  Fri Oct 11 12:56:01 2019 -0700
Fixing error in assembly hub composite track search; also, don't default to bigBed name index unless a searchSpec (hfs) is given.  refs #24238

diff --git src/hg/lib/bigBedFind.c src/hg/lib/bigBedFind.c
index b730d40..324972b 100644
--- src/hg/lib/bigBedFind.c
+++ src/hg/lib/bigBedFind.c
@@ -133,68 +133,82 @@
 char *description = NULL;
 if (hfs)
     char buf[2048];
     if (isNotEmpty(hfs->searchDescription))
         truncatef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", hfs->searchDescription);
         safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", hfs->searchTable);
     description = cloneString(buf);
 struct trackDb *tdb;
 boolean found = FALSE;
 for(tdb=tdbList; tdb; tdb = tdb->next)
     if (tdb->subtracks)
+        {
         found = findBigBedPosInTdbList(cart, db, tdbList->subtracks, term, hgp, hfs) || found;
+        continue;
+        }
+    if (startsWith("bigWig", tdb->type) || !startsWith("big", tdb->type))
+        continue;
+    // Which field(s) to search?  Look for searchIndex in search spec, then in trackDb for
+    // backwards compat.
+    char *indexField = NULL;
+    if (hfs)
+        indexField = hgFindSpecSetting(hfs, "searchIndex");
+    if (!indexField)
+        indexField = trackDbSetting(tdb, "searchIndex");
+    if (!indexField && !hfs)
+        continue;
+    // If !indexField but we do have a non-NULL hfs, then open file to see if it has a name index.
     char *fileName = trackDbSetting(tdb, "bigDataUrl");
-    if (!fileName)
+    if (!fileName && !trackHubDatabase(db))
 	struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConnTrack(db, tdb);
 	fileName = bbiNameFromSettingOrTable(tdb, conn, tdb->table);
     if (!fileName)
     // we fail silently if bigBed can't be opened.
     struct bbiFile *bbi = NULL;
     struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
     if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
         bbi = bigBedFileOpen(fileName);
     if (errCatch->gotError)
-    // Which field(s) to search?  Look for searchIndex in search spec, then in trackDb for
-    // backwards compat.  If not found, but there is a name field with index, use that.
-    char *indexField = NULL;
-    if (hfs)
-        indexField = hgFindSpecSetting(hfs, "searchIndex");
-    if (!indexField)
-        indexField = trackDbSetting(tdb, "searchIndex");
+    // Now (since hfs is non-NULL) check the file to see if it has a name index if we
+    // don't already have indexField.
     if (!indexField)
         struct slName *indexFields = bigBedListExtraIndexes(bbi);
         if (slNameInList(indexFields, "name"))
             indexField = "name";
     if (!indexField)
+        {
+        bigBedFileClose(&bbi);
+        }
     struct slName *indexList = slNameListFromString(indexField, ',');
     struct hgPos *posList1 = NULL, *posList2 = NULL;
     char *trixFile = trackDbSetting(tdb, "searchTrix");
     // if there is a trix file, use it to search for the term
     if (trixFile != NULL)
         struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
         if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
             posList1 = doTrixSearch(cart, tdb, hReplaceGbdb(trixFile), indexList, bbi, term,
                                     NULL, hfs);
         if (errCatch->gotError)