  Fri Oct 11 15:24:42 2019 -0700
eliminate tests for not supported as they are now supported refs #23589

diff --git src/hg/hubApi/tests/makefile src/hg/hubApi/tests/makefile
index 656dc24..ae42994 100644
--- src/hg/hubApi/tests/makefile
+++ src/hg/hubApi/tests/makefile
@@ -21,32 +21,31 @@
 	wig11 wig12 wig13 wig14 wig15 wig16 wig17 wig18 wig19 wig20 \
 	wig21 wig22 wig23 wig24
 supportedTypes: altGraphX barChart chain ctgPos expRatio \
 	interact netAlign peptideMapping pgSnp
 supportedTypes0: altGraphX barChart chain ctgPos expRatio factorSource gvf \
 	interact netAlign peptideMapping pgSnp
 errorTests: err01 err02 err03 err04 err05 err06 err07 err08 err09 err10 \
 	err11 err12 err13 err14 err15 err16 err17 err18 err19 err20 \
 	err21 err22 err23 err24 err25 err26 err27 err28 err29 err30 \
 	err31 err32 err33 err34 err35 err36 err37 err38 err39 err40 \
 	err41 err42 err43 err44 err45 err46
-notSupported: notSup01 notSup02 notSup03 notSup04 notSup05 notSup06 \
-	notSup07 notSup08 notSup09 notSup10
+notSupported: notSup01 notSup02 notSup03 notSup07 notSup10
 bugReports: redmine23733 redmine24089a redmine24089b
 	@if [ ! -d testOutput ]; then mkdir testOutput; fi
 	rm -f testOutput/*.gz
 	rmdir testOutput
 # exclude these lines from the JSON output for comparison with expected
 excludeLines = downloadTime|dataTime
 # testing /list/noSubCommand, /list/publicHubs and /list/ucscGenomes
 test0: setOutput
@@ -1005,66 +1004,36 @@
 	@./jsonConsumer.pl -endpoint="/getData/track" -hubUrl="http://lasallelab.genomecenter.ucdavis.edu/UCSChub/hub.txt" -genome="hg19" -track="shMethylSubtrack" -chrom="chr1" -jsonOutputArrays -maxItemsOutput=5 2>&1 | egrep -v "${excludeLines}" | sed -e 's#https://.*/getData#/getData#;' | gzip -c > testOutput/$@.gz
 	@zdiff expected/$@.gz testOutput/$@.gz
 # request a track type that is not yet supported: vcfTabix
 notSup02: setOutput
 	@printf "### $@ 'https://hgwdev-hiram.gi.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hubApi/getData/track?track=variants;chrom=chr1;genome=danRer11;hubUrl=http://research.nhgri.nih.gov/manuscripts/Burgess/zebrafish/downloads/NHGRI-1/hub.txt;jsonOutputArrays=1;maxItemsOutput=5'\n"
 	@./jsonConsumer.pl -endpoint="/getData/track" -hubUrl="http://research.nhgri.nih.gov/manuscripts/Burgess/zebrafish/downloads/NHGRI-1/hub.txt" -genome="danRer11" -track="variants" -chrom="chr1" -jsonOutputArrays -maxItemsOutput=5 2>&1 | egrep -v "${excludeLines}" | sed -e 's#https://.*/getData#/getData#;' | gzip -c > testOutput/$@.gz
 	@zdiff expected/$@.gz testOutput/$@.gz
 # request a track type that is not yet supported: ld2
 notSup03: setOutput
 	@printf "### $@ 'https://hgwdev-hiram.gi.ucsc.edu/getData/track?track=hapmapLdPhCeu;genome=hg19'\n"
 	@./jsonConsumer.pl -endpoint="/getData/track" -genome=hg19 -track="hapmapLdPhCeu" 2>&1 | egrep -v "${excludeLines}" | sed -e 's#https://.*/getData#/getData#;' | gzip -c > testOutput/$@.gz
 	@zdiff expected/$@.gz testOutput/$@.gz
-# request a track type that is not yet supported: bigBarChart
-notSup04: setOutput
-	@printf "### $@ 'https://hgwdev-hiram.gi.ucsc.edu/getData/track?track=gtexTranscExpr;genome=hg38'\n"
-	@./jsonConsumer.pl -endpoint="/getData/track" -genome=hg38 -track="gtexTranscExpr" 2>&1 | egrep -v "${excludeLines}" | sed -e 's#https://.*/getData#/getData#;' | gzip -c > testOutput/$@.gz
-	@zdiff expected/$@.gz testOutput/$@.gz
-# request a track type that is not yet supported: bigLolly
-notSup05: setOutput
-	@printf "### $@ 'https://hgwdev-hiram.gi.ucsc.edu/getData/track?track=allCancer;genome=hg38'\n"
-	@./jsonConsumer.pl -endpoint="/getData/track" -genome=hg38 -track="allCancer" 2>&1 | egrep -v "${excludeLines}" | sed -e 's#https://.*/getData#/getData#;' | gzip -c > testOutput/$@.gz
-	@zdiff expected/$@.gz testOutput/$@.gz
-# request a track type that is a container, not a data track
-notSup06: setOutput
-	@printf "### $@ 'https://hgwdev-hiram.gi.ucsc.edu/getData/track?track=gdcCancer;genome=hg38'\n"
-	@./jsonConsumer.pl -endpoint="/getData/track" -genome=hg38 -track="gdcCancer" 2>&1 | egrep -v "${excludeLines}" | sed -e 's#https://.*/getData#/getData#;' | gzip -c > testOutput/$@.gz
-	@zdiff expected/$@.gz testOutput/$@.gz
 # request chromosome list from a track that is a container, not a data track
 notSup07: setOutput
 	@printf "### $@ 'https://hgwdev-hiram.gi.ucsc.edu/list/chromosomes?track=gdcCancer;genome=hg38'\n"
 	@./jsonConsumer.pl -endpoint="/list/chromosomes" -genome=hg38 -track="gdcCancer" 2>&1 | egrep -v "${excludeLines}" | sed -e 's#https://.*/list#/list#;' | gzip -c > testOutput/$@.gz
 	@zdiff expected/$@.gz testOutput/$@.gz
-# request chromosome list from a track that is a container, not a data track
-notSup08: setOutput
-	@printf "### $@ 'https://hgwdev-hiram.gi.ucsc.edu/list/chromosomes?track=allCancer;genome=hg38'\n"
-	@./jsonConsumer.pl -endpoint="/list/chromosomes" -genome=hg38 -track="allCancer" 2>&1 | egrep -v "${excludeLines}" | sed -e 's#https://.*/list#/list#;' | gzip -c > testOutput/$@.gz
-	@zdiff expected/$@.gz testOutput/$@.gz
-# clonePos does not have an 'as' definiton in tableDescriptions
-notSup09: setOutput
-	@printf "### $@ 'https://hgwdev-hiram.gi.ucsc.edu/list/chromosomes?track=clonePos;genome=hg19'\n"
-	@./jsonConsumer.pl -endpoint="/list/chromosomes" -genome="hg19" -track="clonePos" 2>&1 | egrep -v "${excludeLines}" | sed -e 's#https://.*/list#/list#;' | gzip -c > testOutput/$@.gz
-	@zdiff expected/$@.gz testOutput/$@.gz
 # hapmapLdPhCeu does not have an 'as' definiton in tableDescriptions
 notSup10: setOutput
 	@printf "### $@ 'https://hgwdev-hiram.gi.ucsc.edu/getData/track?track=hapmapLdPhCeu;chrom=chr1;genome=hg19;jsonOutputArrays=1;maxItemsOutput=5'\n"
 	@./jsonConsumer.pl -endpoint="/getData/track" -genome="hg19" -track="hapmapLdPhCeu" -chrom="chr1" -jsonOutputArrays -maxItemsOutput=5 2>&1 | egrep -v "${excludeLines}" | sed -e 's#https://.*/getData#/getData#;' | gzip -c > testOutput/$@.gz
 	@zdiff expected/$@.gz testOutput/$@.gz
 #     34 bam - not supported</li>
 #      2 bigBarChart - not supported</li>
 #      3 bigInteract - not supported</li>
 #     18 bigMaf - not supported</li>
 #    152 composite container - not supported</li>
 #     93 composite view - not supported</li>
 #     37 halSnake - not supported</li>
 #     31 superTrack child - not supported</li>