  Thu Oct 10 16:35:41 2019 -0700
adding bigLolly type support

diff --git src/hg/hubApi/tests/makefile src/hg/hubApi/tests/makefile
index 800fc33..87fd1d4 100644
--- src/hg/hubApi/tests/makefile
+++ src/hg/hubApi/tests/makefile
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
 test:: all
 all:: test0 listFunctions getFunctions listSchema getSequence wigData \
 	supportedTypes errorTests notSupported bugReports
 listFunctions: list01 list02 list03 list04 list05 list06 list07 list08 list09 \
 	list10 list11 list12 list13 list14 list15 list16 list17 list18
 getFunctions: test8 test9 test10 test11 test12 test13 test14 \
 	test15 test16 test19 test21 test26 test27 test28 \
-	test29 test39 test40 test41 test42 test43 test44
+	test29 test39 test40 test41 test42 test43 test44 test45 test46 test47
 listSchema: schema01 schema02 schema03 schema04 schema05 schema06 schema07 \
-	schema08
+	schema08 schema09
 getSequence: getSeq01 getSeq02 getSeq03 getSeq04 getSeq05
 wigData: wig01 wig02 wig03 wig04 wig05 wig06 wig07 wig08 wig09 wig10 \
 	wig11 wig12 wig13 wig14 wig15 wig16 wig17 wig18 wig19 wig20 \
 	wig21 wig22 wig23 wig24
 supportedTypes: altGraphX barChart chain ctgPos expRatio \
 	interact netAlign peptideMapping pgSnp
 supportedTypes0: altGraphX barChart chain ctgPos expRatio factorSource gvf \
 	interact netAlign peptideMapping pgSnp
 errorTests: err01 err02 err03 err04 err05 err06 err07 err08 err09 err10 \
 	err11 err12 err13 err14 err15 err16 err17 err18 err19 err20 \
@@ -279,30 +279,48 @@
 	@./jsonConsumer.pl -endpoint="/getData/track" -genome=hg38 -track=multiz7way -maxItemsOutput=5 -jsonOutputArrays | egrep -v "${excludeLines}" | gzip -c > testOutput/$@.gz
 	@zdiff expected/$@.gz testOutput/$@.gz
 # get data from wigMaf database table with chrom specified
 test43: setOutput
 	@printf "### $@ ### 'https://api-test.gi.soe.ucsc.edu/getData/track?track=multiz7way;genome=hg38;jsonOutputArrays=1;maxItemsOutput=5;chrom=chr22'\n"
 	@./jsonConsumer.pl -endpoint="/getData/track" -genome=hg38 -track=multiz7way -maxItemsOutput=5 -jsonOutputArrays -chrom=chr22 | egrep -v "${excludeLines}" | gzip -c > testOutput/$@.gz
 	@zdiff expected/$@.gz testOutput/$@.gz
 # get data from wigMaf database table with chrom and start,end specified
 test44: setOutput
 	@printf "### $@ ### 'https://api-test.gi.soe.ucsc.edu/getData/track?track=multiz7way;genome=hg38;jsonOutputArrays=1;maxItemsOutput=5;chrom=chr21;start=20000000;end=30000000'\n"
 	@./jsonConsumer.pl -endpoint="/getData/track" -genome=hg38 -track=multiz7way -maxItemsOutput=5 -jsonOutputArrays -chrom=chr21 -start=20000000 -end=30000000 | egrep -v "${excludeLines}" | gzip -c > testOutput/$@.gz
 	@zdiff expected/$@.gz testOutput/$@.gz
+# get data from bigLolly track
+test45: setOutput
+	@printf "### $@ ### 'https://api-test.gi.soe.ucsc.edu/getData/track?track=BLCA;genome=hg38;jsonOutputArrays=1;maxItemsOutput=5'\n"
+	@./jsonConsumer.pl -endpoint="/getData/track" -genome=hg38 -track=BLCA -maxItemsOutput=5 -jsonOutputArrays | egrep -v "${excludeLines}" | gzip -c > testOutput/$@.gz
+	@zdiff expected/$@.gz testOutput/$@.gz
+# get data from bigLolly track with chrom specified
+test46: setOutput
+	@printf "### $@ ### 'https://api-test.gi.soe.ucsc.edu/getData/track?track=BLCA;genome=hg38;jsonOutputArrays=1;maxItemsOutput=5;chrom=chr22'\n"
+	@./jsonConsumer.pl -endpoint="/getData/track" -genome=hg38 -track=BLCA -maxItemsOutput=5 -jsonOutputArrays -chrom=chr22 | egrep -v "${excludeLines}" | gzip -c > testOutput/$@.gz
+	@zdiff expected/$@.gz testOutput/$@.gz
+# get data from bigLolly track with chrom and start,end specified
+test47: setOutput
+	@printf "### $@ ### 'https://api-test.gi.soe.ucsc.edu/getData/track?track=BLCA;genome=hg38;jsonOutputArrays=1;maxItemsOutput=5;chrom=chr21;start=20000000;end=30000000'\n"
+	@./jsonConsumer.pl -endpoint="/getData/track" -genome=hg38 -track=BLCA -maxItemsOutput=5 -jsonOutputArrays -chrom=chr21 -start=20000000 -end=30000000 | egrep -v "${excludeLines}" | gzip -c > testOutput/$@.gz
+	@zdiff expected/$@.gz testOutput/$@.gz
 #  /getData/sequence testing
 # testing /getData/sequence? hubUrl genome=hg19&chrom=chrCp&start=4321&end=5647
 getSeq01: setOutput
 	@printf "### $@ "
 	@./jsonConsumer.pl -endpoint="/getData/sequence" -hubUrl="http://genome-test.gi.ucsc.edu/~hiram/hubs/Plants/hub.txt" -genome="araTha1" -chrom="chrCp" -start=4321 -end=5678 | egrep -v "${excludeLines}" | gzip -c > testOutput/$@.gz
 	@zdiff expected/$@.gz testOutput/$@.gz
 # testing /getData/sequence? hubUrl Bejerano genome=hg19&chrom=chrM&start=4321&end=5647
 getSeq02: setOutput
 	@printf "### $@ "
 	@./jsonConsumer.pl -endpoint="/getData/sequence" -hubUrl="http://genome-test.gi.ucsc.edu/~hiram/hubs/GillBejerano/hub.txt" -genome="hg19" -chrom="chrM" -start=4321 -end=5678 | egrep -v "${excludeLines}" | gzip -c > testOutput/$@.gz
 	@zdiff expected/$@.gz testOutput/$@.gz
@@ -359,30 +377,36 @@
 	@./jsonConsumer.pl -endpoint="/list/schema" -genome="hg38" -track=crispr10KTargets | egrep -v "${excludeLines}" | gzip -c > testOutput/$@.gz
 	@zdiff expected/$@.gz testOutput/$@.gz
 # list schema for bigWig file with table and bigWig file
 schema07: setOutput
 	@printf "### $@ 'https://hgwdev-hiram.gi.ucsc.edu/list/schema?track=gc5BaseBw;genome=ce11'\n"
 	@./jsonConsumer.pl -endpoint="/list/schema" -genome="ce11" -track=gc5BaseBw | egrep -v "${excludeLines}" | gzip -c > testOutput/$@.gz
 	@zdiff expected/$@.gz testOutput/$@.gz
 # list schema for wigMaf table type
 schema08: setOutput
 	@printf "### $@ 'https://api-test.gi.ucsc.edu/list/schema?track=multiz7way;genome=hg38'\n"
 	@./jsonConsumer.pl -endpoint="/list/schema" -genome="hg38" -track=multiz7way | egrep -v "${excludeLines}" | gzip -c > testOutput/$@.gz
 	@zdiff expected/$@.gz testOutput/$@.gz
+# list schema for bigLolly table type
+schema09: setOutput
+	@printf "### $@ 'https://api-test.gi.ucsc.edu/list/schema?track=BLCA;genome=hg38'\n"
+	@./jsonConsumer.pl -endpoint="/list/schema" -genome="hg38" -track=BLCA | egrep -v "${excludeLines}" | gzip -c > testOutput/$@.gz
+	@zdiff expected/$@.gz testOutput/$@.gz
 #  ERROR testing
 # generate an error: ask for non-existent chrom in a track hub
 # /getData/track? hubUrl Plants &track=assembly&chrom=chrI&start=1&end=14309681
 err01: setOutput
 	@printf "### $@ https://hgwdev-api.gi.ucsc.edu/getData/track?track=assembly;chrom=chrI;genome=araTha1;hubUrl=http://genome-test.gi.ucsc.edu/~hiram/hubs/Plants/hub.txt;end=14309681;start=1\n"
 	@./jsonConsumer.pl -endpoint="/getData/track" -hubUrl="http://genome-test.gi.ucsc.edu/~hiram/hubs/Plants/hub.txt" -genome="araTha1" -track="assembly" -chrom="chrI" -start=1 -end=14309681 2>&1 | sed -e 's#https://.*/getData#/getData#;' | egrep -v "${excludeLines}" | gzip -c > testOutput/$@.gz
 	@zdiff expected/$@.gz testOutput/$@.gz
 # error test, can not open bigWig file
 err02: setOutput
 	@printf "### $@ https://hgwdev-api.gi.ucsc.edu/getData/track?track=gc5Base;chrom=chrA9;genome=braRap1;hubUrl=http://genome-test.gi.ucsc.edu/~hiram/hubs/bPlants/hub.txt\n"
 	@./jsonConsumer.pl -endpoint="/getData/track" -hubUrl="http://genome-test.gi.ucsc.edu/~hiram/hubs/bPlants/hub.txt" -genome="braRap1" -track="gc5Base" -chrom=chrA9 2>&1 | egrep -v "${excludeLines}" | sed -e 's#https://.*/getData#/getData#;' | gzip -c > testOutput/$@.gz
 	@zdiff expected/$@.gz testOutput/$@.gz