user, Tim Tickle.  The pipeliners
       in general get access to almost all the hcat tables except Curators and SoftwareDevelopers.
       Tim as an individual in addition to his pipeliner privileges can do creates and updates
       on Contributors and Labs.   Jonah got universal read privs inside of hcat (not the user/auth
       bits) and create/update privs on grants, contributors, labs, and species.  I'm saving delete 
       privs just to slow down the mess ups.