  Mon Oct 7 14:20:32 2019 -0700
files to build the platinum genomes assembly hub refs #21784

diff --git src/hg/makeDb/doc/platinum/mkAsmStats.pl src/hg/makeDb/doc/platinum/mkAsmStats.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..71b982c
--- /dev/null
+++ src/hg/makeDb/doc/platinum/mkAsmStats.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use File::stat;
+my $asmHubWorkDir = "platinum";
+my @orderList;	# asmId of the assemblies in order from the *.list files
+# the order to read the different .list files:
+my @classList = qw( human );
+my %class;	# key is asmId, value is from class list
+my $assemblyCount = 0;
+my $overallNucleotides = 0;
+my $overallSeqCount = 0;
+my $overallGapSize = 0;
+my $overallGapCount = 0;
+my %ethnicGroup;	# ksy is asmId, value is ethnicity
+my %countryOfOrigin;	# ksy is asmId, value is country of origin
+# from Perl Cookbook Recipe 2.17, print out large numbers with comma delimiters:
+sub commify($) {
+    my $text = reverse $_[0];
+    $text =~ s/(\d\d\d)(?=\d)(?!\d*\.)/$1,/g;
+    return scalar reverse $text
+### start the HTML output
+sub startHtml() {
+my $timeStamp = `date "+%F"`;
+chomp $timeStamp;
+print <<"END"
+<!DOCTYPE HTML 4.01 Transitional>
+<!--#set var="TITLE" value="Platinum Genomes Project assembly statistics" -->
+<!--#set var="ROOT" value="../.." -->
+<!--#include virtual="\$ROOT/inc/gbPageStartHardcoded.html" -->
+<h1>Platinum Genomes Project assembly statistics</h1>
+This assembly hub contains assemblies released
+by the <a href='https://genome.cshlp.org/content/27/1/157' target=_blank>
+Platinum Genomes Project.</a>
+<h3>See also: <a href='index.html' target=_blank>hub access</a></h3>
+<h3>Data resource links</h3>
+NOTE: <em>Click on the column headers to sort the table by that column</em>
+### start the table output
+sub startTable() {
+print <<"END"
+<table class="sortable" border="1">
+  <th>country&nbsp;of&nbsp;origin<br>and&nbsp;data&nbsp;download</th>
+  <th>NCBI&nbsp;assembly</th>
+  <th>sequence<br>count</th><th>genome&nbsp;size<br>nucleotides</th>
+  <th>gap<br>count</th><th>unknown&nbsp;bases<br>(gap size sum)</th><th>masking<br>percent</th>
+### end the table output
+sub endTable() {
+my $commaNuc = commify($overallNucleotides);
+my $commaSeqCount = commify($overallSeqCount);
+my $commaGapSize = commify($overallGapSize);
+my $commaGapCount = commify($overallGapCount);
+print <<"END"
+<tfoot><tr><th>TOTALS:</th><td align=center colspan=3>assembly count&nbsp;$assemblyCount</td>
+  <td align=right>$commaSeqCount</td>
+  <td align=right>$commaNuc</td>
+  <td align=right>$commaGapCount</td>
+  <td align=right>$commaGapSize</td>
+  <td colspan=1>&nbsp;</td>
+  </tr></tfoot>
+### end the HTML output
+sub endHtml() {
+print <<"END"
+</div><!-- closing gbsPage from gbPageStartHardcoded.html -->
+</div><!-- closing container-fluid from gbPageStartHardcoded.html -->
+<!--#include virtual="\$ROOT/inc/gbFooterHardcoded.html"-->
+<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/sorttable.js"></script>
+sub asmCounts($) {
+  my ($chromSizes) = @_;
+  my ($sequenceCount, $totalSize) = split('\s+', `ave -col=2 $chromSizes | egrep "^count|^total" | awk '{printf "%d\\n", \$NF}' | xargs echo`);
+  return ($sequenceCount, $totalSize);
+#    my ($gapSize) = maskStats($faSizeTxt);
+sub maskStats($) {
+  my ($faSizeFile) = @_;
+  my $gapSize = `grep 'sequences in 1 file' $faSizeFile | awk '{print \$3}'`;
+  chomp $gapSize;
+  $gapSize =~ s/\(//;
+  my $totalBases = `grep 'sequences in 1 file' $faSizeFile | awk '{print \$1}'`;
+  chomp $totalBases;
+  my $maskedBases = `grep 'sequences in 1 file' $faSizeFile | awk '{print \$9}'`;
+  chomp $maskedBases;
+  my $maskPerCent = 100.0 * $maskedBases / $totalBases;
+  return ($gapSize, $maskPerCent);
+# grep "sequences in 1 file" GCA_900324465.2_fAnaTes1.2.faSize.txt
+# 555641398 bases (3606496 N's 552034902 real 433510637 upper 118524265 lower) in 50 sequences in 1 files
+sub gapStats($) {
+  my ($asmId) = @_;
+  my $gapBed = "$asmId/trackData/allGaps/$asmId.allGaps.bed.gz";
+  my $gapCount = 0;
+  if ( -s "$gapBed" ) {
+    $gapCount = `zcat $gapBed | awk '{print \$3-\$2}' | ave stdin | grep '^count' | awk '{print \$2}'`;
+  }
+  chomp $gapCount;
+  return ($gapCount);
+# GCA_901709675.1_fSynAcu1.1/trackData/allGaps] zcat GCA_901709675.1_fSynAcu1.1.allGaps.bed.gz | awk '{print $3-$2,$0}' | ave stdin | grep "^count" | awk '{print $2}'
+### tableContents()
+sub tableContents() {
+  my $asmCount = 0;
+  foreach my $asmId (reverse(@orderList)) {
+#    next if ($asmId =~ m/GCF_900963305.1_fEcheNa1.1/);
+    my $asmReport="${asmId}/download/${asmId}_assembly_report.txt";
+    my ($gcPrefix, $asmAcc, $asmName) = split('_', $asmId, 3);
+    my $chromSizes = "${asmId}/${asmId}.chrom.sizes";
+    my $twoBit = "${asmId}/trackData/addMask/${asmId}.masked.2bit";
+    my $faSizeTxt = "${asmId}/${asmId}.faSize.txt";
+    if ( ! -s "$faSizeTxt" ) {
+       printf STDERR "twoBitToFa $twoBit stdout | faSize stdin > $faSizeTxt\n";
+       print `twoBitToFa $twoBit stdout | faSize stdin > $faSizeTxt`;
+    }
+    my ($gapSize, $maskPerCent) = maskStats($faSizeTxt);
+    $overallGapSize += $gapSize;
+    my ($seqCount, $totalSize) = asmCounts($chromSizes);
+    $overallSeqCount += $seqCount;
+#    my $totalSize=`ave -col=2 $chromSizes | grep "^total" | awk '{printf "%d", \$NF}'`;
+    $overallNucleotides += $totalSize;
+    my $gapCount = gapStats($asmId);
+    $overallGapCount += $gapCount;
+    my $sciName = "notFound";
+    my $commonName = "notFound";
+    my $bioSample = "notFound";
+    my $bioProject = "notFound";
+    my $taxId = "notFound";
+    my $asmDate = "notFound";
+    my $itemsFound = 0;
+    open (FH, "<$asmReport") or die "can not read $asmReport";
+    while (my $line = <FH>) {
+      last if ($itemsFound > 5);
+      chomp $line;
+      $line =~ s/
+      $line =~ s/\s+$//g;;
+      if ($line =~ m/Date:/) {
+        if ($asmDate =~ m/notFound/) {
+           ++$itemsFound;
+           $asmDate = $line;
+           $asmDate =~ s/.*:\s+//;
+        }
+      } elsif ($line =~ m/BioSample:/) {
+        if ($bioSample =~ m/notFound/) {
+           ++$itemsFound;
+           $bioSample = $line;
+           $bioSample =~ s/.*:\s+//;
+        }
+      } elsif ($line =~ m/BioProject:/) {
+        if ($bioProject =~ m/notFound/) {
+           ++$itemsFound;
+           $bioProject = $line;
+           $bioProject =~ s/.*:\s+//;
+        }
+      } elsif ($line =~ m/Organism name:/) {
+        if ($sciName =~ m/notFound/) {
+           ++$itemsFound;
+           $commonName = $line;
+           $sciName = $line;
+           $commonName =~ s/.*\(//;
+           $commonName =~ s/\)//;
+           $sciName =~ s/.*:\s+//;
+           $sciName =~ s/\s+\(.*//;
+        }
+      } elsif ($line =~ m/Taxid:/) {
+        if ($taxId =~ m/notFound/) {
+           ++$itemsFound;
+           $taxId = $line;
+           $taxId =~ s/.*:\s+//;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    close (FH);
+    printf "<tr><th>%d</th><td align=center><a href='https://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgGateway?hubUrl=https://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/hubs/%s/hub.txt&amp;genome=%s&amp;position=lastDbPos' target=_blank>%s</a></td>\n", ++$asmCount, $asmHubWorkDir, $asmId, $ethnicGroup{$asmId};
+    printf "    <td align=center><a href='https://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/hubs/%s/genomes/%s/' target=_blank>%s</a></td>\n", $asmHubWorkDir, $asmId, $countryOfOrigin{$asmId};
+    printf "    <td align=left><a href='https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/assembly/%s_%s/' target=_blank>%s</a></td>\n", $gcPrefix, $asmAcc, $asmId;
+    printf "    <td align=right>%s</td>\n", commify($seqCount);
+    printf "    <td align=right>%s</td>\n", commify($totalSize);
+    printf "    <td align=right>%s</td>\n", commify($gapCount);
+    printf "    <td align=right>%s</td>\n", commify($gapSize);
+    printf "    <td align=right>%.2f</td>\n", $maskPerCent;
+    printf "</tr>\n";
+  }
+### main()
+my $home = $ENV{'HOME'};
+my $srcDir = "$home/kent/src/hg/makeDb/doc/platinum";
+open (FH, "<$srcDir/ethnicGroup.txt") or die "can not read $srcDir/ethnicGroup.txt";
+while (my $line = <FH>) {
+  chomp $line;
+  my ($asmId, $ethnicGroup) = split('\t', $line);
+  my ($ethnic, $origin) = split(', ', $ethnicGroup);
+  $ethnicGroup{$asmId} = $ethnic;
+  $countryOfOrigin{$asmId} = $origin;
+close (FH);
+foreach my $species (@classList) {
+  my $listFile = "$srcDir/${species}.list";
+  open (FH, "<$listFile") or die "can not read $listFile";
+  while (my $asmId = <FH>) {
+    chomp $asmId;
+    push @orderList, $asmId;
+    $class{$asmId} = $species;
+    ++$assemblyCount;
+  }
+  close (FH);